. i `
<br /> _ _ .. �--- - . � � ggs�o���� _ _ - .
<br /> . '18. ��rro�eYa F9ts�4 4.� �ieiaaL�4e. �r eono� ��ra eorc� cond3tons, Boirower aAa� Aatib ths r'�g4�! to havo
<br /> �
<br /> � ento�+2 ot thb Eee�fdY Instntment d'a�CCntS�ac�d 8t erty t�rte pr[or to tRO tt�f:et ak(B)B d�ys (ot staCh OtTtSr�rt3d tt3 8�5a�0� � ,
<br /> (aw maY�yecBy im re�stafe�nt)Qefara sale o?th�Property Pursusrtt to any pawtx ot e�conls�sad In lAls S�ur3y lnstpu:ss�►� or i. .
<br /> (p)u�try o! e ju�qment entarcirt�Uda&awrsy tnsuu�s�s+t T110S0 COftd'316!18 al6 t1t11 BIIflOVIaT:(U Daye tmdor aH surr,a wh',eA tRen
<br /> � evoutd te dste undgr 4T"a SecurElY htstiur�snt tnd the Not� a9 8 no Er.Cat�Bt!�sf Qtd �IICUSr�: (b)Cuts9 enY Qe'•Y1+3 Of tny o2Ru
<br /> co�en�n�cr aqreort�r►b: (a)paye a9 s�nses 6zCUrrad in �Sarc�p tn�s Sacc,�r tnstrunen� �c�cdnp, trut not ttm�ad to, �eesonaby
<br /> • ; attomaya'teas:end(d)�such acttcn na Lend�t may roa9onabry reQu9re to asaur�that tlts lfen of tha&�tur2y tn3Wment.t�tdeP� �
<br /> � rt�hts b t1:0 PropaRy artd Borrawefe oDBQatica to pay tht sum9 eiCwyd by tS�Nr&�CUrRy trt$VUSn�tt thiB cCnthu�uaCRtn{�d. IJ{t9n
<br /> te�sffita�i by 6arrov�er�thb SeG�rtty tnsttumsnt�ted tha obti�at�on3 eocured her�Dy fF�sO ta+Ttaln tu!ty►of'.ettMd ds B rta �CtlKaY�On ,
<br /> � � � had aCCU�. Howsvat.t�s r�h1 to ahsffits ShqD na!Bp�N���a!a4CeSB�itt4n und�r R�DA 1�.
<br /> . j 19.�3qe of�d�t�t G�n��of�a� �zrericer. Th� �:flt3 or fl p3rtk71 6ttCtGS! tn t19 t�Ot� (toa¢t1tEr t�Plh 4nh&9CUrlty
<br /> ittltrtdm°t►ty te13y Q9 BOk�OR9 6t m8r9 tYR83 w$ho1#pr6Dr aolECa to flGT�ow2f.A tifll9 m2y+SSUR(n e ChIInga in th8 6nGiy¢:f�flwn Q8 488 � :
<br /> .. -. • `LOSn Servicer') thst co�acia rrtantnry paymenis dua urt�r trie Note and tP+�Seeur�ty ►n�truman� Tham n�o rrtay Isa ana ar rtea:a
<br /> . ' changas ot the Loan Se�vics�unre�ted to a sab o!tt►a NoYS. tt th�a t�a cAang�o!the Lcan�rvicar,Borrowrr��i,7 be g*+�n a-r�'.a�
<br /> ^ . notice o!the char.ge in aeeordartee wtth pareg�ayh 14 aDova end syp�pble t�w. The naUce wi7 steie tha nams and eddrsas o1 the . , .
<br /> � rts�v Loan Servtc�r nnd the add�s to whleh payrtnents shoufd E9 mced�. Ths noUce wi7 aUo eontan any othar tri4omnuan�aqisfred by
<br /> . -. . �,p�"+�te taw.
<br /> ' ' �Q. LiaffiTdOLB SUbII1�ft�t� BorrarM..r shaJ naY��or permR Na�aresertsa. us0. dispas�l,siorega,ar raSOase a!any , .
