<br />(Military Notary)
<br />PREAMBLE Th,s is a M LITARY POWER OF ATTORNEY prepared pursuant to Title 10 United States Code, Section 1044b, and executed by a
<br />parson authorized to receive Legal assistance horn the military serdces, Federal law exempts this power of attorney from any requirement of form,
<br />substance, formality. or recording that is prescribed for powers of attorney by the laws of a state, the District of Columbia, or a territory,
<br />ccmmcrweaith, or possess on cf the United States Federal law specifies that this power of attorney shall be given the same legal effect as a
<br />power of attorney prepared and executed n accordance with the la is of the jurisdiction where it is presented
<br />KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS Thal 1, r AJa +��k� "" ri at
<br />f2(OQ AVE A AQ'r: Of Xi/04 i A2 1)53(.4 d,.3 F
<br />A [L o- , /ZAZtEY (Name of Agent) my true and iax,`uf attcrney•'rotact to manage and conduct al my affairs and act in
<br />all matters in my name and on my behalf. Such acts shall Include.
<br />1, To lease, sell, use, estab sh tit e to, register Insure, transfer, mortgage ma nta n manage, pledge, exchange or otherwise dispose of or
<br />encumber any and a f of my property, real, personal or mixed nc uding motor vehcles ct any kind. and to execute and deliver good and sufficient
<br />deeds or other instruments for the tease, conveyance mortgage ma nterarce, or transfer cf the same.
<br />2. To buy, receive, lease, accept or otherrr se acquire in my name and tor my account, property real, personal or mixed upon such terms,
<br />cons derations and Gond tions as my attcrneyen-fact shall deem appropriate
<br />3 To transact al, bus-ness of rn ne on my behalf including entering into contracts and theng cl such investments as my attorney
<br />fact she' d227 sound.
<br />4. To Institute and prosecute. or to appear and delend, or to settle, any c a ms or htgal an in ioe.' ng me or my inie r?rts.
<br />but not be Imted to the authority to present a claim against the Un ted Eta'.es far damage 10 or loss of personal property.
<br />5 To prepare, execute, sign, and 1, 2 a' tax returns and to rete to and negoi ata a" tax refund checks.
<br />6. To execute all documents needed for tre/el of my family members and transportation or storage cf my property, as authorized by law
<br />and military regulations; to sign for and clear government or other quarters in the best intarsts of my family marchers and in accordance v;itn law
<br />and military regulations.
<br />7, To demand, act to recover, and re.re,lve, all sJrms of money which are now or will become ow'no or belonging to me, end to institute
<br />a:counts cn n;y teha'f and to deposit, dat' upon, or expand such funds of mine as are necessary in furtherance cf the powers granted herein
<br />This shall include, but not to limited to, the authority is receive, endorse, cash, or deposit negotiable instruments made payable to me and dra'»n
<br />upon the Treasurer, or other fiscal officer cr depesrory, of the United States.
<br />B. Generally to do, execute, and perform any other act deed, matter, or thing t -at in the .oP, of , r
<br />executed, or performed, in conjunction with ibis power of attorney.
<br />NOTWI T HSTANOLNG any language to the contrary in this instrument, my attorney in -feet is spec fiOT granted the following
<br />powers:
<br />a. To cancel cr change the beneficiary of any policy cf lite insurance owned by me.
<br />b. To exercise any rights or powers with respect to any person, matter, transaction or properly in my name cr in my custody
<br />as a trustee, custodian, persortat representative or other fiduciary capacity for someone else.
<br />!hereby give and grant unto my attorney-in-fact lull power and authority to do and perforin each and every act and matter concerning my
<br />estate, property, and affair as fully and effectually to ail intents and purposes as I could do legally if I were present.
<br />I hereby authorize my attorneyln-f act to indemnify and hold harmless any third pa ty'trho accepts and
<br />vrn
<br />this power of attorney.
<br />Jf -t Patric 2u)9
<br />