<br /> ��„ �E)Uc��4
<br /> mertga?e cta�se in fa�•�r of BenETCiarr�. 7'rustor stiall prompLly repai*, inaintain and replace tt��ropem�or�c►}• part Lhereaf, so
<br /> ttiat_e�ccpi(or erdi�a��v:ear an�tear.+.he praipe��shall not dcKeriorate.
<br /> 5. Iti the��eait ?he pmpert}•. <�r am• aart the�f, shall be iaken bg-eminent domain, the�-re(��:ary �s entitled to a�llect a��d
<br /> receii-e all;:�ompensation�rluch ma}�be�:d for any pregeri�1:akcn�r fer damages to pro}�em not taken, and the Ben�r_ary shall
<br /> ap}�;�such comQensltion,ai its o�tion,either to a reciaction a:the indebtedne�secssre�hereby,ar io xtYair an�ttxtore the propem•
<br /> so takcn. ° �
<br /> F. The Ber.eficiary IIU1}'. I.riii S�II I18�'C no obligation to, do a�� act atiich Tnistors t��r�e agrcxd but Cailed to do, and the
<br /> Sencficiar�•r.�a}•also�e an}•;.�a it dsxms ne�ssan•to prutece the lien hereef Tnutors agree tu repa�, ��pon demand, am�sume�o
<br /> ezpcndcd b��the Benefician•1�or ti�c abrn�c purposes,airl any su�cn so e.�-�cndc�shalE be added to the indebtedness secvred herrbc and
<br /> t�nme secured L�� �he iicn hereaf. Th� 3eneiiciaay shali r,ro i�zcur any tiability because of anyThing it cnay dn or ocnit to do
<br /> h�rct:nd^r. �
<br /> 7. The Bel�fician�shall ha�•� the :ig1:? po�cer an� autho�in�during the continua.�ce af thi�Deed of Trust to co]lect the renxs,
<br /> issues and grofts of t�-se propertg� aiEd cf anf- persona3 properly loq3ed thercon aith or«�ittaout iaking possession of the property
<br /> affcsted here�J�, and Trusir��here��absolutcly and uncanditional3y a�sign at3 su:.h rents, isszies and profils to ttK t�en�cian�. The
<br /> ber,efician�, ho�rc��er, hem.�b}�consenis to"trustors'�otlectian a�ad retention of such r+er.ts,issues and profits, so long as Trustors are
<br /> net, at such time. in default nith respect to pa}irsez►t of am• iridebtedness secured heccb�•, or ir.the�erfonnance of am• agrcement
<br /> herevnder. If am•c�•ent 9f defauIt d�cri;ied hereafter in respc:ci to this Dced of Ttt�st shali ha��e occurreti and be continr�ing, the
<br /> f3cneGcian�.as a matter c�f right and�rithout notice ro Trustors or an}•one ctaiming under Trustors,and�o�thout regard to the��alue of
<br /> thc lrun estatc or the interest of thc Tnutors therein, shall hn•e the right to appl}•to am caun ha��ng jurisdiction to appoint a
<br /> rccci�cr of�tiic p�opc�'.
<br /> 8. �he t3cnefici;r!r, or its 3gents, are aut?�oriz�d to enter :►t am� reasonable time upon or in an}� ��rt of the pro�:m� for thc
<br /> purpos�of ir.s�titzg tlae samc a:�d for the pur�ose of perCernui�g am oC the acts thcy arc authorized to perform un�er the tcrr.is of
<br /> am•I��an instrurncnsa cxecutr�tn•TnLS�on.
<br /> 9. I:a(i or am• par+. of the propesty or am• interest Qf Tr.istars is sald iransfernxi or furthcr encumbcred «ithoot thc ��•rittc�
<br /> conscrt oC tlie$enefician•. thc 8cnefician•ma�•dectare all snnu secureci tr�•this Trust Decx3 to be immediatelc duc and pa}•able and
<br /> proc�ed to t;e rmc4ics,ati•ailab;�!o it ur.cl^.r thc dcfault pern•isier.�s c�antained h��ein.
<br /> tt3. .An�•cf the follanting et•ents shall be decmeri an c��cnt of ds�fault hercu�der:
<br /> a. 7'ru��tors s1LZIl t�ace fa�Icd io maxc pa}•mcnt of�n}•instalirncnt of prncipal or interesi or an}'othcr sums sccurcd Lercb}•«�hca
<br /> duc:
<br /> b. 'i'iicrc has eccurrcd s brcach of or dcfaillt undcr anv ierm_ co�•cnant. agrccmcnt, cond�tion, pro��ision, rcprescntation or
<br /> ��:rrar.t��contai:t�cd in ttiis�ccd of TtusL�l�c notc or am•olhcr taan instnamcnt smircd hcrctrv:
<br /> e. Thcrc t�as bccn a d�fault b}•tiic Trusiors in thc p.�}mcnt of�;m•prior or subscqucnt lien or cncumbrancc in��cspcct tc all or�n�
<br /> oart oi the pre�em•: '
<br /> �t. Tnutors shall Cic a �•o3unian• petiziori in bankropic�• or shal( be adjudicate� t�nkrugt or insoi�•ent, or,shall makF an
<br /> assignme►�t[cr r.he benefit of creciitors in respcxt to the propem•;or an action to cntarcC an}•lien or encumbrance or judgments
<br /> against the propert}•:s rninmenccd.
