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��xy���s . } <br />� �; <br /> N� M§y���.�;y. . .. <br />����k� . <br /> 4�' �,y�;�+ .. <br /> � <br /> x <br /> s ' <br /> .�r <br /> �` <br />� <br /> ; <br /> r <br /> . � <br /> �i-15-1999 rs.g''' p�ED Q� TRU�T - `": "` <br /> Lvan No 762fr� t:'=. ��+ ���r"�� P�ge 5 <br /> (Cvn#lnue�f) <br /> Security interesf. Upon reGaest by Lender,Tr�stee sha6 exqcute 5n&rrdng s:aterc;en�ard tnke whatsver olt3er 9ceon�s rr�ussied by Lende� <br /> to pc:tect and conNnve Lender's securi?y!crier�s4!n the Rsnfs snd persuna�pr�perty_ �n a�ditlon ta r�cordng thi�Deed ot Trust!n the real <br /> property recur�s,�ender may,a!gry tlme and wlthauP fvriher authori�tton frem Trusta,'a�e exec�,ad ccun(erparts,copieS or re�redvcHons ol <br /> this D�d ot Trust as a financ�nq ststsmenl. Trustor shaA reim�uts�Lttnder tor aA wws;;ses ia;,ur+ad in perFecting or con6nuirg this sacurity <br /> in!ere;t. Upon d=faut!,Trtis'or shal!a,ssemh'e the Personel Proaerty!ri a rnanner end at a plar�reascnctbly cc+rrvanlent to Trtnlcx end Lendsr <br /> en.d make tt ovn:�a5!a to Lo��nr•r.;�Nln lhrea(.;daK oR��:t3coipt of v.•rltt��dt�mand frcm Lortdr.r. <br /> Arldr�ssts. The r�ifsr,g addr�ses of Tntslx(d�for)and Lender(secVed party),from whlch ir.fwmadon Cpncerning the security in;eresi <br /> gran!e�by thls Deed ot"fn5i may be obtalried(oa„h as req�bY the UniSO�rm Comnerclal Code).are as stated on the tkst pape of this Oeed <br /> o(Tn,st. <br /> FllFi7t;ER ASSI�RANCES; AT70RtJEY-�►i..FAC7. 7Tes following provSsicrrs retating to furthar auu�qnces end enaney-�n-(��y ere g py�Qf thi; <br /> v6Q(�Of i�fUS�. <br /> FurYher A�uran�e�. A(any timd,end hom time ta rime,upon reques!o`Lend<x,Trustor vnU make,execute and deibrer,or willi ca;ne to b� <br /> x <br /> -�ade, axecu;ed w de!ivered, to t�+nGer w Ie Lsndera d�tgnee, and w�han requested by Lsnder,cause to be fiied, recordeC, refiled, or <br /> rerer_aded,as iho cass may ba,a!such tlr,ies and In such ot�.ces and ptaces as Lender may deem approFriate,any and a7 sttch mor!gnges, <br /> deeds ot trusi,s�urity deo�s,socurity ay�reerr�ents�rtn�n�,yr�g st�".errsents,centlnuaUon sffitements,ir�truments v?huther assurence,CerUficates, <br /> zr,d other decu,nents ns may,in the sote o�irJ�n of Lend�,h,- r�essary or cieskable fn at+.e�to etlectuate,ccmpiete,perfect,continue, or <br /> areserve �a)th�obtigdtions o!Trusla under Iha Nofe,this Doeff!?Trus!,ar,d the Re:ated Documenks,and (b)th9 Ogrts a�d seCUrity Interests <br />' �reated by this Deed ot Trt�st as firsl and p�iw Plens on the Praperty,wlsPthx row owned ar hsrsqRer ecqulred by Trttstor. Unloss prohfbited by <br />'t� �aw ar agreed;o ihe con.rary by lendsr in wribr�g,Trusf�r shafl rarnt��rse Le.ider for aii costs and expenses lncwred In connecdon with ihe <br /> mztters raterrad to In this parag:aph. <br /> Attorney-In-Faci. If Trustor teis 2c do any o!the Ihings re'.erred to in the-rc�cading paragraph,Lender mey do so for end In the name o! <br /> Trusta and at Trusto�s expense. For such purposes,7rtrstor here5y�rre�,�k,y qaPdnts Lender as Tnts(or's flttomey-In-laci for the purpose <br /> o! makln•�,execut3ng, defivering,fiP�ng,re;,ord�ng, and doirrg ssA other things as may be �ec�s,.2ary or cleslrqble, In Lender's sols opinion, to <br /> accompiish the mat'fxs refeRSd to in thc precedir�g parapr3ph, <br /> FULL PEi2FORMANCE. if Trusier pa}s a4 the Indeb!ed;�e5s,inciuding withaui limi!ation all futvre advances,when dus,terminates;he line of Credil, <br /> and otherwist3 periorms ati iho ob(iqatiorts impospd upor.Tntstor under tMs Dsed of Trust,Lersder sha8 execute and dei}ver to Trustea e requesl for <br /> ful!racom�eyance end shaA execu;e nnd dsl"r,2t to Tntslor�uita�e statemonts of terminalfon o!flny flnanc;�g stafement on fil�s•�fdencing Lenr�er's <br /> secvri,y infQrasi 1n;he Rents and the Person�3 Proporty,, Any recortveyance fae required by law shad t>e pald by Trustw,H permitled by eppllca�ie <br /> law. <br /> DEFAls1.T. Each cf ihe foqowing,at the opfion of Lender,shaG corts�tute an eveni of dofault('Event o(Defeult�under lhis peed ot Trust: <br />� <br /> �etault on indedtedn�ss. Fc:ure ot?ruslor to mzke ony payment when dua on lhe Indebtedness. <br /> Detau�t on Qihcs Payn�nls. Fa�!ure oi Trustor wifhin the Hmo requke�by thLa Omed of Trust to make any payment