. • �
<br /> ��� ' . : .
<br /> , . .
<br /> • � �..�.-._ F_ =:(4...5._'_.1`__"__.__. _. - . .. "f ' '_ '_'`.� -._.. ._.."_ a . ' __ _ ' -'_-_"- _' ` .. y_ LYt .
<br /> �-y
<br /> � �t-g0-t8�e �E{ED O�TF�UST Paga s - �. .
<br />. -.- - --—.- 1 n�ar tdas 9�4 ��� �(���� IC.O113i1t11E�� � — _
<br /> �
<br /> � , t (b) Cammanc�an ac'�fan ta faecl�o ths QasO a4 Tnast e9 a mortg�gs,flgpotnt ci re�tv„r cr Sp6ciAca,"Y er.farce tsny ot the covanants � � �
<br /> , , iQsere9fl fln0
<br /> � (e) QeUvgr to Trw^tee a wrttien dedar�COn of daffi�dt end demand tar gala�nd a vrdlten noL�e ot detautt and aection to causo Trustofs
<br /> . � inter�t(n th9 Prap9rty t0 C9 BoIB.rfh'ch notics Ttust�sAe:l c8u59 to�9 du►y bt8d tcr record in tha etpproprtate offtcas of the Counly in
<br /> which lha Propetty Is tccated;and
<br /> • ' (d) Ydith r5spect to ai or e�y parl o?tAe PBrsOn91 PrCp�ty,Londrr sh3:l ha��aU tAs�fghis and rerrtoC:OS o}o��ttrzd D3AY tht�er tRa ,
<br /> 7 H8br83k8 Uniiamt COmm0rGf31 CGd9.
<br /> ' � � Fafed!SSnrO by�ut�ter o!Ss:e. tllendcr e:2ets to far�cics9 by wcercis�ot the Power of S�I�h3rein coniainad.Lendsr shatl notlty Trustss entl
<br /> . .._�. i �d9p�R Yriih Tnisi&s tbis Oecd a9 Trusf snd th0 tVot3 and such reoeipts and eNdgrtra af expenditutes mede and sscttred by Mfs Ocad of
<br /> . Tnist as Tnisteo msy tequ:re.
<br /> . � � 1 (a) Upon rece'pf of such r.o4ica from Leader,Tnistea sha[I causo to he reeord.sd.Pubiishsd and de:nrfsred to Trus!or such Kottce o!Datautt
<br /> � and Notia af Sa:e as 4hsn csqu:rod by law and by ihis Csed o!Trw� Trustee shail,vriihout dsmand an Tnator,aftet suah time as may �
<br /> ; ttt�n be requtred by taw artd alks racotdallon at such No�e of Qetault and after Nattce o1 Sala havfng been given as requ'.red by tavi,sell
<br /> tt_ . '•;:'=
<br /> � ' tP►e Propmly&1 the tims aa�p'aco of sato itted by�in such No�oa ot Sale,eitRer as a who'a,or in separate lois ar parce�or itams as -'
<br /> I Trustea sha[i deem e�E�snl ansl tn sach order as it may daiermirto,at pub�c a�ction to tha h�hast bidder for cash in Iavdul mortay af ��`���':'
<br /> � � � the UnRed St3tes payabb at tl�tit�9 of sa:a. Tnistee Shall deavar to su�h ptuch�ser ot purChsssrs lhereof ifs good end sufftdent dead or �::-'.==
<br /> ••�s.=
<br /> � dae�conveytrtp Ihg properly so sc:d,but vrithaut arry covsnant or+aarrer�f►.�D�ar impl'.ad. Tha recitals in such deed of any matters __,:-
<br /> or facis sh�7 be eortdusfve pront ot the truthfuirtsss th�eof. My(s2rson.inc[udng without limitation Tnistor.Trustes,ar Lender,may =--
<br /> := purch�sse at sucA sato. ��
<br /> - (b) As may Da p2rmitted by Ww.eR�doducUng el!c�ts.fees end e�e�es ot Tnutse end of this Trust,Irtdud)ng costs ot evldence of �_
<br /> '� tif:a[n connec5on rrith sa'e.Tnu4�shall eppSy the proceeQs o}�!a ta paymartt of p)aU sums e�ended under fhe tenns oi ihts Qsed of �,_�.
<br /> Tntst or under tR�t�rms af t,1a tVo'a not i�an repsid,ie�clu�ing but not Iimitsd to accr�ed intetest and late charaes, (1)aU other sums fhen
<br /> � 1 sssiued hereby,and (71h9 rem�Jndsr,it any.tc the person or persons legaliy enti'G�thereto. s:�i+
<br /> ur,,:r.r_
<br /> (a)Tmstee may fn Us�ma.zr4r�rati:dss3 by lau aas�scr.s saSe af eii or any poAion o7 tt�a Frogsrly. K,�:�::_
<br /> Y;s� .
