- --- _` � _. .: -. - . �
<br /> . -
<br /> , ------ - --- ...._._....._._._ �'��i����. _�_�,._ .
<br /> l�rrsw�e+wi l,e�er esre�t�al a�ree�s tn�p� or if tAe Lee�r acqu+tet t1M pmptrty ahrrwi�c aRer delautt.t!�
<br /> �, LeMlcr shalt�ppiy�at.the�tima ar�tfie commenr.ement otsuch
<br /> 1.'f1Mt�mowsr w�ill jtay t1K�,u!►erriNbd'orc pr�nccedin��x�t tlb Gnkr��}titt�xrtY a atherwise acquired,tMe . .
<br /> , Pt�'ridi+d-Fii'�S�s rae�rod�pty tbc deht ie hrl�de a in.part� b�Ia�tlka s�iai�in tltr��iteax secar�s�lattd�kr ts}�
<br /> arry i�staYmeat dne d�ie. + l�tr�l�h 2 prcceding,as a��rcdit apinst ths amouM u[priecipa! ' �
<br /> � thcn r�ra�iaina anp�id wntcs��id note. � ,
<br /> � ... ,.2'I'i�t,ta�e�wStb.and in=ddition w.the monthly DaYn+eets ' . _
<br /> oE�ri�api a�d i�k�+rt�ayrbYe w�des tl�e ut�t oF 1ie no1e�saairod �!.TMu tha&xmw�er wiJl.pg���nuad rencs.ttxCs,aase,ssr�eet�: - -- .'_:..._..._::..
<br /> M�eb,y.�bc Ilorsowa Mnit py w tire lx�der.a�thc first day oE ach �wao�r�s,snd c�c p�tmt�u�qtd or mw�iciP�i cir�s.fia�.a � ,
<br /> � luo�ftl�wla7 tl`e�id�f1t i�t+�y p�id,tlit iolbwi�wms: impoaititms,fu�w1�i�.pr►��ri�itfd�lNS not baxe nrde heranbe�or�
<br /> . �d in.defs�ltti�an:oftha Lhtdir may P�Y tLe sunr and tkat tlre - .
<br /> , ' ' (e)A aum equtl to tie graied.rents,if any.ne�ct due.ptus the �mowcr wiii pmrtsplty.,ddit'tcs the o41'kisf rooeips theref�sr.to tbe
<br /> �ienri�in�s ti�nt w�l aext beoome dut and payabk oe policies of fire I.e.mcl�r. . . •
<br /> dd otler rarard i�tunna coverina the Pr�Y,P�us tues and
<br /> ' ' � aAa�++e�K�e�t d�e oa�PropertY taol!as e.ui�kdby df�r Le�der}- 5..n�e�g�,nn��wtaii�iy���e�wn�„�Y be�eY�oe��
<br /> las MI awas�4�q p�id titerefor dirid�ntl by tYe awnba of months I,eadcr's�rit�irest in��aiil•�l esat�and imp�oven�en�s,a�d�iich
<br /> ;, .� . b El�e l�eforc oae.(�1�oetU priortr,a u�c�ate wbea sucb�[ouM mwK bie.iEVied upo�t ttfls instrument or t�e debt sec�red 6ercby(hue . .."
<br /> � .r�s:�iw�.wcef as�#assessmen��11 becorne dd'puen�sucf► un/y.ta t6�cxtent t6it sxh is not proM�ikd by law and ady w tMe • . . . ._
<br /> �w be 1�e1d by I.ar�:��tnat�to pay said�mumai:ients, easeot�sach will not mnke Wis Pra�u tisurious�but ad�any
<br /> _.;:�iw�:ta�ces and s�p e v�'�1'�assessmencs;and ' iactso�ie e�itr�:Slau ar Feder�l,im,p�a�w'''on i�t.sud�rAI Gk the .
<br /> (b)A#� ..,,, ma�tioned in tht subs�daloti of t�"s.;:. • ofl'�cis��eceiq showinZ wch pa�n�int with t6e La�der.Upon ;
<br /> ��'?�a ��6 violaiion of this uad�c�fti.�,or if the Borrawa is prohibiud by mp
<br /> P�ntrap�.�i�ll paymeats w bc mulc under tl�e aote sx�ued� . .. !aw new or heraR�,r�i,�ina frwn�ayinE tbe wi�ote or any portion
<br /> l�arby sbatt'be added ta�ther.and the asge�ate amount thereaJ:. � . QEthe a�uid tsxes;or,upo�r t3ee�ri�oi iny caurt dernx • �
<br /> ahall be paid by the 9c�'divtr cach month i�a sinsle Pa5'ment co�er p�tr�ve"artg thc piyment by thc�mmawer of any sach tues.cti� �. .
<br /> applied by tie L�ender tui�e[dbwina items in thc orcier set fort�;, .�. ��w«�a�ovides that�t6 j-�awant so.�id by the . .,
<br /> ([)�wed rcets.tasa,�aen�s,fire and other hu.�rc�irs�-r:':�� �ROwer shstl be credited on the debt,the L.e�shall hsve the
<br /> ��� . . ; �, right tn give ninety dags:wristea aotice to tbe owner ot the premisa,
<br /> rcquiring the psymei�t Et'tlie de6i,IP such notia be aiven.the said
<br /> � (il)in�ax an tLe nae secucod hcrcby: ,. • debt shall become due.puribk�ad vollQC�bk at the e�rpintion of i
<br /> (1I1�a�niontiatios of the principal of stid nat�aad .� stid nirtety dsqs. • . . .
