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— =F � � -t �� . <br /> • ` �wr: 10 . <br /> UNIFORM CovEx�►ntTS. Bonuwer and L,endercovenanc aad agree as foll�ws: <br /> 573�� � <br /> �� p��r�p�iW�I��Kpt;prtM�t 1�qi I.�t�(�ar�es, 8orrawee shalj prompt{y pay Ktten iiue <br /> the pcincipal of and iaterat on the delst evidenced by the Note and�ny prrpayment ond tate charga due under the Noie. <br /> 2, �w�for'C�xN a�i Ipiurapsc. Subjeci tc�ap�ticabte law or to�v�rri�tan w�iver by[.cnder,Harrc�wer sha!k pay <br /> r to Ltndet on the day manthly p+�yments are due undu the N�te,until the Note is p�id in fi:ll,a sum f"�uncls")rqu�!tc� <br /> !_ onc.twe�fth ai; (�) yearly t�aea and +�uasmrncs which�m�y attain :priority over thic Se�urity fnstrumcn�; (b� }cYr1y <br /> }�d paymmts or �round renfs on [rie Pr��rty, if smy, ie) yarly hazani inwrance prrmiums; and (d) yearly <br /> mo�t�e it�sunrice premiums,if any.These itrms ue ealied"escr�w itams."Lender may esiimate tS�c�u�ds due c�n the <br /> basis d'current daia�nd t�able ettimstes of future cscrc�w itemy. �. � � ' <br /> 'Tf�e Fundt sh�ll be held in an in�titution tha deposits or acrmunt:�ef which arc insuted ar�uurantted by A fcd�l;ar <br /> __� ststt_s�y.Lincludin�,_I,et�der if L.ender is such an institutian3.��r sha11 apply the FUnd�iQ ps}the�scrorv lt�atnts. <br /> �. <br /> I�r msy not charge for holdina snd applying t�ie Funds,anaiyxiisg t�c a;cc�t or v�rifying thrrscro�r ite�ns,unless � -�----...-...- - <br /> j I,aider pays Horrower�nterest on the Funds at�d a�tplicable taw permits�:erfdar ta makc such'a charge. Hatrowsr and � . <br /> . 1,p�der tnay a�ree�ia w�riting that inurest sha11 be paid an the Funds. IJnl�,an sgrainent is appiicabla taru <br /> ; requires interest to be paid, Lendtr shall not be requircd ta pay Borrower any interest ar earnings�on the Funds. Leuder <br /> j shall aive to Borrower,without charge,an annual accounting of the�'unds showing credits and debits to the Funds ariQ�the <br /> purpose for whieh each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are piedged as addirional security for the sums secured by <br /> � this Seeurity Instrument. <br /> � If the Atnount of the Funds held b�Lendcr,tageth4t with.the future mon,thly paytttra�ts of Funds payable prior ta <br /> , the due dates of che escrow itenss,shnll�exec�ri:,fiJa�:ara�iutt requirec�to pay the esarow items when due,the eacess shall be. <br /> � , at Bcyrrower's opt�on,either pramp8y re�a�d:ttai:r3i�to.�ver or crei3ited to Bonower on rnontt�ty.gayments af Funds.If the <br /> 4 amaunt of the Funds held by Lcnder is naCsii�c"ionf to pay the escrow items when due,Barrower shall pay to Lender any <br /> � amount nx�ury to make up ttte deHciency in one ac rrtrre payments as required by Lendcr. <br /> Upon payment in f�lt eFalt sums secured b��t#�is 5ecurity Instrument,Lender shall prompd}ref�nd to Horrower <br /> � any Funds hetc�tty Lendcr.If undcr paragraph 19 tt�e Property is sald or acquired by Lender,Le�dtr shall apply,no later <br /> � � than immediatetp pr'soc ta the sale af th�e Property or its acquisitzcta by Lender,any Funds held by Lendet at the time of , , ,� <br /> applicatian as a credit against the sums secural by this Security IastsumEnt. ���`������� <br /> � 3. A�pIL¢ation ot Payee�ts. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lendcr under <br /> ,;;�`;�,. ;, <br /> j paragsaphs 1 and�shsitt be applied:firsi,to late charges due under the Note;second,to prepaymcnt charges due undec the ; � <br /> � Not� amounts payabie under paragtaph 2;fourih,to intorest due;and last,ta principal due. : <br /> � 4. C,�e��. Borruwer•shall pay all taxes.assessm.�ts,charges.fines and.impositions attributable�•the <br /> � Property which may attain priority�,over this Security Instruraeri�;�.�d teasehold pa�7zignu os grnund rents. it�.��' ' . <br /> Berrower sitall pay th�se abljgations in the mantter provided in paragrapis Z,�cs i.f not paid in that mannu,Borrower� <br /> ! pay�em on ti�rra dicc�cti�to�thc person owed payment.Bonower shall psv�r.�+�.fumish to Lender all notices of amounts � � <br /> _ to be paid undcr thi�paragratph.lf 8orrower mak�s these payruenu directYy:Sonower shall promptly fumish to Lender : <br /> � «ceipts evi�encing the payments. �� <br /> � B�frrawer sh�ll pramptly discharge any tien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a) <br /> � :agcees in writiag ta the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good <br /> � ! fuitit iha licn by,or defends against enforce�nent of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to . <br /> i pr�vent the enforcement�L dz�lien or fd�rfeiture of any part of tht Property;r�r(c)secures from the holder of the lian an • <br /> � agreement satisfactory to�er subordinating the lien to this S�a.