<br /> K��'.�_
<br /> ��r`•�,��� 6t:�l�ai O[clu�v3. Tns"�a-3 Lcr.r+..�r,artd esch af item,shall�a er�iiUad to sr.'.�Fay:n�re�;•d:ertorrs��a��azy ir.deIIh:r.�-�s ,•,=:
<br /> -;tra��� �Glt=�-�SeCtuBd by th3 Oc:ed."T-+ts:C'd to�etC�a&11 t�tt.3 El�r.t:rets u.nsi?r"_'�023d cb Tr�i:._ttder the 1�:p.�--tGsr E;r�'tha 5�..
<br /> _..__ ._.,._��.:,� ��t+.,m.3ns,cr�zTa 2.-zy c�-��,�:.erd cr an�4�rn r.atv n'�a•c�s..=a tn`.�rr�^n"��1h�ua&r.g,Sasng cr�!'✓s��fad����� �:�.'-._f.
<br /> ct^.d co��k�x sac�_3�irf`;s Dee�cf..-.st may now��eaRer�a�:h��•sa s��-a:.��hether by mortgaga.Q2ex a�'rs'.,t-�"-�-`�'� , >,:;�_
<br />- �.. '' } r�:gr..:�;.�r c:.'��a,. ",uei:*arihe axepffince at th����of Ta:st aar��-`w-s-r_�+;re:har by covrt actton ot�:.�::s-::;L`a G=t�'�:t I�.�'s�f�=
<br /> � sa��.:`�r;,��._:ra7t9rs� in this Daad of Tr�st.a�.u:� „rejudca a�s,a�+-^--�E`�Trustee's or lenders rt�:•`:c�rea`� r�' .
<br /> io"u+`x'r• o
<br /> ' 6 e;,����oi�:s�:rt'.�;nry+r ar hareafier heid by Tr�tee or Lenrf�,tS�:.. �. �;ustes and Lender.and e::�at tyar,s1¢1,Ca sY;
<br /> ' .,��.. 'f,.....� 'P;�.�,::
<br /> �L " ent:�is a'�t��:`��1�=at Y.vst ar.0 s.�y ofher sectuih��ow cr h:r,�iPu��:�by�r'��ar Tntstes in suoh ordet a^.d msnrter as„thsY aT �-';r;.
<br /> ` 6i1�2r of C�a°fray t,t1�r•ahr:•,.".� �--=cn ds��temsi.e. '�0 2medy can;atrefl u�w.�':�2rve�to 1�`�ee ot le-�,is int�rtded to be ,�_: .
<br /> exdusiva af arry oL'�'r�-�sac?..--:'s'333�:Trust as����.•x ptavtGed or p.rmrited.�:.r.aa�i s.�.''�a c�-;*:;;zt'��e s^.�s?�:7 tia in ad�iHon to �.,___.
<br /> � eva�y other remedy gio�..j-'ih�'7��of�-�t or rtow or h�_after e:dsUng at Iaw ot in e�,�.:y n*tp�tuta. �.'erY pcn�ar•ram3dy glven by tAe
<br /> '. Note ar 8ny at th9 R8'���Dacua'.=��:�Tntstes ot Lsnder or to wh!ch efther of ttr~� m3y Le c':.`:�ttv�e en5'Q�1. m3y be 8x9rGGad, E,"
<br /> -f cortcurten�yt ot InEependantly,from t:ra L'�tlme and as oftsn as rttoy be deemed expedlent by TruSes or LendEr,and e�th8t of tASm may "_
<br /> ; r. pursue irsconsistent remsd'.ss. Notttin8 tn this Oaed ot Tntst shBll be canstrued as pnhibitlng Lender irom seek(rva a deftdency lud9ment
<br /> aQafnst th9 Trtutor to the extent 5uch&CL'on is pertn(tted by law.
<br /> ' � Rtqu�t For HaIl�. Trustor,on beheft of Trustar and Lender,Roreby requests that a upy ot any No4ce af Oatauit artd a eopy ot any Naitce
<br /> ' p af Sale undsr tha Oeed ot Trust bo matlad to tham at lhe addre;,;aa set torth in the Prsi paraQraDh of tha QEed ot Tr�t. E� -""
<br /> ' � N/dvar,Qeelton o!RemeGlsa. A waivar by any pacly ot e breacA af e provi5ion a?thls�eea of Trust sha0 rto!eonstituta a walver af ar
<br /> ° �. preJudioO tho partys ryhts oihan�tsa to demand strtct eomplt�rrco wtth that prowsion ar any ather proY�ion. Etectton Dy LenOar t0 Oa�s���Y
<br /> � cemedy proWdod In ttU9 Qeed o!Tnis1.the Nots.ln any Relate0 Dccumant,a pravlded by taw at�afl nW exctud�pursuit af eny otGer nm�dy,
<br /> and an elactton to make a�en�!ures or to take aet:on to Rer[arm an obUqaUOn of Trustor under th:s Qeed ot Yrust arar I�ituro o!Trusta to
<br /> � Rertorm shail not ettect Lenders ApM to Gectara a 6efaNt and W acsr�5e any af tis ram�d;e�.
