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<br /> ct-2o-��� J' 'B�� DEED �3F TRU,T �e� � �
<br /> Lcsn !Vo?627'39 � � " (Car�iinued)
<br /> coverape In favot of Lsf�der w�l rtd be kr�ed M arr!�e�r!s3'anY aCL ort�x del9ult d Tnistor or any other porsc�n. Shoutd the Real
<br /> Prnperty a!nrry�rtae become focaiec.'hs en sren des.��d by ths t7keclor at the Federtl Emerpency MariaQarteent Apency�a special t400d
<br /> 2sazarC arsa.Frustor e�reeR to obtdn ar�d rt�kf Fsdotd Flood It�surnnCS 4or ths fi3 u�paid�inci�xl belancs d tTe Foan,uA to!he rrm�dmum
<br /> po6cy irtdb set es�dar ths t�a�onai i�o�d tr�suranoa Ptoqrair a a oihawae reqt�csd by L�der.and b mai�tn sc�+Ms:xams for ths term oi
<br /> the loan.
<br /> . Appnc:alon or arocseos. Tnntar ar+a7 pr�i noely i.endar d any bss cr aemaqe ro a�s PrypeRy. t.endar mBy rtmlce proof o;loss n rn,sto�
<br /> te�3 to do so wRMn 6!lsan(1a�Qmys d Ihe�y. MVl�tPor a e►ot LeKxlers seC�ity ls IrifRalr'ed,L�tller maY,at IRS eteetlon�crecetve and retain
<br /> me proeeeos o�any onaun%ru.and�ppl�r n�a ptooesds ta a�e ra�euc�on o!n�e��dea�dnsss.ver+�a anr�n anecnny nrs�rocerty.or ux�
<br /> rasiwa!!or►u�d rapadr o!L'»Ptopa�fy. a Lax."er sbCb W apply tl�s proCesds b reatatlttlon�nd renank.Tnutor sl�ell repre:�or replace the
<br /> dartkqed or deslroyed lmpro�v�smsras In a mm�ner sa�r ro lanclK. i.ea�shoi.uRron satl�Xory P�ot such expe«ditue.PaY a
<br /> rei�use Tn�sior!rom!he procsods!ar lA�a�a�t a!reQeSr ar r4slore5a��Tn�k not In defa�At under thlt Deed of'i'nlst. Any
<br /> praceoCs wh�cl�havs na!benn dfsbtx�d wiQik�1110 days tlin�ltsot reoeipi and wf+�h Ler�cer has not commltted!o the►rpalr or-asYcxstlon o1
<br /> tt:e F'ropg.�ty sASB be tssed lYat to D�Y�Y a�++ota�owlrtig b ier�tx►tier tMs Deetl of Trvst,then la piy acx7ua0 Interesl.artd the re+neindEn.Fi
<br /> eny.shal be a.�plbc�!o tfw�,81 bds+'ios ot thR�ndebl�fn�s. M i�tder hoids anp p►ooMds a11ar PeYmsn!In tu1 of the Indesledt�.such
<br /> �.*.h�bs pe�d S�Ttustor os Trvslab�!s r��p�e�v.
<br /> tlne`,cpked t�xtta�rx�s!orie. iv+y emm�ired insua�a shstl M�rs b 9hs berle,ll a�.u�d ps�s fo,ths pucMs�01 the Properfy cowxed by thls
<br /> Deed o!Tnn!tl any 6t,rsiee's taM or olher sa'!�held t�M�a prt.�ons d ttb Oe�Q d TrusL or d any lxscla�ure aele o!such Property.
<br /> Trus2or'a Rcpoa�i on Irtaurancr. Uport�ot l.a��dor,howevaf oot mon tl+�n pnce a yeer,Tnkkx at�eY hrNSh to lender e report on each
<br /> �G c►�4c�r a i�ryr+a st+o+Nn� (a)tne norns d�Insur, (b�ms rW�s Irsurs� Ic)ths amour�t o(ths podcY: (d)the Property Insured,
<br /> U+s then curer�t reQ�rtiorst valus d.suc.l pra�4y,anC ttr marmsr d dst�p 1!ti!vah�tnd (el ths a�Yntlon dale oT lhe pobcy.
