<br /> 9�� 1����
<br /> or obsole:e. providod thx2 such persowa! praperty is replacod with othtr Per�al Fi'aoertY at !�st cqual in value to the
<br /> '�Pi� P�� P�T�'• fYee frv�m aay titk t�aa derice. stcvzity agmn� oc othet eacumbrac�Y. S1�ch
<br /> replxcmeat of P�Pr�Y will�c�eaxd s�jxt to the seauisy intet�t crt�d by thls Dad of'lY�,ut.Tnuco�r shall
<br /> not partition or sabdivide tbc Property wiilmnt BmeB�iarp's prior vrrium aorssent. Beoeficiary or B�nefxiary's agcats •
<br /> rm�'�. at Ba�eficiary's a�in, easa the Propertv u ury rr�oable s�rne tos tbe p�upc�se of inspectiug the Prop�rty. Aay
<br /> ins,pectivn of tbe P�aperty shaIi be eazirdy far Bcaei'�ciary's benefit mi Trmtar will in no way rdy � Beaeficiary's
<br /> ias{xaioa. .
<br /> ' 13.A1J'�'IiOpt1TY 1'O PERFOR�.If T,vstor fails to pafam my of Tnutor's duties imder this Deed of Tcust.or any ot6cr
<br /> mongage. doed of tr�sc. s�auiry agrxmcat oc other liao doamxat tt�6as priority over tl�is DeQd of Tnut. Brncficiuy
<br /> a�y.witfiont�otice. pafarm�e�futia or ause slsem to he perfo�oa2.'l�utor app�ints Ekaef'iciary as attornry in faa to
<br /> sign'3'nutar s c�azne or Qay sny aimou�ac noc�sary for paformsncr. if am�co�truaioa oa the Pmpaty i,discoatinued or
<br /> nat a�rried cx in a�sble ma�mer. Bexficiasy may do whatever is�ty w�rouca ge�ficiary�s setvrity intertst
<br /> in ttee Pr�o�crty.This may inciudc cmr.pl�ting tbc�. .
<br /> Be�efiiciuy's righ!ta perform for Trustar shall na cmtc sa obligazioa to perfaim. u�d Beaeficlary's fail�e to perform` ._ -'�
<br /> will ��prec,'ndc Ben�ficitry fro�a�i�ag anv of Beacf'xtuy's othtr righu nnder the law or this Dad of Tnut. Any
<br /> ur�our.us piid by Seaeficiary for iasuciag. pse,9aviag or otheiwise protecting th� Propaty md Beaeficiary's security
<br /> imcrest wiil x dn�on d..-cmnd aad vriIi bar inta+aR from tl�e d�te of the paymem mrtil paid ia futl at the Intuest nte in
<br /> eff�ct�Fn,m timc ta time a000�di�g to tt�c temn of the Evkknce of Debt.
<br /> 1C.ASS7t;PII►tENI'OF LEASE.0 AND RFNTS. 7'r�tot irnvaably granu, conveya and xlls as addidonal security all the
<br /> right,�at�z and interest in and to sry and all:
<br /> A. Existing or fvtucr leases.sublcs�ses,liae�es,guarsasia and any ot}xr writte�or verbal agrcrnxnu for�he use and
<br /> oavPancy of any portion of tbe Property, inct�ding ar.y p�te�.iuns. ranewats. modificuions or snbstitutiont uf
<br /> such agrranmu<all rcfuncd w ss'Lcuea'y.
<br /> B. P.rnu, issves aad pco iu(�Il r�e�crrod to ss "Reats'.inclnding lsut nat limited to sccurity depasits, mininnine rcnt,
<br /> xrccr.cage rent. ndditioaal rau. �n ma maiattnuxc charga. parkiag chasgn, rwl cstate taxes, othcr
<br /> applicabia taxts, i�urancc pnemium 000uibutior�. liqnMata► damages follawing dcFsult. canallation pcemiums,
<br /> loss of rrnu' inwrmce.rcvaroes.myalt3a.proaxds,taansa.anQ all rig6ts amd cla�wli�ch Trvstor may ha�c
<br /> thst in any way pav►ias to or is�s000u�n of Ux me or oav�aur;ot the who11:or aay purt of the Property.
<br /> Tnutur will pro�tly prmidc Beaeficiuy with �xtx and cormt ooples oi a11 �istIttg s�nd future Leatc,�. Trustor may
<br /> collec+c, rcai��,rnjoy aad�zsc tbe Rrnu so long a.s Trmtor is not in default.Tnutor will not cc!lcct�n advance any Rrnts
<br /> duc u� futuxc lcast periods. unless Tnutos filst oDsaisss Bcneficiary's written conseat. Upoa default. Tnutor wiil rcceive
<br /> any� Rrnts in trust for Beaeficiasy and Tnutor will t�oc coa�iagle ttir Rrnss with aay cKbcr fun�s. Any amaunt�collet tcd
<br /> shall be�plitd at Beaeficiuy's dimetion to pryana�b an tbe Sxured I?�bt s�theretn�rovided, to coats of managing the
<br /> l�roperty includiag. but not lim�i+�td to, a11 tsxes. �ts. ias�mcc prem.innas. rtpalrs. and ooisunissiom to rcntai
<br /> agcau,and ta aaY ashex�':tiatod v,pe»ses includin8 Baxficiar7'�s attotneys't�es.psralcgal fed and court costs.
