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C`s'::. �� ",ti:�``� . . - t: _ t�.',-��,5 i <br /> -:--=—s- >.5�� - . . - — .--_�^=_'�e��-.._ <br /> t,l '�. . . t� .. . - - . , <br /> : . ,;��'„<.: . ` . - _ . - •... , . .. . ..i�` , . . " . , . :'^is, - .i _- <br /> � _ �, . ___, �. <br /> �'�t� � — � � <br /> '- ---._� . —.. <br /> f �. �� �r pro�y B��rACese. Borma•er shall kcep the �mprovemems mm cnYniii�b .�f �^:�fier �t�± �n ihe �,-. <br /> • . � Fcoperty insured agai�st luss by firr,hazards tacluded �•ithin th�te�m "ext�nded cover.�t" Znd anl'other harsrd>, including _ <br /> floods or tloodin�,far�vhich Lettder requires insurance.'ft►is insurance�hall ise maentained in the amount�and for the periads <br /> . :s that Lender requires• The �n�ura�►ce a*rier providing the inwrance�hal� be chosen by Bojro�;•er subject to Lender's approval <br /> '. ' .� z. which shall rtot b�uamasanably ��iihheld. if Borroti�er fails to rnzintuin�n�erage descrihsd ahove. Lender may, at Lcnder's <br /> "` �. � option.ubtain cave�age ta pmtect Lender's ri�hts in the Praperty in accordant�e with paragraph 7. <br /> ' 6lll 'ensuranee pvlicies and ren2wals shall be�oceptable ta Lendcr�nd shall irtclude a standard mortgage cl:wse• Lcnder <br /> • • . � shall ha�•e the cight to dold the poticiQS and renew;ils.If I.,ender requircti.Sorro�ser shall prompily give to Lender all reteipts of -- <br /> � =� paid premiucns a�d rettewal rtoiices.!n the eveat of loss.Borro�ver shall gi�•e prompi notice to the imur�nce carrier and�Rd�• � — <br /> � ,i �, �d�r�y�e praaf of loss if Rot made promptly by Borrouzr. ����e 1�ed w resto:ation or repair of the � -- <br /> ' � �}=_��f Unless Lender and @nrrouer athenvis�agree ia�vriting.insumnce proce�, • �F - <br /> '��� pmpeiqy dama�ed,if the restotation or repair is economically feasible a,-��lettder's sect�riry is not lesse�.If the r�storation or O �- <br />-_ "- ;��, repair is aot economically feasible ot Leader s security�vo��d be�essen�d•��II��pT°���be applied to the swns <br /> � �ecur�by thiS Se�srity Instrument.�Lhether or not thea dtte. with any excess paid to Snrrower. lf�orrower ubandons tha � � <br /> propert'�+,or does not answer whhin 30 days a notice from L+ender that the i�suranoe c�er has offered eo settl=`�claim• � <br /> � I.endet may collect the insurance pracaads• I.eader may use the proceeds to rtPair ornresthen th�e �ce iS g�'ven. A y � <br /> =,:��;,' secured by this�ecurity Instrn�m.°n3.whether or reoi then due.The 30-day period u�ll begi <br /> �'= Unless I�ender and Borrower cthenvise agree in writin�. �ny a�Plication of pioceeds co principal shalf Rot e�ctend ar <br /> .,��� Postpone the due date of ths monthlY Pa3+mems referred ro in paragraphs l und 2 ot c6ange the amount of the paymams. [f <br />`'r:.. :< under patagtaph 21 the Property is zoq�uired bY Y.ender.Barra�ver's right to a�ry i��nrance policies and prooeads tzsulting 4'rnm <br />--`'�"" damage to the PrapertY Prior m the Ecquisition speall pass to Lender to the exteni of t!►e sams secured by this Security Insuument <br />�°:,-�;r. <br />-=f:�';,;�. immadintely prior to the acquisition. catton.II ca.who(ds. <br /> -:x�-�--�-i 6.OccuP�cY•Preservat�oa,MainteIIaaoe aast Protectfou of the P�+oparty:Borrma�'s Loan AP1� <br /> Sorrotver shatt�uu�y+.�.,-s�tish.a�l n�ti�r?r��-�e�tY a�Eomae:u's princi�al residence arithin siary days after the exeoutian of <br />-,-,��,,°f• I�n�tct and shall caniinue to acr..etpy ttte Praperry as�oirower s principal r�.sidense for tn ieast oae ycar after = <br />.,.�:..'�:,� t6is S+e�rity t! <br /> r;�s�.` the date of accupanc�+.unles.s Lender oiherwise a�s in writing.which aon��c,�a shslS nat te unreasm�ably witMeld.or anless <br />--.;,4` .-��. damage or i r the <br /> -.:;�,�„-�'�s extenuating cimumstances e�ri..�t which are beyoad Bomoiver s oontrol. Eormwer Gliall not d�troy. � <br /> - p�.���,��fl�v m� prog¢�y m�enorate•or oommit waste on the PraPenY•Hvrrrs�'�shall be in default if azry forfeiwre <br />--::y::�, � aoald resilt in forfeiture of the <br /> _..-�.-�,� action or pro�i�g.�vh��c�vil or begun thai in Lender s�ood faith jc�i�:nem mteresc.Barrower may <br /> -��.:�;.