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�'.��- �a��� <br /> B. All �au:e advasxts 5vm Beae3ici�ry :�T�ar aher fucnr�obligs'sioas of 7�m Braef�iary vnder any <br /> pcvm'sssory noce. �. 8�rmt�', or otba evideace of dd�c aastinr5 naw ar exoa�ted afta this Deed of Tnut <br /> whethe�or cwt this Deed of Tru�is�f:caDq rcfeued to in the evid<�ce Qf debt. <br /> C. AIl obligations Trr,stoc owts to Baxficiary. �c�icfi rww c�sst or mry Ister arise, to th�exttai not prohibittd by . <br /> law. incl�iag, bat nat limited ta. liablities for overdrafts tdavng to any deQosit aiocavnt agreaneat betwee�a <br /> Tnutor amd BeaefKiary. <br /> D. �+li additionat s�sms adti•aaced and ezpeasrs�by Bcaefic�a:y far�erving or ot�rwix protestit►g <br /> thc Pro4aty and iu vati�e md ary ot�r suu�sdvaoced aad o�asa incurred by Beaeficsar7�unda the terns of <br /> this Dxd of'Tsust. p:us intarsi at �e lugbat rate in effxt. from tia�to hme. as ptovidaf in t6e Evidence of <br /> Dcbt. ' + <br /> E. Trustor's perfoamna unc+�r the temu of say icutn�eat ev�,denang a�bt by T�tor to Brneficiary and aay Dad <br /> of Tnut soauiag.gusramtying.os othawix rdatia�g tc tbe debt. <br /> it mvre thaa one pason sigas this D�ood of Trust as Trust�. �ch Trostor agrees that this Deed of'i�ust will secure all <br /> finnre advaaocs acd futnre obiigatioae describ�d abmt tlnc r,e givea w er incurnxf by any one or more'Frntor, or any <br /> rn�c nr morr Tr,utar aad othera.Th�Dea!of Ttust will not seaue anp other debt if�tnefiriuv faiLs.with r-�.pcct to svdi <br /> ather debt, to r�;ce amy r�quir�od discloaure about this Dea'i of T►vst or if Bweficiary fai�s m give aay ceq�:'uod no�.ice of <br /> tht ri�ht of rrsciuion. ' <br /> S. PAY1fEIv"tS.Tnntor agroes to mafce all payiueata an ree Secoraf Debt arba�due and in axord�exae wit6 the te:�t�of the <br /> Evidc�e.of 13ebt or this Deed of Tr�. k <br /> 6. �vARR.+1,ti"CX OF TtTLE.Truscor arve�a�st"frmtor is lawfully seiad of the est�e coa�t�eyed by this:�:rcl of Trust <br /> and'nas the rig6t to irre��ly graat,ccx�vey ne�,sd1 to 7nutee, in tnut.with paaYr of sale. the Property aad warrants <br /> that tbe Ptoper:v is�aunberrd.exapt for e��of nro�d. <br /> 7. Ci.AIl►iS.1GASIVST'fl'IT.E.T�r a�i!!pr,y ai1 tua.��na�ts.liem.rnc�ra�es. lea9c pa��rxnts,gro�..�nd rrnts, <br /> utiJitirs, and otha ch�rga�iag to the Froperty when due. Bcnefic3ary may rcqsirr Tnutor to pmvidc ro E3cnetci,4ry <br /> capia o!all noti�a ths�svch�nonnts ur dn�aad the mx�ts cvideacing Trtutor'�payment.Trustor will d=frnd title to <br /> the Frapa:y agai�t pny claic�n that aroul�iiapair the licn of this Deed of Tnut.T'nutor�rcp ro auign ta Beneficiary,as <br /> rcquestcd by Bcneficiavy, my rigbu. c,Yaims or dcfs�es c��hich Tn�stor rtny havc agalaa putits who supply labor nr <br /> mueriaLt tn impmve er cmiuuin tbe P:operty. <br /> 8. i'RtG�R SECiJR1TY LYTERESi'S. With trgard to aa} other mn�rtgage, decd of trust, secutity agtcement ar other licn <br /> docunxsit that cratai a priar seaaits iaat�sat or�rsaa�the prapetey and that may have priorityr over this Deed <br /> of Trust,Tntttcr agrea: <br /> A. To mak�aU paymeau w bea dut sad ro perform or comoply with all covaumts. <br /> B. To pro[,�+tiy�diver ro Brneiiciary rny aotioes thu Tnntur rcceives fram the bolda. <br /> C. Not ro Agke or xrmit aa}modifiat+,on or exttusio�a of.and not to req�est or sax�pt any futusr advancGS undrr any. <br /> note or:gr�t savrod br,tbc otba matgigc.doed of avst or scauiry sgrcemcat unlcas Brnefi�iary conscnGS `--- <br /> 1R WTltiIlg. � � �'` . <br /> 9. DUE ON SALE OR Ei�iCUl1iBRA.