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<br />� �� � �
<br />� 4�
<br /> ti Fy
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<br /> 7
<br /> i
<br /> �1-?�--1�9$ : e�r'�� '������
<br /> £�CE� O� �F�U�T
<br /> « Losc� ddo 6836�a" Qet�e 4 '
<br />;�. �---=°s-----�----,_��---�—. (i,ar►fintted) j
<br />�' wEC:'A{:Y fiCxREx't�f{FKT;Fe9lr'.NC!Nt^a STATE1eIEi{fS. The fo8�e �
<br /> Yh���1aed of Trust. �^S 9�ovtsions ro1:i5 tu tnis Deed of Tnnt as m soaaity e�,eebrsxuit ua e part ot �
<br /> �CUrtrf Ayaeeir.ent Fhis irrslumen#st�a.R corr�'.ufe e sscvrify e�sement!t, the wctsn:eny of t!rs Prnpgrty CcruStu'as ,. 1�s a o!�+r II
<br /> �!±r.onR!p:oomty.and Lander shaA tvive aS a ttie i�Ms W r sacsae�parly under Lhe[;n�orm Gxnrtwrcia!Coc+e as amenied A�an tlme lo
<br /> timEt. de .�
<br /> Srcu:tty trrfrrest. l,,'�o�raquast try lens�.Trus4ex s��cecuEa bnar�r+p sta!�n�or�!s sna tcke whatever oltier actio- 4 rsquesied by Lendor
<br /> ta perfact a�d ce�tinue Lende�'s seCUrKy lr.ieresf!n the P.e�Le flnd Persa^a;°ro�arty. in edc13lion t�rec�ny tF�s Ceed of"�ust fn Me real
<br /> pro;,�orty r��d;,4,�tter may.at any 6ms and witf;o°�i hariher avMaiia@cn from Trust�r,�is atiec�ied counteroarts,coPtes or rer�xo3u.�ons of
<br />'°> il�s Dnn,�d o'Tn.^�t as a finan�ng s3a:amsnL Tn�la shaR rai.�usc Le+�ler fe�s e9 e�q�er.sss kicsxr:�i�pertecUng�r�ntlnuir�this sex;urily
<br /> os
<br /> Ir.?rest. Upon de�ui!,T.•us;or shaA assem�fe tho Pe�o�al Prcperty In a mnnn��end at o R�ce;ass°Ma.'yY com�srdent io Trvsla snd len�er
<br /> and ma�.a i!evr+3.ab7e to Lender wi+Mn:'u�a�3)�ays�Rat ry�t of writlon demsnd frcxn Ler�dor.
<br /> O.�c"reaaes. �'r� maN r� a�idref.�ses o'7n.ntar(�lor)artd tsnCsr(secu�rd Party;. ;�om wh�;h�nt�nrwdon ccincamins�Lhe security intsfest
<br /> a'Trst.by tt-rs�r:er;of TrwE r,�sy be obts�ne�(aach es roqt�ed by L'+e iktifcrr Cc*nsrperd�af CoCs1,ere as sTated on'he rkst pnye d fhts Deed
<br /> Fi.�RF'r4[R ASfiURI;A#CES:A7T',,2iRPiEY-dtS-FACT. 'f?fe fdlax'frW prm�s7oM r81fl8�to hxttkvr OSStJrdrt�e6 iind eMomey-{c!--fed are e pirt Of tl�Fs
<br /> L�9es9 r;Tnlsl. $
<br />; �:irther Asst:rartc.ts. A1�ny time.end irnm ti:roe lo tirr�a.Wt+n reR�gst of Le�der.Trus4or wiA make.sxacule and dsWver.a w�causo to tx+
<br /> m�do. execu!vd or dNF,nxW. to Ler.der nr So lenda's da�g�. an6 whe� req��estsci by LenQer,catrs to bn fiied. reaorded. rafllacf� or
<br />� rortac�rded,as!he r.&:,e m3y be,a!su.,M flr�as fl^Kf M suc+.t ofiicps end pla�es as�etsdgr r�fay 4�9a.-n aP?�oP�te.arr/and aM such morigages, �
<br />� . doad>of uu:l c.scurity Ca�s,s�caxty e�eenwnts.P.su.r,Jrq staEer�aents.co��n:�a8rn s:n�.Inslrume�ts of 1ur1�1er asssxance.�tes, � ;
