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x43� .. ' ... . .-: „ - - - . . ' - -, . . , . _._ . . . . . . . <br /> t - ' ' <br /> _ . ` , . (�;'.�. <br /> i^ , <br />�.:�.. <br />�� ,�� <br />.V <br /> i`�'`��,. <br />`3=�'� <br /> � <br />� <br />� <br /> � <br /> �'�.�;�-���'��.`� <br />.�,, o�-�5-�ss4 D�E� OF TRUSf . ,y: t Page s <br /> Loar, ido 762685 (ConUnuec3) <br /> __— -- — —���.�—� <br />� °� > rQgarr�;o the adequacy oi its st3cctxi;y,enter upon and taf�e pn,��ssicn oi tho Property,a any part ftx3reof,fn its cwn name cr in the name <br />�.�� �f Trusiee,enti do ar.y acL whxh ii deems noa2sssry a desirabi�iopr�erva the vsilve,marl<e�ab�lity or rentability c(the Property,a pa�i <br /> oi the Froperiy or intetesf in ihe Propzrty;i�ease!he Income frctm the Property or pra:ecl tha sectuity ot ihe Property;and,with w without <br /> le�i�g possession o!lha Properiy,sue for cx olherwise ce7lect!he renl;,issues and profits oi ths Prope�ty,inciudir.g t'nose past due and `� <br /> unpaid,snd apply ihe,ams,iess cats and escFense;of operation and cMiection,including;sttaneys'ioes,tc any inde:;ledn��c?cured �; <br /> by this DEed of Trust,a�l In such order as Lsnder may datermine. The Qntsring upon and takirtg possession oi the Properfy,the coilection ?; <br />'� • of svch rent;,5sues and profits,�r,d the�ppGcatior,thereo!shell rol cura or walve a�y default or noLice of default ur.der this Deed cf Trust ';� <br /> '" cx irva�!date ary ac: dore in response to such defa�!it or p;;rsuant ;o such noliae ot default;and, nohvithstanding the continuance In <br /> poss�,slon o1 !he Prepe�ty or t�e aoli��tion, r�ei�t and appNcaiion of re�s, fssues or praiNs,Trusfee or ,_snder shait be enftled to <br /> z�!��,� L:(9fC�58 every-igh!provided tor in the No�e w the Raiatcd Cocuments o,'bV 13W UpC:I 1hB OCCUR2�CQ 01 8t7Y QVe�[o((18fHUll,including±he � <br /> riyht to exercise the3 pqwer et sale; <br /> �� (.C) CC�T1R18�C°2�IlC11U:1 SO 1Gt@CI453 this Dsed ot irust A.c a morf a � � 0. <br /> g g..,appoint ta rece.ver�r spacificatly entorce any of t!�o covenants <br /> hereei;and <br /> (�) Celivar Eo Trus'ea a writion deciarnfion ot detau;t and demand ter sale ar,d a wri,tesa no!ice of de!ault and eiection to ceus3 Trus°cr's <br /> inleresi in the Property to be sold,which no6ce T�stsa shal;caus�to t�o duty fiied for•elcqrd in tha a��prop!ia,e ef�ices oC 4he Counl,in �*� <br /> which the Property is IoCated;end � <br /> (d) W�!h respeci to aA a nny part o!the Persc,uil Properiy,Lender shal!have nfl the righ�s an�rsmedles r�t a ser.ured par`�under iha x <br /> Nebraska UnHorm Commercial Codta. <br /> ' Foreclosure by Power c!Sale. If�e�der elects to toraGo`:e by exercise ot lhe Power o!Sale here(n cn�!alnt�d,Lendes shall nofity TrustQa�ar.d <br />` � shafi deposit with Trustes lhis Oaed of Trust and lhe Note snd su�h re^.,a�p°s and eridence ot e�cpendri�res mnde�nd secured by thls Deed ef <br /> Trust as Trustee may raquire. � <br /> (a) Upon receipt of such noti�e t;on LQr,der,Trust�SheA cause ta bs recmded,published a�d defiverad to Truslw such Netico of Oefau!! ,s <br /> 2nd No!