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�.r. . ....1t�. � _N!"YI <br /> 4 . .k.,, _. .. - .. ... .__ ._ _ . . _ . . <br />�� .. �• ' . _. _ � <br /> d� <br />��i <br /> 5�.: <br /> m.�� <br />��»�,,�'^'.` a <br />' � <br /> .� <br /> a <br /> L�-2���9sq ��'E�D �F TRII�T `�''``�� �Q�'�"� Page 5 <br /> Laar� ;�o E63t�83 (Gonttnued) <br /> 6� y �—��=-.(D) �-annso�.^ action to tom:�!t+is L�ed ot'-'�ust es a rirx:gaye.s�nt a recei�ter�r s�ecificsly arlace any a'the Cowsnanis <br /> ;Zered.:an� <br /> er <br /> (c} Cetivor to Trus!e°e v,rtften dec4�raiiort ot dsla��ri and demand toe<.aln nnd s wsitte.i r.etice at detautt and aectio�to cnuss 7rvstor's <br /> :rr!e�-est�r,;he Pra,.'+ar^�to be s�d,v+fikh noti..ra Tsustee sheR cause�o tre du�}f3sd tw reccrd in the appr:�x`ate a7�as ol the Cour.ty in <br /> wh;C�the%q�fx'V i5 Ixal9�:flnd <br /> (d) YJith respec4 to ntt o*a�y Part ai t!�e Fers.;�v1;f'roperty.l.endeF 5lsell t�ave flll ths righls snd re.r.@dies ot a SeC�xed party unQsr the <br /> NaCra;kA Ji�tam Ccc��e:dal GoSa+. <br /> Fore:.lorire by Pex er ot Sefc. ;t L�n�e:�:�tc}aecfosa by a�tzse ol tha Pow�ot J'a4�Mxsin com`xirved,lendar shad nolity Trus.°ee and <br /> sh�i rr�pov;Ni!�Trusic�e this Daed of Trus1 and!�Note err�wch r�b en��v"dence o4 e�osrr�:uras msds mnd sacwed by tNs Gssd nF <br /> Trvst as Trt;st�r.�s?y rsquLro. .i <br /> {z? U;,:,n r�,eipt af s,ich no�.:ro?rcm t.r.�3G�r,T�us��sheB caus9 t�be;rcr.�cioc+,puinksM�d end delF,rere'�to Trusta suc�Noti�of Do"ault <br /> snd Nr,t+ve at S3�r r.s tran rcr�i*�C hy Ir,r�and by tt�ps3e�x TrLKl. Teus�ee s.�,wl:l:out dema�d on TnKtor,a4teF such Nme as may <br /> ;�en be requked by�w ana sfler rscxd;a4�ar at such IMoUcs ot�!aw�t nnd afief No��ol Sale h2ving been given a$reqtm5d by lew,sa9 <br /> t�:fl Proper!y as nrtd�sca o!sa9 6�x.�hy 3!in such Nctics d'Sa:�,s�ther es a w!wle,o:!n separsta iots a paress or tlers�as i: <br /> Trvstc�st�2�daem expediar:t,and En:;uch a�as N rr,�y Cetem�ne,at puCHc eucdo�to iha ld�hest bFddar for Cash M lawh�monoy ot� f' <br /> tt�Ur��ted Sfates payab!e at the tlrrE of sa7e. Trvsle�sFm.�d�l9ver!o such p,rchaser or�Stirch�sars ttrereof is guod a�d sufF�,derd dsed or -- _ <br /> d��r�s ccn•+:�yinp ttie Dr�PQ+'Y so sck'd,bul wtthoul am/ccr»nant or warranty,s�xess or inzpBe�. ThB rei.''stats In SuCh deed of any mtiiiers <br /> cx facis�haS b�co�c:�aiw prc�f of,he truS1:h,�ness MnrEat. Amf Pcxsv^,1ndu6nq evit�out RmiLttion Tn�lor,Truslse,�t t.9+��, msay <br /> purChase�t>txh Sek3. _ <br /> !t;) .45 ni2y h9 pPnTitfad by I�ti�',aaar dedtrcGng a9 Costs,�seS ard or�+ansas of Tn�stee 8rn�ei tMS Trtrt,fndudlnp c.vsts ot ovfdence ot <br /> t�tt�in conr:ei.tipn with scia.Tr.lstee c7iaa sppty�he►xaceBQs of saie!o payman�O! (i)eR Sum,e�en�ed undEx the lstms Ot thfs Deod ot <br />� r�us�a u�,der�r����ms ot�Na vase�at�r,�,�epei�.Ind�s�4nQ Gut nal&rrtite<S lo accrt�ad fnSer�.t arx!!a!e chan��', (�)aP,otnrx sums ihen <br /> s�r�;rad he�s�y,ar,d (�)!hs>,ro.