�q-��oo ��l ,
<br /> 7.E��+t Domstn.Lender i�hetehy ossiQ�ed alt compeneation,avrards,dffineqes and ather payma�ts or reGof I�sereinefte►'Roce��"1 :`�
<br /> ir�connxtion with co�derrmstioei or athar takirty of the Property ar paet thereof,or 4`or convryance i�Keu of oond�mmatan.l.er+der ihoN '
<br /> tsken or dame9ed,E.ender shad hava the optio�in ics sole msd�bwlute disc+retion,tc apPly op such Rocemcas,eftx deduotiny therefrorsw; �'
<br /> ail cocia And axpenses incurced by it n +»�nection roviUr+ sueh �coseds.�pon �ny indebtsdtie�s tecurod hsraby a�d ir+ wch nrder se; .
<br /> Lender msy detGemine,or to epply a�wcfi?r�ct�e�9s,after wcf�dsductione,to the rostor.�tion of ths PropeN�y upon euoh cond'R'a�s es� ,
<br /> �Lander mey determrcae.My eppi'icatian of i'roceede 4o indsbtednep�hetl not�ctat+d or posipone tha due deSe ot arr�l,payment�ua+der ,
<br /> tho Flote,or cu►a erty data�aR therxmdn or hereundw.Any uneppli�ed tundv�heN be pad to Trvotor. � " ' `_ ' .
<br /> 8. Pafomwnoa by i.Myd�r. Upo� the occuna►ce af an Evant of Dsfeuh kereunder,'or�iT mny ect is takert or'lap�el proosedinp `�
<br /> eommanced whiah matorisily effects Lv�sder's inxerest in tho Property,Lender mey in N.s o�rvn diserstian,but wiihoctt oblfQetion 2o do sa,.' �
<br /> snd witheut notice to or demand upon�►ustor end without cebesing Truster from any a6Ggstion,do eny act whid�TruRCe�r hes apresd ;J'
<br /> but tails to do end may eiao do etsy oihm act it doxns neceuary to protect the s�urity hereof:Trustor�hofl,immediatsly upo�damend ',
<br /> thorafcr hy L.ender. Pay to Lmnder atl cor4. and expat�_ r*d and sums sxp�+ded 6y Lenderin connection wiUti th� exeresee by �-.
<br /> L.ander ot th. forepoinp rphta, toyethar wi2h inSsisst�th�IR tho def�uk rate provided in tha Nate, wfi�dr �h�S ��s+�ddsd to the u�
<br /> 6�sbtednmas seeured hereby.Lander�stl rsat incur Ar+y I'iabiG2y because of anyth�¢ft may do or omk to do heueundx.
<br /> 9.H�zsrdow M+�taehts.Trustoe�hall k�ep th�Propsrty i+compfi�nce wEth e�l applicebk lews,ordinancss end ropuletiorn reletinp to
<br /> induetriel hypiene or env�onmental protectiort Ioo11w�.Ri�i�'y,toferrsd ta heosin as•'Envkonmentsl Lewo").Trv�tor shsN kssp tha P►opeKy
<br /> free fram nt!eubstancss deemad to be hezardous or to�dc uhdsr crry Emironmentat lawr IcoRectn+elY refsrtsd to horein su'Hazardau�
<br /> ►u�atoriafa'}. Tnas:or haro6y wetrants �d repro�erstR Yo Lender thst thxe are no Hszerdou� Meterial ot� ar under the Propa4y.Tru�tor
<br /> ?�,]hereby ,eprees to indemnify end hald hasmles. Lender; ito dkacton, officers, employeea end �ga�ts,��tsd eny�wcce�on to Londer'v
<br /> inteveet, from �d ageinst n�y mnd sfl claimr, dama9os, losee� ared �SabitEtfeo erisi�p in cor►naa:ion witK the prmranee, uss, dispooal ot
<br /> tvonaport of any Nczardous Nleterisls or�,un�sr,f.rom or abart the Property.THE F�E(iQlNO 1WARRANT9ES At�Q REPF�BEIJTAT10hIS;�
<br /> 7f�US7, _ _ .. ..-.. ...__�;r' :..:;.,:. • :c._.. _...._:c.._,�.:...�..:sr,�:-: :�.�-:i.--
<br /> 10. A�t of Ra�b.7rustor haroL•y eseipns ta Lnnder, and preritr Lendet s�esurity intar'sst irt;.11 prs�ecit,.tu!urs+md sfter„
<br /> riae�g ►ento, ise�ea snd profit�of ths Propert�; provided Lhat Tru�tor�hsN, until ths ocatttencs oi rn Evint of Dafauh hs�oLndor,have�
<br /> the ripht to eoflect nnd reta� such ro�ts, iswes ertd profito eo they.beoome du• e�d qwyebls: Upon�thm 000urrence of an Event of,.
