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<br /> . . �� __ _'1..
<br /> a
<br /> 9�_�OQ�aO
<br /> �[�clzs •rtay. nt any Cma, co6eci and hold anwcmts tor Es�xaw Ite�*+s h en tggepate ertwunl not to eoaceed the ma�m
<br /> amourt4 tfiat may be required lor SarrowxTs eSGOw t�ccoue�2�mder Lhe F1t+fl1 Esffit8 Settiarnent Pmcec&�gs ACt of 19i4, :Z US.C.
<br /> �2501 � Se�. 8nd 4rspfemeroting r"9�la�ons: 24 �FFt PeR 3500. 8s thay rr�r De BmBnded trMO tirra to time ('RESPA'). exceR!
<br /> Mat the CJihl�(1 or reserve parmMed by f�.�A tor wwrtdc�seted �usenserm a disbufsemerrts be(are the Bortewers
<br /> FgY�ts ata ava�le in thu 3xamt c�ay not be bflsed a�e�t�nts duo tot U�e tr�e+t�.�e instxat�ce premiim. .
<br /> If the arr.oimes t�eld by Lendor tar Escor.r,ems sx�ed me arr�ocmts c,erm�Ded [o be held by tiESFA, �et,cSer snta accou�t �
<br /> l0 BOlTO�vBf�W th9 OXCGS4�.3t1�5 fl3 �kIQU�'6d� f�$?.'L I!N'.8�Oi.R!'a5 Of 11R1C�3 �1Qb by 18f1d8t 81 111y Ck71A M9 flOt 3U.YICIM<<O
<br /> pay the E>cravr Itarsn when due.Lender may notlfy the 9orrarreer Md roquire Bortor�sr to mske up the shor4a�n a.e perm�sd Dy
<br /> RESPA
<br /> The �scraw Funds are nledged as aCd�ianai secur3y for at ,•.:;�,s secured M this Seattlty Mstrumarit. H Eortower tenders
<br /> to L�der itra f�6 payment ot aM such surss. Bortawers axwrt s��e,1 be �red�;ed wth tfie belance r�nahiny 1w a� hsta3nent �
<br /> Rsrfts (a}. (b), and ('�? end eny ttw.:.�,8ge iasurenc8 Ftsxninn �isffirmertt th8t Len� heS nOt b9COrt�e ObEgel� to pay to �tx+ �
<br /> Secretary,enQ Lend�she�promFL'v reh.uiC any�ccess lunds to Bortow9r.hrmedls�y PrSa to a ta�Cbsure sale ot the Pto�+erty �
<br /> or ts acquisRiosi try Lender. Bortowe�s eccwnt Sk�ba cte�ts6 r.II� trty ba�ence rerrmhing fot aB insffil�nents tot IIas+d (a),Ib1. ,
<br /> and (c).
<br /> 3. Q�p3icatlon ot ��mrnts. ru aeymen� w�de►�srap�ons � ana 2 sna�bs apa�ed br tender as toeows:
<br /> First,to �a mw'•sago t,sure�e p.emt,tm:o ��d�, ��c n,e secr� a eo ene Rwr,m7 ena�e ny cre secre�ary
<br /> i�s;ead ci.ha monthy mcrtga{y8�h�e pre►nkim:
<br /> �9C0t1lS, ta any taoces. speciaS as:�srsie�:�. leasehnld WY�+� ot Qramd reMS. and ite. !lood and other haxard
<br /> hsu.�rtce preir`.sns. as required:
<br /> Third.ta intero;t duo undar cne Note;
<br /> FQ�Ufttt,fo er�ortt�bn o`. tt,e pnc�ip�of th�Na-�,and
<br /> Fttth,to tate Cnarpas cs�ec+xtic�er tt+e Nate•
<br /> 4. �ire, Fiood and Othe� H�zard lrtsursnce. eorrower snaa hsu�e ae irr�xwen+a+rs on n+e Propertr. wnether
<br /> now h ex�fence ar cvbse�erriy ef'ected. afleitst la+Y Mnrds. cawaRies. s.:, conl�tp��ciaa. �'+e4dhp fte. tor whh.h Lendor
<br /> requt95 insurence. This hsuntr�cb shY! be maht�at+od ln N�e emtrxtts a�d tot the perbds thlit Under nquires. BortCw�x shpN
<br /> aFso Insure al1 irt�yxovertserm on ti�e Propeily. wl+eiher rtow ln exBtanCa o� subss4��r1I a�eClod. eqshst loss by Mods to the
<br /> axt�+t requrad b� the Ser:stary. AA iss�rar+ce shall b+cartMd .r3l� comP�r+ios iPP�+� dY ��+�, TM hsixance Poscbs and
<br /> any re�e�ra7s �ha!ba �e�d Cy Lsnder enA stu�iruk,ds bas p�ab�cl�rses in levor ot.ar+d In a fam eccePte�b ta.Lender.