�za�r.d2r,H any.lo the pa�san a pa�sers i�a!'ry sntldad thgrelo. <br /> (c) Yruslc+e mav;n tha mtrnn�pr�v+Ce�by lriw pos�ar�ssle cf aA qr arry poPtbn o!11�e Propecty. ; <br /> Remcdlrs Not Extl�slve. -rLS!aP�rw LencSgr,end each a!'iem,5M7l1 be entiiled to on1c��Ce payment nnd p6rfc+rtutxu oi any Indgbtedness <br /> cf o�1�ga�:erts s�;.ured try lhis Deud et 7r,1s1 snd!o�xcwti-,e s.'?riqh�and prnrsrs urx�x ttds Oeed ot Tnat,under tha Note,under any ot the <br /> r�etateG Gocumon�:,cv ut:d�*ary c'!�er ag�eorteeni or any:ews nuw a T�se�rei fn torce;notwiths+andir,g,sema a an ol such lndsbfedness <br /> snC��;>yatior.s seccred by;his D�cd os 7ru:!r,eay norv or heraaftec bPi otheswse se.;eKeo.wlzeUxx by mcrty)�.:ot;ru�4,plp�r�c,!ic^. <br /> a;s+gnr,+en�ar ciheru��+w. N?;:t�e;tne accepian�ct ctits Deod ot Trust nc�tts enf:acame.�t,whother by co��esclion or pursuanl;o the power o! <br /> sala or othQr powFr,cant�+ned ir !Ris�� o'Trus7,shan prs;ud�ce cr in arry manne�aNect Truslae's c�Ler,der's ripht lo rea�li�e upon x <br /> ?r.!arc�any other c��m,y nm,.�x he+a:Pier he�d::y TrustAtf a LSnd.!.,i!bei�g egroed t:iai irvstee and Lende�,and each ol ttv�m,sFuitt be <br /> en!!!,ed to enicm,a t�is��ed et Tn.�st an t a^.oS`+ec secuM�now a�resfter►`ald by Lbndar er Ttt�tee tn s:�Ch ordor a�d rts�nner as thty w <br /> e�iher o+t�flm may �r, ���nsausd ci:�s�rn5o� doiermins. No rem,�r corf�sd;ipon a reservod lo Yr�tse or Lender, fs inlendsd to bn <br /> Exc�.!sive o!any ether remedy in ihis De ad oi Trv;t a-by:�w�`o�ided a permi�4ed,but each ShaB ae cumutelivs flnd Shall be ln edditi�n to � <br />�i` ave�y oth�:.remc�d��gNr�n i�this Daryd c!7r�51 ar:wve or►ssrea!4ex e:cfsL'ng at Lsw ar In equily a by slatule. Every�owor a remedy grv'en by Ihe <br />� hote or any of th? Re'.E1e� Cccums�!i to TruS:.e,e or leRCer a te which i�tt;er oi tlm.m rtay be othtirwise entltled, m2y be exercised, <br /> co�cu^�nity or indere�den!w,hem t^��to time and es orian as r-iay be dee:r+eC expedieM by Trustee a Lender, and elthet ol Ihem may <br /> pu+suU incortsistsnt rered;�s. Nc?hE:�in f�is Deed of?rUSt stsaa.5e construs�as �XOt'tibitlng LendS�from seekir� n dof7c�ency)udgmont <br /> aaainst 1he T;usto:fc tt•a e�lsr,t scch acfion;pesm3Ned bY�w. <br /> Rea�esl�or kaL'ce. T:ustor,en beha.�'�`ir:r�oe and ten�x,he�e�y reques�s that a co�y ot any NoY;ce o'.Dela!�!t and s�copy of an�lJotice <br /> of Sa1e undPr Ihis D2..�at Trust Ce mailed ta t�m:�t tha e�dr�ses seS`orth Ir the fwSt pera�2Fh ot th.�s Dead cf Trust. <br /> Wslver; Elerilon of Remedles. :.w�an•er by cny pa��of e breach of e Frovisicn ot this Deed ol'rus!sh�tt no!consUtute a waiver ot or <br /> ore;u.;i,:a Ihe pa.rn%s aghts�tfx�uese to dema�d str'rct cem;.tianco wi!h tha!provis�on o�2ny other pro•�sion. ElxUon by Len�er lo pursue any <br /> remudy prL�'�ded in ihls Deed ct Tr,u>,ttx�Note,in sr,v?.o4a!ed Dt?CUrr�n!,a pruvided by!aw shall not exClutle pursuN of any other rgmody, ! <br /> ar,d ar,e!ec',�on te ma�e ax�;ndii�.res or to taKe acibn Ip psr'orm an ob�ga'�n ot Trtis'.or u�cse�this Deed of Trust eR3r failuro of Trusicr to <br /> per',orm sr�t!not aficct lendefs right ta GccL,��e a dei2!.til and to exe�c�o eny o!t�re�ne�Fes. <br /> Aftameys'Fees;Fxptnses. IS Le.