<br /> er,:t oltw_r doCSmen's ss m�y.:rt ti�e scle ocir�Ian cA Lendor.be�stity cx des3rab�in order t;t MeCRuaie,cs�mA�e'•e.PeeteCt,eCnt!r,tx+,or
<br /> P�eserva (a)the oDC�a�cns o1 Trusta und�t�e Note,:n�oeod os r�s�,s�a►�,s�tsd eocu�,ts,and (b)the Ra�and s.d:urity Interess
<br /> !�realed oy ih:,Dc�d o!Tr�`ct fls F.r;!?�nd prior!re:ts tan 11�e Ropet7y,wholher naw mvreed or lsreaMer scc:mad by Tntsta. U�Se's prohlEN'.ed by
<br /> Op �
<br />,� uw or ngraed 4o tha cen�ary bv lflndar. in wmi��,Trttttor shsR rplmytxse;.endar for aG Costq flnd a�ienses InCUtrett In C�rnietNon wflh lht� �
<br /> mai?ers ro7�-ced to in!Ris�eragrgph, r
<br />, Atlarnry-tn-�=ac�. ;`?�����y fa{�S ta db sr,,�o'!t:o ttdr,gs retare� to ln ihe precscrnp pern:Zra,�ih.Londer may do so fcr and fn the na:ne of
<br />� Trus;ot and st 7rusiafs expPr.�e. far s,;,;h�.ppp5,E5,Trt,�sia tr�.��y ir,evocabt��o�nts Leidsr as Tr��ia's attomey-In-lac!!w the purpase
<br /> + ct mas:ing.er.ecutir�g. dsli;pri�. R1ng. recw�''�9.ano C:��ab other tMr�gs as may bs necusary a daskable, in Lsnder's sob opinlon,to
<br /> acyom,;l5h Ihe mr.Hers rFSfaTed to in ine prc+ce�Hna Dereara�h.
<br /> i '
<br />. '� TIA.I P£RFORIrAldCE. if T-ugt�t pg�s 1A L�fl in�rbtednecy w!»n dua,snd etha�te partwr.�s e�:'t�obligegprt��mppsqd upo�Trustor under this
<br /> Dvec+ oi Trust. Lene�er shad eacecut9 and d�iiver to TrusSee a �aQvosl iw fv8 rec�nveyu;� anc sAaH Eucgcvie and de�fvsr !o Trustor suitabla
<br /> stt�lsmonts ef f9rmi�?ion oi tiny ryn3rK.y�q �;n;���t on !�o eti+dendng l.ender'^, y��ty inter�st;n fRe Renls and tha Persor,at Frepert/. Any ,
<br /> reco�veyance f�raquMed ay taw sha!1 be paid by Trvsfor.H pe�sitted by eppli�b=e lRw.
<br /> �EF�:ULT. Esch o!;ha��NOw;r,g,p!ihe oc+;cf o?�e„d�, �!;;�Y corest,tut�an evant o�dt�faul4('E�r�t a.'Defau'Y')undsr thi,Deed ot Tn�st:
<br /> G•tav!4 an ir,debtedness. Fsn;r,e ct 7rustw,p maYe a•��, payrrr,.�!when duq ofi!h<e In�le�ntrsg,
<br /> Dei;�uf:on�3thtr Pay;ner�ts_ f ar,�re tsf Trusto:w+�!vn i�.�time rsqirrud by tnis Desd o1 Trus!M make any payrtv3nl!or faxes or Irtsur8nco,or
<br /> a���o11�r paymca�t r,p�c�ry•tc prr_•r n!frtirx�,^t�r tn e'tec!desefi�rge cf any!ier.
<br /> Dtfavlt In f av�r of T51�d PartfQS. Sho�i�Scxrcwer pr any Trustor de!au'{und�ar;y loan,e�or�;�n of cre�it.secu;iy agroement,p�nchasa cr
<br /> ;a!ss agreerr�en;, a any other a�eomenf, in !�vor cS any othm ae�ita cf psrson thal msY ma�.,riaBy aBect sny of Bonowar's propprty or
<br /> EcrraN�er's�r 3ny Trustcr's�b�:��to n�pay tfn tears w parfcxm tt�rr rsspecqve:+t��S�,.�U����d of Trt,S!cx any o!the Rp(ated
<br /> �7acume�ts.
<br />�" � emp�lxnce De;2.tttt. Fad;:�e o!Trucic�to conphf wtth srrf clher tarm,��gaBor,cc�ernn!w wndi�on^ontained in LhES Redd oi Trt,�t,th.c
<br /> ,�� � ha or in ary o'!?�e Pe�3te6 Docurttsr�.
