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<br />�
<br />�
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<br /> l��� �V{.i�l.fV'
<br /> �Y ��n� ��++�sed bY Lender undar this Para�h shet be�xne ec� addd'arsal debt of Bort�awer and be seru�d by
<br /> this SE�curity MshumenL Th�,.A artwunts shal 6eat htereat 5'om U�s dete ot disbursen�t at 1,1e NOte rat�o,u►d et �he opti�rt Ot
<br /> Lender. sha9►.x�ksrreuCiB�Fy due atM PeYe4Ba-
<br /> Borrower snas vronath ��De ar,7 ier, wtsicn t:as psialty wer mis sac�xay Instrument unless eo„ow�er: (a) aprees ln
<br /> wr7:� to the payrt�ent o4 tha obiqation secwad by ths iae�h a m�x�r accepfeDb!n LsnOer, (bj canEasls h gaad la7M the 6�en
<br /> bY. a defersds agalrtst enfom.err�t cf N+e fen h. �pat P�^y3 Kfi1ch ts the Lands�s opinion oparc�e to prsvent Ms ,
<br /> enforCament ot the i9n: or(C) soatres fiUm th6 AOfQer ot tM 80n an 8grnoeeet�t SatlStaetOry to l.�tder Subordhdtin� the F6n tD
<br /> this Secur9t�f lnsWm.K+t.tf i,enda detertr�as ihat e�7 Pert of the?roperty is sutKect t�e Rn�n wh�h may attain priocity over Mis
<br /> Secarity tnsuvment, Lender msy�ive Bovrutiaer a rtoNrs tdent3Yby�the fen. Sorrower shai satisy the 6en �taka one or more ot
<br /> tt�actk,rts sai 1oRh aba�a wRt+b� tC days ot tha qlriKi oF natice.
<br /> 8. Fees.i.cndor may co9ect tees�,nd ct�,vyes authcxszed by the Secrstary..
<br /> 9. Gro�nds k►r Ac�t(eration o4 Q�ets�. ~
<br /> (a) DefaulL tea�er rray, sxcape as �tnaea by re9ubibs,s�ssue�by me Secrerarr h �e case ot payn,ent det,w�s,
<br /> rec�ra ttimea�iste pavrr�,c ln n,�at a6 sums scc�xsd ay mis sec�tray tns�urr�ent ih �
<br /> m en��dera:,�s by ra�ro pay r, n,n+�+r��r s�r►�+e�:��eaurea a�r m�s sec�sy �sv�,c�eo a c�,
<br /> thR �.�e date oi JsA ne�d montfiy Qayme�t,or
<br /> ;i� 8orr�w�r detauxs by fsarw.?or a�erbd r+f thirty deys.to p�lorm sny otl�obiQaYais ccx�telr.ad in 4hls Secusky
<br /> ins�umaref. ;�
<br /> (b) 58le 1M1'ithovt �rc�i! A�p�stovat. t,aider sha�, r perm�ttec b�r appscap�e �, (hcy�diny sectyon 3d5(d� oi the .
<br /> carn-s� ce�� �os�«y msc�uc�s a:t ar �ee2, sz �:s.c. no��d;� end �n nw �sa ,�o�ai or c�e s.cre�a�y. -
<br /> �e�u:e kruraedi�:e payrnertc 3n n,a r�t a�me sur+� s�xxx�vr thi�security Pn;.irwnant F. �,
<br /> l9 � or �ar; ot the Prope�p. ar a Derr�fch! inixe9t h i 6-rst ownlr�q �i or �
<br /> p�rt ot the Property. Is Sald or (
<br /> ottiesw�e transisr�l(othar thm►�y devias or de�cent).ans ;
<br /> i�'ms ��y �, n�x oceupbd br it+�pwrnnsaar ar gr.r,ts0 a� n�a or ner v*ticiu�reswsnr�. or the purcnaser a %
<br /> �ancea aaes so occu�.�y tfea Prop�riy. txrt n�s « ner creat tus not teen np�wed h accordence vrRh tne
<br /> re�irar.r�nk: o!4�t+e Sacrehtry. �
<br /> (C) N(� W8�ref. If cit�xnstar+ces eccw that waub permR lendor to repuira inmsdkte paymsnt !n tu�, but Ler.der
<br /> does noi rtquke xvch �ayrr�enis,ter�der dpes no!uaks ts�hts w7th raspect to Subseqsient aranis.