^.dar izsNiutss any suH c,r at}+un la enfaca any ol ttxt ierms ol Ihis Deed ol Trusi,Lenc�or sh9U be er.tiUad to <br />� ra,;ov�r such s�m ss �he c,uri rnay adju�ga reaso�aGfe as st±aneys''ses al hiai and on arry appeai. Nd�alhfx ar no! any court action fs <br /> irn�a��d,ap rr_a,�ruiL.a e�cFert�es incurred by Ler.der wRith m La�dar'��pir.iar.are n9tessary el any tlrt�for the pmlectiort o!ils Inlorest of Ihe <br /> en!c+rremer�!a�i;s r.gnL,sh.:ti oecorric a pnrt a!ffie Indeblednr-ss payable on domand and shal boar Interest n:�he Nole rafe kom the dato o� <br /> �axrAna auro ur,ti;repai;3. Eape�s�ts covernd�y���is paragre�n indut!e,withotd NmitaSon,hrnvever sub�Cl to any Gmlts under uppllcsb�e�aw, <br />� Lendeer's nttorno�s'Fo.�v.•twShnr or no' !'�ere is a tawsuil,i��dirr3 Rttorneys'le�,,lor bankrt�ptcy proc&edir�Qnc(udirg oYOrL^io modify or <br />� vacate nn eutometic sta� er in'urtctie�, a�pewis ano am antic ated ost u �x��il cotlecUOn servlces, ihe cosl o} scarch� records, } <br /> Y � 1 ) � �P P -I UA� ^Sl � "y <br /> otla�ninc� titla reports(irr_lu�ing 'r�ra:lostt^e raDOr15),sunreyers'repcx+s,6Q*�.'A35fl1 fEAS,�1H9 1MtXSfICB,and faes la Ihe T:ustse,to the extoni <br /> {.�errr,it!a�by sppGC�bIR izw. Tr�K;cr a!:a�v!fl pay am,�cc�urt costs,in sOd�4�un to al:dhe�sums provlded 6y law. <br /> � <br /> Aigii±s o(Tr+.t5let. �rtstse�ha11 he�7:8fl of thV+;iph�s and duPss oi Le�dEx as sa!torth In thfs sect3on. <br /> k <br /> AO`�ER3 AlJD C�F3:.I�AT1^NS Of TRUSTEE. Tha tollowi�x�prpvisiprts reletinq!c the powers end oi�tlgations of TrwlSO are pa�i c(Ih�s Deed of <br />?�� Tr:r,t. <br />�3�'' Pcwe�s ot Trustee. !r�add�lien'c a�powers c1 Trus;ea ansing e5 e^��aNe�01!aw,Trustee shslS have the pvyver to take tha(ollowing actior.s <br /> �vi',n re��scl So,he Prep��ty u,�n thp,nTtten renuest eN Lender a�d Tr:tstor: (a);an in prepnrirsg and Fffng a mao or piat of lhe Rea�°ro�erty, <br />� � inc��di�g ine dedicahon c!st;ee"s cu othe;riqhl,to tne puL+i'x; (G)Join ir granting any eesemsnt�crea�sng any restriction on the Roal Proper?y; �4 <br /> � anC (c!jcin in any s;,�hcrdir.a5on or olher aer.eerr�ni attscer�thi,Deed oi't'rust w ihe irterast of Lsnder undar�his C�eed of Trust. <br /> Tr�st�e. Tr�sles sha!�msat c�ii qu�fifi;;a:iors raouired f�Trusies undcK�ppiabke aw. !n adQ�lon to thro sights n�d ramedies set forth a�ove, <br /> with res�ect;c ari or sr.y psri ef,he Pre¢Erty,t�e Tn�s;ee shs!S hsve the ri�ht}o tae:lc�by rt.tice and sale,3nd Lender shalf have ihe righl lo <br />� by;uCicial forec!os�,in e�ther caaa in accardzre w;lh ancf lo F`w h�1 extant p.ovit'ied by ttppf�cabfe iaw. <br /> S+.�ccessar Trustee. t_ender,al Len;�ers op5ar,r�uy kom!Im5 fo 6�re apNO(n4 a S�K:Ca...,or Trusttt�lo any Trusiee appa4nted heteund�r by an <br /> ir,cM�meri exec:�ted ar,d ackr,ov.