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_ � F , -- �. <br /> . -- <br /> � � <br /> _ a9�-��0���� -- � <br /> . cYa�t of toa Bar�wer�i tive immafiate aoua by rtu�t to the � say oE�s ron�isio�s c►s agcrmcats contARncQ in.c��a insir+,mra�.« � <br /> I.esder.wb a�y m�1ce pcoof of la�if not na�de pcomptiy by ebe noce whicb i�secures,�hcn chc entire phnci�t s�m�rtd accrued <br /> g�cOwu.and r��nsyraaa aomps�y�o�oe+�d�s�by inte�at shalt at ona become due snd p�yabir,ai the ek.�ction of the <br /> - auti�orimd sa�t dira�nd a maice pymau Wr wch laas diroc�iy co Lender. .. . <br /> -- tk�sdn�ia�1e�at w�be�[o�►er�d�tk l.eeder joiotty,aud . ._. .. _:. <br /> trt i�wr�oe Pcacee�r�,a ang p�t t�ereof.may be appliod 6y tbe Ltnder shalt pve notioe to Ba�nwer pniar tr1�.�atiae • <br /> ' i�der at i�apoae ertMer w tbe nductinn ot tUe iedebtednesa fdlowie�Borrower•s 6reuh ot�ny rn�+se�ni t�r qreemertt in this <br /> ip�eb�r�ecwed ar w t�e�atioo a repiir ot tLe propaty iastrumeat(but uot prior w accetentian uader p►raiaph 12 uokss <br /> � d��yed.M evZat of Earoc]awce of t�is imtrumeat or otl�er aaesfa applicabk law pravitks otherwise).Tha er�tice shalI specify:(a)tAe <br /> ef tdie b tYe maWYed PcoPErtY ia ext�hmeat oi the ddauit;@)the action roquired t�r suna tAe def�uit�tc)a dtu.not less <br /> i�6ie61ed�ess�ecuted�eaby,sll ri�ht,titk and intuest of the t�n 30 days from tde date tUe nodce is�iwen to wtich . <br /> �roap in vd w aay iasuranoe policies tLee in fora sLall qss to t!rc defauit must be curod;snd(dy thrtt 6e�ute to cure the debutt on <br /> ��a��, a 6efae tbe dau spaified in�he aatic�e maK resWc in acakntion <br /> . otthe sums s�ecured by tGia insuvmen[�:�ed.s�le of the Pcopeny.The , <br /> . 9.T1�.��.ddina�al and couaual sccuri�y for�he paymen�of dic notice sb�li fwther infora�8anawer aE tbe ri�ht to reinsau aRer <br /> �ote de�ibed,a�d ail sums co become due uoder this ioswment, acakration aad the ridht t�brins s cc�m�action to assert the non- <br /> tUe Baaorrer ba�eUy as�ns w t6e Leede��lt profits.nvenucs, existeeca of i detault ar any etber defense of Bonow+er/o <br /> - roYalties,ri�s and ba�ts aocruie6 to the Barower under sap aed acaleratioa�nd s� tbe�daWt is not cu[ed an or before tLe dau <br /> �i1 p't and ps ieases on said pcemises,with the right to reaiva an� spxif�ied'm Wa eotice,Lcndcr+�t i�s aptian may require immediau <br /> reoeipt[ar t�e sune and appiy t1Km to said indebtedness a,s�lt p�Ymeet in full af dl suma sECUred�by t1�is instrument wit6out <br /> � � befcxe as dter de6nit in the conditions of this instrumen4 and tbe further dcmaad wd may im�ata thc{�osrer of sak and any oe� � - . <br /> I,eader msy�for and recover�ny sucb pi�ents when �+emedies permittcd b;+applicabl�t�aw.Lcnder s6a11 be entitlod v�. <br /> due md papabk,but s6�1 not be roquirod sd tcr dn..Ttiis assiSamc4t cdlect aU expenses incomcct ih.pu�ia�tbe rcmediet pcovided in <br /> : is W termiaate and bocome nuil=ad vaid uppn rele�se of this this pira�raph!3.ineiuding,but not limited to.rea�onable <br /> . . ��� aneraeys'fees and cast�QCack evideace. <br /> 10.7bat tbe&eROwer wU kap the bui'ldinjs upon s�id premises if the po�yec of sak is invoked.Trustx slull rewrd a notice of : - <br /> m�ood cePrir,a�ac4 neitber eommit na perma waste upoo s�id land. d�hult,ia,eseh eounty io which�ny p�rt of�6e Propaty is loatmd � <br /> nor suffer t6e sa�d premises to be used for anT�unlawful purpose. and s6all�maif copics of sach nocioe in tbe m�neer�riDed i�' ' <br /> applicabk taw tu 8orra�er and to tbe ot5er perso�pKSCribod dar. _ , <br /> 1 i.That if the�.