<br /> �� H�rdous Subsmnces on or 8�tR9 Fray�ty. @o:row�shaH Ra8 do.nor aCaw anyone BS:o W da.anytfiir,g af[�cttrtp the PropeRp that
<br /> ,g Is in viofatIon of eny Emr�onnsental Law. TIi3 p:ac�ad'ng two seateaces sh�ll not appEj to t�a F+��ca. use, ar staraqe an tne . -°
<br /> . ` '� Property of sma[l Q:3nttiie�ot Hamrdous Sutrs�^�that ase fi�e�"i recegntxed to tra oyyrcIInata to no;nc^J msldentFal uses and ro ;._
<br /> rt'.3'JY.EfI8rtC9 Ot L':3 FtOFBRy. r
<br /> �_�.� Bortaxar sR27 R�PUY 9�1e LenQer rRa3t..'n r.c2ice of as�y ct�s'�gatton.ctatm.demEU►d.ta:ru3 or other acttan PsY anl'8marnr.rantal -
<br /> ---.-. —� ¢T r�ta.'o�Y a4�'�Y ar prFiate party hvokin9 Lfta FTraperty and�y Herardous S1iDstattce cr Env1ronmental Law ot aln���mrower ius -:?_•;-
<br /> . ;�i s..""..�:5 tmowfed�ca.. It 6arrower teem9.or is na���by anY Hov�nmanffiI or iogu�tory authorfly.tnat anY mmav8f ar otha►ra�seQiatlai _
<br /> � . ��j ¢5 �.y MazsrrCe-�&ubstartee a�ectinp the Frapaty (s rtecess,vry. Bortoww sh�ll promyity fake tll necesss�Y romodu� ecf�ana in -
<br /> . L ca-�.�ce wHh 8nz�rtm�LS1 l.�:�. -
<br /> `4?: � .' �.,� used h this parngrn�:T ?sI. `Hepardous SuLstan�° � thoss subatanees da:�eat ns taxic or ha�r�dourc a�atr�fsaoes 8Y =-
<br /> - =`•�;t-----�-' .' _
<br /> . . Ec�r.�-..n.�+enial Lsw end the EaG<,.r�g 3ubstances:gasoCna t:�.rena. ott+er fiamrrmbfe or tor3x�sokum produets.to�s��tf:ldes end
<br /> ' � , ta:.�. vole�tife scl�rents,:r.�is�eontaDnng asbosWS ¢r fcr�:Cehyde.t�nd mdioacii�c9 R.,tisSats. As used in thts p�.^a3ra�A 20. -;�
<br /> .. `Ezvtonmontel LL.-a" :*�e�s !�.,�-�1 (tiv� end bws of the juris��Cilon evh�e the Property ts tacatad that retate 4o haa.�.satob or �"�•',
<br /> . �` �^.ti�anmentsl C w��. ;.`'
<br /> � ' !^'• �*��` t'e�A2-l7NIF�`-�'/r��L'RuC:IlT.r. �30ROW6�BTId L6t1dB�fUrtfSBS COYe[t8i1I fifld BQiBE)fl8 lOCded.�. ` _�==`
<br /> �t. Asxa.ers�o�; �'��r���les. L,sad�r sRait �i« nottce to Borro�veT ��'ea t��.eragian fn.towin� �-.,:-
<br /> . v
<br /> � ���+rer'a t��a� o� ra� sovenan8 cr ��,r��rs�eZ F� 4►'�ia �ecucd�,� itr.��r,;rr� k�s:. c�: {:e�as t� ��r`;
<br /> � ' �� ��:eiera3is� cu�+��r para�r�,.i� 17 c��dussrs m�Ucu!i9�a [a� �ravid�s ot��rnci��. 4crrt rn�:� �[�mtL c�Peairy: ._�*�:
<br /> . , !� � � {a� the de'�il.t; �b)the aaL'.�cn req��tr�sf.t�x �ce�e defaut� (�) a date. ��� 9ess�ti�cr:�.^ �s�~-.,�c� the E:--�==
<br /> � �the rro�;cx Is give�t� �¢�sat�t«, li'�;v�Rir:tt�e detau6t nn�nst be �e�� anr� (ctF tis�t t�.[u,�.�+3:i �ure 6.
<br /> tiU� detault an O! bE4�Y� S�t1." �at� rr��cif�d itr. tpte aotice c�eat�{ r�r.[t: i� acceierati�n af� il� �un►s
<br /> �� s�<.wred by thia SECIEYEii� cs�struea�en3 and �i� �f the Propert,�. Trr� e�oUce shall tue4i�nr tniorm C�,,---
<br /> � . • Borrowes of lh�a rl�ht to relnatate af�r accQ:�rrli�dn aad the right te Er�frt� e c�aurt acUon to rasert 4he
<br /> • non-e:ts3ence ot a detault or a�,r dt�[er rtote�ase of Boncvrer to acceYeratton and sale. It ttie detsu141s
<br /> _ � . � ;�: not cused on or ba4ore the date +�acitted !ro tbe noUce. I.ender at ita op3lom m�yr requlre immed�ate —
<br /> payment in fu0 of ell sums se6ur�d by this 5ecu�ity Irtstrument �+rithou3 T�rticer demarsd and m�y
<br /> � V� invake the po�nrer o4 safe and any othet rerne�ees permitted by ap�dicabfe law. Lertdcr ahati 6e
<br /> � s' entitted to collect all oxpenses incur►ed in paarau�nn tt�e remedtes pro�rlde� In thls psra�raph 21.
<br /> tnclud[ng,but rtot Ilmited to,reaaonable attorneys'feta ana� costo 08 titte evld�nce.
