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k <br /> � <br /> -��� '• w <br /> o,-�..,�9 DEED OF TRUST � 99- �oc�� �°� � <br /> loan Ido 7f,2739 (CaMl�wea) <br /> generate.msnufncture,slore.treei,cBsPose aI,or reiedse anY ha�rdous waste or wbstance a+.under�about or trom the Propxb ind (Y)enY <br /> such ac�vity snd ee cortducred frs cornp���ce wln,aI�.Isdoret,,a bcal laws.repulauons and ordnances.�naudrq w+u,ou► <br /> tlmKayon th�e tarvs,�epula�ns.and ordi�snces des�rlbed sbova Trusfa autl�o�izes lender end i!s aqents to artter upon the Praperty!o <br /> make such Mspa�xs and test3,at Tntitds eo�ense.85 L9nder may deem aP�aPdale�o deletm[^e co+^¢Mance of the PrOperty with tt�ts <br /> s�ction o!the Doed of Trt�st. My;rspec�ons or tesfs made by Lvndor shaA be tor Lsnder's purposes onty and sheN rw!be constrved ta ctnate <br /> tny r�portsibi9iy or 16abBlty on the part of i.sneSer to Tn�skx or to anY other Psrsan. �se�ePs�ntatbres and warrantles Contalrtied Aereln are <br /> 6ased on T:vsiors due criRper�oe In lnvs.s�ttnp!he Properiy far haavdous wesSs tnd ha�r6ous substances. Tntstor hereby (a)reM�eses and <br /> waNes arry hrltae dalms c�galast lsnder�'or irtdemr�l�+or co�htbu6o�in fhs ever+t Tnator b�cort�es Ikebse tor deanup�otit�r casts under nrry <br /> s�ch iaws� and (b) egreas to trtdemnityr and hold harrrdeas Lander tqak�s!any and eN de�ms. losses� Rabl�es� dama4es� PenatNes, and <br /> s�enses whl,:h Lender rtray �rec4y or i.�recihp stnialn ar st►Ner resulCrq kom a breach o1 tNs secson d the Deed ot Tcust or ss a <br /> carueuuence at arr/use,4eneratlon,mnnsn'scl�e,staraQe�cftspoe�l,reFaase or Threatened reieaso�;t a hnmMous wasle or substance cn tho <br /> pr�. '(t� Frovly�s of this secgp� pf the peed ot Ttust, k�ch�np iM cbdpa0on lo Indemnity, shal survlve the payrt�enl ot the <br /> Indebtedness artd'he satls�a�+and recomeytnos d ths Ie�o!!Ns Osud d Trus!and shal not bQ atlecled by L�.i+ders acquisltlom c+f any <br /> Irtlere5t in the Prop�ty.wheihef by lotettadtlre ac'o3t�tvvlse. ',,, <br /> he <br /> Nufsance.Waste. Tn�slor she�not cause.eorxhxt or per�+it any rxisenee r�eommlt.Pem�t.x sutfer any strippinp�or weste on or to Ihe <br /> Property or any portion ot fhe Praperty. WMhoul:4n19n0 tho Oe+w�ailY of U'a Mtepd^D.Trusta wll^cE remove�a 9�'Bnt to sny other pa.rty th� <br /> riqht to romcwe.arry timbar.mfnerals(irx��g ot and qos�.so1.9ravet or rock pcoducs wifhou!the prior w�i1len corosn:of Lender. <br /> Removai of tmprovements. Tn�s:or shaM no!de+no�sh or ramow any Im�rc3veme�ts trom tM Rea1 AroRe�1Y'Mthoul lho p�t�x wrftte�consent <br /> of Lends�. Ps s conaltbn to tfse removai ot am, Irr�rovertae�tts�lsndt�rtsey requKs TntsAa W maks trtacq�menb sadsfactory to Le�der to <br /> replace stlth Imprd�remerrts wlth Improv�mor►ts oi i1 feast aqve!va1VD. <br /> Lendcs'a Ripfif!o Eistar. Lsr±dex and Rs agants anQ�presantet�.res mnY e�br s�pon tt+e Rea! P*ePe�tq at nY reaso^abie a^'►es to e!tend to <br /> Lenders inte�esis and to ins�.i!he Property tor ptapates d 1'tuslo�"s cort�ance wMh tPw 4ams and ca�tlons ot tFds Debd ot Trtnt. <br /> CompNance vrclLh GovemmerNal Req�r+�fts- Trusf�sh�A�P�Y�wRh d laws.adlnances,and or hereafter fn <br /> eMect. ot at goverru�c+r�tal as.