�ICE. BrncCiduy iu aption, declare the rntire balance af the Serured llebt to <br /> bc irnrnedi�tdp due md payable c�xm the creuion of any iirn, a�cumbrancx, tna�sfer, or sale, or contract for any of thes� <br /> an th� Propaty. How�evcr. if the Propa�ty inciodes Tnutor's nxidenoe. this saxion shal! be subject to the ratrictions <br /> i�d hy fadrtal Zaw(►2 C.F.i.. 591),as appticable. Far the pur��es of this section. t�e ttrm"!'ropertY'also inciv�des <br /> any inia�t to all or any past of tlie Propeny.This oovemat sbzU cart ar;t1�tbe property md shall remain io effm untit the <br /> Secured aebt is paid in full aad thia D�red of Trust is idca�od. <br /> 10.TRaNSFER OF AN I2�'TEREST IN T'HE GRANTUR. If Tnutor is aa entiiy other thaa a natural penon (such as a <br /> corporation or other argmiratioa). Beaeficiuy may damnd imme�iat�paymem if(1) a beaeficial int�rest in Trustor is <br /> sold o�►rscuferted; ("�) thrre is a changc ia dthar the idemiry ot munbcr of ineinbers of a partntrship; or(3) there is a <br /> charge in ownership of more tls�25 pereau of tbe votia�stadc of a oorpotrtion. Howrver. Baxficiary may not demand <br /> payr�neat in tbc abr�Y sitwtio�ii it u pa+ahibic�d by lrn as of tbe date of thL�Deed of Trust. <br /> 11.EIV'1'T1Y WARRAN'XIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. lf Tnutar is an entity ather than a natural person (such as a <br /> co�racion or�tker orsaniution), 71�ustor m�3ca to Beneficiary tbe foUowing wamntiu aad representaeiQns which sh�ll <br /> br contirn:in,g x4 long as Wc S�rmd I?ebt rami�s wtstaoding: <br /> A. Tnutor is an a�tity which is duly organized aad vaiidly enistiag in the Trustor's state of incorporation (or <br /> o:ganiza�ioa). Trustor ia in goo�d�anding in all stata in which Tnutor trsnsacts business, Tnistor has the poKer <br /> and authority to own tt� Prapecty aad tr� cury � iu b�uir�s as now treing cone.+:uutd a�. as applicable. is <br /> qualifird to do so ia each stste in which Trustoc aperues. <br /> B. The atecntion, delivay a�d perfora�aacx of this Dad of Tcvst by Tnutor and the obligation evidrncal by the <br /> Evid�ace of Debt are evithia t£�e paara of ?nistor, har�e beea duty authorizecf, have received all necessary <br /> goveiam�tal agn�oval,aad will not violate any provision of law,or ordcr of oourt or govanmrntal agency. <br /> C. Otha thaa disclos� in writing Tmstor h2s not c�� its a:n�ne withia:he last tea years and has not used any <br /> oehe_*trad�or fi�tious aacne. Wit�o+�i Beaeficia�y's prior aTiuea co�scnt, T`rasior does not and wi1! not use a�y <br /> otha na�and w-iU prrsa�ve its eziuing name.tiade names aad fia�h'sses aatil the Securd Debt is satisfied. <br /> 12.PROPER'TY CO�IDTIIQ;V, AI.TERATIONS A1�iD INSRECITON. Trvstor will ketp tbe Property ir. good condition <br /> and make all repais•s that are�nahty ue�r�. Tn�stor wi12 g'�ve Beaeficiary prompt notice of any loss or damage to <br /> the Propert}_Trustcr wiil:t�the Prvperty f�of m.QOUS cveeds and gcauc,s.Trnstot wiIl nof initiate,join in or conseat <br /> . to any change in any F:�vste rr�rirxive cove�ut, mning ordinanoe or otha Fablic or private restaiciioa l�iting or <br /> dtfining she uses which may �e aactr of the Propaty or aqy.p#t of.the Pn,pp�rty. wi'� Beaeficiary's prior writtrn <br /> . coaseat. Tnutor wiil notify Peneficiary of aIl dem�ds, Proceedin8s, ciaims, aad xxioas against Trustor or any other <br /> owaa made undx law or regula�cm ngarding use,o�vu�shin aad oxupancy of the Prapeity.Tr�stor wi:l comply with all <br /> legaI r�qui�ts ae�d�striaioas,wha�er poblic or priwate.with respax to the ase of the Propaty. Tzastor also agrees <br /> that t�ie nazure of the oa�pancy aad me will c�ot chaoEe without BeaeficiarY's Pna�vritt� <br /> _ 3�Io portioa of the Froperty will be re�o��ed.dem�li�l or mataialtp altec+ed withoat Beaef�ciiary's prfcr writtrn c.onsent <br /> �ccept that Tnutor ha�the right t�r.move iteau of paxmal P�P�9�8 a P�of the Property that bxame wom <br /> peye 2 016 <br /> O t 49+.Ranrs$yytter�y�.St.Gl�u{MN ry.bOb397-231 f 1 Fina qGICp.Q7# 1 W�pl97 � <br /> �... . . . . . . . . . � <br /> ,, _ ..._ _.�. .:" =�{.7`'. � . <br /> . rY 4 <br /> ���fi=���� ,. <br />