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, 1 . =.`=.-_�� � . . _ . � <br /> . � � � = : 89-r 1Q5'73S � <br /> �" IfLtr�d�� ��t�ut�aieGa di4�conditian of ma4:lp�thr loan secured by this Securit�t Instnimmt, <br /> 1. .' �arro�rer�11"�iMy�jeq��tr�:muintain the insuran�e in effect until such time as the sequirement fos[he . <br /> , ir�sa�acct ' -l�rr-:�nre�'sandLersdrs's.wcittensg,reemtacors�p3iczbklsr�r_ - <br /> t:-f�eM�.•• �ftit�enir fnsy makc reasacuble entrirs upon and inspections of the Prcperty. Lendu <br /> � shall aive Borrower n�tiCe at tha tima uf or plr.:c�s to an inspection specifying reasanable cause for the ie,spectioa• ' <br /> 9. Gonde�astiwt. The prx���t���q:�g award ar claim for damages.direci�r consequentia}.iR connectic>a w'tth . � � - <br /> an�.wnckmn�tion or ather taking oF�an��t�t�•of the Pmperty. �r£or conv�y�anre in litu of condemnatiort,ac�e hes.eby . - ....- .-. -.--- <br /> � �ssigned�nd shall be paid to Ltnd�u. � . ' <br /> ia the event of s t�t�f cakirfg af sh�Property,the proceeds sha{2 be aFplied to the sums sec�ued by this Security <br /> � Instrument,whether or aot thcn due;wiYh�ny ezcess paid to Bonowcr. In the event of a partial t�king oi'the Property, � <br /> unkss Hortawer and Leader etbiarwihet agrae in writing,the sums secu�red by this Secu�ity lnstrument shall be rr,duced by - <br /> ' the amount of the procetds multiplic�i'�bg the E'oiiowing frgction-(a)the total amouat of the sums secused imtz�edi�tety ' <br /> - before tha taiung,dividad by f►a?tba fgrr snarket value of the Property imretediately before tht takirtg;Any b�nce shzll be <br /> ' paid to 6orroNrr. . �� <br /> ` I�i the Property is aband�ned b,;�onower,or'tf,after notice by i,ender to Borrower that the condemnar offers to <br /> rnalce sn awud or setttc a claim.f�ir.domages,Borcow�u fails to respond to Lendar within 30 days aReir the date the notice is� � <br /> � given,I.�nder is autharixed ta�oll�cc�and appiy thr its option.either to restor�tion ar repzir of the Praperiy or � � <br /> � to thesnms securcc}by t;�is Sccurit��rnstrument,whether ar not then due. <br /> LTnless Lcvder and Bor�:ztvar'otherwisa agree in writing,any applisation of proceeds to principal aha11 nat eactrnd or � <br /> postpotte tliee due date Qf thc monfhly payments refecred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. - ' , <br /> ; 10. Bon+ower Nut Rekiued; Forbarasce Hy Lemder Not a Wairer. Extension af the time for payment or <br /> • madi6c:ttion vf am�rsi�rsaa of the sums secnred by this Security tnstrumrnt granted by t.ender to any succe.�sor in • .,. <br /> � interest of Barrower shall�nat,Cperate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrflwer's successors in interut. � ' <br /> ��� � ' Lender shail nat be reqitit+�d"�to commence pracoedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for , <br /> . payment ar atherwisc modify amorti7at�on of thr snms secured by this Security tnstrument by reason of any demand made � <br /> � ' by tf►e atiginal Harrawtr or Borrower's snccessoss in iottrest.Any forbe�±ance by Lender ir.exercising any right or remedy � �� + ',`r-:,�•._�.. �:�: <br /> �i . ;..:.�;,.,:,, <br /> ' shall aot be s weivar of��t�prtclt�de the exercist af any right or remed}. :�" > .. . - <br /> . ii. Sreca�ifi�:��Asst�es Ho�d;Joiat ud Se�e�1 Liability;�st�ers. The cave:�ants and agreements of � `' : _ <br /> this Securicy Instrua►�ats�all bind and bentflt tlx succe.uc,css�assigns of I.ender and�8orrower,subjeet tatihe psovisions � � � <br /> ' of psragraph 17.Ho;aower's covenants and agreecnents sI-aa,���jaint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Secutity � <br /> :..'' � , instr-�racnt.6m duas-not ea�ocnte thr Note:(a)is co-signing this Securily,Iastrument only to mcisegage,grant and c6nvey � <br /> '. `. t�at Fwrrawec's int��rest in the Property under the tetms of this Secarity Imstrument;(b)is na:p!�x�onalty obtigated to pay <br /> � � � �� the sums securc�by this Security Instrument;and(c)agras that Lender and any other Borrower may agra to extend, . <br /> ' �� ' modif�� forbrar or enake any accommodations wilh regard ta the terms of this Se+ci��i3y Instrument or the Note without <br /> �:}` that Barcoas�'s r.�nsent. � . � - <br /> ' • • t2. Laut�L'Larga. If the toan secura�8y this Security Instrunent is subject to a law which sets maximum 1�� , . <br /> ' � � � churges, aad �tiut,!uw is finally interpreted��c�tat the interest or•oiher loan charges cotlaci�d or to be collceted�iQ <br /> ' � canaection�with the loaa exceod the permittw:�imits� then: (a)any.such loan charge sh�4;�►e reduced by the amouno � �,;;:�,� <br /> ' �er_ecs�ry t�r��r_e the chargt to tht�ermi*.I=s!l�tn�l;a.�;�?any su�s alre2sly ca�leeted f��'M�B�nc�wer�vlzch esceeded ' ' <br /> ° pe�±nittal�limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender�na.