<br /> Defouh, Lendor may, either in pereon or by e9ent, with or wit4rou2 brmpinp eny action ot proaeedlnp, �r by e r�cehrer nppoinled by a
<br /> coctrt and vr'rthout repard 4o the edequacy of its security, �ter upen snd taka possessian of tfie Ptoperty,or eny purt thmeof,in Rs ewn
<br /> nama ar rts the name oE the Ttuatee, and do a�y acta which it deems necessary or deaireble ta preaervs the v�elue, markexabil'rty or
<br /> rentability of the F'roparty,or eny port thersof or interest Lhere'sn,or to mcresse the incoms theroirom or arotect the aacurity hereot eiid�_
<br /> with or without tekinp poaeaion of t�e Property,we for or otherwiae aoltxt the renta,lssues end protks tfieteof,in�Cludiny tho�e paet ^,,
<br /> duo and un�aid,by notifyinp Rexsante to meke peymentg to Lendet, tendm may appfy rent�,iuus��nd profitt,Iws co�tt�end expe�oes
<br /> 04 operetien end co0ection inctudinfl ettomeyo'fees,to eny indebtadneas secured here4�y,all in suah order as Letv�er may"detertnine.Tha
<br /> enterinp upon snd tekinp posssasion of the Properfy, ths ooqsctian of wch nnts, iesues and profit�, end the appl:cetion thereof as
<br /> eforesaW, shefl not curo ar waive any defautt or notice of driault hsramdet or invatidete eny ect done in reeponoa to wch defeutt or
<br /> puroumt to wch notice of d4feuh �d, notv�ithstandiny tho oontint�ence irt passassion of th� Ptoperty or ths colleotion, rsooipi ond
<br /> eppiication of rents, iswes or profit�, Tru�tee and Len�er shatl be entitled to axe�cise every riqht provided for in eny of the Loe�
<br /> Instruments or by law upon occurrence of a�y Evtw�t of Defeuh, includ'v�p without 1'KnhatFan tfie ripht to exercise the power of �aie.
<br /> Furtfier, Lender'e ri�hts and remedies�ndar'his peraflreph afiatl be cumulative wi!h, en�in Ro way e limitatton a;s, Laru'ers riQhta er�d
<br /> remediee under sny as�iqnment of leaesv end rent� recorded aqein�t the Property. Lsnde�, TrvstOe ans! the rceeiver shell be lisble to
<br /> aecount only for tho�e rents actuelly received.
<br /> 1 t.Ev��lr�f d�fwtt.The foi!owinp shall constitute on Event of Defeuk undor this Deed of Trust:
<br /> (a)feilure 4o pey eny insteflme�t of principe)or interest of any other surrr secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breech of or defeuh under ony provision C�ntain�d in the Note,thi�Dssd of Tru�t,any of the Loan In�trumenta,or eny
<br /> other�ien or o�cumbronce upcn the Property;
<br /> (c)A writ of execution or ettachment or eny�imilar pracesa�hsl! be entered apeinet Ttustor which ohell become a I�en on She
<br /> Property or any portia�there�f or intereat therein;
<br /> 1d)Thero�al1 be tiled by or ayainst Trustor or Borrower en ection undei eny present o�fuhiia federal,stete o►nther s4etue,law
<br /> or re9uletion releting to banlwp4ry, ineoNe�cy or other reGef for debton;or thare ohell b�appoi�ted any trurtee, recaiver or
<br /> liquidator oi Trustor or Borcower or of ell or s�y part of the Propony,or the re�ts,ipues or proFite theroof,or Ttuttor or Borrower
<br /> shefl make eny flenorol es�ipnment for the benefft of etedkon;
<br /> 1e)The sale,tran�fm,lease,assipnment,conveyance or further 6ncumbrmca of ell ot sny part of or any intere�t in the Property,
<br /> either voluntarily or invohmtarily,without the expres�r riritton con+tent of tender;provided thet Tru�tor shall be permitted to exxute
<br /> e le+ese of the Property thet does nat contsin an option to purchaoe ertd the term of which daes not excesd ona yoar;
<br /> if) Abandor�ment of the Property;or
<br /> (g) Ii Te�ttor is net an indM1��dual, the iawancs, sale, transfer, aaiynntent, eonveyenee or eneumbra�oe af more than 1if a
