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paymenis may no (onger be req�ired, at£he optioa of Lend�r, if m�ctgage insurance covera�e(in the amoUnt and for the period <br /> that i,ender requires) provided by an insurer appraved by Lcncier again becomes availabl�and is abtainecl. Borrower �hall pay <br /> thc premiums requireci to ma:ntain morigage insurance in effeet,or to provide a loss reserve, until the requirement for martg�ge <br /> insunnce ends in accordance with any written agt�ement betwe<n Bori�Q�ver ancl Lender or applicabte law. <br /> 9. Fnspection. L.endcr or i:c agent may make reasonablc entrie�s upon and inspections of the Propr_rty. Ler.der stiall give <br /> Borrower r.otice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifyin,ry ressonable caus:for the ins�ectian. <br /> 10. CoaJerrination. The proceeds ef any zwai�d or claim for darriages, direct or ronsequentiai, in connection ���ith any <br /> c<mdcmtzation or other taki�g of any part of ihe Praperty, or for eonveyance in iicu of condemsiation, are her�:by assigned �nd <br /> s�hait be�aid ta i.�nder. � "` <br /> l�i the evcnt of a total taking of the Ptopeny,the prcic�ds sha11 bc applied to the sums secareil b}�this Security InstruRtent, <br /> whether r�r no! then due, �vith any excess paid to Bqrrower. In the event of a partiai takin� oi me �roperty in w•hich thc fair <br /> market value of the Prepe�ty immediately before the taking is eqaal to or greater than the amount of th�sur�s secLred by this <br /> Security Ir�swment immediately before the taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in�.�ri[ir.g, the sums secured by <br /> tnis Security Instrumeni shall be reduced by the amount of the pmce�s multiplieci by the follewing fractinn: (a) the total <br /> amount o�ttie s�;ms secured imme�iatel� befc�re the takirg, divided by (b) the �air nzarket value of the Property immediately <br /> before the !aking. Any balanc� shalt be paid to Borrower. In the evenE of a partial taking of ti�e Prnperty in which the fair <br /> market value c�f the Propeny immediately before the taking is less than the amoun[of the sums secured inmediatefy bef:��e the <br /> taking, unless Borrower an� i.e�xler otherwise agree in writinn or unless app!icable law otherwise pravides, the proceeds �hall � <br /> be applied to the sums serured by th�s Security Instn�ment whether ar not the sums are then due. <br /> lf the Property is abandoned by Borrower, o; if, after notice by Lender to Borrower!hat the rnndem�or offers to make an i� <br /> award or settle a claim for damages, �rrower !'ails t� respond to Len�er within 30 days aRer the date the notice is givcn, • <br /> Lender is authc�rized ro co!lect and apply the praceec�s, at its option, either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument, wne�her or nut then dae. � <br /> Unless t.ender and Sorrower othenvis:e agree in writin�, any applicac�a;� of proceeds to principal shall not extcnd ar � <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly pa}'n�ents referrecl io in paragra�hs 1 and 2 cr change the amount of,:crl� payme.nts. �t <br /> li. I�orro�rer tiot Keleased; Forbeacance Bf I.Yndcr IVot a SY3ivcr. Extension of thc time for payment or modifica�i,�r� ;S <br /> of amortization of the sums secttred b;this Sc�:urity instrument graated by Lencier to an��successor in interest of Borro���er shull �� <br /> not operate to release the liabiiity of the original Borro�ser or I3orrower's successors in interest. L.encier siiall not he reyuired !o �J <br /> commence proce:dings against any successnr in interest or refuse to.,x;enJ time for pay�nent or otherwise m�di�y amc�rtization <br /> nf tne sums securec! by this Securitv Instrument by reason of any Jemand made by the original Borrower c�r Bexrower's <br /> successors in interest. Ar,y forbearance by Lender in� any rieht or remecly shall not be a u�aiver of or prerlude the <br /> exercise of any ri�ht or rernedy. . <br /> i2. Successors and Assi�ns Boc�nd; Jai1t and SeF•eral Liability; Co-s�gners. The cove�ants and 1� eemerts of thiti ' <br /> Security instrument shall bind and benefit the successon and assigns of Lcnder and Eiorrower, subject to th• provisions ��f <br /> paragraph I7. Borrower's covenanis a�d agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borruwer who co-sign� this Security <br /> Insirument b�t does nai cxecute the Note: (a) is co-si�ning this Security Instn�ment onl� ro mortgage, grant and convey that <br /> Borrower's interest in the PraFcrty under the terms of this Security In�tfument: {b) is not persenally obliguted to pay thc sums <br /> secured by this Security lsistn�ment; and(e)agrees that Lender and any other Borro�ver may agree to extend, mc�uify, forbear or <br /> make any accemmodations with regarci i�ihe terms of this Security Ir,strument or tfie�Iote without that Borro��•er's coe�sent. <br /> � 13. Loa� Charges. If the loan secu^d by ttiis Security Instrumern :s subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, <br /> and th�; law is finally interpreted so Ihat the interest or other luan charges colleciecl or to be collected in eanncetior� with the <br /> loan excecd the permitted limits, then: (a) any st�ch loan charge shall be reduced 'ny the amount necessary ro reduce tl�e cl:arge <br /> to thc permitted •.imit; and (b) any sums already callectccf from Borrower which cxceeded pennitted limits will bc refunded to <br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to mnke ti�is refund by reducing the principa( o�ved under the �Iote or by making a direct <br /> ; p.iymcnt to Iiarrower. if a refund reduces principal, the reductio�t will be treated as a partial prepayment without aiiy <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 1 id. �Iot�ces. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivcring it or hy rnaiiin; <br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law requires ase nf another methcxi. The notice shall be directed to the Pro�rty Address <br /> or any o;her addres� Bermsver u�esignates �y notice to Lender. .qny notice to Lenjer shall be given by first class mail tir <br /> Lendcr's address sta!rc! he��ein or any other addeess L,ender designates by notice ta Bott�wer. A�ty notice provided !'or in this <br /> Security Instrument shall be decmeci to ha��c been given to Borrowcr or I.xnder when given as providccl in this paragraph. <br /> I5. Governin�; Sererab9iity. This Security Iizstrument shall be govemecl by federal law and the la«• of the f <br /> juris.3iction in which t!ae Property is Iocated. In the event thai any provision or clause of this �ecuri!y ]nstrument or the Note <br /> con�licis with applicable law, such con(�ict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or ihe Note which can be <br /> ; g;ven effect without the contlictinr provision. To this end the provisions o�this Security Instrumcnt and the Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. Borroti�er's Copy. Borro•.��er sha[I be�iven one confornieci copy of dye Note and of this Seci�rity Inshliment. <br /> Farm 3Q28 9I90 <br /> Page 4 of 8 <br /> } <br /> 1 <br /> g <br /> �_ <br />