�.laarfries appfc�t�ic ta ths ute at poCUpacx,y of the P►opurty. fndudlnp wlthoW 9mNatlon, thm Amerlcans W!th <br /> Disabi�ties Act. Trustor may catic�t fn yood laRh arry such�w.osmnance. ot t�guisUon and wfthhoid compMance durin9�Y P�oceeding. <br /> l�ductl�g approptiah+appea) lor�Q a Trusior hea notllled Lendar In rrtiMng prtor to dokq sa and so bng as. In lenders sole opinlon, <br /> Lenders Interesls Lh the Prope�tq are not jeopard�d. Lec�der r.�sy roC�Tn�to post ad�qt�te seCtxMy a A stz�bond�reasanabty <br /> s8tlsf8clory t0 Lender.lp P�o�i Le�der"a kste�st <br /> Cctty to PtoleCL Tntstot sprees r�ei!het 90 abandon t!or kave ima�endod!ha Fropsrty. i n�slor shM do aY ol1� nd�tion te lhose acts <br /> �se!fwth��uve in t!�s secgn�.wt�ich trom the d�eracfa�nd use o!tt+e Prop�rty ase ree�nebly neoessary!o proteCi and p�ie ttroe Property. <br /> Dl�ON Si1.E—CaldSEltT BY L.�1tOER. Lendar Rs o¢tlon.dectare Imme�laisly dae arw payabie aY sums sectxAd by tls�,D�.ed o(Tnni <br /> upon th�e a�ele a trnr�ster.�no�me i.�,asrs�,�nr�ao�+�e�.a�u a ar,y�a u,e Reai��y.or any 1n�r�s1(n lhs�Ftea!Prop�ty. A <br /> 'sal�cx hanct�'rt�ns the conveyence at Reei PropertY or anY ti�t.II'Oe a tr�t�esf lf�ce�whether tepal,ber�elldai ar eQ�dteble:wheMier vduntary <br /> a Invetunter�;Evhelt�by ou4iph:saie.slead.i�alelm�t sale c9t�trad.l�nd cor�trt�ct,ca�raat tot deed.leaseho�interes!with a t�rm qre�at�lh&n <br /> ttree(3)yBUt,ieasa-op6on tc�traei,or by sab,as�prxreM,a trar�d any b�l infe�es!i�or to any knd trust hokllnq tltls to the Ret+l <br /> PraGe�ty�or bp arry other rtrothod d convayar�e d Aea1 Peoperty M1ern: d ury irtastor is a CaporaUon.Psrin�sMP or Ilmite:!9abt�ly cort+Fan/, <br /> trarsfes e}so inc!udes nny chanQe in cawnersAip d more�en M'sMp-ive�rCe�t(25X?o(trie�rotlrq stoc�c.Pertr�ers+lt�fite�estS or Amlted habtNty <br /> cprttparsy interssls,as tt+e case mq ts�,d Trtttta. Hawav� optlon sMS r�l bs l►x�rcbsd by!..endsr H such axeccbe!s ptoNbited by Iedetai <br /> law cr by tyeb�k4 Eaw. <br /> T�3 Al�D UENS. The�o�oxh+9 P������^0 te tt+e tax�s arr3 ians on the Pr'cPertY are n part of thfs Oced of Tnnf. <br /> Raymxni. Tna9or shiui pey wfien dva(ar�M aR evsnls�ior io dein4uecKY)aC taxes.sDed�l�s.assessments,charQos(incl:t�irtq wale.� <br /> and�xe�), flnas and lrnp�a►s IevieO agairrst or on�ocatud o(tlie Proqerty,nnd sMM pey wt�due a6 cJalrr�lor work do�e an or fw <br /> son�ices rencisr�.vt ar matecla!hanlshad ia!ha Properly. Tr.svpr sh9i1 meJMaln Gie Property tree o(M Ifsns havtnp priority over or equal to the <br /> �ntsres!of Lande�unt'ee tt�s Oeed d Tn�st.eoocepl�br tha Oer ot 5exss tnd tssess+nertts rtol due and except es otheMrlse provfded in 1Ms Deed <br /> ot Tntst. <br /> Rlflht To Corttesi. 