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99- �GC�'�� <br /> 14. DEF�.iJLT.Trustor will b_e i�}����1t.i�anY.n,�t�'obligated on the Secured Debt fails ta make gaym�nt whA n due.Trusto:'. __ <br /> i <br /> will be in default if a brea:h oFcurs un�ef t�� eraas of this Security Instrument or any ot�er d��cument ex uted for dte <br /> purpuse of creatin�, �sg5or,S�T�Y�B•����IIebt. � good faith'x�ief by f3enefician� that Bene ciary at any <br /> ume is mserure with nspe�t to any persou'vr.�uty obligated on chc Seceue�Dcbt or that d�e prospect of any�sy�:ent or <br /> the value of the Pro�erty is im�aired shal?also constltute an evcnt of default. <br /> 15. REMEA�ES ON DEFAULT. In some instances, federal and stat�e law will zequire Beneficiary to pravide Trustor �+��.th <br /> notice of the ri�ht to cure er othcs natices a.�xl m,ay establish tit�ie schedulcs for foreclosure actions. Sub�ect to thesP <br /> limieations, if any, Beneficiaty may a�xeler�nte the S�ured Debt and foreclase this Secvrity Instmment in a manner <br /> prcvid�d by law if Trustor is m default. <br /> At the optio� of�3eneficiarv, all or anv� part of t}re agceecl fces and charges. acenieci u'�terest and principal :hall become <br /> immeciiately due an� payable, after givmg notice if reyuired by law, upon the occurrence of a defaul: or any�time <br /> thereafter. In actdition, Beneficiary shal; be entiQtd to all the remedies prcvtded by law, the terms of the Secured Qebt, <br /> this Security Insttumerst and any related tlocumenu, including wichout!ir.utation,t.he powrz to seli the Fraperty. <br /> :f there is a default, Trustee shall, in add'stion to anv ather pernitted re:uedy, at the request of 4�e Iieneficiary, advrni�e <br /> and selt the r�roperty as a whol�or ia seParate parocls at public auction�o the highest bidder for cash ancf convev absoIure <br /> title frec and c1ea:of all n�5t. tidc end►nterest of 1'rustor st sw:h tim�and place as Trustee dcsignatcs. Trustee shail give <br /> notice �f sale inc9uding t'r.e t!tne, terms aasi piace of sale snd a c3rscr,pion of the pro�erty to be sold as required by the <br /> applicable law in eCfect at the time of the nmposeci sale• <br /> iJpan saie of th�pro�rerty and ro che extent not prelibited by law. Trustee shall make and deliver a deecf ro the P F perty <br /> sold wlzic..h conveys abs�lute title to i2:e pnrehas=r, uid after frst payin� ail fees, charges and cos�s, shall ' to <br /> Beneficiar�• all moneys advan c c�i fcc repairs, taz�, i n s u r a n c e, l i e n s, a s s e s s m e h t s an d p r i o r encumbr.lnces r,n� interest <br /> therc�n, :ind the principal and interest on the Secvred Debt, pa}•ing ehe su:plus, if an}•, to Trvstor. Qeneticiary may <br /> �urchase thc Pmperty.Tne recitals in any deed of conveyaace shalf be prims facte eviden�ce of the facts set farch iherein. <br /> All renxd:es are distinct, cumulati�•e and not ezclusive, and the BeneficiarV is er.tiQed to all reitudics �ro��ided at law e* <br /> equity, whecher or not ezpressly set forth.'il�e accxr�ance by BeneCicaary o�`any sum in paynent or partial payment an the <br /> Secured Uet�t after the balance is doe or is xcelerateL or aftr. foreclosure procc�eciings are fAled shall not. co�stitute a <br /> waiver�f Benefici3ry's cig.�t to r:quire complete cure of a�:v existing default. t�y not exercising;any remedy on Trustor's <br /> default, 13en�ficiary dces no!waive Benefieiary's right t�later cansidcc the errnt a defa.�lt if it cantinues c+r happens again. <br /> 16. EXP,�.NSES9 r�.DV�C�S UN CO�'ENrt►NTS; ATTORP��EYS' �'�ES; C�LLECI'lON COSi'S. Except whcn <br /> prohibiteci by law, Trwtor agrces to pay azl af Beeeficiar�'s expenses if Trustor breaches any covenant in this Secarity <br /> Instrument. Trustor wi11 slso pay on demand any acrr�unt inct�rred h•: Bcneficiary far irsurin�, inspecting, Preserving or <br /> �therwis'e protecting the Property and Benefici�ry s security inrerest. �`hese ex�xnses wili be.r mte:rest from the date of thc <br /> paymrn� unui paid m full at Lht high�t intcrat rate in eifee:zt providecl in the temu of ttie Secured Debt. Trustor agrees <br /> to pay• al! costs and e.�penses incurr�d b}• �3�eneficiary in co!�ecting, rnfo�ciog or protecting Beneficiary's rightc and <br /> cemedies under this Secunty Insuu:t�nt• Thic aLZOtmt may inciude,hut is nat lim�ted to, atto��eys' fees, court costs, and <br /> other legal expenses. 'Ihis Security Instrument shaf� remaia �n effect until relea.sed. Trusto: agre...� to pa�� for any <br /> recordation costs ai such release. <br /> i7. ENVIRC�ni�LE^1TAL LA'�VS AND HA�r+.RB01JS Si.