�dge�Dy Lende�end re�ordec:in the o'fi�of tt�re,;a6er of HfJI Ccunfy,Uebr85ka. The ins!rument shatl <br /> cUn!ain,ir eddi5o�!o a_!i othes matters requirEd by sate I�w,the names a,`4he ork;inal Lender,Trustes,and Trustar,the book and psr,o(a <br /> compurer sy5tem;e!erence}where G,is Deed of Trust is re;,orded,an9 ttre nsme erd address of the s�sor trustee,and the instrument sha!i <br /> be execu".ed and acknow'ecsyed b:+ail tne treneficieries under the Deed of Trust a lheir st�CCessa�s in inler;,s1. Tho succeuor Irustee,wilneul <br /> a� conveyance ot;w°reperty,sF�a!i svccead!o a�i the t:tle,power_ar.d duti�s confene�upoa the Trus�in this Dsed of Trvst snd by epplic;aole � <br /> �' law. Th5 crx^du�e fer subsJ;u�on�f t^.rtee shaR g,vern!o the axr.luspn ot a�!e3h2r nrevi�'cns�;*.subsfitution. <br />'�,""� <br /> ��y �J0TICES TB TF'JSTOR ARI�OT4?cR PAR7Ic$, Any no?�ce undes this�eed of Trust sibm be in vrri�ng, may ba sent by lelelacslmile(unies, <br /> i <br /> }�� pIFIQ!�YiSR(P�::�°d by ia,•�:), and sh.�!1 be enscllve when actu�,ity de:nered.c;�vhen de�osited�vith a naSonaCry recogniced over;�i�ht couri_w, o�,it i <br /> +,�� �a�led,;ha�.�e dec;me�e['e�:tive w�,an �ieposi:ed in ihe United Stales mas fust c!ss;,cssthed or r2gistere�mai!,postage prepald,dlrsc;sd to iM � <br />�.� <br /> address�,shp�vn n-�a�the Gcgmniry o!this Deed of Trust. Any party may ci�rye�Ls address!or notices u�aer this Deed o!Trust by giving formal � <br /> w;itten rrlice to tt_ �'her par?ies,�p:�cif�jir.g that t`te purF�s=ot tha notice is fa chsr�e!he perfy's address. rVf copfes of nol"�cas of faectosure from <br /> the hcfder cf any!ien wriich has priori:y owx this Desd o!Trust s�a3i be scirti[�Lender's a�ar�s,as shown near tne be{3inning af this Deed of Trust� <br /> Frw no!ice pu-p�os,7ru��o�2grc:s to keey lander and Trustee in!orme�at a�timg;o!Trustors ctrrent addrass. -- <br /> 4JiiSCEtlr1NFOLS FROVISI.hIS. The fdicwi�m�sco'.'�areous prnvt,iorrs ere a p2rt of itt�Deed of Trust: <br />�dreenls. T'�is Deed of?rus:,toQether r+ith�ny Rei2ted�ocuments,cor�tirviss it;e entire understan�ing and agreamenl o(the parties as � <br /> ' to the metters sel f�th in,hs�eec!ct�rttst. Nc 3leration et or art*e�dment lo fhis Qeed af Trus4 shaA tw effvciive untess pi�sn In wriNng and <br />�� s�rned by tha ca�h�or pa�ti�sought fc be c�ra�Fsed or beund by the aftQration or amendrnont. � <br />��� Cr,nus!Re rs If tr�e Pro^er�� !s use�for eses olher than Trustor's r�idence,'rustor sha0 furnish to l.ender,u on re �est,a certiCied <br />�3`` . F'o � - r i FU'P P q' <br /> k ;:?em:^' c!ne! opera'i�g inccmo�ecei�ed hom Ihe Property durir.g Trusia's previots fiscat y�ar in suc4i f�,.m and dataii as Lertder stwll <br /> req�re. 'Ne!c�era!ir�i�ca:r,e"she!'r,:ean at9 ca>h rsct!ipts from!he PropeAy fess all cash expend'tlures made in conneCUon with the operntfon <br />�"t`�� ,,tne Fraperty. <br />��.� <br /> xy.r� AgplSca�Je Ls:r. '+hts�ed o{Trusi has been defivered to Lender and accepted by Lmder i�the State at keGre�slcn. Thls Deed oP Frus� <br /> u'�� <br />�'� � � ��' . . !ti . <br />