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99�- �c�.� <br /> B. All 5ituse advar,�a ?�;�� Beneficiary to Tn:stor or other future o�tigztions of Trustor to Bcneficiary under any <br /> prorr��.�}•note, couvact, guaranty, or ather cvidence of debt ex.°cute:t by Trustor in :avor of Beneficiary excY:u:ed <br /> aftez this Se�.�uri'y Iastra.*nea.t whether or nut Lh:s Securiry Irstzumen: is specitically referenced. If more than or,e <br /> persan signs Yhis �uriry I�tnunen�, each Trustor agrees that this Security Insuument wili secure all futu*e <br /> advzr.:.cs and fan:re�bli at�ons that are given to or incurred by a.�y one ar more Trustor,or any one or more Trustor <br /> aud�mrrs. All funlre�vances aad other future obligations are secure�by this Security instrument even thougii a11 <br /> or�tan may no:yet be a�vance:l. All future adrances and otber future obl��ations are secured as if made on the d�te <br /> of thu Ser_unry I�:zument. Nuthing in t�is S�urity instrument shall consua�te�commitment to make additinnal or <br /> ;uture loz�ns ar advauces in any amount. Any_�ch co�mitment must bea�reecl to in a segarate writing. <br /> C.Ail obligations Tnista owes ta Beneficiary, which a�ay later arise, to the eztent not prohibited by law, inclusiing, <br /> but net limitcd to, ;iabiliti�.�s for overdrafts relating eo any deposit �ccount agresanent bet��een Trustor and <br /> B�eficiary. <br /> D.Alt ad�jt�ona: sums advanctd and ez incurred b• Beneficiary for insaring, preserving or othenvise protecting <br /> L':e Property and its�aIue and any ot er sums advan�and expen�es incurred b�� F3enefici2ry und�er the terms of this <br /> S�curity Instrusnent. <br /> This Servr.ry Instrument will not secure .ny otber debt if Beneficiary fails to give aay required rotice of the right oi <br /> rescissi�n. <br /> 5. �'A'i'M�N"s S. Trustfl�r agrxs c}��t all gayments unda the Securc�! Debt«ill be pair when due and in acconiance with the <br /> terms ef the S�°c:uresf I?ebt and'this Secunty Instrurr►ent <br /> fi. WARRAI�3TS' OF TITLE. Trustor warcants that Trustor is or will be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this <br /> Se�.'urity Insuument and has the zight to ime��ocab!y grant,convey, and selt tL.�Property to Tnistee, in crust, with po�+�er of <br /> sale.Trustor also warranu that the Property is unencumbered,e•:xF! for encw.�brances of record. <br /> 7. PRiJR SECURI'I'Y IN'TERFSI�S. �'�th regard to any o:her mor,gage, de-ed of trust, security agree�icnt or other lier. ! <br /> documcnt that created a prior sccurity irterest or encumh�ance on the Property,T;us�or agrees: ' _ 1 <br /> A.To make all paymens whcn due and te perfor►n er comp►y with al1 covenant.:. <br /> S.To promptly deiiver ta Bes� any n�qces that Trustor recci�•es from the hotder. �_ ! <br /> C.Not to allow any modification or extensidn of, nor to ret�uest any future �dvances under u�y note or BaICCRII'Il[ ; <br /> sexured by the lirn da-umen[without Fiecteficiary's prior written conunt. � <br /> 8. Cd.AIMg AGAINSI'`iTTLE. Trustor wiU pay all taxes,assessments, liens,encumbrances, lea�e payments, ground rents, � <br /> utilities, and other charges relating to the Pmprrty when due. Beneficiary may require Trustor to provide to Beneficiary ; <br /> copics of all notices that sueh a.:�ounes arc due and the ceceipts cvidenang'1'rustor's payrnent. Tn.stor will defend title :o <br /> thf Progerty a�ainst any claims that would impair the ]ien ot this Security [nstrument. Trustor agrees to assiFn to ; <br /> Benetic<<�ry, z� rrquestai UX Beneficiarv, any rights,claims or Trustor may have against partics�vho suppEy lahor <br /> er maten'als to maintain or improve the Propercy. <br /> y. DL`E ON SALE QR ENCLIMBRA��ICE. Benr5ciary:nay, at its optian, declare the eat;re b�ance of the Secureci Debt to 1 <br /> be immcdiatdy due and payable upan the creation of, or contraa for tne creation of, any '�en, encumbrance, transfer ar <br /> sale of the Pcnpeity. �ihis ��t is sub�ect to the restrictions imposed by federal law (12 C.F.I2. 591), as anpticable. This <br /> cavenant shall run with ��e roperty and shall rernain in effect until [he S�:ured Pebt is paid in fulQ and tni� Sec:urity <br /> lrstrvment is releascd. <br /> la. PROP�R1'Y LO\TDITiON, ALTERATI01'iS ANB INSPECT'IUN. Ttustor will kee� the P:nperry i� guai condition <br /> and maice :�i repairs tha: are reasonabiy nax.