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<br /> gAAWAS gRY JBNNEFSR FRY 102319 O1j29/1999 `• :
<br /> � 9.Caa�ent�alion.Ttte proceeds of aay avrard or claim for damages.ditect or cons�qveutial.ia contzectioa vrith any
<br /> condemration ur osher taldng of the Property, or part thereaf. or for rnmeyance in lieu of condemnation. are h.°mby �. �
<br /> � ` a�si�.d and shail be gaid to ixader,suTaject to the terms of any mortgage,deed of aust or otiter sQCUriry agreectteat with a -
<br /> lien whlch b�s priorlty over this Deed of Tnist. •
<br /> • • iQ. �on�awer Plat R�eased: Farbea� By I.ettr�er Not a Wtz9ver. Extension of the rime for gayaient or ,
<br /> � madjfieusion of atuortindon of tke saims secused by this Deed of T�st�raated by Lender w any successflr ia interest af '
<br /> . • . ' � Bomntser shal!�t apctate to celease.in any manarr.ehe Gabil�ty af the original Boirowtr aad Bor�owu's successors in .
<br /> ' j Inteaest.Leader sbaU aot be requlred to wm�ure proceedings against sucb svcsessor os refuse to eutend d�for payment
<br /> , �� � or athsnvIse amdify a�rciratioa of the sums secumd by chis Deed of Tn�ss by ceasaa of any demaad made by the original = • .
<br /> � Borro�ver and Burn�wet's suscessars in interest. My fortreazance by i.ender in eAercising any ti�ht or cemEdy hereu�¢dct. _
<br /> � or atis:nvis�affi�xsed by a��{isabie law.sP}all cut tse a rniver of or pn�lude th�ea�ereis�of a�fy sucb right or remedy. _ �
<br /> . -. j li.�xee�s�i�t�d A��Ba�al:8oln3 sirt��verel U.�iqlty,Ccr-�!g�gis. 'Ihe covenants and agreemEats hereia
<br /> i contai�d shall bind.aud the rights kereuAder shall inure to.the�ctive�fl�s aIId assigas af Lende;and�CSre+nw2r. -
<br /> � subj;zt to the provisions of p3ta�raph 16�ereof. All covenants an�agceem�nts of�orrowzr shaii be joint ami�+��1. •
<br /> _ . . Any Bomower who co-agns tbis Dced of Tnut.but does aot exexute the Note.{a)is co-signir�g tius Deed of Tnut only to •
<br /> , gtaat sud o�mey that fiomower's iatezest in the Property to Tnusee under th� terms of this Derd af Tnut, (b)is aot .
<br /> � persoa3lly liab2e an the Nate or uuder chis D�ed of Tcu..�t.and(c)agrets tha�t I.en�±er a�tt1 any otirer B9mawer htses�er . :�-R
<br /> ; mag agree to extend.�odify.forbear.ar make aay other accomr�adatians�ith regtrd to th:tex�s of this IIeed of Tra.n or -
<br /> th:Note,without t6at Bonower's wn�nt and without celeasing that Borro�ver or modifying this Deed of Trust as to th�s
<br /> . Borrower's interest in the Property. _ -.
<br /> 12. Notioe. Excepq for aay aotice required uIIder applicable law to be given in aundcer�anaer.(a)any uniice to �;,
<br /> �� Sozmwer provided for in this Deed of Tcust sl�ail be given by delivering it or by maiting avch uotirx by certifie�mail :''�_'
<br /> ad�nessed co Bornnwez at the Propercy Atldaess or at such aiher ad�as Hurn,wer r,tay desi$aas�z hy r�ti�to Ier.3er as .rw� '
<br /> • pravid�d heiein.and(b)any nntice eo l.euder sLall be given by certified�ail to Lender's a�idnss stated Qterain or w such ��-
<br /> • . F at���ss as Le�er may designate by nnrice w Bosower as provided heiein. Any�ntice provided for ia this Bced of �``�.-
<br /> �.`-"
<br /> . ; Trv.�e sL"�°�.�+e d�d to have tseen given to Borrowes or Ix�er when given ia the manIIer desigoated herein. �x�-
<br /> � �a•: 13.Coverning Iaw;Severabillty.The state a�lacallaws applicable to this Deed of T�ss shall be ti�e faws of the �'`r:_a---°`
<br /> .---_....---� ',`:
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Praperty is located. Tt�e f�ategoiug sQntence sbaU uat limit ths agplisabiliry of Federa�law w this �'"''°.-
<br /> �!_-=
<br /> • .�, Deed of Tcust. In the eve�that aay pmvision or clause of this Daed of Tnut ar the Note contlicts witPi applicable law. �'�';_
<br /> � � such wnfltct shall aoi affect otl�er�rovisions of this Deed of Tn�st or the Note whictn cau be glven effeiet without the �-
<br /> . conflicting pmvision.aad w this ecd the provislons of this Deed of Tn�st a�the Note are decL�ed w be ser+erable. As ��_
<br /> , �� used herein. "c�sts". "eapenses"and"attorneys' fees"iaclude all sums to the e�ctent um profn'bioe�by applicable law or �..