�� Progetey ur othECVi[���Y�mA�r the tien created by this Seauity It��tument or Lender's security. <br /> -��;�� cure sucb a Qefa�It and rein...�te,as pmvided in garagraph causnng 1�e action or proceeding to he dismissad�t�exi:� <br />�- �.';g"� tt�. in Lender's good faith�i2tminatian,precludes fosfeilure of the Barmwer's i�erest in ths Praperty <br /> _-��- �nt of t�.e lien created by this Sec�rity InsUrumem or Lencler's security interess. Borrower shall also be i8 d;.f:a�it if <br /> --__ _ --� g�rc:er,duriar tfrc loan applicatinn pmc.�.Sa�+e materially false or inxccutate infonnation or statements w Let�r(or faite3 <br /> -�T-� to provide Lernde�with any mazerial inform�tion)in conn�eciion with ciae loan evidenced by the Nate,inetuding,��nt��s�on a . <br /> .:.'Fy-,"�`:-:� to.s:.uresentations wacemin,B�nower's acespancy of the PropertY as a Principal residence.If this Security <br /> — 1�'nld, Borrower sha11 cam�ly �vid► a11 the provisions of the lease. If Bosrower acquires fee title to the Property. the <br /> -°"� l�-t91d and the fee title stz11 rn�:��rge unless L�rcder agreas to the uierger in�vridn�. <br /> 7.Protea�iaa o4 Ixn�Yers L��1s in the Praperty.If Borrower fails to perform thP rsa`•-.nants and a8reemen�°0n��in <br /> this S�urity Insmimzr►t.or thsre is a legal praceeding that may significantly affed Le�der's rigtt�i�the Property(s��a <br /> m <br /> �proceedinn in banlwpuY.preh�e,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce taws or�egnlariow�. �3�en Lendel maY�0� <br />_.._.....rr--_ pz� gor�vhatever is neces��Y fn prated th�value of the P�opert)+and Lender's rights in th�Prap�rty. Lender's a�4ions may <br /> inc?�'� paying any sums smm'�l 6y a lien wbich has priority ovet this Security lnswment• aPPeazin� an�°w8. paying <br /> rpsanzble aitom2ys'fees and�'eris��on the Properry to make repairs.AlthovSh Lender may ta1�e action under this paragraPh <br /> 7.l.ender does not have to do so. <br /> My surtounts disbutsed yy i.ender iu�er this paraSraPh 7 shaU become addidonal debt of Borrower sacured by this <br /> ��.i.;y Instrumcn�Uniess Il+snx�ver anA Lender agee to other temu of paymen�these amounts shall bear interat Prom tha <br /> dn:�:`disturfement at th�Nr,1e Fate and sha11 be PaYzble• with interest, upon noti� hom Lender to Borrower requestin8 <br /> �Ay��,.t. <br /> 8.blarc;v�;ge�.�suraac�S s Lender ee.;,:ired martgage insuranoa as a condition cg snaking the loan se.cured by this SEat ty <br /> In,tNm��. gnrnti�esr shall pay the premiums ceqnired to maintain the mortgage insurar.ce in effect. If. for at►y reason, the <br /> �D�`=.��L��ra��,�c,over�s required by Letsder lapses or ceases to be in effed.Boirower shall pay the pteminms re�ired co <br /> - ob+;—''�cev�n.�a sc5stantisllg e�aivalent to the mortgage iQSUTUnnce previovsly in effeci.a!a cost subst�uttially equivattnt to the <br /> - - cost to Bonawr�..f the m�n�age insurance previously in.eftect,from an altemate mortgage insuter approved by Lender. If <br /> subsiantially���'�ent mortgage insurareoe coverage is c:ot available.Sorrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal eo <br /> = one-twelfth of ttie yearly rnortgage insuranr.s:rremium being paid bY BorroWer when the insurancc nnsirag���s��k4 <br /> be in effect.Let►der will ar.c�i,use and re�:iin these payr_menu as a toss reserve in lieu of mort�.:;� ���3028 9t9� <br /> Vap>3 01 B <br /> - _ - -- =s.m -- — <br /> --�-��-�:.?!re'_" -- - - <br /> ����k <br /> ._. ��_.".._......, ,�.�„�.r•�TF'_.�7�=� �a• _- _--- - <br /> . <br /> '- ' <br /> .•. ' . . } <br /> - - �� 1`y'�1 . � . . � , . �. _ } . �i�1:�-�w}L <br /> -- - — • � . - - h? !�~s ir�'e4 ' ` ------ <br /> . �yy�y� '_T$T_ S 'Y'�. �_ <br /> .K �i*H'7 My,�,�t,- . . . � 1� ,.st.Illf.µ.•.'i(•.. ' _ ..�Y�.�`.�a'G ' •� t� . �Y_,_w _ <br /> � �� � • . . _� ..� ._. - .T-fiX,�SPti" .�Ig4''.�'�R7� �� V'� rr�.� � --i__-- <br /> � ig �-�r _ <br /> 'i:.u�'�-��� �s'`�i �' <br /> r �3..r . . �.rnr� �.. - <br /> � . r'{�'i- � • '.. ����N�^� t4'�tY.rh �- �`w.�;-r y r Ai���-r.�.. .y7EU.r��a �_e.. o.ii7 <br /> -c�n . 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