i , � . ', .
<br /> � � —�----- - _.c. .-- -_. ... - � .. . .. . � . - --..
<br /> . . Ot���-9889 D@ED 0�YR9�ST Pag'=8
<br /> . � e�a�r�a;a2� c���u8�� �9m 1�1��99 �', �_
<br /> ... --�, ` � -- � }—
<br /> FItpTKE�pSSBt�p�i6Fg;pTipAHElf.d1�D-FACY. The PollaNrtg provfs!om re'a�ng to lurthsr assutances artd aitomay�-In-tact aro t�par►o?ths
<br /> 1 Oead at Tnis4.
<br /> . I
<br /> yFuriher Asautante�. A!any dm9.and hom Sme to urrte,u�on request ot Lend�r,Trustor 1d9 mako.e�cacu4o and daiver,or wi0 ca�e to be •
<br /> � made,executed ar de:lvered,to Lentler nr to Lander's des'.gnaa,and v�hen requssted by Lender,cause to be fi:a0,rssorde�.refi•ed,or y �
<br /> ; cerecorded.as tha casa may Ca,s!sucA 6ntes end In sttch ofP:�and piar�s as lender may d�em approprtate,any and ts11 sucP�mortgegas,
<br /> � d��o}�,��r;(y d�;ds,s�cur[ty agreemenLs,flnsrtdng statemards,continuaUon sTatamenis,tnstruments ot tu�ttLr a�surance,certif.catas,
<br /> • and othar dowrrter�^s es maY,in tha so'a opfinion of Lendst.tra rta�sery or Qes'.rab:e 1n ordar to eft�Clua�,c9my!eia,p2rf2ct.torrttnus,or - •
<br /> � • pr�+.rve (a)the obCgutio�at Ttustor unQzt tha Note,4tu`s Qeed af Tnist,and iRa R:atad Docurts�nts,and (b)ihs Cens and secutfty tnterests `
<br /> , � -- ta�ivaaid bag�d o�fkda��x-�'sh�asY by Lendsr�n6wrfting,Tais2or shs��'mbetusa lendcr far ell tca,ts 8nd e�ertSes tn urredrtn r.onn3Ctloni+riih the
<br /> , • msttats re'amd to tn Ctis pr.�ugraDh. �
<br /> ditap[tey..tr�.Fat4. :F Trustar f�s to do any of ttr�U�!rt�s re`.2sred to in t?:o 02�c�c.+�ParaBr&Ah,Lender msy do so for and in tha narrte af �
<br /> Tiu.�!m and at Trtu'afs�pan;e. Far such pwP�s,TrustCr h`r-.Dy laevoc2b.y�,:.a��s Lend:x as Trusto�s attom9}-rn-fad far t4�.a P�P� •.
<br /> � af�c'�sg,executirtg,de9vsr�r�7.�`r4?,recordfr.g, ar.d do::tg F17 ct�th?r.�aS may ba rt�ary ar Qssiraba.in Lertde�s scA cr�:�on.� �,;
<br /> . . . eL�nng`.�h the m8ttets tetEtred tn t�L'�3 pteCedirt9 9�fi�Pfi• `��`: .
<br /> FL�i.L F�r"O�iY1AHCE tt Trustor pays a7 th91nd2b:.��EvhF�dua,and otRaJV+'se pQrforms e1l th3 e�'�a8o�u tmgas3d ugan Trus:ar�zCar`I'.� , :��.:
<br /> Oeed af Trust. Lertder sr.ail execute and defiver to'fr�e a requsst for tull reconveyance and sha7 executs and �:.�aer ta Tr�i^r suli9Ci� , :;'.<
<br /> statements af temina�cn ef any financing slateman2�n t�a evtdendng I.ende�s sr�.�::y ir�erest in tha Rents an0 43�a Ee.senE!Frop8rlY• �'J ;-:
<br />_ . � teconvayancE fes reQuired Dy law sh89 be patd by Tttt�La,i�prrmiited bY�PAC�s��v. -',''
<br /> QEFpII.T. Each pf the toliatvfng.8t the op�an ot Lendsr,st�1l constitL.3 sn eva�t et�a`s:f•t("Ev2nt of Defauli'�undar ths Desd of Trust � ;.�
<br /> Qefault on lnQe�te�es9.Fail�ue of Trustar to make any paymant v:�an due an t.`:3!�cdebtsdness. ?=
<br /> � Qatault on Othe7�r:�ent9. FaDUre o!Trustor vrsL�in the ttme��.;..'�ed by th5���t Tnist to make any pa}Imen!for�or irtsuance,ar �,3;
<br /> . s c ry oth e r pa y me:tt e�a ry to prevant filing o}or to effect d'ucharBa ot arry Ca-. ��:::
<br /> � Ca�ifartr.e OClauit Fafifuro af Trustor to comply wfth any otha t�m.cb�gafi�*s,ccvenant or condifion con�ina�in thls Q�cr Tsust.tRe -r�s'
<br /> '��fJ;.. � �,Syr�r in any of the Retated Oatsr.+;�'s.