<br /> Attameys'Fee�E�enaes. �!lee0sr irtstitutss any auil or aettan to entorce arry o!tRe tarms ot th:s Oeed ot Trus1,Lertder shalt Cs ent�sed to
<br /> recaver sueh sum as the CouR m3y adJudaa ren3onab:e as attGrrtoys'faes pt trlat artd on any epptlaL WR31her nr nal0ny eourt eetlon b
<br /> .' ' '. Invatved,a7 re�lsonablo e�en�InCUrreO by LenQer whtch in Lurtdofa opinlon are rtecessgry Qt any UrrtO far tt�e proteeL'oa o?(ts Interest a tTW
<br /> . entorcartsent of ils dghis sh211 becom�a a part o!tho Indebtedne:a pn�lchca on demand and she9 bear Interest at lhe Note rate tram the dtM d
<br /> ' expand:iure ufil repffid. E�ar�s�coc3red by thls paragrapA tnciudo,wfthout itm:tat2on,hat�evar subJect to any Iim:b undor eypl'eabS�kw,
<br /> ' LenEers et'.ameys'te�wh�or Ro1 tngre is e tawsuit,Includirtg ottameyt5 faes tor�ankruptey procoedirtg5(tnGuGing ettoRs to m�38y or
<br /> ` vdCgte 8np ciutoma':c stsy or in�unc_a�}.apPeats and any antiaipated pas�-1uQgmeni ealleeUon servlcas. th� cost o1 searcAtrty rer.or�,
<br /> � ,, .. obtstntag 6�reyarg(irs�uding IoraGasura report5),sunreyars'ceparb.a�praLSal fees.tiL'a Insurertce.and toes for th�Trustea.to the e�mmt _
<br />`�"�'�� � perm3fta0 bY�S::�tis�:�a.TtuStOr Et>o w[II psy stry Coutt C�t9�in add tton to a7 a'.h�s��rw pravlded by Iaw. _
<br /> •{.:�� �'�.
<br /> . ' q1�t29 GQ 3��.'e'�.r s�tt48 Sha.�h3ve ell Ot the righb ertd dutlD3 0}Lunffet t1s::81 f¢f.,*i�•!33 sscUon.
<br /> ;�,"� POWERS 6��1HLfGA4S�t9 OF TRW^TEE. The foCOwinp provt:ono�ela:�nfl ta tt;a R�a:�s c.ad atr"ga�ans of Trustae are part af tns�cC W
<br /> .. Ttust =-
<br /> �,�
<br /> �"� Powars af Tru�tse. 6�E��9an to e�pawe�s o!Trw�^".se arEY!np a�e matter ot lsw.7:�,�shsU hsve ths power to�tho toltowtng a J�:� -
<br /> ' ,. .+� w(!h respeet to the Prv-�arly upon Uta v�tfen reques4 of lendor artd Trustor. (a)Jo�n t:�W-�paring and f'ing a map or v�:N ihe Real Propsrty. -__
<br /> Inclu�'rsg the dodtcaUOn a!s7oohor c_�.�dghb to ihe publia;(b)jCin in grantlrtg eny eose:n9nt or creaUnp arry rt�trfctlon on the Real Property;
<br /> - �• -• r and (c)Join(n any subordlna�an or c'�'�r�reement efteetinp ihi�Daed of Tn�st a the l,�tarest of Len��r under tfib Deed o f Tr u s t.
<br /> ' •.dy;`, �
<br /> Tnt�lr.Trustee sha0 rrieet ffil qa1�:�ullra�required tot tn�teo aader app.icabs Saw. In a�fGilan tv t;so�tghb and remad!es set tortsti�:cve,
<br /> • � wlth rospeCl to al ar a�r parl o!IIr��'✓,�thi,tho Tcw�?9e shaU hav.v tAe dght to toroe'�'.a t�l noi'eo and sale,and Lertder sht10 havo the dght to
<br /> •i� faroctase by jud'.c+J te w:s.ve.in ei.hor case in aocordanen lvilh urtd to tho fuS1 e�h°2 r,r:::�_ed by appi;cabl3 law. __
<br /> � r guee�aaor Tnu�oe. I.r•r�9er.atlen4�rs apUOn,mny from timn to tlrr.e appoln4 a s�x�::�r•T�ustes to any Tru..noe eppo:nt�d hereun�lor by an
<br /> �? ir�trumsM execu!ed and aeknaws�god by Lender and recorCod in the a`.°ce o1 th�rocnr6�ot F9ALL Coun;y.Nabra3(re. Tha instrumesrl SPu:II
<br /> :, oonffiin,in add�0on to all olhQr m�t!=rs required by stat9 Iaw,tho nan:�af ih�o�i�rt�l Londet,f��t'�a,and Trusto�,th�boC�c and pu�9(or
<br /> . z=
<br /> �
<br /> �:
<br /> . �,.,
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