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5 <br /> } <br /> 17. Tr,►nster af the Pro�erQy or u 8eneficiat Interest in�&orrower. [f ali or any Part of the Property or any interest in it <br /> ys u�id ezr trsn;fe�TCd (or if a beneficial interest in Borm�ver is soid or transferred and Born�ver is not a naturai person)�vithout <br /> Lender's prior �ti•r;tten a�nse�t, Lcnder may, at its �Ftion, rc�uire immediate paym�nt in full oi all sums secucc;ci by this <br /> Security Instrument. Hoaever. this option shall not be exercised by Lender if prohibited b� feileral law�t <br /> of this Sccurity Instrument. � <br /> If Lencier exercises this o�tion, I,ender shall give Borres�ver notice of arceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not � <br /> :ess tfian 30 days from the date the notice is delivereci or mailed withiit which Borrower must pay al! sums secured by ihis o <br /> Security ]nserument. If S�rro�ee�fails to pay chese sums prior to the expiration of this pe.ricxl, Lender may invoke any remedies <br /> permitteu bv this Security Instrurr�ent without funher notice or demand on Borrower. �' <br /> 13. Borro�ser's Right ta ReieES'iatc. If Born�wer meecs certain r�nditions. Sorrower shall have ti�e right to have � <br /> enforcement of this Sec+irity Znstrument discontinued ac any time priar to the esrlier of: �a) 5 days (or c��ch other period as � <br /> applicabie law may sFecif}• for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale.contained in this � <br /> Ceca:ity Instrument:or(b)cntry of a judgmes�t enf:rcing this Security ;nstrument.Those cor.ditions are that Borrower: (a)pays <br /> �.ender a(1 sums whicn then would bt: due ❑nder tt�is Securi'�� instrumenE and the Ncte as if no acceleration h�d occurred; (b) � <br /> cures any default of any other cavenar.ts or aereements; (c) pays al! expenses incuned in :nforcin� tt�is Security Instrum�nt, <br /> includin�*, but not limired to, rea.eonabfe auorneys' fers; and (d} takes such action as Lender may reasonably rtquire to assure � <br /> that the lien of this Serurilv Instrunie►�t, Lender's rghts in the Property and $orrower's obligatio� to pay the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument shali :�ntin.i�e unchanged. iJpon reinstatemPnt bv Bvrrower, this Security iiistrunient and the <br /> obligati:��s secureci hereby sliatl re�ta��n fuliy effective as if no acce�eration had occurred. However, this �ight to reinstate shall <br /> ��ot apply in iiie case of accelcration unde�par�graph i7. <br /> 19. Salc of Note: Ci�ange of Luar► Scrvizcr. The Ncite or a partiat interest in thc N�te (togethcr with thie Securi!y <br /> Instrument)may be sold one or mare times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity (known <br /> as :he "Lean Servic�r"1 that collects monthly payments due under die N�te ancl this Security ]mtrumetu. 'fhere also may be one <br /> or more changes of the Loan Serviccr unrrlated co a sale of the tiote. If thei-e is s change of the Loan Servicer, 8orri��ver will hc <br /> gi:�en ��ritten noiice of the dtange in accordanre with paragraph !4 above and applicable law. T'l�e notice wili state the name ancl <br /> address of ttie neu� Loan Servicer and the address to which payments siiould be made. The no[ice will also cor.tain any other <br /> inCormation reyuired by a�pficable faw. <br /> 20. Nazardous Substances. �3or;ower shail not cause c�r perniit the presence, use, dis�sal, storage, or relcase of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or i� thc Propc:rty.'Borrower sF:all r.ot do, nor allow anyane else tc� dv, anything a�fcrting the <br /> Praperty that is in violation of any Enviroaimental Law. The preceding ta•o sentences shall not apply to thc presence, use, cir <br /> storaUe on ;he Pmpeny of smatf quaniities of Hazardous Substanccs that are generally rccognized to be appropriate to norma! <br /> residcntial uses ar�d to