<br />� � Fnlse Sr?t;nent^. ;n »anan K i
<br /> � Y h'.�eCr�>erta5an or s 2 eme;il r.sads crr lun�shed fo lsndcr by or or.batulH o!Trttstor undsr Ihis pogd of Trus1,
<br /> thF Note or tha'?el�ieC Ca^umer.s is tatse or m;sie,di�in arty ma`.e�f31 re5pect.ei,her now Cr at It�iime mttds or furni;hgd. �
<br /> Ge;ect:v�Cu:late�ailzatian. This D�?ed o4 T�ust tu eny o!'he Ra'.g!gG pocU•ne,n{s ceg�y�o be!n fu0 torcg gnd eHOCt(includin�fa8�re af any . `
<br /> ce,"a9wal oe:�srans So cr�te a va�id a�d per'ec'ad seaxity;r;fecasf or�sn)at any 6me anC(or 9rty rea,o�.
<br /> Dn�th o� in�lvrr_y. The c!sa!h of 1'n,six cr ths� dM,sohtBCr or ltxriinatlon c!Trvstoz's exlslence es a¢dng busfness, fhe Ir,spivency ot ;
<br /> Trusla,t"e apadnScnani ot a re:.,*:ve�tor anY�a�t ot T:ustor's pro�perty,nny asslQnrr�r,l ia the ba�efl!a ese�drtars,any type o!credi:qr wakouf,
<br /> ve.
<br /> �r fha,:ommern;amenl cl any pro�,+�;rn�Undp�eny b,ankrvptCy or lr�olvency{ewrg by pt agalRyt TruStor.
<br /> Fareclosure,Foi7etiure.et�. Commox�smeni ot Itveclostue or f�lure procoedings,w'�Iher by Judlcial proceedin{7,se;l-helP,repossesslon
<br /> a any o1Mr rwlhod,by sny cre�;far ol Truslcx er b• an sses
<br /> � Y 9m'�me+ifa�a�w�c,�egslrut eny ot ihs Propert�•. Howevt�,thls subsecHOn shali not
<br /> anc1�in ihc+eva�t cf s goud faifh dispu;e Cy T.•ustpr as!a the va�driy or reasonableness oF tFa c4�im whlch k Iha bash af the faec�osurv or
<br /> 'crLroiture proce�d�nq,proNdod tha!T�ustar givc�s Ler7nr wri"len n�ti�u q!sL�ch deim and fumishes r�ar a surety band fa the:alm
<br /> sa':Slaclary te ier,der.
<br /> Bre%rch of O;her Agraemer,t. A�y bre�cl b•r?r,csta unoer tha terms of arty o:h�r a{�r�mon;belwae:�Trusix and Lender thnt is not remadiad
<br />• ui;nin any;ac�penod�revided!!�re�n,induc;ng wit;�eu2 Li�;<2!ien uny aqresr�mnf:osu,,emirx�any inde5tedness w o!her obliQaUon of Trus?or
<br /> .�,,
<br /> c,Le�de,-,���tw;her ex'_tiix3;�ovr .n ia�.
<br />�.�
<br /> :.v�nts A"4pctln�GusrEntor. Ar��a';n�Fre.;ad:�g even's ccc�xs kith;espa 1 to�.vry Guara�ta.*of any o1 the Ir,de�tedntsss or�ny Guarar.lct
<br /> d���s�;bacorres ir,rompetent,�r revokes r_ dsputss the velEdity of,a aab�iiy under,sny G:3aranty ot the lndabledrtess. Lendsr,af it,op6on,
<br />`� mav, bu! sh.au nci be required t�, parmi!tna Guarantor's s�tsie fo assumtt uncond.:ior.s,+"y thc+ obC�gntions grising undef lhe gttgranty In e
<br /> h 18
<br /> manrer sa!i;teciory tc Lenda,8nd,in�'ang so,cu!e th�e Event oi D3laul,.
<br /> Adwtrse CPtange. A maicri,:: �-1v�rse r!ung2 occttrs Ir Trt,s;prs fina;icial ccnd-Sen, or Lend� ;sfieves the prospec! o! paymeni or
<br /> ;e�tormance�E!i�!nde�".�^ass is im,^,2�d.
<br /> fiy�.'� insecurily. �Ander sn�ood`-sith d�rt���eff rrt5ecue.
