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202101946 <br />GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />(Military Notary) <br />I intend for this to be a DURABLE Power of Attorney. This Power of Attorney wi I continue to be effective if I become disabled, <br />incapacitated, cr incompetent. All acts done by my Attorney -in -Fact hereunder shall have the same effect and inure to the benefit of and bind myself <br />and my heirs as if 1 were competent, and not disabled, incapacitated, or incompetent. , <br />I shall be considered disabled or incapacitated for purposes of th s Power of Attorney if a physician, based on that physician's <br />examination, certifies in writing at a date subsequent to the date which this Power cf Attcrney is executed, that f am disabled from or incapable of <br />exercising control over my person, property, personal affairs, or financial affa'rs. I authorize the physician who so certifies, to disclose my physical <br />or mental condition to another person for purposes of this Power of Attorney. A third party who accepts this Power cf Attorney, endorsed by proper <br />physician certification of my disability or incapacity, is held harmless and fully protected from any action taken under this Power of Attorney. <br />I hereby ratify ail that my attcmey-in.fact sha 1 lawfully do cr cause to be done by this document. <br />This Power of Attorney shall become effective when 1 sign and execute it below. Unless socner revoked or terminated by me, this Power <br />of Attorney shall become NULL and VOID cn the day of /AA e t% , 20 „7 f (expiration date). <br />Notwithstanding my inclusion of a specific expiration date herein, if on or before the above.specified expiration date, I should be or have <br />been determined by the United States Government to be in a military status of 'missing,' 'missing in action," cr "prisoner of war, or if I should be or <br />have been property certified, in writing, by a physician to be disabled from or incapable of exercis'ng control over my person, property, personal <br />affairs, or financial affairs, then this Pcwar et Attorney shalt remain valid and in full effect until sixty (60) days after e ee returned to United States <br />military control following termination of such status or sixty (60) days after I have recovered from such disab+la, unless sooner rev=cieed or <br />terminated by me. <br />All business transacted hereunder for me or for my account shall be transacted in my name, and all endorsements and instruments <br />executed by my attorney for the purpose of carry no out the foregoing powers sha!i contain my name, followed by that of my attorney and tee <br />designation "attorney-in-fact." <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 sign, seat, deo are, publish. make and constitute the as and for my Po';rer of Attorney at <br />�Ic ��uda cn this the 1 day of% l ARe r-( , 20.? f_ . (today's da}e) <br />S.gnature of Grantor <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />With the United Status Armed Forces <br />On this the 1 day et /4A1 C t , 20 2' before the undersigned officer or ether person authorized <br />to serve as a latera{ notary under 10 U S.C. § i044 <br />ra, personally appeared SNDar'l {4ARLAAi MGGIRkClCEN satisfactorily <br />,a,�>�' <br />proven, (a) by presentation of a valid military identification card, or (b) other state or federal government issued identification card, to be (a) sere ng <br />in or retired from the Armed Forces of the United States, or (b) a lawful dependent of a person serving in or retired from the Armed Forces of the <br />United States, cr (c) a person serving with, employed by, or accompanying the Armed Forces of the United States outside. the United States and <br />outside the Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Vkg.n Islands, and to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and <br />acknowledged that he or she executed the same And the undersigned does further certify that he or she is at the data of this certificate an officer <br />or other person of the Armed Forces of the United States having the general powers of a notary public under the previsions of Section 936 or 1044a <br />of Title 10 of the United States Cade (Public Law 90-632, 101.510, and 1 14-328). <br />AUTHORIZED TO ACT AS A NOTARY <br />PUBLIC UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF <br />SECTION 1044a OF TITLE 10 OF THE <br />UNITED STATES CODE. <br />NO SEAL REQUIRED BY LAW. <br />S gnature of Notary <br />Lts�a�A dr0-..1u-Gl</''- <br />A11wri <br />Name of Officer/Notary and Pos tion <br />Grade and Branch of Service 1=-9/rw.A <br />Command or Organization' Ls T fir AJ Y wN 4 <br />�C ,t i"6, r <br />