<br /> In !te avent ot bss. 8arower shan ywe lsrdmr Yrrns�ate nodce try mat Lender mey meks P�� of loss r r.ot made
<br /> prompey ny BoROw+x. Esch t+s+uu�ce compar+r cor+cam.d �s hereby aun+a�sd and darscced fa meke r�vmont tat SuCh bSs
<br /> d'recty to f.sndnr, tnstes� of !u BoROr►er an,', to Lmder johlMy. A8 or any p�t of ths tssurancs procoeds may be eppNed CY
<br /> Lender. at Rs opEton. Nther te) tfl Lha redutiion o! the indeble�ss u�dsr !t►e Note �d tl+is Securlly Msirument, tirst ro eny
<br /> dalnQuent amaunts appfied 6n 'th�order i�PvaQraph 3, ared tt+en!a peeAa�rnent o(principal o�(b)to tho restoratlon or repair ot
<br /> C�e damaqad PropeRy. My appM�atia+ ot the procoeds to tM. p�ctsai shad not a�dand or postpons the due date o► the
<br /> monM� psyments whch nre reterted ta in Paraqra�A 2 cr cher+0e the u++ax+t of such payments. My e�ccess Insurancs
<br /> pror':.e:'a ^ver an emottn2 tsQutred to piy a1 C.tt�ntHrq hdsbiad�tess under tM Note snd this SaCUrky InSWment shad be pakl
<br /> t6 t'�o entRy Ieg;�Ay ent�104 thaBtD.
<br /> �n tre event ot twacbsure of ihis Securty �►strument or oiher tranalar of tkle to the Proporty that ettthqufshes the
<br /> indebtednsss.ap ripht,tkts end hterest o!Bono.�u i� and!o inswar+ce p�ieies in forr.e shnl pass to !he purct�astK.
<br /> 5. Occupancy, Pr�servation. Maintertance and Protectio� af t�he P'roperty; Borrewer's l.oan
<br /> APPIfr,stlon; Lt +�.4eholda. Borrr�r s�ai oc:vPY. os�h. and usa N+e Property as Botrawers prfnc�rfat rssld�nce wRhln
<br /> s�cty days flftsr tne�tbn o!thls SeewRy 1�5tnxnent(or wRhh �cbdy days oT n leter s81e or�sfer o1 tAe Property)end SheJ �
<br /> co��tfwe to oCCt,py thu Propevty es E,arowers pri�C$fa1 residenCS lOr 8t bsst o�e raer efte► the d8R8 at oCtt�penCy, urtless �
<br /> Lender determinPS that requaxnent wi1 cauae undue Iwdsh� lor Bo�wa. a unless e�Aenuathq circumst�neas e�lst whfch are
<br /> bB'y0f1'G B4RQtYi3�5 COf1VDL BLYTOMF'8f 9�tfl11 fl0{� L8Rd8f 01 lf1�l Q�SUit:1(� CFCIIfRSt$flt'A'S. BflftOMlBf Sh$� fl0� COMfT11C-MIal�l1 or
<br /> de�troy. ds.�r�qe a. subs2Rntiary char�qs the Propertr a afow M►s Property to cfsterbn�. roasonab�e wear end tesi excepted.