<br /> " . litmiea hetein. - ._.
<br /> ' � � 14. Bormwer's�apy. Bormwer shall be fi�rnished a confo�d copy of the Nate and of t6is Dced of Ttnst at the
<br /> G dm.e��;�tion or afser recor�i,�hereof.
<br /> . �• T:3. TzbabiUtatton I.oa� l�r�s�e�t. Bormwer sS�l �sitill all of Boaower's abligatioas under anY home
<br /> ;�,�... ; re�:::�::�n.im��:�xn�reP��z ather loa2 a�ent�'.-:.�Bnrrower enteis into w:,h Lender.Lender.at Lender's
<br /> , ,�l::c� 1
<br /> .•'';�,r'�' option. maY ien�-�'=�+�:mwer to execute ar�.�:,�::��:r w Lender. in a form acceptab2e to Lender, aa�gnment of an}r
<br /> ,.��'' �,;r'�{,�;' .� rights.ctaims or G:'��which Borrower may�.�against parties who supply labor.m�uerials or services in connection .
<br /> . ,.,. .
<br /> ';%`{,;r,_;, } with irnPmvement�made to[he Pruperty.
<br /> nt•
<br /> � �,,�:�`, � 16.Traasfer of the Pra�erty or a Benefidal Inier�t in�are+oscer. ff all oz anry�ase ef the Pmperty or any interest —
<br /> in it is snld or uausfe�d(or if a beneficial interesc in Borrower is sold or uansferred au�Borrow2r is not a natural
<br /> � gEtson)withnut Leader's pri�r written coasen�Lender may.at its aprion, require immediate paymem in fiill of uU sums
<br /> �' s�rutes!by this Deed of Tru�t. However,this option shali nnt be exercised by l.ender if exercise is F:�n-:�etted by federal
<br /> . . � �, law as of the date of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> �: If Lencter exe�sises dus optica,Lender shall give BorrowEr notice of 2cceteration.Ths noiice s1�i�rnvfde a geriod
<br /> • of na:T.c:s than 30 days from the d�.-e the uotice is delicerzd or mailed within whicb Borrower muss pay all sumS secared
<br /> . . � by th:;,�ed of Ttr,..�i. If Borrower fa�ls w pay these swns prior to the e�irarion of this period.Lender may imroge anY
<br /> � � .. � rema'�e�permitte�I^,:��:s Deed of Tcust wii�.�:f.vther uotice or deman�au.gorrower. _
<br /> . . �:=Z-UNIFO�I:����VENAN i�.. �'oao�e:�.zd Ixndea further covems ara�a�ee as fauows:
<br /> � LTe Acceleratlon: Rdne�.a��. ►i..rept as provlded in paragraph l6 L-ereol, c.�-� Borrower's brPach af sar,�
<br /> ' � p� covens�nt or u�►ent of Ecrns� in thls De�l of Tnut, including Borcower's Cti�.are to pay,by t6e end og:0
<br /> � ' � calendar days after theq are�u� ru►y sums seciu+ed by this Dced of Tn�t, I�md�'Pdor to ecode�ratlon s6s11 give --
<br /> ►
<br /> notloe to Botmtice�us piovtdec7:�pa�grapb 12 6e�reof spedfying:(Il)ti*z breach3 (2)the action reqvircd to c�e
<br /> � • sacb 6mas8i(3)a d�.not less 1�an TA days fmm the date the nottce ts maiTed t�Eon�awer,6Y which sucb breac8 �_
<br /> ' � � mutt be curedi and(4)thai E�lisrre to cure such bmach on or b�fo�the dtite s*,,.c�aw��In the not�ae may retivlt in �.'--