�aises,ax any part tlureo�6e cond�mned undec apptiEabla,bw.After t6e time requirod by applicabie ta�v.T►v�x . E_.-, <br /> tbt power of eminer�:�.or acquirod far a public tsc.the slull�give public notice of sak to tbs persons aad in tLe manne¢ <br /> d�m�aes awarded.ta��voe�ls for the talcing of,Qr tls�' pr�sedbed by applica b k 1 aw.Tcuua,wit 6 out d emand on Borrower. . <br /> ooRSi�rttiun for sueb ac�,ri.4�on,to the eM�cat of tbe fuil amaunt:of. slull sell the Property ai public auctioa w the hi�best bidder u the <br /> iadebtedaess upou tAis i�.t and tf��uts which it is givan•ta� dme tnd plaoe and mide�tLe urms desi�oatul in the notioe otsale <br /> secure amainina unpaid.u�H�xeby tssi�by the Borrowm�to the in one or moa p�rals am�ia any ader Trustce determines.Traute <br /> Leader,and s1W16e psid���with to said Lender to bs appl3Ed by maY PostPone sate of a��c any ptrcel ot t6e PropertY bY P�a� <br /> � the latter oo account of the next msturinE insql�.ments oi�such�. announament st the t�e and pia�x ot any proviouslY scbEdukd <br /> ifldebttdaes�. Salc.i�e�3er or its aes�er mxy{inruws�c'si�:'.�.^riy:i 3R��.'.:, -- <br /> �, ` 12.?Ae B�xnswer ferther agras tt�aat�Wd this instrument and �;pon aaipt of is�y�y��f�he Prioe bid.'�n►s'�e shall deliver to ; <br /> tbe note secured hereby not be eligibk fvr irtsurana under the the purchase�T,�a:1r�'��1eod coevey�og the ProDcrty 7'he rccitals in <br /> tWctioetl Housing Act withia e+aht monrlts from the date hereof the Tr�s docd s7�a11 lx prima E�cix:xvidence af the truth of tbe <br /> 1'w�ritun statereent of sny offioer of tfie i7�pircment cC Hoasing and staumeets rtuk therein.Tnsue s'br��:upply the prooeeds of tbe sde � <br /> Urb�e D�evein�ment or aathorizad�Iie 5ecretuy of Hou�cr� in the following order.(a)to tll expen�e.s of t4e�1e,Includins,but <br /> �nd Urbau�1!r:ebpmene clated subseq�r,t,�;1,R;ci3�st�ssanths'tim.e aot limiud to,Trusteds fas as penrtitsed by a,.�`!L�bk Tsw aad �. <br /> from tlx dste�f r,�es i�rmen�declinirr�ti�i.u:are!:tirt note and reasonabk attomeys'fees;(b)to�Il sums s�c�ra�ray this Security � <br /> this morty�e;being deea�ed oonclusive proof of s:it�f.ineligib�7ity). Iastrumea�xnd(c)sny excess to the person or persons 1eplly <br /> tse Lender or holder oi ti�e note msy,at its option,d�a�are all sams entitied to it. <br /> secured hereby immedisuly due ind ps��able.Notwit6sunding the � -, <br /> foreaoina,t6is c►ption may eot be eaer�a� the Lender or the 14. llpon acceletation under partdraph 13 or z�a�donment ot the : <br /> fiolder ot tbe note when che ineli�ibitity.C�cr iasurana under the Property,Lendu(ia person,by agent a by judicixl9,y�sppointed <br /> Natioa�l Housin�Act is d��2 to the Lender's fiilure tn ar.�nit the reaiver}.sh�ll be artitied to enter upua,tike pos.�on cf amd� <br /> mr�rtjaje inwnnrx prmi�.�m eo the Dep�rtment af.l���csing nnd wsn�ge 4t�e Property and to coflect tBe rents of the Proper��, <br /> ,��n p�,��,h.���, - � ieC�uding those put Q�e.Any rents collectod by l.eader or i�e <br /> � reaiver shall be ap�sii�first to payment o[the cr,�t�uf msn�gement <br /> l3.17pt i€�ulie Borro�?�'fails to�aalt��nY P�ym�t�oi money ot the Propeny and c�i[r�ction of reets,includin�.6uC not limited to. <br /> rrben the siprfe tiu�me d�,or fiils to co�t{ornt w a�tii�:ompiy with raxiver's fees,premiusns on recei�t�'.s bonds snd rasonable <br /> . , attorney's Eees,and then to the swns:.�cnred by this instruarcni: <br /> � , <br /> Page 3 of 5 � , . � NUD-99/13DT•1 �=--�__-- <br /> � <br /> 1 ' <br /> . ; <br /> � . � <br /> L • 1�.� J <br /> � �. . <br /> . . <br /> . � L � �; <br />