<br /> (d) iiegut�st�ona of Ht�I? StcT��y'. 2n mu�y c:�xrut�r+ces roguist+o�s Isr,sd by tna secretary w� w„n
<br /> l.er+de�s tt�h:s. h :fie r,ase of �SGy�t�tt2 d�f3uRE. t0 requis irfMtsd�tio p0�rtr�ttt in iuti end tOrnCbse� M no: peid. Thls
<br /> Securi�/ Instn.ment dass nat authrntme acaebrctbn or lorecbs�.e u rot permRted by nsgutetions ot tt+e�ecrelary.
<br /> (e) Martgage Ricst lc�serred. so�-o+�sr .�ess mse � cne ss,,-a*�y r,sw�ent e�,a n�e Ho�e era no� de�em,�ed :o
<br /> t,e o5gble sor insurmcs undx the Natbnal kousinp Att wRl�in 90 dey8 _ kom the d�tc hereot. ln�der
<br /> may, ct 9s oDtbn rnautre km�!}ate peYrnytY h iui ef al sums set,vrsd by th�¢SecuRy Inshurr�ent. A wrRton sffit9nent
<br /> 01 eny autharixed rpsrsi ot ths Sec+etary r�`ated subs�qi»�t tt g0 dRYS trom th9 date h�eal, deeNning
<br /> to t�sura this Secwitp lnsMm+enl and Nx Nob9, sAaO be deerned eonekrive D�! ot such
<br /> ine6p�tRy. NotrrQhstandtrs�
<br /> tne tcfegorp. cr.ls opt�or, may not bm mcescBad gr tender when �,e unavs3cb�ty of haurance ls saiey due to Londer's
<br /> cn4ire to n,mlt a mortQaqe 6�surar�ca Prert►iurn w t�s Seer'tary.
<br /> 1J. Rei»�tement a�r,vver nas a �ptn to t,�re�r,s�ed x t.er,der±,as rea,reC ►mmedalo Ray,r,e�,t � w�beca,se ot
<br /> eorrowers taRxs to pap or, amo�mt dut undar tt� Nots or thls Securty Inalrumen� TNs ripht appMes even aRer f�ecbsure
<br /> Procaed�in9s s►e t�sillutad. To �ainsffits the Seattity fistnxr�enL gmrowar sht! tander in a lu�r�s sun: a9 anWUnts requirad to
<br /> bring Somrwe�'s ecc:ouni Gvrte�t �rtcludlr�q. to the exlent Uqr ers cbOpailons o! Bon'ower tmder thls Sec:�r; !nslrument.
<br /> torecbsure costs enC ;eascr+ab� nnd cu,s;ome,Y attorr�ey'a tee�t an� �� pr�}� assxi�ted wRh the lonecbsvre
<br /> Rroceedng. tlpon m3r�s�tertMnt try Borsox�sr.iha Se►�xity Iratrurnsnt tnd the otripallorts thst R �eCUres ahaf rernoh t� effxt as
<br /> M Lertder had �ot �1^ed 6mrtx�,i� payrt�ent On fuL }Rows�er� �n�b not required to �urr»$ reinstaMrt�ent it (q l.ender haa
<br /> acca�hsd reinstatema�t aRer Ghs co!�s�csn�nt af 1weClosuro proceedlnps wkhh two yelvs inm�ediate�y preCedirt9 the
<br /> cortun�ceme�t o1 a curront foreciowre proceedk+�. � �nspiter,+er,t wiM��aCWde fo�Cbsure on d�ent prounds Jn ttie future.
