.. .� . ,. . . . . ' �;¢!'i.fi' -
<br /> - —.. ... . . _ ` . .._ .. . •:S.+=s,;� r= �
<br /> � _;�z� .. . _. �. — � ---- ._. . ---. .._. _ ___ _d .
<br /> 09-1�998� ������ DEED OF�UST ' ' Page 6 ;
<br /> ' .. l.oen{�0 762�80 - (C�nttnu�d) .
<br /> ' 6t�3�D ml6thtr AyrSC;Ren9. Any breach by Trustor or 8orrovrar under tha t„rms of arry othar egseamant batrresn Trustor or Bortowar and
<br /> LenQEr th31 is no!tamsdisd wfthtn any graCe p2rtod provtded thpre:n,tctciuding Yrittcout Iimitation flny agreament toneeming arry indabtednass .
<br /> � , pr ot02r ab.`�aL'an a!Twtor ar Barrmrr2r to Lender,whether existirs�g now or lat°r. � .
<br /> � Eventt A4[as`stn�QuaraMar. Atsy ot iha preoed(rtg evarris occurs+Nith tr�speCt fo any Cauarantor of any of the InCebtadnESS or gny Csu�rantor
<br /> � ` � d:ss ar bacomas incompetent,or cevckes or disputes the validiiy o4.or ItabiRy under,any Guaranry ot the lndebtadne;s.
<br /> Hvants Atfastirt�Co-84rr�nrtre. MY of ths preeeding evetds ooeurs Nrih resP2e1 to any co-borrower of arry of tha IndsLtedness or any
<br /> . � ey.bmro:,�ar dw pr b�omos incompstsnt,or revo�css or disQutes tha valIdity ot,oe Qab�iip under.any of the Indebtsdnsss. ;
<br /> f AQYetsO Chatt�. A materiat aQverso ehangs occtus In Barrawsfs Rne►sdal ct�n6�an.or Lertder Dellevas Me prospect of paymsnt or I.•�
<br /> , � . p8rtortnsnc�nf tha Ind9b2sdness LS impaited. ' �
<br /> •- j IruieCUr[fy. Lertdar in good taith dsss'�s its9:i insecure. '
<br /> RIQHTS AND REEdIDtEB 07�DEFAULT. Upon tha occurrsrue of any Event of Dafauft and at any time tharesfter.Trustea or Lendar,at its option, � :•
<br /> � may exercf�e any ans or mote ot the tollovving dghts and remedes.in&dd�ion to any othat�Ights or.amsdies ntovidad by Iaw:
<br /> • ; Aaxfemtton u�on Qefaui�d2d[Ec..r1 Rc�vs.6�. If any aveni of dafautt occius as per tha terms of ths Note secured hereby,Lendar may
<br /> vs
<br /> •i Qectare a[I indebtedrtess secured N:�'_�s Deed of Trust to 6e due and paysDte and the same shali thereupon become due and payabl9 without : r
<br /> - --� - - �� � any prffientmant,damand,proi�t x r.o�ca ot any klnd.Thereafter.LenQar may: �.�
<br /> . (a) Qther tn petson or by ase:`t.r.iih o*�a"'�ut bringing any action ar�:at�e?ng,or by a rsc83ver ap�ointsd by a couR 8nd vrithout - • ,
<br /> ' ' regatd t0 the edequscy af its�:.:r.tY.en`'S u�n and tahe�cssessias of 2R8 Property,or any part th8reol.En its own name or in the nams �_�:.-°:
<br /> : ot Tn15t88.and do any acts uh�it deems na�ssaryr ar C�.�.a to preserve ths vatua.tr:��lcE�biiity or reritebiiity Of th9 Pruperly.or PaR _�_'-'�:.
