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;c . ,Fk't�Q}n <br /> - --_--�.�=i ----- - � • ��---- -. -- <br /> � ` <br /> . . ' , � , � ° 1. <br /> - � . -. . . ' ' . �"--'� _' - ' ' �_' _ _' . . ._ .. ' - ._ . , ----'—l-' <br /> °� . . ..q.,6r:.;.:r;.:.. -_ ' . <br /> __ <br /> . -: . -- - . __ � 99� ���s�o : .. <br /> � 7. Pro4�s4t��of t�en�c�y RIgh4�I�t tha F'���ea�t• �t �afro�n�zr tat, to �tarm uia aavssants ansf aqcae�'anta . <br /> � cnntalrtad in tAta S€�eur�►tnsVUS�+L ar thocs b e�ga1 Orae�Qlny U+at maY s��+�'��Lercdds r�rita 6�ths ProF�Y(sash es <br /> ' Q proeawJln� �trankrupiaY.Orabata tar can�+mattcn m�otta3un or to entaiee tawa or regu�ns),then Lsnder m�y do end�my tar . .. <br /> whatslar b necassarY�o Proioet Na va4�o of tt►e Pro�erty end Lendefs rtghts tr► the P�opany. lBndete aeL'ons rtsay Irtc�da B�9 ' V. <br /> any 5�ms sacur�4 by s Cr�n whbh has pfiaf�r over thfs SecurRy tnsbument,eDD�B En cou fl 73y��r do�not haiso to d�s end <br /> � �fer�sp on the R�aperty to make reRatra. A�houpA lertder may take soUoa urtdar�fis pazaBraP , <br /> qny¢mcunts dlsDurs80 by 1.ender e+tder lhis Ruapr�b 7 Sht9 Decome fldd3toaal debt O! Borvower sscurad OY thls SaEUrG�► <br /> ' trtsWRSant Unless Barrowar and tsnder eIIreo to o2har t�ms of paym�+t thvso arrtounts shaU 0� ht�rest trom eh� da4�ot <br /> . ' . GSbut50m9nt Et Lh8 Nofe r8t9 cinC eh3f1 6a PsY��•w8fl a+t�resl.uyan rtstica tron lender to Barromar ieQaastbiy payrr.snL <br /> � 8.M��aBa Inaearan�e. tf tsrtder requlred martgaga Pnsurencs a3 e eond�an ot mak�g tha loan secuted bY����Y : . <br /> Insinunant, Barrowrar shat!OnY ths premhms raq�+�ad ta rtiaht3n tha mor�go hisuraneo in eH�cL 10,for any a�sation.4hs mIIrtysye <br /> , t '• <br /> ` fisut&stca ersvaraSa rcR'�by F...�ad-�E��t3t�.:°s to b8 In eft�et. HaROwar sha�7 Pay tha Ordmkems rsqu�ed to oDtan cavera8e _ _ . <br /> " � SuDslenUary eAukslen!to the m0:t�ga hsuraneo prevlausy h eHect,flt fl COSt subsientiat"�6qutvalenY ta 4i�e eost to�as�owar Q}t�e .�LL�".. <br /> . mortysqe hsarmee prasr�asry h eftect,trom an e3&mat�moitgaqe hsur�r s.DDravsd bY lcnder. ft sYOG'�entTety¢yu�iater.t mnrt�ega •. _.> <br /> � • � � hsurante coveraQe 1s not[vaffnble. 8arrower sAa➢ pay to I.ender each rrtonth a sum equal to ofls*Uu�� of the y3erly mort6tga ...;,� <br /> .. _ (nsuranco D��+m bat�p pald by Bnrro�cer when the insur�cavecale f�Assd ar esasad to 0e h etteet. L�de�wGi eceoPL use and ;,�. <br /> ratak► thase payrtt3nts es e tass e��sve in Iteu of morLgaqe hsurartce. Loss resen.�paymerets msy na tos�ger �e requlBd. at ths '.,:�:.- <br /> epUon o} l.ender. if mar�eIIo �surdr�ce eovaeuIIe (tn tlra etnaurri and far tAe G2tiod M2t Lend�rt3qu6es) D�v`.st� bY an trtsti.