�:ty Instrt:ment.If Ler,.<3�er determines that any.�rx of . <br /> the Property is subject ta��'en whic}aday attain priority ocer tl�;Securi�y lnstrumeti.; Lender may give Borr4wer a . <br /> � nN3ceidentifying the tiet��Bc�cower s;tp:�'satisfy the ti�n or tak�'��,�i:pr r:i�:r;�c�'the actions set forth above within YO days ',,� �: <br /> ; oftlue gving of notice. � � , • � <br /> � � S. Ha�td Insurance. Borrower shall kde€?t�Y�r��::��te�r�:Ltats naY:i���sting or hereafter erec�;�i'on the Property <br /> ' inst�ra���r.r:ti i;�ss by fire,hazards included within tr:+:erm"ev�r�.:ded coverage"and any othcr hazar�s for which Lender . <br /> ' reqnires i.-��^��.�ce. This insurance shall 6e maintair�:d in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requir�:.The <br /> iaw;�;r�ztce c�trier providing the insurance shall be�:i's4tsen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval which sh�J'!i r�7t be <br /> I u:��so�Rably withheld. <br /> : � AU inssrance policies and renewals sfiali��;aa:ceptabie tv Lender and shal! include a standard mortgag�c'anse• � <br /> � Lender si�all:�:Ewi the right to hold the policies and�enewals,I[l,,r_nder requires.Borrower shal!promptty give to i�nder , <br /> � all receipts aF�r�id premiums and renewai noteces.ln the evem��[`liass.Horrower shall give prompt notice to the ir.�ri=ance . �.z-; <br /> � ca*,tier and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss if noi made��smptly by Borrower. <br /> j Unless Lender and Borrower oiherwise agree in writing,irasurancc pr.���xa�i��hall be applied to restoration or repair <br /> j of the Property damaged,iP the restoration or repair is economically fessi�i��a:�d Len@er's security is not the 'ti _ <br /> restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's secijrity woald be tessened,the insurance proceed�slt..l1 be <br /> appfi�d ta tht sums secured by this Security lnstrument,whetlr�:r ur�u�t then due,with any excess pais!to Borro�u�r.lf <br /> � Borrower abandons the Property,or does not ar:5�ecr.,within 30 days�s#��;t�ce from Lender that the ir�surance carrier has <br /> ' oSered to settie a claim.then I.ender may collect the insurance prceeeds..�,ca�der may use the proceeds to repair or restore <br /> tht Property or to pay sums secured by this Security]nstrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period wili begin <br /> when the notice is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Botrower otherwise agr�e in writing,any application of proceeds toprincipal shall not eatend or <br /> postpone the due date oi'�the monthiy payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change thc amount of the payments.If <br /> T under psragraph 19 tht Property is acquired by Lender.Borrawer's righi t�ar�y insvrance policies and proceeds resulting <br /> , from damage to the Ptoperty prior to the acqe�isition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security <br /> , lnstrument immediately prior to the acquisition. . <br /> 6. Preservation and Afsintenance ot property;Leasehotds. Borrowcr shaU not destroy.damagc or substantiaUy <br /> ' ehange the Propeny. altow the Praperty tn deteriorate or cornmit waste. If this Serurity lnstrumerit is on a leaschold. <br /> Bonower shall camply with the pravisions oP the lease.and if Borrower acquires fee titte to the Property.the leasehold art�d �___T,__-, <br /> fa title sh�ll not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. � <br /> 7. Protectbn oi I.ender's Rights in the Prope►ty; '�iortgnge Insurance. If Borrower faiis to perform tlie <br /> � covenants and agraments contained in this Security Instrument.or there is a legal proceeding that may signiRcantly affect � . <br /> � Lender's rigt�ts in Ihe Yroptrty(sucfi as a praceeding in bankr�s�iey. pr�bate. for candc�snation�r tQ enforce laws c+� � <br /> tegulations),then Lcnder may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protee.t the value of the�'mperty and Lender's rights <br /> � in the Property. Lendet s actions may include paying any sums secured ts�a lien �vhich 6as prioritS o�er this Security <br /> � tnstrument,appearing in coust.paying reasonable att�rneys Cees and enterirg on the Proper�p tn make repairs. Although <br /> Lender may take action under this paragraph 7.Lender does rtot have to do so. <br /> . Any amounts disbursed by Lender uuder this paragraph 7 shalt beceme addittonal acbt of IJurrowcr sccured by this <br /> Security Instrument.Unless Bort�wer and Lcnder agrec to othcr termt of p:�ynient.�hetic amounta sltall bcar intcrest from <br /> Ihe date of disbwsement at the Note rate :�nd shull be p►iyabic. «ith interest. upnn nutice fr��m Lender to F3utrou•cr <br /> requc�t�n��+ayment- ' � <br /> . <br /> I - <br /> � <br />