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� g �, � <br />�" x�yf <br /> iY� <br />���� <br />��`tS���a�r �� <br />�'���'� - �: <br /> ��. � <br /> � <br /> ��� � <br />�r��� �� �. <br /> f�t�r"��'> � <br /> �`�k <br /> r <br />� ��� �: <br /> k ;: '�'��� � <br /> , i'c: °� ���°�icr]� "' <br /> 5. �Fa���ri, r�r Fm�eriy Irest:rsence. 3orrower shalt keea tZ;e impm��ements now ezisti�g or hereafter erected on the � <br />� ?ro2,�•:ty insureci a�ainst loss tiy fire, haza'ds included within the te:m "exte,��led co��en�e" and any other hazanis, inr.h�dir:K � <br />���,,,�t, �o<�CS or P.o;,�ing, fer which L�nder reqeire_5 insnran�e. 'Ihis insurance shall be mainta'rr.ed 'an the amounts a�d fur the��eriad� a <br /> z�:����� t;�:; ixnder reqnires. Tfie insunnre carrier pmvid�ng the u,surance sha?! be Eorrower sui.�ject to Lender's approval ' <br />��4�'�; v:?,ich shall not i�e urreasanUu?y �drth�:eld. [f$orrewe� faiIs ro maintai.i co�•era�e described above, Lender may, ai Le:,der's `° <br /> "��` op�:o�. ebtair.coverage to prctext i.cnde.'s rights in the Pr�nery in acx�rdane��vifl�pa,-aeraph 7. <br />� ,� ',� <br />� A 3. A!i in�u:lnce po�i�ies :nd rene��.�als sh�tli t� acceptable to Lender ard shail �i:�clude a standard mor;Qa,e cls;use. L�n�er <br /> shai!l�ave the:gtit to�eld:�e policies and renewals. lf Lcnder reyuires, �orroa�er shall p;omptly gi�•e!o L.e���er:1l receipts of <br /> naid premi,�cns �*:�± rer.ev:2,;,otices. In th�cvent o�ioss, Borro�vcr s<�ai(give pm;�t nciice to tne insurane��srer a�d:xnder. <br /> ,�. icr.ucr may praof oC loss if not made pr�mDdy by IIorrow•c.. <br /> � <br /> "� 1_'nl�ss Lencle�.r a:,d Bo:rower othenvise agrec in writing, i��s3rar.ce proceeds sh�1 be applied to'iestora!ion o:repair of the <br />�,��� �� P;oFem:damaged, if the res,o:ation or regair is econoriica!ly ;e�iblc and Lender's scrurin•is n�t lessened. If tt�e resroration or � <br /> �,' repair is r.ot ccor,amica[ty fea�sib]e or l.ender's securiiy woaid'b� lessened, the insuranc:�pr��ceeds sh:�l be applied to the sums � <br />�'�` '}t secir•_d t;,: this Se,_uriry Insirument, wheiher or no: then due, :��ith any excess zid :o �ocmwer, tf Borm�ver abandans the <br />��s. �` �` P� <br /> � ti i ?rorert}�, or does r,o[ ans�+�er���it?�in 3��da}•s a notice from L,ender ihat the insarance carrier has offered to settle a daim, the� <br /> � * '� L� �a,, coiicct the itisuranc� proceeds. ;xnder may us� t?�e prot�cds te repair or reston: thF Property or '� pay surrLs <br /> +�i��.' secorca h��hi�Sec:�rity tnst;,�sr.