<br /> ,,.`k, _ �.l�.:h.
<br /> C-�e Siatemt,�f3a. MY wartartrt�,��sarda4on er statement rr�.�a ar furntshed te Lendar t:cr a-3ahaJf a!Tcustor undar t�s.:�at Trusi, �;,�
<br /> �•--
<br /> � ....... . tt�:UOte or tha Relatr�d Docurrte:ts i��se ar ms:sa�rtg In arry mo��rtai�syeo►.e:'..'�r ncw er�:.�e��:s r.s�a ar fi.rmist�sd. ;,.
<br /> � • Detesiive CoQalerailzntton. Thts Oesd of r:��-�°_�ot the Relatad Documars�R:.Ca:-:`�.`��.���d!�MduQ(ng ta.`�use o1 anl+ �.�_;
<br /> ' cc?!ateral dewrrtents to create a valld and p��r2s:�.i'.Y'•r.'��.st ar Itan)at ar.,��:�a s^Q:`'1="v'�.`�'- ���=:
<br /> • �� ..
<br /> . 4�h or Insolveaey. The death cf Trusior,L�e:sa.�.�,.^�;�r��r,tha ep0..��.�':��"s�`�n.;-�.�a.�t of Trustor's progefij.arsY �._..
<br /> ,. ,c; �t�
<br /> ,t'>'r;°•.;� r�,c�mant tor tha benefit af e.-�°�s.any type of cst�C=�:•raaza:t,or the cx�T���: n'+e-g y�a�S�g under acry bantauptcy ar }-
<br /> �;;�������7�`` tnr�;:ancylawsbyoragairslT:u�Yx. --
<br /> '''•���'�`��x��• --
<br /> Fa,-�fe�tte�Farr�'�'.�e.ais. Commancemartt c'!a�as�3�:��"a�:o�aa�r;�af-r.,�;Q=;;.�.:o:r��aaa�dir.,�,SetO-haip.�a��'.
<br /> � ' cr c-y G:'-'.sr r.e;tiod��y fltry Cteditot of TtuStM ar my a,1p�Otu„w-'`,`18&E�1�[�.'atry of t`r�QrrF�!y. �!eC�r�;thi5 SUbS�:�:����C. _—
<br /> ' c-,�p!y::+tha eve:1 of a good taith dtspub by Tn�:u as to�'�a v��:•y or�$9so'._.,`'��ess at tJFa cM:�w'r.'..=h Ls t�:�rsis at t��(��W� ---
<br /> ' t�tY'rai`.'.7a prooaedfng.Provided!h3!Tnrstor gtvas lsnder wr,.:�n n��'ce ot sueh cietm 8nd hmi:.,:�r8setvBS ot e su[ety�:.
<br /> ' s�'�L,�.dary to 4ender.
<br /> �" Bm:�A cf 011:�r A¢r_ina►!. MY bre3ch by Trwtar ander Yhe tertns ot any other a�ement baivraen Tnx3ta and LenQer that E�no!rema�ed Y�ry
<br /> • withtn any q�aca pertod provtded therein,Inciudtng nffhout timltatian erry agreerrtant eonxm:ng ar►y indeb�drt�or oitwr ob'_'g�tfon of Trwtar •-
<br /> � to LenEer.wl:ether Fadsdnp naw or tater.
<br /> . . Events Atl�citrtp QIt=antor. Any ot She preoeNnD events ooCms vlilh resDect to artN Quaranta of any o9 ttr�inLlebiedness ar anY Quetantor
<br /> • .� dles ar becomes IneampetAnt.ar rsvakes or disputes the vaIldty of,a EIaDlfry under.any duarart�y o1 t?�InQebl�x.'r�. Lender.at ib op�on,
<br /> may,but sha7�ot be requ:red to,permlt the Guuaniofa estate to assuma anccndiYOnally tha obllptUOtq arlslnp unEer the Quuanty!a a
<br /> , �. mann6r sa�sfactary to 6enGer,and,in doirtg so,cure ihe Event af QatauiL
<br /> � ° ��� Inseewt2y Lcnder In eaod ta11h Qsems itsetf trt:ecure.