main[tnac�}:c of the Pro��eny. <br /> Borrower sliall promptly �ive L,endcr written notice of any ietivestigation, claim, de+nand, lawsuit or uther action bv :uiy <br /> governmer.ta! or regi,latory agency or private party invoiving the Pre.aerty and any liaiardo�,Subst:�nce or environmcntal Law <br /> of which Borrower hss a.tual knowleclge. lf Bor,ou•er learns, or is notifie%1 by any governn<<�ntal or rc�ulatory authoriry, that <br /> am� removal or other remediation ef any Hazardou�,Substaace affecting the t�ropeny is nece;sary, Qorrower shall prompily take <br /> ali necessary remedial actions in accordance with F,nvironmental Law. <br /> As used i�i this paragraph 20, "Hazardous S�b�tances" aro i�iosc substances defined as toxi�, or h.;;zarc;ou� suhst� bv <br /> Environmental Law mid the following substances: g;�saline, kerosenc, other (lammable or toxic petroieunj prc�dacts, toric <br /> pes;icides and hert�icides, vvlatile solvents, malcrials containing asbestos c�r furrr,atdeh}��e, anci radi��,ictive matcrials. As use� in <br /> ihis paragrapli 20, "Em�irontnental" means federaJ la�vs and tax�s of the jurisdictian where the Properry is located ttiat <br /> rclatc to iiealch, safety or em�ronmental protection. <br /> I�01�-UNIFOR!�t COVL-;NANTS. Barrower and 1.eraner further covensnt and agrce 2ti folla�.vs: <br /> 21. Acce6e►-ation; Remedies. I_.ender•shall give not;ice to Sorn�wer prior io at�celeration io�ln�s�ing Borro�rer's b�•eacli <br /> of �m c�iveuant or afireement in ihis Seturit�� In�tniniertt (bui ne�t priar to acceleration under paragraph 17 unlc�s <br /> apJ:iirable ia�v Qrovides otherw�ise). 't'he �otice shall specii'y: (a) !he default; (b) the action required eo cure the dek'aull; <br /> (c) n date, nvt less th;�n 30 dar�s fmm the datc the notiar Is given to 3orrn�ver, by �vhtch the defpult nnist be cured; and <br /> (d) that fail�re tn cure the ciefaott on or befare the daLe speci[ird in the notice ms�y result in acceleration of the sums <br /> s��cured by tt�is S�xurit�� Instrumcnt aaid safe of the Property. The notiee �hiilf furthcr inforni i�i�rr�HCr of the ri�*ht lo <br /> reinst.�te after acceleration and tke right ta bring a court ar.tio�s to a5sert the non-exlstertcc of a tlefault or any othr.r <br /> tlefe��se of iio�TO«�er to ucccleration and saie. li the clef:�uit �s not oei or before ihe dat�: s�>ecified in lhe noticr, <br /> I,enaler, �t its c,�tion, may require imenediate payment in full oI 8U stems seci�red by lhis Sec�rity Instrument ��ithoa�t <br /> Cartieer ciemand and �:e�y inv:::e ±he pc+«�er of sale a��d anv other remetiies permitted by� ap�;licable la«�. I,ender sh�ll lhe <br /> entiUed to rofl�ct al!�xpen�:;in�vrreci'rn parsuing the rem�edies provided in this para�raph 21, including, but not limitcd <br /> to, reasonable attornc�•s' fees ane costs uf 4itle evidence. <br /> If tl�e po�cer of saie is invoked, Tnistee shall recnrd a notice of defautt in eacFi co�at} in «�hich any par! of the <br /> Prapt�rt�� is loc7ted anrl shaH maii cogies of sucii notice in Uie manner prescribed by :ypplicatzle IaF�• to F3nrrov�•er and to <br /> the other perwns prescriGed by appticablP laH. Aftcr 2he tinre requered by applicaUie ia�v, Tn�stee shal!give public nuticc <br /> � : c>f sale to the pc;3ns and in thh ananner prescribed by applecable'.����. Tr�stee,lvithout demand on Borrower, shall sep <br /> the Propert��at public aucfi�n to the highesS hidder at the tirtie anc! place and under the tenetis desi�nated in the notice�s!' <br /> csle in une or more parcets and in any order Trustee determitt�s. Trustee ma�� pcntpone sale of all or anr� parcel of the <br /> ; ' f'ro�ert�� b4� pubiic announcemrnt at the time und piace of �my previous[y scheduled sale. i.ender ur its dcsignee may <br /> purcha�e the Prnpeet}�at any sal�. <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br /> Gege 5 0l 6 , <br /> I <br /> �i . �_.,,,,. <br />