<br /> c�; ct tha ProP�Y or intarrst Ir.'��Prope�ty;ittcrease the irtx^�o rrr..�tl�e Property a pro!.ct LRa�uritY of fho Property;arid.wiih or wiih�ui _ �_�
<br /> teidnH p�ton ai t,a�.�y�iy,st�tos a a:F�s Ce�.:t�=s s�nls.k�ws a�d P.'�'�'�`e Praperty,inc(udlnp tA�e past dua end ��o
<br /> >��' �, unQaid.and ep�ty the sam.�,i�s eosis and wc¢erises a!apaa5an and co°�cfiort.includ;�3�::omsys'fees.to any intlabf�3rs.:�s securad ,� :_
<br /> �:'�`• ' � by ths Q�c5 Tncst,&U in s�ah arder as Leadsr msy datermina Tha ent��z upon and�taYJng possession of the Properiy,th9 eo!!ecUOn F,,,,-
<br /> • � _ � ot svch�:ts,�.es and profits,and ths appL'cation ihereof shaU no!cure cr��'tie any defaWt or noHoe of detau�t urtder ttUS Oeed of Trwt ��.�
<br /> . ; or invalld�2*-�ad done(n respor�se to sach default or pursuartt to=��-:�ce of dsiaut�and notwithstartdirtg th9 continuance+n _,°.;,�
<br /> ��� pp�ssion c::te Pro�erty ar the caQeeUon,recelpt and appl:cation o1 ants asuss cr�rofits. 'fnistee or Lender sha11 be entiried .c -
<br /> - '.;t'���,t • i exercirs evary rfgM prat:4_�for in the Not�or tha Relatod Dacuments ar by.>_r.pon�;s��rtence af any ever�!of Qefaulb induding the -_
<br /> :�,=;�F,.,.
<br /> r.:.,t � dght to e�corci5e the Ftn�•���se18;
<br /> •--,--�--- .1 (b) Comrt:a-�2�acF��•'�reetose ihis Deed of Trusf es a mortgaSe,�:��:im a receiver or specit�ca:.ni entorce any oi tha covenants =v;
<br /> , hereof,art�
<br /> •::;.'-_
<br /> � {o) Oeliv�to T..�S2e a�s�-.s�dederaUon�f defautt and demand tar s�e s�.�a wrltten noflee of defaw"an�elscdon to cause Trustar'� _:�
<br /> , �,� I ir�aresi in t'�a�rcperiy'.a bs solQ which no�ce Trustas shaU causs to ba CWy Rad for record in the appropriate offices oi thg Caurity'' '',f�=;
<br /> '. wh`ch the Property is Ic�.zd;and k
<br /> , ;:=;.;i;` .;,. """ (d) With resFact to eU cr s.'Y P�o}the Pe�sortai Pro�t:'9��ar►Ger snell have aU fne dgiis end rems��af a:.�uro9 D�Y under th9 4�`�"��-:=
<br /> � '� '� �.� Hebraska C�n;izr�Cor.i--�„itil Coda �T
<br /> ; �.-=.F
<br /> ' , 4 FondoSUre L`�.7�aYJtr of 8a!e- M Lertder e!eds to toredose by exercfse af th9 Power of 3ale hereln contalned,Lender shali rtotify Trustee artd Y�_
<br /> � � . shall depa.�t vrit'';vs'�a th's��of Trusl and the Note and such�e'pts and evidence of wcpend',tures madA end secur�d by this Oeed of __-
<br /> �.'�;�,;:, ! � ��:,.�:es Tr.��n.�requ{re.
<br /> ����::•`� �8� Upo�^�.pl o}s�'���tiaa hom Lender,Trwtee sha11 ca�e to be recorded,publlsh_*snd daCnrared to Tnutor such No�te of Oattiuit
<br /> �r;�'j � and NoE��`Sate as tha�rea:�red by Iaw and by thts Oeed of Tnut Trustes shall,vdtho�t demand on Trustor,after such Ume es may �
<br /> tAen ba��xtu�-�1 Dy law artd after recardaUon ot sach Mo@ce of Defe�it and after NoUce o?Sate havtng 6eon givan as requred by iaw,se11
<br /> iha Preps."`y�the Ume and place o}sa's fuced by it(n sucA No�ce of��:�,eiihar as a tirhois,or in separato lots or pFUCets ar items as _-,_—
<br /> Tru.atse sStiL�aem expadient,and(n sa��a.Sar as ft may detertn'.ne,�".��b��c fl�cc�on to the htghest bi���tor cash in tawful meney et -
<br /> tho UniteO States payabtA 8t the Urt�of sal�. Tsustee ahall deliver to sirM'°D�'�ser ar purchasars therea:�goad and sufRCient doad cs
<br /> � � desds conveying the pro�.ry so sold,but without any cc�.�1.�t er wartaniy,e�ress ar impGed. The recitais in suah doed of any melters
<br /> . � or facts shrill Da conG�-.r��roof of tite truthtulness ths:�2+ Any parsan,indudtng without tlmitaUOn Tnutor,Tnutee,or u.:nder,may
<br /> ' :, putChS:e at suCh 58.'�.