<br /> Trtts�or st+M.Won TrOuost d lsndrr.havs att k�d�p�nds�l ap'Prt+ler�'to tsndt dOhrt[yns ths Cash vattls rspla�rtMnl Cost ol tha
<br /> Pr�Y•
<br /> D�iT11RES 8Y lE1�fR. H Tnes�or fa�s la camplr wlElt arqr provisbr►d this Oead of Trust,ear M any ac0o�+or proceedlnq Is commenced lhat
<br /> wott�d malerialy eflact lsndsrs k�in tlts PrOplrty.lender o!t 7rustar's beMN mly.bul sha�not bs reqt�ired�o,tatce eny ectlon thal Lender
<br /> deenn epproprb�te. My artsaunt ihal Loa�der e�In so dok�p wi baer k�lxas!at p�s ra4s pravldod tor In tfie Notr trom 1he date incurted a pald
<br /> by L�nd�r to L1s d�h o!repsyrtw�t by Trtrilor. N wcPi c�n�es.d l.sndKs op6on,wi (a)bs piy�Dk on d�rtuund. (b)be eddcd to the balance
<br /> of tAa Nalo and N aPit��ad amonG a+ad bi pay�bta wRfi My�rrieM p�yrtx�nts to b�con�dt»duAtg Nther (i)ths lerm ol anY sPPUcable
<br /> h+suar�ca paBcy or (�)�s rerrak+kip lerm d IM Pio10.a (c)bs tre�led as a oaioace payn�ant wHCh ws bs dus and payabte at Ihs Note's maturity.
<br /> This OAed d T�us!alsc wal sact+s Pay."n�nt ot tlwmo amoirtib. T1y�f�ls praAdsd!or in 1Hs prapreph sha�bs In add�lon to eny olher riphls or any
<br /> rsm�ies to wFdch lenafr r.uy 4e enSaad on socaunl ol Yhs do4ut Asry wM aciton by L��Oer shM nol ba cauhued as Lu1rtQ the dafaW�so as lo
<br /> bar lendar ko�n any rert�sdy Mst R oll�srwlss w�oulQ Nv�h�d.
<br /> w�,arm;o�a�mtF. Ths t�e�+c ao,�s+om rera+r�ro o+�+e.sr,�>a:me�ooeny are a oen a�n�s ooed or Tnnt.
<br /> 7ltle. Tnn1a wtmints tl�e� (a)TtusAx holQs pood snd metkelsbfa 9tle d recorC to the Praperly In fee slmple,hee and dear of ap liens and
<br /> a�trmDrances oLher tf�an tt�ose ae�fath in ths A�al Prop�tY desatalbn a h any tlCO knurtnce pWcy,tltle repoii,pr Anal ritle oplMon Issued In
<br /> ta��ol,and accey.*OacS by.l.er,�yr!n carxisc.i6on w#h C+�a t�aeC d Trtnt,and (b)Tntstar Aas It�s fu1 riDM,Pow'er,and authafly lo eocecute and
<br /> de�tiar tt�t Deed of Tntt!to Ls.�der.
<br /> Dehnsd o!Tipe. StibjAd to t:�e axeepbon tn ihe paraprapA tbov�s,Trustar warrerds and w{M lorever�d Iha tibe to the Proporty egainst the
<br /> fewi�al clskns of di per^..ars. 1�+:he e�nt sr+y ac�on a prooesdnp 4s cortx►xa�ced that quesUorts TrWta's tlbe or the in!erest of Trustee or
<br /> Le�x3�r under lt3s')eet!d Ttust,Ttssstor shd daOanG ths iG4o�tt Trusfo�s� Trustpr may bg!he npmirtai pgrty{n SuCh prOCeedinp,but
<br /> Le�d�x s��ell bs entlDe�d te p�rtiepais tn!he prxeedw�p�red Co be teprasented in Mie procee�np by counsel o(Lender's awn chok:e�and
<br /> Tnrstor ai1 dylwr.or catas Oo be dWvsrsd,to lsndlr wch k►SfrurnsrMS as Le�xlet rtrY roqusat trom rme So drtts to pqnnit such peAlcdpation.
<br /> Can�lana� W!t!�Laws. Tnator wmanls Ih�i !hs PropKty and Trvsla's t►ss ot the Prop�rty eortp�es with a9 �tl^Q eDP6Cebfe iews, '�,
<br /> ordtnar�ces,�v�d repttatbns d 9owrrxs�ntsl tuthoAdea,
<br /> cottoE►�uT1oN. �TS r�owing ao+dsloas rsts6n0 lo�r+d�n�prooee�9iqs aue a part a n�is�eed of Tn,s+.
