18.Miscaflaneous Provisione �g_�0���
<br /> (a► ERorrowar Ho4 Rebased.Extenaion af ihe timo.'or payment or mod'rficatiort of the sume sacured by this Deed of Trust prante�d
<br /> by l.e�sdo�ta any�act��.in i.�tareat of �onower shafJ not opetate to relesaa,i�any rtianner,the liability of efi�oriye►a)Borrower
<br /> end Borrower'A s�cbea'aorb-�c interoet. lender shetl not be rcquired to wmmencs proceodinps eyainst such avccessot or rofuse to ,
<br /> extend time{or paymereY or otherwieo modify am�rtizetion ot t�e wm�secu•ed by th�s Qeod of Trvat by raeso�of eny damersda ,_
<br /> made by the o�i9inaf Borrower end Bono�ver`�a eucaeseore in interest. .
<br /> (b}tendor's Pow�rs.Without eifattiny the liabifi;y of any othet parson liable for the peymer+t of eny oblipetion ho�ein�onti�ned,
<br /> and without effxting the tien or charQe oF thia Daed ol`Trust upon eny portion of 4he Roper*y not then or theretoforo released es �
<br /> security for tha full amount of �II unpQid obliqetions, Lender may, from i'rtne to_time and with�wt notice (i► roleaaa any pmso� �a
<br /> liatslo, (ii)extend the met�ariry or eher any of dhe 4enx±a af rany sv^h oblipatior.s, (i°n)yrant other indulQancet,(iv)�e(eaaa ur reconvey,
<br /> ar cause to be released or reconveyad at etny txne at Lender's option any palcel,portioc�ors�l of the Proparty, (v1 teko or ralease any
<br /> other edditional security for +�ny ab!'�gatio� herein me�tioned, or ivi) meko compaeitions or ot!�er ananpxste�ts wi2h deb:o►e in
<br /> relation thereto.
<br /> (e1 Forbemn�ee by Lee�sr Not a 111iaiver. Any for4searance by Lendor in exer,ciafnp;eisy ripht ar rerrtedy tiereund�, or othenvesa
<br /> affordod by applicable law, ahetl not be a waiver oE or preclude the exerciae�o�pn�.ruch.tight qr remeay. The procuroment of
<br /> inwrance or the paymanY of taxea or othar fians ar checgoa by Lender shn{!no��b�p,wd�vet.of Le�d�i'� r'iQht to �cce�erote the
<br /> maturi2y oi the indebtedness sec�red by ihia Deed of Ttust. . . � �
<br /> {d) Succsssors and Assigna �,�n.:;.loin4 u�d Sevatr!Li�b�ty; C.�ptions.The covena��ts end a9roemente herein aor,!ained shall
<br /> bind, and th�. -'s9hta herounder ehall inuee to, the respxtive aucceaaon und assiyns of Lendor and Yrvotor. All covene�ts and
<br /> apraementa oi Trustor sheli be joint a�d severai. 'fha captions end headinps of the persqraphs of this Deed of Trutt dte for
<br /> convenienee enly and are not ta be used to intatpret or define the proviaions hereot.
<br /> (o) Roquest for M1iotice�.The prrtien hereby reGuost that a coRy of any notice of default hereunder snd a copy of ony notiee of
<br /> sale hereunder be mailed io eech pasty to this Deed of Trvet at tha eddrew set forth above in the mannet prescribed by appliceble
<br /> Isw.Except Tar any oLhe!nat+ee roquired under�pplicable Iaw to be piven� r�iother menner,any notiee provided for in thie Deed fl!
<br /> Tru�4 shall b�pivan by mailinp auch natice by certified meil sddtesaed to the other partias, et the ad�re�ss set forth above. Any
<br /> notice provide�far in this Deed of Truet shall be effeetive upon meTinp in the menner u'esi9nated here's�.If Trustor i�more 2hen one
<br /> p��son,notice sent to the address sat forth above ehall be notice to ell ouch persona.
<br /> (f� lnspection. Lender �nny make or cat-�e to be made reasonable entries upon end 'v�spections of the Roperty, ptovided that
<br /> L_ender ah�:p pivo Trustor natice prior to any such irtspxtion specifyinq ressoneble caise therefor reated to lender'e interaut i� the
<br /> Proporty.