<br /> eorporation) e total of pxeent ot it� isausd end ovtstand'rtip stook, or Iff a pertnenhip) a totel of N/p pereent of
<br /> partnerehip interewtr, or a Knitsd Iisb7rty coTaarty) s tot�l of N/p perceni of the limitsd liability comp�ny e�terestt or votinp
<br /> riyh:s d�riny che period thn Deed of Truat remeins a lien rn the P►o� '
<br /> 12.RKnsdios;Aooabrstion Upon a�fwtt.ln the event of eny Eve�t of Defauk landar mey,w�.hout notice except ee required by lew,
<br /> dxlare elf indebtedness aecured hdreby to bs due end peysbk end the �ems �F►aq thx�upora bsoom� due and payeble witho�t any
<br /> presentrnent,dertsand,protest vr�otice of any k'sd.Thereafter l.ettder mey:
<br /> fe)Dzrnend thet Truatae axercise tto POWEH OF SALE yranted herein, �nd 7ruetoe dsall theroefter ceu�6 Ttustor'• intsrest
<br /> irs She Propatty ta be eold ar+d She proceeds to be d'�stribvted,etl in the m�nor pvrnrided in tho ldebraiks Yruet Deeda Act;
<br /> (b)Exmcies any m+d atf riIIhts provided for in eny sf tha Laam Instnimants or by l�w upan ocourtence af eny Even4 of
<br /> Default;e�d
<br /> (c)Commance an action to fareeloae tf+i� Deed o4 TruRt as a mortpape, spQoin!e recsivsr,or spac'rficalFti+�nfotce any of G'�e
<br /> covenent��hereof.
<br /> No rerr,edy hmein conferred upon or rseerved to Truetes or tender is intended to bs exeluave of eny other remedy herein, irt the Loan
<br /> Inptrumar+ts or by law provided or permitted,but eseh shaN be cumuiative,sheE!be irs atldition to every athar ramedy given hersundo�,in
<br /> the Loan tns2ruments or now or hxeafter existirsg at lew or in equity or by atatuts, end nnay be exerciss.i concurrontly,indepe�ndently or
<br /> auccassively.
<br /> 13.7ruat�e.The Truetee may resiqn et any time without cause� end Lender mey et eny i'rne md without csuse appoint a successor
<br /> or substit�te Truatee.Tructee shaU not be liabb to uiy party,indudinp without limitetion Landa,Borrower,Trustor or any purchaser af
<br /> xfie Property, for erty Ysas or demaqe unless due to rxkleas er wiY:�l rtiisconduet, snd shati not ba requirad to take any ection in
<br /> conncctio�witii the enfarcement of this�eed of Trust uniass ndemnified,in writiny,tor e8 oost�,oomaensatio�or expensee which mey
<br /> be assoc+ated therowiih. !n oddition, Trvetee may become e purchsser at nny tak ot tho ProperEy fludfeiel or undsr ths powt� of sale
<br /> prdnied herrinl;po�tpone tho ss!e ot ell or sr►y portion of ths Peaperty,as provided by law;or esl!the Propetfy.ts a whole;or in seperate
<br /> pueel�or lot�at Trustee's distreYion. �
<br /> 14.Fas end£xpmns+s.!n the event Trvrtee�eqs the Prooetty by axercise of power a'l�ale,Tnutee d�ell be entkted td apply eny ee[e
<br /> proceeds firat to payment o! eR eost�and expe�ses of exercisinq power ot sale, includ'mq alf Tr�stee'�fees,avd L,mde►'s snd Trurtee's
<br /> i attomay'e fee=,actually ineuned to extant permkted by applicable law.ln the event Borrower or Tru�tnr exerci�eo m+y riqht provided by
<br /> Iaw to cure an Event of Defau�t, Lender aha�be ontitted ;o recovx frori�Trustor ali costt and expsnsss actueHy Incurted et a :ewh of
<br /> Trueters dofauk,encludinq without!'imitatian al!Trvstee�and aMomey'�fees,to the extent permitted by appCcabte law.
<br /> 16. F+mn+6ldvai+ws.Upo� reavect oE Borrower,Lertder may,st it�optien,make eddhanel end futuro advsnce��nd rssdvancea to
<br /> Bosrower. ^weh sdvancse e�d readvartcee, with interost thmtean, thalf be�eausd by this Dav! oi Trust. At no time shrfl thA ptineipst
<br /> amount ot ths indabtec!neas abcured by thie Dead of Trust,not includ'ny wm�edv�nwd to protset th�r�curity�of tht�Deed of jruK,
<br /> r�ccaed ths oriqins7 prineip�l�rttount tt�tsd hstein,o�w 50.00 �whiohevar is Q►ett�t:� --
<br /> `�.
<br /> �_
<br />