<br /> I or(&7 roinstatoment wNt adverss�y+uka.-t Ms�ior� ct!he nen croated by lf�b SecurRr fnstrumsnt
<br />�
<br />� 1t. Borrower Not Reless+esl: �arbesranct� gy i.endef Not e Wstver. �,aton o� t►,e dn,e or paymen► or
<br />� madificata� af a,roct�atio� o! Kro su�ns sact�d py thg Sec�Kpy Mstrurr�nt gant�d by Lendar to any suCCe�so� h interes! ol
<br /> Bocrower sha9 not opera�io re�eass th� ltab�r ot tAs oripinal Bort�wer or gorr,ovr�s succes�in intensst, Lende�shall not !w
<br /> reqvired to ca�xr�ence proceedhgs ay�airtst �,nY svc�s.or k� i:fwe�t � retuse to eoctend time icr PsYmae�t a othenrise rs��dly
<br /> amat�ation ot the sums secured by tfiis Secxrc�ty y�spn..�nent pp re�ea;� af �, �d �� by tha origi�al Bortower r�r
<br /> B�cower's successors in interesG q�y !o�}�ra� by lsnd�r � ¢�r��� �, �t � rert�iy ghap not be a wahrer of or
<br /> P�eclud�the euerese of eny right or rernedy.
<br /> 12. Succes�rs arsd Assigna 8:aund; Joind and Several i.ta�6llLy, Co-signers, neo covsr,eu,cs e„d
<br /> �ree!nerts of this Secur�y lnstrur�nt shai ba.d and bectsfi tft�ste^^.,,essat,ar,d ss.qiQng of Laidev and Bamw�, subjeCt to the
<br /> provisio�s of ParaaaFh 9(b�. BQrroavc�s ernrenants artd agreemsr�ts sha� be joint end see�al My Borrower wha co-signs this
<br /> sea,ray tnswr.*er,t L�,¢ac+es noc exs�,te tne Noce: (a;is co-sigr,tng n,is sea,ray lnstnmsene ony to rrwrtgags. �ent and conwy
<br /> that Borrow�s hierest ir� LAe Property c�der tT�e tsrms o{ this �ur#�, hySWmenr ro? E� nct personaly ob6ga4ed to pay ths
<br /> surr�s ser�red by this S��ty inshvrt�xi� er�C (c) agrees t;.et Lertder and arty oiher B�rrowar may agree to e�dand. moddy.
<br /> fort�ear a� maDce sn} accoRxnodations �F+ regnri to Cha le�m of ihis Secue�y insbumerrt ur the Nate w�hou! that Borrowe�',
<br /> consmt.
<br /> 13. NOtICCS. Any not'�:e tc Bortov�provided for in this SecvrRy lnstrwnent shap be given by de�vertig � or by m3d'ng k
<br /> 5y first cEass :naA emless app�'rs6�s F�w requ�es use of anathe�rt�U�od Ths notice sha�ba d�ecteQ to 2he Prop�Yy Address or
<br /> any other nddress Bornsrrer desigrtates by rwUce to Lender. My notice to Lender s'na1 be given by first cfflss maa t� LanGec's
<br /> address statsd herein or arry address Lendsr designates by no4ice to Barower_ My notice Crov�ed for in th$ Security •
<br /> ,nslrumet�i shaa be de�rned to ha��e been�en to 3asower or Lender whcn gNen as provided in thFs pat8greph. `� • �.
<br /> 14. G�verning i..aw; $�VC��II3�►. This Secur�y insfiunertt shall be gorernad yp Feds�al isw and the Iew ¢f the
<br /> Jurisdiction h h�hich the Propertr is IocaEed. M the event that anY P��siort or Cl��se of thkt SeCUr�y lnshument or the NGte
<br /> : Fse,s.�Me�,�� �o.�oc s
<br /> i;
<br /> 4"
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