�rer _ <br /> . . apProved by Lender eQain �ecames avai4bte end !s ob�ad. Bomfwsr shSFl pay th2 9remLurt�E r�quhed to m°.sti3in ma�7�e ;;-_. '"- <br /> , � ` tr►suranee in �tec� or ts Dravide a l�ss rESave. unia tna requiremsnt fm mortIIe98 �c�ce snds k r�a:¢rdartse w84� eny k� .;�._}�_- <br /> egrea�nent betueeer�Barrovmr aad Lender or e�p�eabia tah. ` ..; <br /> r ..4_ <br /> � 9.tnspe�an. Lertdec Qr�s eSar.t may matca masonabie entr�es upor end ��aotlans ot *he RroDertv. t.r�;Ca s3�a+]�� �;�;_`_-_ <br /> --- --- .°sCt=C:J�I!!Clk.�'°�L�L�i`�R!"�S116r LO tiTi{fl5�10A�$tiC�f18 f8S$Wi8�1�0 C9US0 fCT 1�iD�lISR2CZIOfl. i�i�Z�e:i.rsi_'_ <br /> t --. <br /> 10.Condemnat:��. r�B prc�s of eny award or ctam cor eame�es. dYect or ccnsecluential. h cozrtea�� w�'t� ;,:wm_ <br /> �''� condertu�atSoa ot oth9r taktrg ai�r►Y Q�t af tha Pto�ty.or for eomreyanrs tn�bu of condsrtmatcon,ata h�raby asstgrted�d sha9 4� ��f i��r�-_ <br /> � ...'� i�,'-u:=- <br /> � �. �i. i-�d t0 LertdeG <br /> in the euent ot a ta�f M��g ot 4ha ProFenY• t�a Gm�eds slulf tra aDA�hd to Ma sums sec�sred by this SeourAf/��'� �,��';',;�. <br /> '' ' h vrhiCh the felr C�stt'.2F; ��_,�-- <br /> � - , : .:-' � �:a�ther or not then�S rsry m�tess Datd to BamY�e�: In the svent af a gerti2l.ttf3tp o}the Pro�ertY ��- <br /> � ,� vstue of tha PropertY imc+3s&�i�7Y befote the takhg !� a�Cf to or grc�ater than 1hU nmcurrt o1 tha sums sswre0 bY th]s Socur�y __ <br /> gr ats <br /> tnstrument kRn�edl8tel� be`.�,"=e t&kinp, unless Batro�vsr�:ttl �ertder otht�r�s agv3 N rrr3ircD.tha sums Secttred by thls SeeutBY - <br /> y InsWt►�ent Shall De raducsa 'sy ths amours! o!the praceeda muR1PPe8 bY tNe totlawing heWon: (tij.the toial emount o1 ths aumtt --- <br /> secured h�unedlatetY 6etore the talchg. dMded by N)the fair market v�o ef tRi+Pra�artY immed�tsl�f betore ths takhn.Any trafuico ----- <br /> � ahall be Osid to Bottowar. �n tTA avent ot a partinl ffiking o!the Praperty in wAkh tha L�Y ma�Scet va1�a at ths Praperty�EaAI i=--- <br /> . before the takh8 L�lass th:n the amount of the sums seeured immed�teh bcfom iha tr+kYs�.unless Borrawer and 6eRder othewke _. <br /> `� agrea in wf�hn or uniess�,�cabb Iaw otharvrise prauldes. the proceeds shaU tca ePPGad to tRS s3t� �rcd Dy tAB Secu�Yy F.,-._—. <br /> . �i;,i;�K; tnstrument tvtralher cr nnt the sums ere than dus. _ <br /> �;r.�s�&� [!the l�resy-�ty Is ebandoned by Lanscvrar.or Y,atte�na2f�e by lr..ds�:t�Borcower that the�ondemnor aReis W m�ice an awud 2u - <br /> :jgsj �t setUe a eai�x�+�r demaDe��8orrower tr�ur•:aspond to Lender wfthP�i r,ays after the da+.e the no'cke is��an. Lert�b auth .orfngt <br /> '. , i.�co9ect and eAPN�s ds c�`�on,eRher to resfora8oa¢�!