<br /> Appucadken o1 Nat Preteeds. M�or ury psrt d tl,s Prap�ly b ca+damr�s4 by� ciorsratn proceedlnqs or by any proa+edinq or
<br /> p�vtht9e in!YU oi t�+donxxtKOn.t.sndr m�y af I!s Mxtlon nquirs Mat a1 cx!m portbn of C�s nsl ptoceeds d ths rward bs eppNed lo the
<br /> Indablednss�i or tAs c�p�hr at raslontlon d t!�PrCperfy. Th�ns!procaeds d tM avrard ths�me�n tM awvd aMr peqrtient of M reasonable
<br /> costs,a�^an,and attorr�ys'1a�a k+c�xrad by Truttrt or Lsndet in oorx�sttlon w4fi the cot�do�ru�ttfon.
<br /> Proceodt�s. N arty proce��q b�axS�rxnOon is 9od,Tn�1or sha!R��+AdY�Y�^����'9 and Tnnlor�haA prompty take such
<br /> stePS as m�y D�i nscessary b c3eNr�d f!y aclfa�n and oOSNn tfis�wend• Trustor may 6e the narJr+el peAy M such pror.oe�ng,but Lendar shall
<br /> De entltluG to Ra�ipats In!ho proaaQnp ond 10 be rspreser�tsd in�a p�c9ednp by counsd of ks own cholce,and Tneslor wi6 deliver a �
<br /> catrse ta be deYveYed to Letxfar such tr�sir�as tnsp ba:oques9ad @y A o-a n 1Yns to lhris to perrrYt such partlNpadon.
<br /> fN�QS1TION OF TAXE:S,fEES APiD CliARt.�S BY CaOYEWIMENTAL A�Ji}�lOR1TIES. Ths tdo�0 D�telafirp lo governmen'.al ta+ces.
<br /> tees artd tAaryes are a pavt ot SNs Deed d Tnu�
<br /> Curre.�t Tea�es,Fees end(:tw4� UP���hY Len�r,Tn�star shai�wch d.xw,�an!s in add�lon to th�Desd M Trust and teke
<br /> whste�oLher ec�on�r requesled by Ler�der to perteci and�i�r's ien on the Reel Property. Tnafor shel!reimburse Lender for aq
<br /> sa
<br /> �s, as cle�ed�czw. tcqett��x vn7h s�e�ues ksaxred in recardinp.Pert�r�p a ror�6n�J ti� Deea d Trust, ind��ng without
<br /> [m�taii:sn si t�ces.tees.d:�cutnerdsry statfrps,8+id other r.hargas tor reCOrdt�or tBgE�erirtg Uis Oe9d ot Trtaf.
<br /> Tax�s. The tof..nr:nQ shaQ�'�ns5ivle�to which this sec9or.ap¢l� (aj a sned5c 1ax upon tHs type of Oced of Trust or upon aA or any
<br /> part o!Yr�e indebtedness saaaed by`.1�'s Deed d Trus� (b)a spxii�c tax on Tnatar which Tnstor is authcxtzed or required to deduct hom
<br /> Pay�r�en�ot�ihe indebtedne�ss seCU±�d by tt�type d Daed d i n� (c)s'aoc ort Ws type d Oeed of Tnnf rtmrgeable agalnst!he Lender or
<br /> ihe holdnr cf the Ncls;arW �d�a SpeC�c tg on ai a onY aor9on of ihe:ndebtedness ot on PaYr,�e+its d Drinc(pel artd interesi made by
<br /> Ttus9cr.
<br /> �sequent Taxea. #1 e�ry tax h wtsrh ttefs�s�iss Is esta�d su�seqc�ta the�ate d tfds Deed oi Trust,tttis event shaA have the
<br /> sa:ne eFfecY gs ers Event ot DefzuR(as defxegd hel�w).e�d t.er►der rrmy exrs�ise srry ar ad of tts avaPab►e remedes for an Event of Defautt as
<br /> prov!ded be;rnv untcss Tnlst�r efttier (e?€�YS tl�e�ex befara tt becomes de6rtqt�#,or ;y}ccnles�the tax es prwided above in the Te�ces and E
<br /> Lierts soCTion at�d dc�posits wY.h Lendet Cesh or e s:tfident corporate sure;y bond ot C@�er seCtsfi.y sa65taCiory tp Lender_
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