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<br /> •` • , � � ��R �y 99���y��I 102319 01�27/1999
<br /> ` � � �18. Bmrra�s�'s�g�t 4013�a�Ye. Notevithspadin° i.ender's 2cceleiation of the s.�s sesured lsy t3�is Deed of
<br /> � - Tnast,d�sr to Barmw�r's b�+e�ac6, Borroever sb�U have tha rigttt to bave aay p:oceedings ise$u�►by I.euQer to enforcz this
<br /> , � D�d of TnLSt discominued at any riBte pri�r w th�earlier to axar of(i)the�fdi day bef�re thr�te of eite Prapeny _
<br /> , � , pnasnant to slte po�rer of sate canrained in this Deed of Tnist or(ii)enuy of a jtidga�ns enforci�g this Deed of Ttust if:(a) ,_
<br /> Baaowe�pays Leader all ss�which wo�td be chen due u�er this Dced of'frinst aad tlu Note had nn xccele�ation `�_. :
<br /> ` occurred; (b) Borrower cures all bre3shes o�any oshtr coveuanis or agreemems af Borrower contais�etl in ¢h1s Qeed of
<br /> . . - c ! Tzust: (t) Bonower pays all res�oaable expeus�s incurre� by Ieadei an� Tnstee in enforcing rhe covenanis aad -
<br /> � agt�eme�ts of Borrowes coatai�9 in this B�d of Tnut aad in enforcing Leader's and Tnute�'s rasedies as provided in N•
<br /> - paragtag� 1� �f. iasludi�, but unt limited to. reasonable atto�ys' fees: a�(d) Borrower takes sush zction as �._
<br /> ' IxIIder may reasanably requue to�siue that ttze lien of this Deed of Tn�ss. LeIIder's interese in the �o p Prty a a i i �=`
<br /> � - - . Bflrrower's ohGgitioa oo pay the su�'c set�a�1 by tbis Q22�of Trast s�lt wntinue unimP3ires9- �1Pon°=sh�aya�nt 2e� —
<br /> -=°::` ��~" cu�e by �ormv��er. d�is IIeed of Tn�a� e�e obligatio�s szcarad h�r..by shall mmain in full fo�e and effea Ps if� �-
<br /> . '' _ �lt�on +��1 oc�ucre�f. —
<br /> • ls�. �f��t of Reais; Appoin�ae�3 of Ren�iver; l�d�er in �ian. As addidom�l sgcurity hsreunder.
<br /> . Brn�nowe�h�rElsy amgas to LendEr c�e ients of the Pmperty.Provided that Bormvrer s�all. prios ro suceleaation under
<br /> _ �agtap4�17$er�f or a6and�nnm�nt of the Pmperty.have the riglu to collect and ietain sush r2nLS 3s they�ecoome due and
<br /> ' payable.
<br /> � Upan acceleiaria� onde�parag�aph 17 henof ar a6aa�a�nt of the Pnspeaq. Ixuder. ia Ferson,6Y a8em or by
<br /> ;`�� judicia'.�k appoint�receiver sLall be entided w enter upan.t2�e(su�ssian of aad matrage che Propetcy aad to coll�t the
<br /> • '�� cenLS oF G.'e Ptoperty i�i� those past dne. All rents cnIIecced by Leuder az the receiver shall be applied fiist to
<br /> . pay�nt of d�costs of manageu�t of the Pmgetay aa�collearfln of renrs.includiag.but nnt limite�m>teceiver's fees. •--
<br /> . — -- ��on�ce'sver's I�uds au��m�ble at�oru�ys' fces,and[hen to the su�s s�aued by this IIeed aY Tnut. Lessder .
<br /> � . � ,� � aad the a�ceiver s7ia11 be liable to account only for those reuts�s.^±ally received.