'fnt52or may wttt�hald pa�mer�t G(sny ttx,�rt+ent,or dalm!n Cflrtnection wdh a good fatth dlspute over the cbflgaHon <br /> to paY,so to�es l.s�da�'s Ini�s!in M+e Proparty Is�ot joopardta�d. N a ifen ark,as or is I�ed as�rastdt ot nonpey,nent,Trustor shaft wllhin <br /> bt:aen(15j anys atUx tt�Gsn�rtsas or.M a Msrti h Qlsd,�flli�wi(16}days aRK Trusia fwi notlee ot the t�lnp,ascura the dbcharqe of the <br /> Gen, a N reqtrasted by la�dx, d�posA wNh Urxlar cah or R sulricfer�f tarparals stxaly ba►d or other securily sarisfaclory to lender in an <br /> amount suldciPnt to�sC."�srpe th�Man phts any ca6b tr�atla:.i�y�'tee�or olhe►chrrpes that cotAcf aacn�s as a resait vt s!oreciosure or saie <br /> under the 1en. !n aryy contesi.T�usi�r s�w1!daleM ilse�and Lsndet rnd shaC sutlsly arry advo�ss Jt�dQrteent betoro enfw�cemant apalnst the <br /> Property. Truslor shall ntms Lendor��n sd�t obipes under any suroty borW h�r►L�haJ S�fM cadest pr�oeedinga. <br /> E`ilQetsee af�ayss�a�t. 7naslor sha!t�art dsrtnend hrt�sfi lo Lendsr�abJ�ctory evidenoe o1 payrtrent of the ta��es or essessments and shali <br /> euu►ort�e u,e,�,proo�a4�yoverransr�al of8c�f ra delh+ar te t.eerwor ai any 1Gris a w�tten�r�n!a n,e taues and esseument�apalnst rne <br /> Prt�E.v1v <br /> No9lae M CM�a�tructban. Trusta shal noit!y Lander et laa�i A1leen(15)deys befOr6 a�y wak is COmmer�ced,anY 3erviCe3 are iumfshed,or any <br /> maferta� are wpp6nd to�a Prc�erty� if any mecharilc's Yen, ma�'s len. or other If�Cald be asserted on accaunt of the worfc, <br /> serv[�s�a rsa�. Tnata w!1 t{QO�reqt�esi d Lsr+Oer fur�lsh ta L,��der sdwtxe assuances satisPacfory!o lenCer that Trustor Can and w�t <br /> aa; ifie Cost�(st�ti imqrn�s►ertts. <br /> PRt1PE.4iTY DAAIACa�1liSt�AkCE 71�e tvRRo'wk�Rro'vlsbrs tsie�g io lnSlxfng the PrCperly 8re a pett of itds Deed at Tnui. <br /> Atalnt�sar�ot I�sur�ce. Trustar st�a1 proaxe and�kstain pailcieg of i�e hutrance wah standard e�iended c�aga er:dorsements on a <br /> r�ment bss3s tw the!u9!rstxebio velue cov�ing a!:�xovetne�±s on f.he Resi Pro�erty�n an amotui4 w�icbnt to avoid a�o6catlon oi any <br /> coi�anca cta�sa.and withh e sffirc.laid me�dause h�tavor o!t.end�. Tr.�slcr sha0 eiso Qrxuce arrl matntain curttp�eher�tve yeneral <br /> Fab�'it7l Irtsurance in st�ch covt�rage ama.m���der rtsay re4ves!with`tus�e and Londer be;rq rsam�d es addtbnal lnstueds fn such BcbiRly <br /> ins�ance poHcies. Puf�lEu�aly.Tnatar shsll mekstaL�such ofher ir�arance.iro�uc�np but rw!6m"ted to fiamrd. business lntertu�tlon, and <br /> bc� Lendsx r^.8Y:�sot�ebA'reqs�'a• PoTiCias Stt�C t>9 wrRten!n fattt,a�.Covetfl9e5 etK!basis tessortably BCCeptsbiA to <br /> lanc�r end is�tted bY a cort�e�'/a�r�i�rs�or�biY acCePffibie to Lender. 7tusSa,upon request af Lender,w:��ever to Leridor trorn <br /> sme ta rme t'e pol�es or ceroaca�o!ks�snce kr�am sar3�!«y to L�.tndt�na�9p�ana+s rset covcr-.wes wl�not re cance�lsd or <br /> �srwr��wittsoui at least 9en(ta)QaYY Rrlex evrit�n ric@Ce te ie�der. EsCh irstXance pa6cy Blso she!h�ciude en ertdor'sernertt prov{�rg thet <br /> � . <br /> ,� -- <br /> . _ <br /> ; ��, ��� �„�-o.�:��-..�,� <br /> �' E <br /> i 1���R�"9�` '— ,#- �' <br /> c " _ ,�.�n 1 � i v�c <br />