�r,t,:;•he!1;cr or noi tben due.Thc 30-day p��od wi�i begin wher.ehe notice is givcn. <br /> ,��: g � S• y F P� � P } p � <br /> �r �, L���oss Lr_ncler an�' IIorrowcr ntt:envise a cte in writin an� a� 'icat:on of rxeeds to �rinci al shall no: ez.end ��r <br />; ` �'';�; pestpone the �uc da:c of ehe mont,�ly paymenu mfcrted to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the <�vunt of the gaymcn:s. ti <br /> � y4 urde:parag�ap5 2l �:'sie Preperty is acquired by Lend^r, Borro�:cr's right to zny insarance policies a��d procerds nsu°eirag from <br /> d�ma�c ro[rc Prvpert}•pncr to the acquisition shall pass to[xndc�to the czte,t of the�ums secured b�+ttiis Seciv;ty Icastiurncnt <br />, ; � immediatcly p:icr ta the a:q;tisition. <br /> �� <br /> '�, a; G. �ccupaiicy, Yresen�::'ion, ti;uintennnre and Protection oC the Property; Fiorcower's L!�an Apui3rntion; Ler�seholds. <br />�`4,�C IIorre�t�c,-�hat] �*�cu�y, ectahlish, and use the Property as Bo�wer's p-incipal msidenre within�ix;y days after tnE:ezec��iion of <br /> s i ��;. t}l�c �t C t �I�.' {nctni�nr,•r �nrl ch�;l rnnr::'�` v.. ,.���. . �u�o U"...,.... w D,�-,v:�'7�5 iili.i'fai i��iL''211:-C iOf d? lCiiSL Uf1C Co.i HfICC <br /> ,� ....,^,} r�.,; p- }- y <br /> �'���� �h� ci:�� o� occanarc�, �,:n!ess Lerder othenvice�agre;,; in �•ritin�„ wF�ich conser.t si ail not be unre,�sa�.ably �vit?ihe;d, or�.inless <br /> ezeer,ua�crit, ci:c;amstane:s etis: titihich :re tkyocd &;rrou•er's controi. Eiorrowcr shxii �ot destroy, ;iarna�e ar impair the <br /> i ropcnv, �Ilo•.v ?he Ptn�rty to detcric�rate, or com;nit u�a.,te or, the Pmp:rty. Borrower shaii he in defa.i;t if �.nv forfevture <br /> acr,on .r pr��ceeding, wficther ci�il or criminal, is �eg;:n thae in �ender's�aod faith judEment coulc! ;esvit iu :orieitur�.of the <br /> �;operty o;i:�+�er:vise �;atc�iaily irnpair the�ier.created by this�cc�r:ty Instrumeat er l.ender's security inrerest. Sorrowc:r rnay <br /> cure such a def<utz z��d reinstate, �s provided in paragraph 1�,by cattsing the xticn or procceding to be d�smissed�:�itl: a n�lis�� <br /> t;;at, in Lendcr's gax� faith dctemzina!ion, prc�cludes forteiture of the Borrowe-'s inte�est in thc Pmperiy or other mater�a! <br /> impairment of :hc lien cre:::ed b�� th?s Secu:�ty tnstrument or I�nder's security ir,terest. Borrower shall also be ir., defauL if <br />� �'�- T3orro�.ver, durinc the loan ap�plica:ioz pr,xess, ga�•e materiall}•faise or inaccura:e information o:statements to L,ender(or fai!eG <br /> ��� :o t�rovide L.cnder�viih an� matrrial infe�Zna!io�} in cor,r.rction with the loan evide,ced Uy the Note, including, b�it not limiccd <br /> �; t:�, rcp;c,er,rieiur,s con�cr,iing 3or;�w�e�'s r,ccupancy o!the F�ooert;• a:a prin��pa] resider,ce. li this Securit}� lnsin�mer,[ is on a <br /> �� !ease:;old, Bo:rov,cr shall compl} ��•itti all t.h� provisions of the ?ease, lf Borrower acquires fee title to thc Properi�i, the <br /> !cus,hold and tiic ;c:c titl�chall r;c�t merge;;nless Lender agrees to t};e metr:^r in wt�ting. <br /> °� ?. I'roFc�ctiott oF I.�en�er's Prapert}�.If 3errowe� fails ro pe:�forni the ccvenants and agre:er,�cnls cor.i:�ned in <br /> �his Sec;:-ity [nst.