<br /> A�-1?;
<br />� '� .°,!ch?ic CUfa. if S.:Ch B 10;t,�C is cu�abl�and�f Trus±p�!�ns r,eY Gesr,given e �otica oi a breach c+.;�sar�e prov�s!on ei this Cesd of Tru31
<br /> `"- + ..n !h�p+y-�r,,^ ,�ve!v2 (t21 �'�o^,hs,ii m,3y i>z c;tr�(and r�Everr?o!Detbu!t w:�1 nave cec:�red�if Trus:or,aP.Er Lender ser+ds wriNen
<br /> c ic der^ ��+�ng�„s•01 suc� 'snvse: (s1-�res the tz�ture�a�th!n fifleer(i5)days,or (b)H the cvre raqu+ras more than fiNeen(15)day5,
<br /> �r"r�.�...:e Y t a'es >;ep�st,'f�..nt to cu:2 the ti�re an@ tf:urso?�r cor,tin�ss and compiet�alf reasenabls and nec�„sary steas suffir.iant to
<br /> produre c mp, r.ce�is soo��s rea.anabty p�act:cal.
<br /> RI,r,FiTS AkD R�?PEB�ES�N CtEFAU'LT. (?pon?tie o�,•urterax ot r�ny Evert af Deiaut!and at any tims!he:eaRer,Trv„ee pr Ler.�r,a;:s option,
<br /> m.y uxe�s�sr,y cne cr ma-e of!hs Ec;to�.:r rights and remeGies,in eddi�on to�ny o7hsr rgh�s c+r rometi;E±c ofovi�d by law:
<br /> .�ccMierr.tbn ;:pon 6efavY;Ad�I±l�at Rart;edie.<,. It 3ny event of cia�:!M;,��irs�ppr L'ta terms of the Ncie 52cur2d hereby,Lender m;y
<br /> �;; d�:tars a"In�ebtedn�.s,ecured by tn�s�eea or Tr�st to c,s du6 ynd;ayab'v and the s,me shaQ L^ereupcn b�;ome dua and pa;male wit�ouS
<br /> r_,y rr�enimer,,,demand.Qrota!cr noti,,�e of ary kirr3. 7Reseatter,Len�r mar
<br /> e
<br />��` (a i Eithe;;n pNr,�n a by egent,�x�th or withc:t;brinrin ar, acfion or rcc:*�.,di
<br /> � e 9 Y p �, or by a;eceiver sppan,od by a courl and withou! ,
<br /> reqard to!'�e ade�ua.ry c';'�securi;�•,en4er upor,ar.d Lq};e passacsi�n et the ProperSy,pr uny p2A fhereo`,In Its ow�name or in 1he n��mt�
<br /> `�� c?Trt^�!��,;i�,�i do any a�is whlcte it daems nece�sary�desirabFe to presenre the vaiue.mark?tybfGty or rentability of the Property,pr Per1 a
<br /> of°h�Proc��y pr in�erest ir.the Fr�erty;InC,?a�g t?�e I�Cpmp lrom thc Pr6psrty ot prOeE�ct ihA SECUritv O!the Property;Rnd,With w without '.;
<br /> telira oos,ess;cr,or tne PraP°�y.sue for m othcrµise c�3gc1 the rents,is,ues end profi�vf the prop,r}y,{r�;lvdirg those pa5k due end
<br /> :�npaiC ar�d np,�!y ihe s2me.le;s�osls end�z�sos of�e;atian and coS'�ec6nn,tnciu�ir.g a[tansys'16es,to an�Indebledness secured
<br />� by this Deed o1 Tr,�sl.aa in such ader z^,lender rray deslecm;ne. The Artlar{,b upon artd lakf�g posx355lon af the Property,fhe coflectlon
<br /> r,�: e�s�v;n rents,�:s�ce;and proFts,and:he 2ppt�cation th�eot shaA nol etrre a wa'r.�e t!ny detault a noUce ot defs�uit und�ihk peed o}rrust
<br /> or ir.va�idate ary act dcn� in resporrse ta srh �±e'racR w pursua^t lo such notks o�dafau'1;and, nohvilhstartd'ing ihe eontln!�ancy tn
<br /> posse_:s�un o( i!-e Pr�w�y or ths cc!ka;tion, r�e:pt and app6cation of rents, issuas or�irofits,Tr,tslee or Lender 5half be entHted fo
<br /> exerc.i,,e ever/ngh;pro�^:ded ipr in the Note or Ehe Re;afqd DoCUments or by law upo�ttte ocCUirBncq p(8�y 3yert1 0(defE(tlt,fnCluding ihoe
<br /> f13ht 10 BCQfC:.B lit2 PptMBf p{�g�
<br /> . 1
<br />;.a
<br /> a�m
<br />;'�i3 A �w �. � .
<br /> Y
<br />.°,s.;�.�;.
<br /> �
<br />