<br /> la�ide► r:,ay Ins?ec1 ►ne PropsRy r Fhe Proporty S wcant a sbando�d or tt+e b.n ls in dehuR. lender �+ay fake re.sonabb
<br /> actbn to proteCt and�erve suCh vocant or abendOtx�PrCper'�Y. Borrower Shs!also bo h de(ault I( Botrowtr, durtig the ban
<br /> appficatiun ProCess. � rtss!etie!!�v talss or t�aCCtx'AS� intormntimm or ttetart+ents.to f.ander (w falbd to provlde Lonrler w4h any
<br /> mate�8ai into�ation) ln conrecSio� w�fifi lha !o� tlider+ce�d bp ths Note. includirsp,S�t not l�nRsd to. representatlw�s corsceming
<br /> ao�owsrs occvpency or tna Prcperty as a p�lncipat resi�d�rxe. N n,b securay h�strurrs�x,t 4s on a leasenoid, 6artower snan
<br /> c�mpy vr&h the p.ro�dsions ef itw IeesQ. N B�r�wer ecqulras f� 131e to !he P�operty, :he ieasehold and 1ae tN,fe shetl not bt+
<br /> merget!ur,lass Lender a¢�ees te Lhe meep6r Ln vvrki►q.
<br /> 6. Candemnaiian. �n� proceb.h o! sny swa�6 os' cbUCt! tar damages, direct w conseq+.�fel, in corsnection wlth any
<br /> ccn+3emru�tkks�z ar o�.er tsk�g ot any pa�a!4'ee Property. or!or converance in piace of eonCertx�aticn ers hereby assipned and
<br /> sh81 be patd to tersder tn the e�ds�t of ttta g�8 8r.�ot,mt of th9 indebtedness thsi �9rt►8�5 ttnpai0 under ;tw Nate end this
<br /> Sec�rky Ins�vment. Lender sfia! e�fy suc�� �+a:c�4s to Me red�L� o! the ir,debtedness under tha Nete end this Securky
<br /> instvmeni, firs; to any de&?Quer:t art�ounts appSeG In 4he ord�er oravideC irr Paraqaph 3, and lhen to prepayment cf principaL
<br /> ,Ar±y app5cation af ttse Psoct� to the �inc!Isa1���at eoctend or aastaone tt�e due Qatg ol the monthTy AaYments. which are
<br /> ra'e�ed to i± Psragra�h 2, w change th�s a*nount oi sach pa7rr�ents. My �s prcceeds wer en amount requied to pay a!
<br /> out;tand'ang indabt�sess under!he kate a.�d this Ssctxty:nsbvment sha?ba;atd to tl�c enUty Iegaly entRled therelo.
<br /> ?. Gharges ta 8arro�v� and Protectlare et Lender's Ri�:hts tn ifie Prope�ty. eoROwer snae pax an
<br /> gov�mentai or municpa! char•�es., fnas and "mpos�ions ty�t u��l na� i�cF,�ded ir Paragraph 2 Bertower shs7 pay !hese
<br /> ehligat�ans on tine dr�ctiy t� tt:s ent8y whicri is owed t!re F�:y:�rt. !f ta�re to paq woutd ad�rersely affeCt Lerders nterest in
<br /> ihe Pro�ertY.�n Lendes's re�.�st Bosrowe�shaR prorr�Ny ivmish to Lender recebts e+idencinq these payrnents.
<br /> tt 8arrawer fa3s to make tnsss payrnents or the payments requfsd by Par�aaph 2, or fal�s W perfortn any other covenants
<br /> a�d agreernents car.ffiir.ed E� thls Sscur�y Ins:nirt�t,a ttx�e is a Iegal proceed'eig that may sipn�iCandy aPfect Lenders rfahts h
<br /> t`�e FropeRy (svch as a proce�d'ng in bankn�tcy,for condertsnatir_m or ta enforoe laws a requl�bns),then l.e�der may da and
<br /> !�Y •+rtcatevef Es necessary b proteat iha value �f ina PropeRy arid Len�s rlghts in tt�e PropeRr. Inclu�nq payrnent al fa�aas,
<br /> hsis.�d instxanCe and W'ter�t.xrts mentiorsed in P2t��h Z
<br /> �saixuao��,�v� P,�.z os t
<br /> k
<br /> 9b2J2
<br /> .y
<br /> �
<br /> :;� . y t; _ .
<br />