<br /> . � � If the p�war ot aate Is Invokad, Trustee shall �eaar� a a�otice o4 delault in each county In whtch
<br /> any part o! tt�e Paoperly Is toaated end at�ali mnil eoples of wch no4lce in the marmer preacribed by
<br /> � a�Plieabte law Lo Bor�teer aad W the othar �toraons pre�ibed by applicable latisr. Aftsr the time
<br /> � � rcaqu�ied by appli�ablQ tmv, Trustee shail �tvo putslic notice ot s�to � the peraons and in fhe manner
<br /> • y�ribed by applicafetca•I�w. Truatee, withaut alemand on 6onoLVQr, d�atl seU the praper�at pubilc
<br /> � ar:�cllon to the htsheat ��d�er at the Ume and place and unaler the �r:nv des�nnated In tSta �otice o!
<br /> � sale In one or more parcals an� On any order T�a�siee detsrmines. Truaise casy �ostpoce �e oT eil1
<br /> �rr any parcel mt ihe �erty by public announeament at the tlnne and ��a• o� a�ey prsriou�hl
<br /> . . c�t-eduled sale. �eneder ctr!is daslgrtee r�ay pu�ohase the Piroperry a3 a.rr�salm. .--
<br /> � � Upan rocet�t o3 �aym�a:� of the price fxt�iF '�rustee ahatl deliver tt: s�e pa�ra:,aaer �c�iraa's deed �__:
<br /> conveyin�the Propz�p. 'E'Cu reetta�a In the T�uuiee'�d�ed aha11 ao f�e�ena tac[e eeldence a��tire trutt� _.
<br /> of thc sSatenoen3a mnde theretro. '�ruaiee s7tatl appt�tDco �roceads oi the aale [� the tolto�w:�,� order: —
<br /> ��
<br /> � (a)to atl coatd and e�enses of eraQ�ts�n� tPce �ower of�ale. and the aale� inctu�in� the psy�aenz o! �_
<br /> � � � tCne Truatez'a teea cc4aaalQy Qnsurred,�03 Uo���:�� 3 96 ot the prineip�l amount ot the note �=y;,:-
<br /> a .�.
<br /> " a�i�'�e tlme ot tJne dectmra�an ot defa�lt,ertr� r�n�anabfe attorrtey'a fec�ss permitted by�Qtc�;(�)t�aQ =-=
<br /> � ��rs seeured b�t t9�fa .�'secustLy G�etrurnzat; msY& (c) eny exEeam trz s1�e peraon or p�r�rsnrc iepuly/ �_:"
<br /> � . � entiUed to i�. �
<br /> . � 22. Recanveyanse. Upon puyrt�enf ni r_'l sums a5cured hy tA1s Seeurxyr InstrumenL�ae��Ma�f retGuest Tru�e to rsCOrrvor �..
<br /> • fhe Froporly and shaA surtender thb Security Mstrumont en0 a0 rtotes e+rfdoncinp d�t securod by this."•�cufity Instrument to Tiustae. @,�
<br /> • Truste0�ha1 reocm+sY tho PropsrtY W�hout warrnnty and wRhaut chargo to the person or peisonn tegnU/ent�ta!to�. �s:�parson or A;:s�=-_
<br /> persona sha�pny eny reeordntbn co:,ta 'kr 4;;,.
<br /> . t�}:��,..
<br /> 4=)fi.':':-.
<br /> � 23.Sub3tl�ut�TrustCe. I.ender,at Rs optton, may ham cino to timu remava Tnistee and appolnt o succssaor truaiao ta .
<br /> eny Tni�tee nppoh2ad hereunder by en h:Wmm! reCOrdod h the County In vrh�h thh Seeur�y Instrumtx�t l� �DCOrdod. Yl3liout
<br /> com�eyane�01 U+o Proparty. sussnssor Ou�tes shas sucaaEd to eB 4ho GTie,power end dutias cantert�d upon Truttee hereln and Dy
<br /> eDAEeabb law.
<br /> '. Z4. Requeat for Nai;eea�. Bonaxar�equ�tc that eaples ot th�noiteas o}do4euU and ssg be sent to Barroumfa ed�es�
<br /> . whieA b tha Pro�erty Addr�s.
<br /> 2S. Rtdera T.e thla�cuPiry In�Z�rumefli t? or.s or rtcoro riders are e�atad Ey Borrawer eJ►d recorded to�.Rm w�Ih .
<br /> this Seeur�y Irtsbumenb�o ca�gnanis end a�eereants o!eah sueh�r sR38 be heorparated►�to snd sha9 amond end 6.rppLmmt
<br /> the cavertanM and��emento ot thts Secur3y Insl�Ument a,N the rlder(s)ware a Qa�t of tAb SsCw�yr tnsficm5n� :
<br /> � i0tC1$9Z�fV�7
<br /> i
<br /> _. . . . . . F74L°�am{�!??3 Ct4��oi 5 _.
<br /> 1
<br /> 0�9
<br /> � -----._..,_____ -...- -°- � --._....—'— —"------`--'—�---r--^�..�..—,._�----,., , .._- --- �-- — -- - . .
<br /> � . _ . ._. . .._.�_.:.
<br />