<br /> T,nuror acknowkdges that this sssig�au is pert'��m the r�ording of this Ueed of Tn�ct and thnt Ba�eficiary is
<br /> rniitled to aatify wy of'1'mstor's teQSnLZ to make paymutt of ttats dt�e or to btopmc �ue to Bttteficiary. Howe��er,
<br /> &mfici.�n• agrers that oaly on defaalt will EeaeCxiary natifp Tztator and Tnutor's teaants and make demand that all
<br /> fu�urc Rcnu be p�id di�aJy to &:ae.5ciary. Oa rccriving tbe nocia of dcfsalG T�ustor wili eadorac and dcllvec to
<br /> Be,�eficiar�+any paymencs of Rcat in Tnutor'a pos�essia�.
<br /> Trustor�ovanaats thu no default rxisu euder the I�es�es oY ury a{rpl�able taadlr..rd isvv.Trus:or also covrnants and agrees
<br /> ro roaincain. ammd to rcquire the teamts to rnm�ly vp}th. thc I,eas�:s a�d iny r.t,plicable lgw. Trvstor will promptly notify
<br /> �-ne6ciary of any aoc�c.om�tiu�ce, If Tcustcr neglects or refuses to enfor�c.oomplianct aith th�tan�of the Lcases, chrn
<br /> BeneGciary may. at Benef`�ciPry's aption. eaforrc ooa�plia�ce. Trnstor wiU obtain Basr�'�cisiy's arittrn aut6ori7ation
<br /> befarc Tn►stor coasa�ts to�blet, aadify. c�ncd. or ati�a�vise altet the i.c�. ta a�oct�t the surrenda of the Pr�opertY
<br /> coversd by such La�oes (unless the Lr,� so n�sire). or to assign. ooa�promise or ra.umber the I.easrs ar any futurc
<br /> Rrnts. Tnutor will hold Brneficiary 6umicss and indeauiify BrnefkIary for any u�d a11 liabiliry. la�ss or damage that
<br /> Ben�firiary mry iacur as a ooc�uenoe af tLc aasignaocat aMa th�s sxiion.
<br /> 1S.CO'VDUi4illr'IUMS; PLAI\\'NED UNiT DEVEI,OP9NENi'S. If the Property 4nclnda a unit in a condominium or a
<br /> ptax:ntd unit d�velops:xxst.Trustor will paiorm aU of Tmstor's dutiea und•tr t�caveaants. by-laws.or rcgulations cf the
<br /> coro�ominium or plaancd anit de:�o�eat.
<br /> 16,bE'FAULT.Trustor wi11 be in de4'milt if a�of the foUmving oxur:
<br /> A. Any party ottli�gatat m�t1x Soaurd Debt fails to make payaxnt wh�a du�;
<br /> B. A hr�ach of any term or cove�nt in this Decd of Tnisi, anY Pr.ar mortgage or aay cmnstruction loan agreenxni,
<br /> security �t or aay other doaunmt evidrncing, guaranty�ng. �uing or otherwise relating to the Secured
<br /> I'xbt;
<br /> C. The rnaking or furnisfiin�of any verbal or written repr�aatazicm. statement or warrsnty to g�ficiary that is faise
<br /> or incorrect in am�mata-ia]rapcct by Tnutor or any persocx or enrity abiigated on tbe S�cured pebt;
<br /> D. Thc death, dissolution, appoiarmeat of a receiva for, or a�ticatioa of any de�tor relief law to, Trustor or any
<br /> peison or catity obligaicd oa the Saured Debt;
<br /> E. A good faith bdief by Beaef�ciary at any tia�e that Be�ficiary is insa.vre with rtspcct to any person or entity
<br /> obl,gatai on t5e Sa.vred L�rbt or�hat the prospect of any PaYmrnt u ia�aired or the Propecty is im�aired;
<br /> F. A mazerial advax chaege in TnLUor's bosiness i�lvding ownership,management.aad fwa�ial cot�ditions,which .
<br /> Beeneeficiazy ia iu op'miou be2ieves iu�pairs the value of the Propertq or rcpayment ai the Secured Debt,or
<br /> G. Any loan proceeds�re used far a p�rpose that�1i contn'bute;Q ex�iy�e�;�of highly erodible laiM or to the
<br /> conversion of wetl�nds to prodvce an a�:eultural cammoctity.��mthe�c�i��7 C.F.R. Part I940. Subpart
<br /> G,Eztubit M.
<br /> 17-RENIEDIES�N DEFAUI,'i`. In same inStattces, fedtral and scate law will tequire Beneficiary to pmvide Trestor with
<br /> notice of:�e right to cure, mediation notic�s or otha aotices an�may esrablisb ii�e scheduZe� for forclosure a�ions.
<br /> S�bje�ta thesc lirnitatiors. if a�. Beneficiary may �cceIazte tfu Seau�od D�t as�d fonciose this Deod of Tnist in a
<br /> mannu provided hy taw if this Tcusior is in dtfanh.
<br /> i � �_'.'.-'r na�e3ot6
<br /> O 1991 8,rrcen SYrtacv.M[..St-Clo�d.i�W ft-006397•:347! Farm I�G/C6�0T•liE 17l30,47
<br /> _.. . _ . _ - .- ' `�39' . � . �_
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