<br /> 2�. It�ooaveyaaoe. Ugon gayar�nt of all sums � L`7 ttns Deed of Trast. L€a�...�r sl�alt�est Tnistee m
<br /> :�•, '. •.';�:F i � recom+ey t�Praperty aad sha11 satrender this Dee�l of Tra���:1�us evidencing�seaue�by this Beedi af
<br /> �.��. •�`` � 7:nst to Tnrstce.T�shall ieconvey the Pm�e�tY w'st�ous N•r�anty aIId without c1�2arge en the person or p�ons 1eg�11Y
<br />.:,;;t''. `�:`��- entided ttterz4o.S:.��wa or perso�s s1�11 gay ai.I cc�ts of r.,aordalion,if ai►y.
<br /> ;'%��;�� ' ' 21. Sulxt[tuG2"�rv5tee.Lender.at Le�r's��ticn,c:.3�m dme[o t�rE�vE Tc�astee sud�uint a st�ccessar
<br /> ; � �'�+��•� tr�stee ;ro �.ny Trestee agpointed t�reunder by an+s�_cr,::..;orded ia the county ia c.�uch this Dced of Tn�n is
<br /> .';5.1°, r�. rvithout comeyauce�f the Property. the sucees�:�cascee shaU succeed co aL1 the tttle, Fomer an� d�
<br /> � '.��`• conferr�...::�on th$T�-.�ee tt�tein and bY aFPH�Lt i�w.
<br /> ' � ZZ. Re�ue�i ��r �I�e�s. �o�ow� iequCS:s th�i co�ies of tlte uoLCx of�lefault&uti IIot[ce �s�u be Sent to "
<br /> ' . . Boac�c�.�'� '������is the Pcoperty Addcess-
<br /> � �..�r�s 5��stancea.Botrower shall uot cause a�pra^�ait tf�e�'.se.use.d.:.`�sal.storage.or selease n£airy
<br /> tda�a.+*Kn,;�;�p;tar��or in t7�e PasspertY• Borrower shaSZ*ax�a3.�,^r s:'�w amyo��3�.�da.anythin�affectin8 the
<br /> propeny•:�at is in.aat��n of any Em+ironaceuta3 Law. Ti�e r�:,:.a'.�g tn���s��,.�nces s�::i:m�srt apply tn t*.e presencc,use,
<br /> or stoza�on the�par.y of sffiafl quantities cL Ilfi;�rdous�:�.�es t�::�ge�etally_+-�xs3�zed a�apprap:iate w
<br /> '..�' .� n�rmal c�den6al u�es acd W ma:rt'�'•^�of ca:�s'�_.�e::y. .
<br /> E�v�er shaU pmmptly giv:a.cez.�er wriu�:�ce c:;si� ,W:estigation.CL�I111�dL'ID�1I�.I'dWStI1L Of OIt1ET'dCLLQJ�I✓yr
<br /> -� • �Y 8�`�� °T ��OtY ��Y or private gazr ::�:::cving the Property au� �.^y Harand�us Substan� :.a
<br /> • . � Env;ro�ntal Law of whieb Borrowzr has accual kaowted8e• If Borrower learns, or is norified by any�ovemmen�l os
<br /> ' . regulat�ry suthority. tbat any remm►al or other remeditation of auy Hazardnus Substance affe�ting t�e RapertY is
<br /> '`� ' � ' •ry.Barmwer shall promptly take all necessary reaedial acdons in accorclanc�e with finvimnmental Iaw.
<br /> '?:h:�•,:••;:�. As used in thts pazagiapU 23.°Harardous Substavrzs°aze*�use substaIICes de�ed as toxlc or La�ardaus sm�s�.nces
<br /> ti:x..��`':; r�, by E�n�!c��mental Iaw a�d the following sabstances: gasoliu:. P�rosene.ottter flammable or toxie peuoleum p�h:cts.
<br /> °=�--•'``:�•-� touc�:gdes and herbiades.volatile solve�.mateziaLs con^�.�asbestos or fasmaldehy�d�,and radioactive maieris�s.
<br /> -�•,',�` •'° As us�in this Far"��:�.ph 23.'Ernirovmental Iaw'means federal laws and laars of the jiuistliction where the Ptoperty is
<br /> -z:.'�.
<br /> - . locat�l that telaw c:�.�.,e�'th.safety or emrironme�tal p�tection.
<br /> �,.t ._�L'i.'. ' —
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