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�,,��'� . <br />���� <br /> Cw.�., h�t; <br /> �an,, <br /> y r,,�, ':�. <br />�s ty4 <br /> r .«,, <br /> t�y���,� <br /> �� <br /> .��.��i <br />��s�.sr.� <br /> r��;:�� ' , _ � <br /> . ��-�.���� <br />�k'�� �avmcr2rs ma}• no longer t�: required, at thc ogtion of L,ender, if mvngagc i�sur^<.n�z:overage(in the amo�nt an�l ior the geriod <br />� `4' th2t Lender re;uires} provid�c h� an ins�mr a�provc�by L:nder again becc�mes availaU?e and is obiained, Bocroever shalt pay <br /> t�e�rem;ums:eGuired to ma;r,tzin r�ertgage insurance in effect, o;to previde a loss reserve,un,il the mquire�nent for mangage <br /> insurznce er,ds in a�cordance with any w:ir.en agrexurent hetu-een Borrower aad Lender o�applieable Iaw. <br /> 9. Iiisgcction. Lender or its ageat may make reasockzb)c entri:s vpon and ins�ections of the Froperty. Lender shalt givc <br /> i3o;mw�er nor.�P at th�cim�of er prioz to�m inspeclion sp,.dc>"rying rea5onab?e cause:or the inspection. <br /> IG. L'�nder:tnation. The Froceeds af any award or claim far sianiages, direct or consequertial, in connet,tiUa w•ith any <br /> condemnation or other tal:ing af any part of ette Frogetty, or for conveyance in liee of condemnation, are hereby assigned an�i <br /> �� sh<il! h�paici to ls.nder. <br /> � In the ever.t oi a!ot�il t.s}:ing of the Propen}•, the procecds shall b�applied to the sums secuz�ed bg this Security inztnr*.�ent, <br />'����� •�.l.e�her e; r.c: then ciue, wi��� .•u�y ezce_ts paid to F3�rrawer. la the event nf a�art:al taking oi thP Property in which the fair <br />��i�� m;ar�c+, v�lue of th� Prcr,�nv immediately befor tf:e takir.g is equa! [o Q: oreater than the :unount of the sums secured by this <br />��``� Sccur��F� ?:�s,rument 1?Ti!TieCIll:el}•before the taicin�, imles Sorrower ar,d Lerder otP;envise a�;re in writ;ng, the�ams secure�by <br />"�*,°` '° this Secocir.y Instrumen[ s,iali be reduced by the amaunt ef the pm.e�lc mu?tiplied �Sy the following :ractian: (a) the total <br />� z�, <br />���'�r� amour:t ,�i the tums secureii immcxiiately before the ta3cing, divided b}' (b} the fa�r�tiarkt: -value of tht Preperty immecliateiy <br /> E'�"`��� h;:fore t�e tvcing. Any ba;ance shali b. paid tu Bocrower. In the ever.t of u artia: takin of the Pro ert ' <br /> P g p y ;n which the fair <br /> .�:� rr,arke: o•alae o?the �rcpert,v ;mm�diat�ly beforc the talcing is less than the arnount ef the sums sccured immc�iately befi�re the <br /> takir.r, unless Bonower a.r.d I.ende:othenvise agree in w�riting or un?esc applicablc 6aw otherwise provides, the procceds shalf <br /> s be ap�;',ied�o the surrs secared br chis Sccurity Instntment whether or nct ih;.sums are;�en dve. <br /> �`�a If the ?ropeny� is aband�ned by Bor:o:ver, ar if, af,er notice by L.ender to Borrower that the condemnor o;;ers to make an <br /> ��� a��:ard er .ett�e a claim for damages, ficnewcr faiis ro resgend ta L,er.;�er within 3Q days after the ciate the natice is given, <br />���'''t�, Lcrd;;r is authori;cd te coilcr_t and apply che proceeds, at its optian, ei:her to rectoration or rej�air of the ProFeny or to the sums <br /> �'� �ccured hy ihis Secur:ry fnstrument,whether or r.ot tnen due. <br />�`��"` L'�lcss Ixnder ar,d Qarrower otherwise agree in writing, an a licar,on of roccedc tc! p. <br /> Y FP F princi �1 shall not eztend or <br />��-"'r' �o�tpur�e the due date ef the;*.��nth!y�ayments referrcd to in paragraphs 1 1nd 2 or chang�the amount of such pa�•ments. <br /> :i. Borreswer Nat �ielra.sed; Forbearance IIy I,ender Nat a 5'�'airer. Extee�sion of th�time for Fayment ar madification <br /> eF amo:tiz��tion of the sums�ecureci by this Seciiriry Instrnment granted by L�nd�r to any successor in interes[of Borro�ver shall <br /> not c�p�rate te release the liabi[ity of che origina! Borrower or Bc�rrower's successors ir.intcres!. Lender shall noi be reyuired to <br />�: � commence proceedings against any succeseor in inter�ct or:efuse to exrend time �r payment or otherwise modifv amorti2ation <br /> of the �urns sccured by ,his Securiry Instrum�nt uy mason of any demanc� made by the original florrower or 6orrower's <br /> successors in interest. r\ny forbeara.