�choose to make this rei'und by reducing the prin:�ipal owed . `'��:'�_ <br /> ' � � undcr t'He Note or by maicing a direct payment,to Barrowtr pf a refund roduces principal,the red�,�:.3ion wili ii�treated as a <br /> �� � pariial prepaymsnt without any prepaymens cl��r�:under the Noie. � <br /> i 13. Le�fslatbe AReeting Lender's D�i�tits. If enactment or expiration of applica�:t laws has the effect oP ` _ <br /> . ; tand�ring any provision ot'the Note or this�.°rity Instnts:�ent unenforceable according to its terms, its option, � <br /> �,: � m�y require immediate payment i.n full Qf��f;$::ms secur� by this Security Instroment and may invoke any remedies — <br /> ,, � ptrnaitted by paragraph 19.If I.er_��wserri��,.��s o�tio�.lLender chaq rake the steos specified in the second naragraph of � <br /> paragraph 17. , �-= <br /> ; 14. Notsr.�t►�. Any notice to Borrows�r�roviclPd for in ihis Security InstrumenS shall be given by deliveting ic c�r�s.� .� <br /> mailing it by firsi c�ass mai! unless applieable law req�a:?a.��use of anaiher rriethod. Tt�e�notice shall be disc�l:�d:o tfte ' , , . ,- <br /> `" Praperty�kddress or any other address Borrower desigr:ai:��.a by notice to L.ender. �.nj�.notice to Lender sha1J�e given by - � <br /> ::t�`__�: <br /> first clus mail to I.ender's address stated herein or any oit'�er address Lender designs:4es by notice to Borrower.Any notice • , _ <br /> provided for in this Security Instrument shall be decmed to have been given to Borrower ar Lender when given as provideci � <br /> inthisparagraph. � � <br /> � 15. Gorerebg Lw;Serer�bility. This Security�Insttument shnll be governed by federal law and the law of'the <br /> � jurisdietioa in which tbe Ptoperty is located. la thc evrnt that aezy�prc�vision�r cl�use af this Security Instrument or the <br /> ' Note confliets with applicable law,such conflict shalt nat aff�ci crther ptuvisions of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> which can be given elfect withaut thc conRicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Secarity Instrument and the <br /> ; Note are declared to be severable. � <br /> 16. Borrower'a Copy. Rorrower shali be given one conformed copy of'the Note and of thic Security Instrument. <br /> ' t7. Triw�tr ai ttie PraOerty or s Beneficiii Intrrest in Borruwer. If a11 or eny part of'che Pruperty at any <br /> � interest in it is snld or transferced(or i!'a benefiaial interest in Rorrower is sotd or transferred and Borrower is not a natural <br /> person}without I.ender's pric�r written cot�.tient,l.ender ita option,reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums <br /> , securtd by this 5ecurity tnstrumeni. Howsveri thtg option shall not br exercised hy Lender if exercise is prohibitcd by <br /> feder�l taw as of the dateof this Security lnstrument. -�-- <br /> ; ---- _ <br /> lf Lender eaercises this option.Lender shaU give Barrower notice�f atccleration.The notice shaN provide a perioci t <br /> of not less than 30 days ftom the date the notice is delivered or mait�d within which Borcower must pay all sums secured by <br /> this 5ecurity tnstrument.ItBorrower fails to pay these sums prinr to the capiration of this Frcriod,Lendcr may ii�voke any � . <br /> remediespermitted by this Security lnstrument without further notice ar demand on f3orrower. �. , <br /> � IS.Horrower's Aigtit t�Rttettate. If Borrower meets certain canditinns,Borrower shall have the right tn have , ; ' <br /> tnforcement oPthiy Seeurity Inattument d}scontinucci at any time prior to the earlier nf:(a)5 days(or such othcr periad ns <br /> L applicsble 1aw may speciPq for reinstatement)E+efore sale of the Property pursuant to any power of s�le cuntaitted in this <br /> Security Instrument;ur(b�entry of a jvdgmcns�eaforring ihis Srcurity lastr�iment.Thvse con�litir�ns are that E3orroKer. <br /> (a)pays l.cnder ail sums which then wouW�tk!due under this Security Instrument and the f�iote had no acceleration <br /> • 'a:curred:(bj eures any dePault of any otF.Cr covenants or agreements: (�) p�tis all expenses�ncurred in enforcmg �his <br /> SeconF} fnstrument, including,hur nrst lirivcc� la, reasonabte attarneys'fees;and(d)takes such action aS I.ender may <br /> reasonably reyuire tn assute th3t thc lic�a tiY!tti:�i 5eeunty Instrurnem. Leneler's r��hts in the f'rupci►} and IJorruaer s ,,r <br /> abf��ratec�n to pay thu sums tecured 6p th��� 5ecu:uy lnstrument �FialI cantinue unchangcd. Up.�n rc�n�tatenient hy {.. �' <br /> fiottowet:�hiy Security In�,toument and tlir ubi�gatinnti�ecurrd hcrehr•�hal!rema�n fully cffec���e a�if nn 3ccelerat�un had <br /> ��ccurrc�ci.N�wever,thi+t ight tn reinstate 4hall�r��t:,S��Sy in�he c�tc��f a��etcr.�t����e undc:�.�ragr���h�t �rr 17 <br /> � 1_ <br /> �-- <br /> , � <br />