<br /> � � uxe�3lon af the smns sec�L•�y this D�ed 6f Trust and sale of the Propert�;. �be c�otice shalB t�utha'frl£��m �=
<br /> � Bomcsver of the rt�t w mtn.state ufter a�ceieratian arttl the rtp,6i to 1sring a wurt a�,an to asse�4 the no�of �`=M
<br /> m
<br /> . ;, a dei'ault or any ct�rer defense of Borrozver to acceleration and sale.IIft t:�se"�rearb is not cured on or befor2 the date __
<br /> � sped.�ied in the aa[i�.e,lander.at 1.en�ler's option,may declare all 05'c�t�ans secured by thts D�ed of Tncst to be _
<br /> � imme'�!e!y due�:,.��ays�C.«��hout furlher demand artd may inv�e:'�:e poxres a9 sa:e and twy other�+eutedles _
<br /> ;�t'�,;�": permiLtr.�ii by aP�Gcsble Cs.:�.. C;,�der st�aU be e.nt[tled m cz71� a91 a�sm�� ��and exper�scs tncurred in .,
<br /> ' P��"�B�re�e�i.r.�v3��llm thls p�ru�►Ph 17,includitl��61!!LtbQ L`�*ft@�E•.i�C�Beb1E itWl�Ejj'8'4�C9.
<br /> If the paw�er 6['�.�:e Is i�voked,Tr�te�sha91 rercnd p nntioe mt�!�P.a ea.�cauat9�n w�ilc�the Prope�ty or
<br /> . sorne part t@�+eaf U ioaaie�and shall mail cmpiPS of sucd Qotioe ia�e�nnnPr prescribed bY�PPUc�bie law to .
<br /> Bols�owes and to tt�e other per�om presrribed by appllca6ls lavr.�#i4er the lapse of fauh time as may be reqWred by
<br /> appllrabla Baw,Trtatee shapl give pab9ic nailce of s3ie to the pQasan9 aad in tt�e�t�rantr presrrtbed bY aPP��1e ,
<br /> la�+v.T�.steG withmrt d�nand on Born�wer,sbaU sel!the pr+op�ty at publlc aucttam to the higl�t bidder at the time
<br /> and plstce and�mder the t�ms desigoafRd dn the Qottce of sale in one or raare paroets and in such order as Trustee
<br /> m
<br /> ' mny deteimin�.Trus�ee may PostPone sale of all or any paroel of the Pt+upe�ty bg publlc annonaeeateat at t6e ttme
<br /> and�f�ce of any previuvsly sctr�dWQd sale.l.ender or l.cnder's d�slgaee aney parchase the Pmperty at any s�le.
<br /> Utiaon��eceipt of paymeai af 3he prtce 61d,Tnaiee sha11 dellcer to the purcUa,sr Tn��'s de�d conveyieg t6s _
<br /> ' �P�Y sold.The redtals in the Trus[ee's dee�sliall be prima Pacie evide�o!t�e tnrth of the stat¢�amts�tde .
<br /> • thtrein.Tn�stoe shall apply the prooeeds of t�e sale in the follawing order:(a)to aLt rEasonaDte c�osts a,nd e�pmses af
<br /> thc sale,inci�dtng,hut not Itmited to,'E'n�stee's fe�s sctuallq inswred of�t atore than 5�of tQe g�osa sals prlce+ ..
<br /> n�onatie attoraeys' Pces and costs of Nt[e evldencet (b) to all sums secured by this Deed of Tn�; and Qe) tt�
<br /> excs�s:�,if any.to the g:�an ar pea5om tagaLly enit2h�th�elo.
<br /> �, . �.. .._ � �eDmsYa 26876-4 1/98 0tig1IIa1(ROCO=d8�) CO�y ISt8I1Ch1 COpY(C1idtOIlt9=) Ya„''e 3 of 5
<br /> . �
<br /> � _._... . . .__- -- �- -�- -� -
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