�a�Y o!tha PropeRy ar W 41ha�ums secere4 Frp Nh•�s 4^y <br /> InsYrumenl,wheihEr or not than 6ua =_-- <br /> '',�::�E� <br /> Unies� I�nder and earrower othe+w�e a9ree in wrBha,ar►Y ePPukxi�n ot proca��s to princ(pai sha0 not extartd cr yostPane tGe <br /> � ;`:f�, Gue d�ta o!the monthly WYmenb refertc+�to in para�aPhs 1 art0 2 Q:ciier.W tho umnunt o1 suoh paymenta <br /> 11. Barrower Nat Rzlease�: ��arance By i..ender No3 a Watver. �,aans�n o! cne c�rne rw parm�st or <br /> mod'�catbn af amorti�tion ot the sums seeurod by tAis SecurRy InsGnm�t 6ranfed bY Lender to any sue�essor Tn hterest af Ba�rowar <br /> sha0 not eysrato to refeasa the ltebif,ty of tAe oApinal Barrower or Borrawers successcts b hteres=- Le�d�►$h�rtat bs��ired ta <br /> tommasCO pfoeeedhps aqainst eny s¢eee:sor In hteres!or rafut9 to extend thse tor psyrtfeni ar ot?teiw+e mod�y a�arttution 0!tha <br /> .;:�;�,, sums securad by thls Sacafdfl insbum�r4 OY reason ot anY dsrn�nc9 r�sade by the o�18hv Borrawar or Borravr�a succ�sots in <br /> ' . .,::r,��:"t. . t►terest MY tor�oratice by Lender Fa r,�n:lshp eny riIIht or�!EisaB not be o waMiw o9 ot pm:4de th�exetCiss o!mY�t or <br /> ,,��;.,.., . <br /> '�, , ,:�.,1t,G��'� <br /> ';;�,•:'';:�� � Sueae.a�ors etr� asN�nm Boundt Jotnt and Seve� Ltabqity;Co-a�9ners. �cne co�an�� aaa <br /> '�•t:�. .. �►s� . <br /> �':: �. c . �,��. • e�eetmenb of th� Sec�.uitYi �rs��rto�st shaD bhtl and bert6fit ttta SaC+C�soB and tt�l;ng o! Lsrtdet and Borro-a�u'� SnbleCt to ths <br /> � ••'.i.•`R',iI , yrovsbn�of Para�raDh rt. r�.j.�r�+v�r's c_venants and agreementa�P�a7 tra jaint and sa:araL Any Barrower whn c:���h Srcurty <br /> � '� `;y'`!��'�`�, . Instrurtnr;� t.1 does not �ui� �..^. r!ra:a (a) ts co-sipnirtp ML 9�srHy InsVument oniy to mort�e, �L �d ConvaY that <br /> ._'r..'::!:;;i,� . c-- � to the suma aecc.�d <br /> •:�,�,� 8ano�mf�;in�ecsst b tts9..�penlr unc�r�lsa tecros of tAls Secufdy In.,�u.:�enx(b)is not personaBy abitgated D�% <br /> -- � •.i° � .r ,, that lsnder a.a0 any oiher Bortawer may ay�es to extend. moddf. fcr'�.,.atr w rr.�tu ar►y <br /> by thls Sec�itY Insirt:-.�'s° and (a) e9rees <br /> � accommodaUons w4H r�3Fi.ri to terms of tAb SecufRy Enstn;ment or ete Note wN►out thpt Banoivefs eonsent __ <br /> '��..:",;:.;�_�;'. 13. LAIID rihaf�:3. �f�ne aan securea bv cna securnr msaumem�su�}sct co s �aw�akn aets r..�m�ur�roan cnarpas. _ <br /> ._ r. _,;•�f�ts; — <br /> . 't,'�,� -r and ti�at �e.x is fnaHy tnterpteted�o tRat the (nterest or othar ioan charQes eollactod et to Oe cosbeetnd in ear,-¢�k:n with th�ban <br /> %•"+�`�'��e:L" 0xCe9d G�rG f.��fMed IinRS.th9n:(9)t,rs'I oUCh b8t1 ehataeS 8h8V1 bx rDd�.tC9d by Ne etrtoutlt R£Ca�edl"c'to�9duCe Ylt!Ch�tQB t0 t'itB <br /> . •J•i.., . <br /> : ' `,��>," .* pertnffied IYx end(b)�'Y sums atesC� e:ileeted from i�aaawer v�t:�c oxceeded PermRted NmRs w.v bs rotunded es�c�rower. tafc4�x __ <br /> ta 9ortawer. 