for t�ces or insurance,or <br /> any ofhsr�9yr,,er.t necessary fo prevent fiting of a to etiec:t d5ct�arge ot any tbn. <br /> Comp!lance Oefautt. Falure of Trustor to compty with any other term,ebugal;en,crn�ttrant er condiiion contained Ir,this Deed of Trust,the <br /> Note or in any ot the Re!atEd Decuments. <br /> Fefx Sir.4�men15. Any warr,snty,ropresent3tian cx slIItement made or hu;�he6 to lender by or on behalS of Trustor under Ih:$Deed ol Trust, <br /> th�Noie or the R�taSed Docume,s�Es taRse or mts{ea�ing In am matEUiai respect,elthsr nrny of ai the tlme made or fumEshad. <br />, Defective Coltateraldzatiu�. This Doed of Trust or eny o!ths F3�SSsted Documents ceases ic be i�fuA force and eHect(lncludlnq faiiure o`,any <br />; � co!!ateral documents to create a valid and p�fe,;ted secisrfty}nl�s}a Fsnj at arry 5ms�d for any reason. <br /> Deaih or Insoivency. The death of Trustor,the tr,solver�y�f Trusior, !he flpp�tntmen!of a recelvsr(or ank part o�Trustar's property, ar�y <br /> assignment for the benefit of creditors, arry }ype of credftor wertcoul, or thti cpmmencerr�en! ct any procee�ing undst any bankruptcy er <br /> insoln;ncy laws by or age!rnt Trus!or. <br /> Foreclosure,�orielture,etc. Commencement o1 toredoyure or forfelture Frcceedings,whather by jud(cial prroeding,se�t--help,repossession <br /> cr any other method,by eny credlior o!Trttstor or by any governmentat agorscy aq&Inst any o1 Ihe Proparty, ,yp�roe�roc,itr.s s�bseCtion shall not <br /> eppiy in the event ot o good faith dzpute by Tnrslw as to the vaUdity w reasonabieness of fho ciaim which is lhe basls of the loreclosure or <br /> tore�eilure proceeding,prcv(dod that Trustor gives Lender wrtryen notice el such dalm and furN,hes rese,ves a a surety bond for the claim <br /> sa;istactory to Lendur, <br /> Breach ot Other Ayreement. Any breach by'frustor under Ihe terms of� �u!hs;agreement between Tnstx and Lender fhat(s nol remedied <br /> wi;hin any grace pertod provided there;n,IncludEng witheut f1mltaHon a.�ry egrp�msnt cor�ninp any indeb":c�dners or ather obl�gaHon ot Trustor <br /> to Lender.wh�Iher abs�ng naw or later. <br /> Events A�tectir,g Guarantor. Any�t the prB�eding e•`+enks occurs wiih respect to any Guarantor ot a�y oi tha Indebtednass or eny Guerantor <br /> dies cr bacomes incompotont,ar revokgs or d�out9s the valid;iy cf,cx Cabi!ity under,any Guararfy of tha lndetledness. Lender,a1 fis oation, <br /> n��a�, but shai! not be req�?red !o, permii the uuarantn�s eslnts to ass��rsp,urx:onditio�ally the ebl�gations arisir�q undor tt�s guarenty in a <br /> r::3nnef sa;is'ectory ic:ender,,in da+ng c�,cure t(ze Event of[3e;auN. <br />� '� ' Inse�uri?y, Lerd��:n good t�iLh deems ftseN irtsacure, <br /> ,� <br /> •, F�igh!to Cure. It su�h a failvre is curab!e and it Trustor has not 6esn given a norice of a breach of;hs sgrrte provi�ien ot this beed o!Trust <br /> w„hir, the preceding twe3vo(;2)m�n.hs,it may be cured{and no Event o!Ds(ault vrifl teavo o�cuned)N Trustor,after Lander sends writ;en <br /> rot:ce demandina cure o!suV h fait�re: (a)cures the!a�7urm wtihin ien(10)tiays:or (b)i(ttse cure requfres mae than ton(10)days,imme�ately <br /> ;nit�etea sleps su,Yrcient to cure the failure a�d there2fl�ccrttinues and com¢;eles eli raesonable and n9cessary y�t�ps sttfficient to prodtks <br /> ccmphance as soon ss reas�nabiy practical. <br /> RIGHT�ANe�,REh1cBIES QN pEFA'uLL Upon iha ecct;rrency o!any Evant ef Defsuit and et any tim^}heresfte�,Trusf9e a Lander,et ifs opllon, ' <br /> ���2y ex�rCSe a:+y,ne or mcre o!the'alawing rigirts y�d remedles,in 8ddition ta any ot�rignts cr remediey provlded by tsw: <br /> Acceleration�co�� Det�sult; Additlonea!Remedies. !!ar,y evenl cf def2uH occvrs aG per the terrns cf the Nala secured hereby,Lander may <br /> dedure a!I Ir,dabfedness�ecured Dy thls De�d o!Trus!to be due and payab(a and the same sh311 there�pon become due and payab:e without <br /> any pra;eniment,demend,,*,rotest er no!ice ot zny kled. i hsrsafler,Lender may. <br /> iat Eit(�er in r,e;son or by sgert,wi'h or wi�hout brir,ging any 2c6or,et proceeding, or by a receiver eppoin!ed by a court and without <br /> k <br /> t� <br /> 40'�' <br />;e�i� �a�f, . . . <br />� � 4 <br /> f � .A;��. .,' <br /> A� <br /> 9� <br />§ � ., <br /> aYA;�"".� � <br />�� �' <br /> � <br /> Y. r <br /> � �_ <br />