�3STAN�E.S. As usecl in this scctic�n, iii E:ivironmcntal l.a��• <br /> means, wiehout liinitaaon, the Comprehcnsive Envirocvsre��:al Rrsponse, Cor�nsation aad Liabilitv Aci (CERCLA, 42 <br /> U.S.C. y601 et seq.), and a1i other #'ederai, sare a.-esl local Iaws, re�.�iations, ordmances, court crders, at:orney general <br /> op;nicns or interpreuvc lr.tters conceming the pubiic health,safety, we�fare,environc:�nt o=a ha:ardous substance; and(2j <br /> Hazardous Substance n�cans any roxic, radiw�ctive or har.ardvus n�aterzal, wasu, �o1lutanc or cantuninant which has <br /> characteristics which render the su bs�nce �ar►gerotts or p o t rn t i al l y d a n u s t o t h e p u b l ic hcalth, safet y, wclCare or <br /> en��ironmPn:. The t�rm includcs, w:thout lin:stauon, any su►sstance.s definrd as "hazardous materiai," "taxic subst�cnces," <br /> "hazxrdaus waste" or"hazardous sist�sance" ur�er any Envi�nm�ntal Law. <br /> T:ustor rep;esents, warrants aod agrtes that: <br /> A.Ezcepe as previouslD� disclosed and ack.�owiedged in writing to Benefciary, no.HAZardnus Substance is br wiil bc: <br /> located, srored or released on ac in the Pmperty. 'i'his restnetion does riot apply to smp" quanti:ies of Hazardous <br /> Substances[hat ure generally recognized to;7e appmpnatz for:he n�rmal use and maintenance oF the Proprrty. <br /> B. Exce�t as previously dis`losed and acknowledged in writing to Beneficiary,Tnutor and evcry tenant have been, aze, <br /> and shall remain in full co:npliance with any applicahZe Environmentaf <br /> C.'l�r�stor sha?1 imr[tcd�ately nonfy �e�eGciarv if a release or thn�te:��ed release uf s Hazardous Substar.ce oc;curc on, <br /> under ar about ;he Pr-���erty or there is a v�oiat3on oi ar_y �nvirvnmental Law concernin� the ProQerty. Tn <br /> event,Trustor shail take alt rn.�ccssary:emeciial action�n acrnrdance with any Enyironmental Law.`„ _ <br /> D.Trustor shall icrvnediately natify Bei►efciary in writin as sco�as iru..�toc has reason to believe theke is anv pending , <br /> or threatened invc�tig:.teon, claim, or preceeding re�ating to the releasc or .hreatened release of��ny tlaz.udous <br /> Substance or the violation of any Enviroaasec+tal Law• <br /> 18. COi`dDE2�L\A'_IUN.Tnutor n•il1 give Beneficiary prompt no:ic;e of an} Fending or threatened action,by private ot public <br /> entities to purcha�e or take any or all of!he Praperty througl;eendemnatie�n, eminent do:nain, or any othe:cneans. Trustor <br /> authorizes Beneficiary to intervene in Tcustor's name in any o;tl-ae a.bove�escribed actions or claims. Trustor ass�g:u 'a <br /> Beneficiary tt,e nreceeds of anv award or cl�im for damages connected with a condenuiation or othtr taki�g of al! cr any <br /> part of the Froaerty• Such proceeds shall be atinsideted payrcieats ancl wi31 be applied as �rovided iu this aec;urity <br /> [nstn�ma�t.This assignmeut of prxeeds is subject to the zerms of:�ny prior�c,ti�age, deed of trust, security agreement or <br /> other 1;�doCmn�t. <br /> 14. 1��3SUkL�.'.�s'CE.Trustor sha11 keep Property insuc°.� against loss by fite, flooci, theft and oehcr hazards and risks reasona6ly <br /> associated wich t�ie Property due ta its tygr and location. �is iasarance sha:l be mait,tained in the arnc:;nt� an� for the <br /> periocls ��a: Be�eficiary ;�caices• "Ihe insurance carrier providing t6e insuranca shall be ciiosen by Trustor subject to <br /> Benefic�ary's approval, which shall not be unreasonably wi�hheld. If Trustor fails to maintain the covera�e describeci <br /> above, berr.f,cia,y rray, at Be,^.eficiary's optioa, obtain coverage t�pr�txt Beleficiary's rights in che Property accordi�a <br /> to the teri�s of this Security InsG*ument. <br /> All insuran�•e pflli�ies and renewals shall beacceptable to Lene.ficiary and shal! include a standard "morcgage clause" and, <br /> where ap�lic:able, "loss Fayee ctause." Trustor shall imcnediuel,y notify Brneficiary of cancellation or termuiation of the <br /> insuran�e. E'eneficiary s,hall have the rigbt ro hoid the pol�cies and renewals. [f Beeeficia�ry req�ir�s. Ttustnr shall <br /> imrnediatety give to Beneficiary all rc�.cipts of paid preemums and ren�wal notices. UFon ioss, Trustar shall give <br /> imtr�ediate n+�ESCe to the insurdncx carrier and Beneficiuy. Benefieiary may mal:e pmof of loss if not mad�imrr�vdiately by <br /> Trustor. <br /> s a� <br /> A 199-C Ba* SK:tma.lnc..St.L!oud.l.SfJ I1.8�-347-2347I I�ar.Rf-LiT�Nf 16l27l97 �� �� <br /> � �s` �- <br /> � <br /> x.-- _ � <br />