11 a <br /> �. may choass to make Ur� r.3fund 0y reduehp the¢"r�r:Vt�'• awed undor the Noie or by malcinp a dYect paymeft �- <br /> .� �( retund�e�uces pnc�fp�:!,�f��s•.�ducUon w�be treeied Fs a Gartial prepayrnent wRhout anY D�Daymen4 charq9 under the(Vota. S_.. <br /> ,,, �:� . ` 74. Notices. R:.y ,-�:t:ce to Ear.s:�rrar Drovided tLr In ttits 3�::.-ity Enstrumant shaY be g!uen by 4eAaeMp R or by maHinp k Dy --- <br /> •:r{,.,, � Addcsrss cr c.:.y = <br /> ,'.�.;i�°�• � tl�at cl�ss maa wlass e���ea:f�fe,r raqul�s use of anoth3r mathorL. 4RO notice sAeY be dreot�d to the PropertY __ <br /> �•� ,�.�,. — <br /> �:�:�;?�;' �; otrier addrsss Baac�var E�tlr.etss L,r nn�f::a to Lsnder. Any Lander shsN be pHen by fsLS CYss ma�t0 t�rt � sd7[�sfra <br /> . 5tat9d A6�in or any GUt�'acli:.rt�59 C�tlyrtate�u;�noUca to BCaower. My naL'ee pmvided 4a�thb Securitl►Instrum[r,t FJ�rai __ <br /> " bo dearrisd to Q�ms tee,��t,rrr.-�to Botrower or Lersdcr rrl►c�g'nree�as Provided In this P9re�reDh• <br /> k.,, � 1S. GmvcrnSc��Is�s�; 'r.►Z'VCf�IG1y. Th}� 'i�ufitY tr�trument LAIIN �o GOVemod bY fed[�al (flw �fld tl`.o itx C? `W s �`i�,?_ <br /> jurtsdietion In whic�fha Propar$►�ta:.c��. tn tha euent thet any a:4�lsion or ctause ot tt�ts Seeard�inttncmer.t cr�a��ote cunil�o <br /> wdh epP�iCabb taw. SuCA Canflct sRa{i nat fltleLt othor prov�tonc a1 Seeutru y '!a�n��e Noio aro adoel�retf te 9 s6v�bie.tic�. ��,�'�'= <br /> ' wd1►oui the cont9cihp�rov!5ion• To 4�[��1r►d the Dravisbna ot this&ecurftN ; ,:;: <br /> 16. �OifO'JJCT'8�pY Ba�"�sha11 bo 6�ane eaniomied eopy of tho Nate ar:d ot l4i�Seeu►RY Ezatnnttant ��,. ,�� <br /> �: <br /> 17. 4re�eater af tla� Propsrty or e Btra�sRclal intsrest tn Borrovfar. �t ea ar env a� � t��R �rov�i or any _. <br /> hteres2 k► E� sotd a�UanL'.Ex�ad (ar if e Dmoflci�l Intoras!in Barrower !s sold or Gensferrad m►O Borratcer R,Kct e naNrat Person) • ,•, <br /> w3hovt Lrtnd�3 p�lor wfit�n eonsont,I.andts tr� fts quire 4n-na4latg payrnent b tull at aY cum�secured by thfs SecutRli <br /> �.. � tnsWment Hawa�.thts option cha0 nni be esce�e�ed by�����°�D T°n b P s d b y t+»d m a t l aw a s of tha date a!tftfs�fi�r <br /> . . tnswment - <br /> . tt Len4er exn�eESes thls oyUon,Lenser shaN gt�e Borrower nfltiee ot acceletstion. Ths notiea sha➢provlde a peROO o!not te� ' <br /> � Yhan� daYn trom ttes daig tRO notico is 6e�rsred or rt�i1Qd wRh3n whfeA the 8a�rouer must pay aU sums sscara9 by RinO b�b <br /> 'I fnsWmix►L p 8o�rowa�tsils t0 Qsy tR�e s�nrts prier to tha e�fr�n af thb pExia9.Lend�may Mtvoke eny n'�medles pxm. <br /> � i SetufAy tns2ru:rsnl vJ�aai lurih^r nattc�ar Q�rtsn9 on Bortoxm. Form�ze elao <br /> 3 Pt:s 9 01 6 ��+ <br />�-. ._..._...._ ... . pt023.Lt:p(*lt�i) " <br /> . i � <br /> . <br /> � . J Ui7 . . .. .. _ _. ._ _ _ <br /> � I .__. _ . - -- -- -- -- --- - - <br />