<br /> . � ..' �,� (b) As!rt=.�.5a permlited Dy law,aRer deducUrtg eii co�ts,fess artd e�a-sas of Truste�and of thls Trust,irtcluding cosb ot evtdencs a!
<br /> � 5L'a in eo-•i�:f�:n vrlih sa'e,Trustee sh911 epDty the proceeds of sals to R��.�^t of p)atl sums e�ended under the terms ot this Oaed nf
<br /> � 7nut ar�.��a t`te torms of ths Note not then reptild,induding but not firr.:r3C'��aacrued intsrest and lata charges. (il)afl oths�r sums thart
<br /> • .:��', seeurad F.a�a:y,and (iip the rem�inder.H any,to the person or parsons I�:.,�entitie0 thereto.
<br /> {c) Tntsteo may In the:����ar provided Dy Iaw po3tpone sate ct ail arttny portlon of tha?rapsrty. ._
<br /> � f�,�edlas t�1:1 CstluBhre. Tr�a and Lersder,and each of tham,shatl be enti'.lad to entoro0 paymenf and pasformanCe ot any indebtedness -
<br /> � c:abl:gsUortti sa::.�sd by thls Dead of 7rw1 and to exerdse al!�tghtS and pc�v.���Cer thi3 Deed o!Trust under the Nois.unQer any at tho =
<br /> � •'� '.4aSated Oec.:..��,or undsr any othsr agrac:f��t or any 13ws now or herc�":a r t,rce;notwP.fi�anding,:cm9 or afl of sach indebtedn� R,;
<br /> G�d obl:gattor.��ured by this Oeed ot Trust..-ay now or hereafter ba o�'�.-:�f:�s:cured,u�s:4et by r:.' a deed of trusl,ptoEg9,lte:s.
<br /> . ,� c:y:gnment or oih9rxAse. Netther the aCCOptanoe af this Deed�`'�ust nor f�e.:rtcement,o��arT=y ewrt�.�ins or pursuanl to the powar at ���
<br /> sa►e ar ather pawers contalned in this Daed of Trust,st�sJ�r'�.��,.e or In any msnner a•:�: .�stse's or Lenders dgM to realiza upon cr `-=
<br /> , � � ¢n}orce any other secur(ty now or horeafter held by Trwiee c•:tr�.ar,It befng agreed thst 7rwtao and Lender,end each ot them,ShoO�o �-
<br /> entiYad to enfc7s th�s Deed of Trust and any oiher sscudty noa��r hereatter�ald by Lender ar Trustee In such ordor and mannor aa thny cr
<br /> etfher o1 them ��ty in their ebsolute dtscretlon da!ormin�. Ro remBdy cc��^d u0on at teserved to T�usteo or Lender, is intonQetl to b�c
<br /> � � � exctushro a!alr:i a'her remody in 4his Dead of Tntst oT by taw Frovided or r.�c�r�nr.tad,but each shatl be eumutrithre and shall bo In nddttion t¢
<br /> ' every oiher r�+ssr�p ghren in this Oec�d o}Trust ot now a hereaR9r e�Q..^fing eC t���.rr in eq�iP/or by statute.Every power or remedy givan by'h�. __ _
<br /> � � Not�or any :.�:Re Rafated Oocumenis to Trustee or Londor or to wh:c` �tt.:er of them may ba otherwtse enUtted, may bo ex..MC�s�. _
<br /> � concurtantly o�tndepenQenUy,irom time to ume and as otton as may bs da�med expo�is^�:aY 7nr;tee or Lend�r,and eitntu ot them may —
<br /> pursue ineorts�tent remed?as. Noih(ng in this Deed of Trust sheU be construod as proh:��ir�LenQer from Seeking o daEclency juQgment —
<br /> ag�lns4 ihe Trtl„.at to tho extont such acUon i3 permittsa by(aw. �_
<br /> Rcqa�f��l�`rLS;a.Trustor,on bohatf ot Trw^tor and Lender,hereby rc4uc�:�'�at e copy of any I�lot'co of Doffiu:t and e copy of uny Notira —
<br /> . a}K;r,.�rr�°•i�?eed o}Trust bo mai:ed to th�.�at the addresses se!taAh'n'•t:�'.�51 p8regtflph Of thf3 0�-�Ttust —_
<br /> �`-
<br /> .,,)�'I.
<br /> �.._,.—.-„---- "e;.�Y�i;';tir,�1:, ----�-���j- — -- - - -- — ,,
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<br /> . . � . _ ..._ —
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