<br /> Rlyht to Cu�e. If 6UCh e�a�lure ts cutable Bnd fl Trustor has rt01 been g�rran a noUee of a br03ch ot IhB sama Orou��mf at�n�g Qeed o}Tru:1
<br /> � wilhin!he D�������e(12).moniha,i!may be eured(artd no Evont ot Oatault atiU havo occurred)if TnntOr.BftN l.�ndtlr send9 wr(tten
<br /> noYice demandtrtg cure o1 slch tailure: (a)cures the failure wilhfn tta�{10)days;ar(b)(f tRe e�e requfras mate thdn ten(t0)days,tmmediately
<br /> ��:• . In:9ates staps s�ifHctent to cure ihD talhue and tflereafter conllnuc�a�d comPIese�e�ressonablo ana n�ary atops sufRelenf to produoa
<br /> :; � • compliance as saon as reascnabry Pradkal.
<br /> RIGHTS AAID FiEMEDiEB ON OEFA1tLY. Upon the oaurrenoa o!any Eusnt of Oe4au't and at any flme ti�ere�9�.Tnntee a Lendar.at Ns opBon.
<br /> • may exereise a�ry one u more o1 ihe totiowtr�y rigAb ae�d remedi�.tn ad6iHon to onq other dghts ar romedies pro�1dad Dy Iss+w.
<br /> A����pp�pe�Addit{aul RemeQlra. tt arry event o1 defauil oocws as Pe�Iha tem�s of tt►a Nc�s��cured t�ecebY.Lender rnay
<br /> . decisre all InQeDtednass secu�ed by thls Oeed o1 Trust to be Br»artd payeba artd the sem�e shmA U�er,�upan bee=a�e Eus and pcsyabk wfthoN
<br /> �'�' any pr�entrrtenL Qemartd,pratest or noUOe of any Idrtd.Thereatter.Leader maY:
<br /> :;;+� (a) 61her in person ar bY�IIeni,with or wffAOU1 bdngln9 ani ect�on a P��9.�by a naoeivsr�s�'�d by a eaurt and vriheut --
<br /> ' , ,. �• regard to tho edequacY o!its security.en?er u9on and take Posse�tnn af fh9 PropeRy.a anY DaA fhea�.',n 9s o�mm�art►e a in tho name
<br /> . � of Trus!ee.and do any ctcts wh3Cn ft dsems aeoa`"-�serY a destrable to prese�va the valuo.merketeb�ih!o��r.�f'.�1ity a?itsa Praperty.or arafi
<br /> , of tAe PrapeAy or in'�erest in the ProAe�Y.l��t�[nceme tram the PrapEriy or prataet the soCtr=rl at tlu ProD�Y:���`��h a mthau
<br /> ;, ;�r4. `� # trsicirtg possassian o}ihe ProPeAY�sue ta ar oihervutse ea:oct ihe renb,issues and ProSb ot tho Pro�txlY.inclaQ'ng tY�e Gr•'st due and
<br /> • unpald,and apDlY l������and expenses af a�eraflan and cailecHon,fnc!¢Q:�g attan2y��bes.to anY in6�;ta�:s�,ss Lecured
<br /> .. '.�.�.` by this Dead of Tntst.a11 in s�cch aQer as Lander►nay d='r.Tdne. Tho oniering upan arJ t�:dng Q .� �cn at tt+o Pro�"i,�e toUeel'on ___
<br /> . �� of such ronts,Issu9s artd prof,tg,an9 tha app'katian tharaaf shall not cure cr walve any Qofalt av nc'-'CO c9 G-law1 undtx t7s�Oeed o!Tnt5! —. -
<br /> � � o►Inva7dato anY act done in ras�ar.se to suCb de`acft or pursuffnt to such nOtke at Qofa�1�a:�.n�`s+.�i5'cfantYng ih0 Car�tl�usrtoa�n _
<br /> �. • �+� � p���1aT of the Proyor"1 a fhe cc���ti re�1P1 ana uAD:�catdon of renis.Issues or ProSt�,Tc�s.�rn Lendx shdfl b9 onti88d to �.
<br /> ,;.;. " � c��mrcfso ovay�t8hi pro�r!�1>3�br in tho hc'zn ar iho Re;e.�st Ooeur�n�or by inw upon L`�c�e�rnnCe o?Q:�f evant M Qotat�t,inaud'.ng fh9 a__.
<br /> dght to oxd'c'�e tt�e Povrer•fft sato; �--�
<br /> �•�:i. � R
<br /> ' `1 _,. .. —' �� . -
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