�ce of 5aie as then required hy:aw and by this Deed ef Trust. Trusttae sha;i,wi!heut demand on Trus;or,atter,uch time as may <br /> Ihen be reouired by law ar,d a'ter racordation o1 suc'�Nc6ce of Defa�i;end ehor NoEce uf Sala hsving baen fliven as required by{aw,sell <br /> ���°fOQ2�'o;;�o'`Tc^d�u'N�dC2�i Suln iueu'�}i it i(�i SuC�I ivb:iC3 O(Jflie,e+iner as 8 wfioie,or in separaie iots or pttrcels or I;ems as <br /> Trustea shatl deem expedient,and in such order as ii may delsrmine,a!puhiic eurtion ta lhfi highest bfddar tor c2sh ir.lawtut monoy of <br /> the Uniled Slates payatie a!!tte time of s2le. Trus'se shat!deliver tc such purchese:or p�rchASe,�s lhereof Its good and suNiciant deed or <br /> deeds conveying the eroperty sa seld,bW vr�thout any co�renant a warranty,ezpress or impiiod. The reciiais in such deed of any mattsrs <br /> ar tac's shall ee cenclusiva proot ot ths trufh!vin�tbsreof. Any person,includng witha�t Iimltatinn Truster,Trustea, w Lender, may <br /> ourcha�ai su�h sale. <br /> (b) A5 rngy be p�rmitted by Iaw,affor cieducting e4 costs,!e�s end eucpenses ot Trustee and ot this Trust,Including costs et evidenco at <br /> :i;!e in connc ction w,'!h s,zle,'�rtrtee,har apply tha preceeds of salt�to paym�nt of (il ait sums expendad under tha terms of Ih�s Ceed ol <br /> 7rust or under ihe tsrms ot th�Note not then repaid,irtcluding but no!I limiled lo acc;ued intaresl end Iate charges, (iq sI!o:her sum;then <br /> ? socured tiareby,and (iii)the remaindc�r,H any,to Ihe person or persons��sify enfi±ied!harsto. <br /> fc) Trus?ee may in ihe manner provided by�2w postpcne se{s ot aq or a�y portio�of the Proper!y. . <br /> R2medSes Not Exciusive. 7rustea and Lende„sr,d each of them,sha5 be er.Etied t�entace payment and pertorm2nce ofi any ir�debfec3ness � ' <br /> or cbi+g�6ors : :ured by�h5 Deed o`Tnt;t and!e exzrc:se aC rsghts and powers urder this Deed ot Tr�t,under?ho Note,under any of Ihe <br /> Reiated Docu::,�rts,or under any othar agreement a E�y laws n�w or herRafter in fwce;nohviitistanding,some cr alf of such indebtedness <br /> 2nd obiicstions secuted by tltis De�d o!Trus!may no�.v or h�eaP,er Ge ciherwis5 secured,whether by morlgage,deed of trust,piedge,lion, <br /> assignment or ol�ierw'r,e. Treither the acc�pter�ce of t'r.i;Deed oi Tntsf r�or i�s entorcemen;,whether 4y court ection or pursuant to the power ot <br /> sa�e cX oPnar powers con!ained in thi, Dead ot Trv,E,sha�i prPjudice tx�n any marner affect Trtrstee's or Lender's righl tu realize upon or <br /> En'orce any e4her security�ow or here�P.e,-held by Trus;eg ar Lender,i;�zi;�g Qgreed that 7rustee and Len�er,ar.d saCh ef 9hem,shaii be <br /> entitfed to enforce lhis Deed of Trust end a�y othe;secur?ty now or hsrse�!ter he{d by Lender or Trustea!n such o�der end manner a;fhey or Y' <br /> �i,her oi tham ma/in their absolute dncreti�n detsrmine. No rerm�dy cunferrsd upon or reserved to Tn.