<br /> 6.1't�at should the H���vicer,u�.�;to ui sw�ar ka an ,'
<br /> (IVi uit:'durses. . �, ,. PiY Y P Y .
<br /> An defic+e in the�mount of such te montht �n� COYe"nat provided For ia'�f"li�s�c.�tment,thrn ttie l.ender.at its � ��
<br /> Y +�5' sEd� Y P�Y optaxr.,rrtay pay or performt��:tm�aed ali expenditures so made
<br /> shaU.unlas mxk�oad by the Borrower prior to the due date ot the sha1Z 6e added ta the principif suri'�wina oe the said note,shs11
<br /> •ezt wdi paynKa�oonstEtute an event of defiult under this ����.,a�reby.arr�3,��iall bear i'ntercst at ibe tate set foRh in tAe '
<br /> mort�a�e.The L.ender may collecl a"iate clnrge"net to exooed four �id rtote.unril paid
<br /> cen�s(4t)for tach ddl�r(51)of each paymeat more than fiftan '
<br /> �1 S)days in iRars to cover the extra eapense in�dved in hsndling �,That the Qor�ower Aereby sssigns.transfers snd sets over to the
<br /> ���9�^�P�Y��� ' Lendcr.to be a�plied toward tht.�►ayment ot the note and all sams
<br /> - �ur�!hstb;Ia��of a N!•?��t»�-the�dormanc�ot any of tAe
<br /> 3. Thataithe wtz!of the�yments msde by t�e Borrawe�undcr u�s�nd conditions oi this instrumem ar the s�id nate,all the�ents.
<br /> (a)of ptraar�ph 2 procedin6 shill exoee�the amouet of paymenct ��venues anA income to be derived from tDe said premises during '
<br /> actually msde by the Lcader for ground reat�.taxes aod aw.ssments such ume as the indebtedness shall rem�in unpiQ and the Lender
<br /> or insuranoe premiums.as the cue may be.such excGCS.if the!wn is shal!have power to appoint any asent or aaents it msy desire for the
<br /> curant.at tUe option of the Borrower.shall be crodited by the purpose oi repairing s�id premisa and of rentina the same and
<br /> Lender on suboqnent pryments to be ma�t by the Botrowe:.or �Ilectina the rents.revenues and incamc and it may�ay out of ssid
<br /> refandod to the Barrowsr.lf,howrver.the monthly payments made incomes ail expenses oi repairing said pcemises ind necessary '
<br /> by the 8oriower ur�r(a)oi paragrapit 2 p�c-c�u'ing s�'�ii eo:be �mmissions and expenses incurred in renting and man�ina the ��:;
<br /> wfFicient w pay�ow�d renu.tsaes aod assessments or insursnce �me and of edkctina rent�Ls t1�er,�eFrom;tre bdana romsinins,if
<br /> premiums.u the case may be.when thc same shall become dae and a�y,to be applied tow�td the d!!�harae of stid iudebeedness. '
<br /> p�y�bk,then the Rorrower shatl pay to the Lender sny�mount
<br /> nocessary to malce up the deficierrcy,on or befor�e tfie�dtte when 8.That the Borrvwer will lcap the improvem�ts now eaiuing or -
<br /> payment ot such around renu.taxes,sssessments.or insurance hereafter erected on the property,insura!a5 m�y ba rtquired from �
<br /> prcmiums slall be due.If at any time the Borrower sh�ll tender to �;me to time by Ihe l.ender�gainst toss by Gre and aher hanrds, � -
<br /> tbe Lender,in accordanoe with the provisions ot the note secured psualtia md contingeneies in s�u:�amounts and for such pece:.+ds u
<br /> be�+eby.full p�yment oE the entire indebtedness re��rtttd thereby. may bc required by the Lender and will p�y promptiy.when due.
<br /> tbe Lender slwll.in computin�the amonnt of such ctdebtedacss. any premiums on snch dnsur=nce.provision for p�yment of w6ieh
<br /> aedit ta tlie socount of the Borrowre any bilance rem�ining in the �not ban made f�ereinbefore.All insuranoe shaIi be carried in
<br /> funds accsimulated under the provisicns ot(a)ot�{agraph 2 hcr¢oL �mpanies�ppraL�ecl'liy th�Lender�nd the pc31i«es And renewals
<br /> Ittkrc shall be a defiuts under my of the provr�t?ns otthis the�cof shall be held by the Lender and have a�tached thereta loss
<br /> 'iaatrumeM tautting iirt,��uMic sak of the prerqis�.�v�vered hereby, pay=bic clauses in[avor uf nnd in form au:cG>aible to the Lender_In ,•
<br /> ' . � . ',;
<br /> ,..�..... ;.�._ .�.�..•-�-.-•-. . - - - - Pege2ot5 ------- - —HUD-92/�3DY-1
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