<br /> ia) Reconvey�:+ce. Upon paymant of al! sume secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall request Trustee to rxor.vay the
<br /> Froperty and ehall surrender this Deed of Trust end aIl nates evidencinp indebted�ess seeured by this ;e.:d oi Truet to Trustee.
<br /> Trustee ohali reconvey the Property without wanenty and without charpe to the person or�onaia leyetly x�titled thereto. Tru�tor
<br /> ehell pay ail costa of recordetian,if any.
<br /> (h)Peroona!Proputy;Se�urity Agreercsent.Aa additional aecurity for the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby yront�Lender ur,der
<br /> the Nebreska Unifarm Commercial Code a srcurity in46�est in etl fucturea,equEpment,and other peroonal property v�ed in connxtion
<br /> with ths real e�tete or i�nprovements loea�ed thereon,e�d not otherwiae declared or deemed to be a part af the reel estate aecured
<br /> hereby. Thia imstnamont ahell be conatr�ed es a cecurih�:�Qr�ement under aeid Codo, and the Le�dx shall have ail the riphts end
<br /> remediea ot a 6ecured perty under said Coda in eddition to th,riphts and remedie�created under aRd eecerded the Lender pursuent
<br /> to this Deed of True+t; provided that Lender'e riyhte and ramee��s under this parapraph sfseU be eumulativa veith, and ir� no wey a�
<br /> limitation on,Lender's riphta nnd remed'aes under any other securit�•a�preemenL siqned by�onower ur Truotor.
<br /> !i) Liem �nd Ertaurnbrences. Truetor heraby wenants ar:d re�rasents that ti�are �e no de�faerlt under the provieions ot eny
<br /> mortpage, deed of trust, lease or purcheae controct describinp all or any part of the Property, or other controct, i�strumant or
<br /> aqreament conatitutinp a lisn or encumbrancc epainat al1 or any part o! the Praperty icollective, 'Lie�s'), exiatinp ee of the date cf
<br /> tnia �eed of Trvst, an� that any and all axistinq Liens rerrsain unmods:a! �except as discloeed to Lender in Truofor'a vvrit!en
<br /> disalosure of lions a�d encumbrancea provided f6r hetein. Trustor shsll ttmaly perform afl of T►ustor's obl�petions, cover►ente,
<br /> ropresentetions and warranties undor any artd elt axistinp and�uture Lie�e, shall prerTSptly fo::�ard to Lmder copie�of ol)notiees o(
<br /> default seret in connect:on wi:t� any and rll eaiatinp or future i.iens, and shall not wi!hout Lander's prior written conaent in anN
<br /> manner modify the provisions oi or allow any futura advences under any existinp or futs�re Lieno.
<br /> (j) Appxeation o4 Payrna�ts. Unlesc otherwise requirod by tew, wms paid to Le�der her.•under, includinp without limitation
<br /> paymenta ot principal end interest, insurence proaeeds, condemnation proceedR and ro�ts end profi±',oF:nil be ep{slied by lander to
<br /> the amounts due and owinp irom Trustor and borrower i�auch order aa l6ndet in its sole diacretion dea-�s desireble.
<br /> (4C) Severeb�ty. If any provision of this Deed af Truet conflicts with applieabfe faw or io declerad'invelid or otherwise
<br /> unenforceable, auch confiict or invelidity eha11 not affect the other provisions ot this Deed of Trust ur the NoYe whieh can bo pnren
<br /> effnct without the conflieting provieion, and to thia end the provisione ot this Deed �f TruPt and the Note sre declersd to be
<br /> severablo.
<br /> (I)Terma.The terme"Tr�stor'nnd "Borrcwer" ehell inciude both sin{+ular and pluraS,and when the Trustor and Borrower are the
<br /> ssme person(sl,those terme es used iei this Deed of Trusi shel)be interchangeablo.
<br /> (mt Govemkrg Law.7his O�eed af Tivat shn�3 be yovernad by the lews of the State cf Nebroska.
<br /> Trustor has exACUted this Deed ot Trust as of the date writtem ebove. �
<br /> ii ,
<br /> \.
<br /> l�• . � � �
<br /> � � _
<br /> /.
<br /> IRGINIA� S Tnaator Trtistor
<br /> u����
<br /> LBLAND NSHI,S Trustor T;ustor
<br /> Trustor Trustor
<br /> NBG J467C INonsqrkukurrl Dsed1 Rev.8/85
<br /> �_
<br />