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�._ -� . .. _,-� . <br /> -- _ _. _ __ ----_'`- .-. --,—_=� _�-- _ . � .._, � <br /> . `•_ . , . � . . ' `:��.i•, <br /> .. - `,. -�'. '� ' . , � . .,i-:-�: `' ���`„`- — <br /> -.�... <br /> , .� - `_°'�qm 1���.1 - <br /> � _r' TOGE7'I{ER WIT�i ail thQ impmvemanu ao�v ar herea�er erated on the prapgrtY.ensi all easemenu.appurtenances.and <br /> . `'..1 fixturs aavs+ or hemafter s part of the pmgertv. All rtpl�c��znts aad additians shall also bt wvered by this S�urity <br />� ' �'�� Insttum�nt.All of the foteaoin�is rnfemad to in this Secwiry Instnunent as the"Properey" <br /> ' '��� B�RR01�/ER COVEPIANTS that�orrotver is lawfulty seisad of thQ estate hereby conveyeai und h�.s the ri�ht to grant artd <br /> •�;r � convey thE Property and ti�s che ProPertY is uner.sumbrnad.exoept for en�rnhraaces of record. Borrovrer�varra+nts and will <br /> `� t;�' defend�enerally chz titte ta the Pmperty u;ainst ull claims uttd dem�nds.subjec�t to azry eacumbrances of record. <br /> � T�IIS SECURI'fY II�SST[iUMENT combines unifarm covenants for nutional use and non-uniform covenants�vith limitod <br /> variations by ju�isdiction to oortstitute a uniform secvrity iasuucn�nt coverin�real pmperty. , <br /> `" UNiFpRM C(DVEAIAIU'f5.Sarrotver and II.erder cavenant and a�as follows: <br /> _�`..._° fl. �yineat cw?�fga) and (r14cPesi; Ft��aynt2n4 uad Lnte Chas��s. Borrawer shaA promptly pay when due the . <br /> _-�.� p�inc€pat of and interest an the d�tst evidzns�ad by the Nate arzd any pre�aYmena and late char�es d�e°nder the 1�Iotr. <br /> >''-'�' �. F�nt1s for Taxes aad ins�uaaoe. Subject to applipble la�v or to a written aaiver by I.ender. Borrower shall pay to <br />- `'� Leadez on the day azflnthly payin�ts are due uadgr the Note,until the Note is paid in full.a sum("Fuads")for.(a)yearly taaes <br /> -�_�'`' ssnd assessments which may anain priority over this Securi4y Instruiaent as a lien on the PropESy:{b)yea�iy tea�ehold paymems <br /> nd <br /> or gro�cents en the Prop�rty.if any:(c)Year1Y ha7ard or pmperty inswance ptemiums:(d)Ye�r1Y tloa+d insurar�se premiums, <br />`T'�`;._� if any: (e)Year1Y m�rt�e insurance pretniums,if any:and(�anY Sums PaYable by�atrower to a000rdaaoe with <br /> �=°1� the provisions of pa:agtaph lieu oF the payatent of mortgage insurante piemiums-The�e items are c�11���0�'�'� <br /> _#,�,� Le�:der may. at any time. coll�ci aad hold Funds in an amount aut to exoeed che maximum affinunt a lender for a fedecally <br />'�= telated mortgage toan may require for Sorrower's escrow aocount under the fed$ial Real Fststs Sdtlemeaz Pracedures Act af <br /> ������� <br /> 1974 as am�nded fram time W tiwne. 12 U.S.C.SQCtion 26a1 et seq. ("RESPA").unless aBather la�+th�u aPpli�s to the F�ands <br />-'��x� sets a Iesser amount.If�o. Leader may. at any tim�. �llect and hald�wais in an amount�ut to exoeed ths Lesser amoun� <br /> -=__.�r� �er raay estimaie ths amnunt of Funds due an ths basis of curnnt data aud►rasonable esti�ates of eapeaditures of future <br /> __�:�;� Escr�w IieL•�or att��v'ss:.m�onlaaCe�:�ith applicahle law. <br /> ���'�� �lae Funds shall be Celd in an insrittttion whose deposits are insu� by a federal atTaJ�V. arr�.,-�uat�2iry. ur�, <br />__=�= t acludiug Lend:r.if Lender is such an institution)or in mry Fede:al�Iame i.aa�Bank.I�eadEr�a:l apply the Funds w pay the <br /> y��� Fscrow Items.I.endes m:y nflt charge Borrower for holding and apptying the Fu-�.:.annua]Iy aaaSyzing the escrow acaoum,ar <br /> -= verifyin�the Escrow Itea�s.unless Le�der pays Borrower interest on the Fands��plicable taw pemrits I��er ta malce such <br /> - - a charge.Hawever.Lender a�aY recluine Bo�xower w pay a one-tims ctsarge for an indepertdent Eeal estate ca�r.+�ortins servioe <br />�� ustd by L,e�der in wnn�tion with this ban. tudess applicable law provides otherxise. Uais�s an a��►t is � or <br /> _-- <br />