�stea or Lender, fs intended to be� <br /> exdusive cf a^y ether remedy in this Daed ai Trssi a by iaw pro•�'ded or permftted,�ut each shall be cvmufaiive ar.d shs!i be in addition to <br /> eve,ry other remedy ghren ir.ihis D2sd c!Trust cr new cr hs;enftar existing itt law or in equity or by statute. Evory pewer or remedy given by the <br /> Note or any ef tha Reiflted Dccuments fo Trust�e or Lgn� or !o whlch e+ther oi them may bs otharwtse enUt!ad, may be exercisod, <br /> conc�srently p,-indapender,tiy,from time to tirne csnd as oflan as may be �eemad expedienf by Trustes or Letnder,and ailher of them may <br /> pursue incons�sYenl romodias. Nofhing fn thts beed oi Trust sha7 to ccnstrued as prohibiting lender from seeking a deficiency Judgment <br /> agsinst tho Trustor to?ha tix!an!such action is parmlHed by law, � <br /> Request Far fiotice. Truslor,on belalf ef Trustor arc!Le�der,her�by ret�uests that a copy ot any Noiica of Oefautt end a copy of any Notice R <br /> of Ssls under!his Dc�d ot Tnsst 5e ma!ied to them at fhe ttctdre;ses se±icxth fn the firsi paragraph ot this Doed of Trusi. �' <br /> 1Yniver, E!ectien of Remedtes. A weiver ti an ;r <br /> Y Y pa�Y��a breach of si pro�isicn �f th� De�d ot Trust shal( not constitute a waiver of or �; <br /> rrej�d�ce the ps�y's ri;h!s o;horwiso to dar,�nd,hicf complianca with tha!,pravi;ion or ary othe*provislon. Election by Londer to pursue any <br /> remedy pro�rided in th�s C�e�n1 Trusf,ths Nole,In any Rala!ed�ocu�rterl,or p;avided by law shall nct exclude pursuit o(any other remady, ti' <br />`�� ' end an ele:,tion ?c make expenditures cr;o tske action to perform an cb1i��8fln of T�us;or under this��+ed of Tntsf atter 4aiiuro of Trustur lo ;�; <br /> pericrm shail r,ot affect�srder's righ;fo deciare a dafeuSt er.d to ezerciso aiiy of fts remedies. <br /> �� <br /> .42,orneys'�ees;Eupcnses. L'Lender Irutitules any suit c:ac'ticn t'o antp�ce ar.y ot the:arms oi this Geed of Trust,�ender shall be entitled!o r� <br /> recover such sum as the cou�t rr,3y adjudge reasonab!z ss a:torneys'4aes et triai and on ar�y app�aE. Whether or not eny court actien is w <br /> ir,velved,a!!reasonsble a�anses ir�;uTed+�y Len�er�v?��ch in�ender's opinlon are necessarv at any 5me for the protecfion of iLs inlerest or the <br /> enf�rcement ei its tighis 5hc1f��ome a psrt of th2 lndebtedr�ess Fayable on demand and shall baar ir.forest at;he Note raie hom the date c,.+ � <br /> ex�andture un6i rapaid. c�e;,s..�s cov2red by this paragreph!nc!ude,w'eihou#Gmitation,however s�bject to any timits under apolicabie law, �; <br /> L.ende.s ettorney;.ees v;hether or n^2 thers�a iax5ui�,ir�uuding aitomeys't�s{pr bankruptcy proceedings (inciuding ef(o15 to modify or <br /> vecals sn j autema'�c s!ay or injunctienj, appcaSs and &ny anticiaated pos!Judg;ner,t coiloctior services, lhe cos! of searching records, <br /> obtaining ti:is reports(irzcfu�ng fcrecl�ure rarorts),survsYars reports,aAPraisr=�t�es,tiBe insurance,and fees}or:ha Trustee,tc the extent �' <br /> Ferm�tted by app!!CEbiQ!IIW. TfL'SfOI alse�1i pa,an,y court costs,in addi,fon to a!i ether sums prov�dQd by law. <br /> Rl�h!s o4 Trustee. Trust�a shal�have aL'oP ths riohts and du".ies a`!endar as set fcrfh fn Phis section. y�j <br /> i•Oti'J[RS AF;D 03LIGATlOk,r,QF iRUSTEE. The fo:lo'rving provisiors rslsting Eo U:B pOW8f5 Aft�pfl;igafions of Trustee are part of this Deed of � � <br /> T'L'S;. <br /> � <br /> t <br /> k <br />- F <br /> � <br />