�ssary. Truswr shall nat ;ommit or allow any v�aste, mlpairment, or <br /> deterioration of the Property. Trustor will krxp the PropeRy free of noxious weeds and grasses. Tnist�r agrees that the <br /> u�ture of the rxcupanc}°a�d use will not substanually change witho�t Benefici s prio�written consent. Trustor��ill not <br /> permie any ctiange ir.any license, restrictive co�znart or easement without Be��ciar�'s prior written consent.Trustor wiil <br /> notify L3;.neticiary of a!1 drmands, procee�ings, �laims, and actions against i''rustor, an� of :u�y loss or damage to the <br />, pro��y <br /> &:neficiary or 8eneficiary's a�enes may, at Beneficiary�'s o�tion, enter the Propeny at an; rtas.�nable time for the purpose <br /> of iasp�.'cung the Property. �rnef,cian° shall give Tnucor notir�, at the time of or before an inspection spe�cify ing a <br /> reasonahle purpo$e for the ►nspection. Any i;ispec!Eon uf the Property shall be entirely for &�ne�"iciary's benefit ;uid <br /> Ttustor will in no way rely on Brneficixry's inspecuun. <br /> �1. AiTT}iOF_xT'Y 'i'� PERFORAi. If Trustor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contair�ed in this Sec:urity <br /> instr�ment, Bcneficiary may, wich�ut notice, perfarm or c:ause them to oe gerfo�ed. Trustor appoints Beneficiary as <br /> attorncy in face to sign Trustor's name or pay any amounc ae:.essary for perforcnance. Beneficiary s nght to perform for <br /> Trustor shal{ not crea�e an ooligation to perfotsn, and Bc:neficixry s fa�lure to perform wil! not preclude Beneficiary f'rom <br /> exercising any of 6eneficiary's other rights under the law or this Security �nstrument. If any constrvc�ion on the Property <br /> is ciiscontinued or not camed oa in a reasonable manner, Bene��iary may take al; steps necessary to protect Beneficiary's <br /> secu:iiy interest in the Propeny, including compleiion of the c�nstruct►on. <br /> 12. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASF.S AND REN'd'S. Trustor irre��ocably grants,�conveys an�t sells to Trustee, in tcust far the <br /> benefit uf Beneficiary, as additior�al security all the right, tide and inte:est in and to any ar�d all existing er future ieases, <br /> subleases, and any oeher written or verbat agreements fo:the use and occu�ancy of any rtion of che Froaeny, ir.cluding <br /> anv exteiuior_s, renewals, mo�ifications or substitutions of such agrcements (all refe�o as "l,eases") and rents, issues <br /> and rofts (all reierted to as "Renu"). Trustor will procnptly provide BeneSciary with irue and correct copies of al <br /> exisung and future Leasc�. Trustor rt�y c:ollec:t, receive, �.:,��y and use the Rents so tong as Trustor is not in defau!t under <br /> the cerms of this Secarity Instnim�nt. <br /> Trustor acl�ow;edges thaz this assigncr.ent :s perfrcted� upon the recording af this Deed of Tntst an3 that Re:�eficiary is <br /> er.itled to notify any of'Trusior's tenants to make payment of Rents due or to become due to Beneficiary. �-.o�vever, <br /> Beneficiary agrees that only on defauit will Beneficiary notity Trustor and Trustor's tenants and n,ake decnan�+ th2t a!1 <br /> future Rents be paid directly to 3eneficiary: On recei�ing notice of default,Trustor wili Pndorse and deliver to ii�neficiary <br /> any pay;nent of Renu in Trustor's poss�ssion and will receive any Rents in trust for Beneficiary and will noc commingle <br /> the Rents with any other funds. AnY ��� �llect� will be applied as pmvided in this Securiry Instrument. Trustor <br /> war;ants d:at�o default exists under the Leases or any applicable landlord/tenant law. Trustor also agrces to mairttain and <br /> • require any tenant to campiy�vitn the terms of ch�ixas�and applicable law. 1�. <br /> ��;l. .,�.;t <br /> 13. I.EASEROLDS; COP1d01�QNILTM�; PLANIVBD ITNIT DEirELOP�riE1VT`S. Trustor agrces to comply with the <br /> provisions of any lease if this Security IQSUUment is on a leasehold. If the Proprrty i�cludes a unit in a e:onciommiurn or a <br /> pl2nned unit development,Tnsst�*w►1l perform all of Trustor's duties under thc covenant�, by-laws, or regulations of the <br /> condominium or planneci unit developtr.ent. <br /> n . <br /> s a <br /> �� (pe�/�� ��l ` , <br /> 0149�Benkors Systems.Inc..Si.CMud,MN I7�800-397•2341 i Fcrm RE�DT-NE S 0%:7;9: ,��4Lrrt?� <br /> —(J <br /> . � y, . <br /> " : �_.,,,,. <br />