�rcc by ixnder in exetcising any riglat or remedy shal! not be a waiver of or preciucte the <br /> �"'� e�crcisc o!vry right or remedy. <br /> i.'.. 5uccessors :znd Assi�ns Bound; Join4 attd Severa3 Liability; Ca-signers. The covenants and agrePments o!' this <br /> � <br /> Security lnstrumert shall bs�d and benefi; d�e successors and assigns of L.etider and £iorrower, subject �, !he provisi�.ns of <br />�"�"� ��aragraph 17. Borro��cr's covenants and agreements shai.l be joint and sevetal. Any Borrower who co-sig:�s this Security <br /> �nscrumer.t but does nor cxzrute the Nete: (a) is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only to r:�on�age, grant ar�d convey that <br /> Borro��er's interest in the Property unde:che terms of[his Securiry Inst:ument; (h) is not personally obligatecl to pay the sums <br /> secured by thic Security liistr•�menr, a��d(c) agrees that Lxnder and any other Aorrower may agree to eztend, modify, forbear er <br /> any acco;r:�nodzt:,.�r.s wi�h re�arcf to the tenns of this 3ecurity Instrument cr the Note without that Borrower's consent. <br /> 13. Loan Charg�. If the loar:sec��md by this Security Instrument is s�bject ro a iaw which sets cnazi;num loan charges, <br /> and that la�a� is finally interpreted so that �he interest or other 1�an c4arges collected or ro be col(ected in connection :vith the <br /> !ean exceeu the permitted limits, th,^.n: (a)any such loan chazge shalf be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> to the permitted limir, .u�d (h) any sumc a:macy co!oected fron Bo�ower whictt exceeded permittcd limits will be refur,ded ro <br /> So:ro«�er. Ler.der may ch�ose to m�il:e this refund by reducing thc principal owrd under the Note or by making a direct <br /> payrticnt to IIorrower. If a iefund reducts principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any <br /> prcpaymcnt charge under the Nole. <br /> l4. Notic:s. ,qny notice to Bonower provided for in this SecLrit� Instrument shal! be�iven Uy delivering it or by mailinS'. <br /> i! bv tirst class mlii unless applicable faw requires use of annther method. The na!ice s;�at! be directed to the Prqperty Address � <br /> o; any other address Borrower designa;es by ��iice to Lender. An�• notice to I.ender shall be given by first �lass mail to <br /> �„ Ler.der's address stated herein or any ocher address Lender designates b}• notice to Borrower. Any notice pro�rided tor in this <br />,� "+� � S,:ct:riry in,tn�:aznt shall be c�eemed to have been given to Bo*.rov�er or Lender�vhen given as provided in this paragraph. <br /> fi,,�,�� I5, Govcrning Lai�; Scverdbility. This Securiry Instrument shal! �e gov�rnet b}' fedcnl !aw and the !aw of the <br /> "A��':� jurisdiction in u�hich the Pro�eny is located. ln the event that aay �rovisicn or ciause o�'this Securiry Irtstrumert or the A'otc <br /> i� contl�ets u�ic��appiicab;e ta„�, svch conftict shatl no[affec;other provisians oS this Secarity, Instrum�nt or the Note which can be <br /> 5�'.e�eCfect wi:hout the cont?ictin� provision. To th�s ea� ehp prcvisie^< of this Secn:i,y Lnsirumeni ar?d ih_e �lote�re declared <br /> to be sev-r.rab',c. <br /> i6. Hc�rower's�'o��. Borrowcr shall be given ane conformed c�py of the;�lote and of this Security I�strument. <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> �-bRIN£!iszt�±.o= naqm a o,5 <br /> S <br /> Initials: � <br /> i <br />�€"��� <br /> a��-- <br /> F`�°'Y� � <br />`��� � <br />�'��x# <br /> �( �� � <br />�� �� ' <br /> � <br /> , <br /> �� � <br /> ��n�� . <br />��,p <br />������ <br /> � t <br />� �� � <br /> `� R <br /> .. ' � . �',,. <br />