-umcnt, c:tlzere i:, a leg�l p:c�eding that may significa,-:Qy aff�ct �ender's rights in the Pro�erty (such as a <br /> a <br /> �,roceedin. ii; barkruTtcy, pcoba:e, for candemnation or forfei[ure or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender mn� du and <br /> �,�} Cor •r:h;ICL'Pf 1S IICC�JSS�ry ;o pro�ect the ��alue ef the Properry and Ixitder's rigiits in the Property. ;.ende:r's actions ?nay <br /> ��"°w i;�,lude p;�i;�,c �nv sums secured by a iien «hich has priority over this Sccurit}• inst:ument, appearing in court, paying <br /> � rca:on '�'e�uornc��s' i'ecs and en[�rir.r i,n thc F'ra�rty to make repairs. Althoi:gh Lender may takc action undcr this paragraph <br /> ,�,y %, l.,°nii� doe�rn�t hace t��do�o. ' <br /> �+""�, :1in ;mce;nts J,sbursed by Lendcr u���rr this paragraph 7 s1;a11 becomc additiorial dcbC of forrower secured bv tfiis ' <br /> 't Sccun.�•.I;�s±ru;t�ert. l'!:Iess B��rrou�er ar;d L.ender a�ree ro other terms of payment, these amouncs shall Uea; interest from (he <br /> ? �iate e1 d;sburscracn; at i,h,� No+,e nte ar.d :zh111 bc payable, wich intcres;, upon notice from I.ender to Borrower rcqi�csting <br /> -a p;}'mcr.: <br />' S. 1(ut�t�a�e Insurr��tice. If i�adcr required mortgage ir.surance as a condition of making the lo:ui secured by this Securiry <br /> �+ Listrwne;n, I?o�mu�c; �hai( ray �he pren:iums r.quired to maintain the mongage insurance ir, e;fect. If, for any re�uon. the <br /> n:ortn_�r�� insurance co�•er:�ge mquirec! by Lende:lapses or ceases to be in effect, �orrower shali pa}• the premiums required to <br />�w�,x ` o:�t�:in c<��cra�e subst:uitiall}• eyui��afem to the metteage insurar.ce pmvioiisly 9n effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the <br />""�`�' cc��, to Rorro���r o2 the mun�sge ins�ranee previo�cly in effiect, f:om an alternate m�tt a e insu;er a y <br /> pa�,�ti <br />�„�,f}� �.+j g g pprovcd b 1_endcr. If <br /> ��, :uir:.,nci:liy equi�alent mort_-a�c insur:u�cc coveraoe is nat a��ailable, Borrower sh:1! pay to L,ender cach mon[h a sum equal to <br />>µ.r `t 's c,ne_t�veifti o;,he��cari� mortga�e incur.nce preinium beuzg ptid by Eorrewer when the insurar�ce c�verzge lapsed or ceased to <br /> ��.�'�'��"��?. be ir1 effect. I_er.der«ill �ccept,,�se and retzia these payments as a loss reserve in lizu of mortgage insura�ice. L.oss reserve <br /> �� w+'� Form 3028 9i90 <br /> .trvy �-6R(NE1!ez�z;o: az�,a c�s <br /> ��� - Irti�ials� <br /> t �� <br />,���� � <br /> b �V "+ <br /> Cr� , : <br /> ti 4.' � <br /> � <br />� �' } ±: <br /> `± 4�,1 <br /> r{. �d:�`;,. <br /> `[\� *1:.. <br /> f'tI}.��`yT�'i <br /> > <br /> ���^�r�d <br /> ��`S-'�R <br /> A <br />�� rh i:`>, . <br />���� <br />����,�� <br /> � ;�. <br />�w�R u4"V;b� <br /> �T 1�'IY <br /> h���x <br />���7 :c <br /> i; <br /> hHR` ? <br /> p�.A <br />'?Y.'�-"�'�}�q�°*��: <br /> ; 31 C+3Ay:�;�� <br />„^�k-�.��.y <br /> t X U�t�"`�;}� <br /> �":� <br /> r��X•��.� ` ` <br /> _ I <br />