<br /> t�. In the e�cnt oC�m�defauli. trc Bcnefician• rrti�•aa_larc all indcb!edncss securcd hereby to bc duc and pa�•able and thc sa�tic
<br /> stiall ti�erci��n hecame due and r,a}able u•ithout an}�presentment.deman3.protesi or notice of an}�kind. Thert:after,the Bcnefician•
<br /> ma�:
<br /> a. citiier �n p:rson or b}� ag•,:r�., t�•iIh or «�thout brin�inc an}• xtion or proceeding, or tn� recei�er appointed b}� a court and
<br /> nithout mgard to the adc.�uacti�of ar��securin•,enter upon and takc pesse�ion of thc propem, or any part thera�f, in its o«•n
<br /> namc or in the name oi' the Tnistx. and do anr acts w�hich it dc;ems ner,essary and dcsirable to presen�c the ��aie�e.
<br /> ,narketabili;�• or rentabilir�o;the propem•, or part thereof, or interesi th�rin, ircrease thc: income therefrom or prote;t thc
<br /> seciirih hereol and.�cithout taking,�ossession of the propertr,sue for or athen�ise enflect!he rents, issues and proGts thereof.
<br /> i,icluding it?ose past di�c atid u�paid, and app]}• the same, less ttKts and expcnscs of opccation and collcction, inch�ding
<br /> attorne:� (ee:s, epan an}- indcbtedncss secured hercby. all ia such orcer as the Bcrtefieiary m:�y detcrminc. Thc cntering upon
<br /> and tak'sng F:ossessi��a of the tn�.st estaie, the cailection oT��uch rents. issucs and profiES and application tl�treof as aforesaid
<br /> shali iiot curc or ��ai��e ;�r:}� deCau;t �or natice of default hercvnder or incalidate am• act and in respons� to such dctault or
<br /> • pur�uant lo such n�ticc aC de:aizlt and noc��uhstanding the contim�ance.in poasessi�n of the proJxrt}•or the collectior�, receipt
<br /> and applic:�iior of rents,is�ues or�rofils,Tr,lstee or thc Benefician�ma��Ix etititl�xl to exercisc e�•en•r:gt�t pro��ided for in an}�
<br /> o�tiic loan ir.s;niincnts or b�•ia�e upon occurrence of am•e�•ent of deCault.in�luding thc.righi to exr.r.cisc the po�eer oC safc;
<br /> lz commencr an action to �e�reelose this Lk,�ed of Truct as a m�ngage. appoint a rex:i�•er, or specifically e�if'orce an}' of the
<br /> co�cn�nts i�crecf,
<br /> c. dcli:�er IC T�S1CC 3 ��'iitiCtl dCC:aration of�efault and �c;nan� Cor saic. and �ti�r.ttcn noiicc of dcfaull and cicction ta cnusc
<br /> ';rustors` intenst in the pmxrri-to be sold. �chich neiice Tr�sire shall�use ta 4�e dul} f led for record i�th�official records
<br /> of thc coiinn�in�chich the prapc.ri}•is;�w:�i.
<br /> i2. Sl�ould the Benefician�elect to foreclosc��•exer�ise of ttie��ser of sale hexein co*.:�ined.the BeneGciary shall notif}•i rustee
<br /> and shal! deposit ��ith Trurtec this Deed of"('rut and '.he note and sa�h rexipts and eti�:�;':�nce of expe�ditures made and se,cured
<br /> t;creb�•as Tnastee ma� reqtiire.and upori:�u,�t of the�3enefcian�, the Tr�stee�-haYl puse to be recor�ed.published and deli�•cred
<br /> to Trsslor such�:ot;ce af Be.aal+,ar.d Notice of Sale as then ra�uircd 1»•la�v an�tn this I3eed of Tnut.Tn�slec shall w�ithoat dcma�id
<br /> on Truslor. �fter snch time as ma}�then�e required b}•la«•an�aftes recorciation of such Notice of Def u:1 and a8er Notice of Safe
<br /> }.a�in�been eicen as *equire3 L�}-3au�, sell ihe p:o�m•a[the tim�a�d ptace�f sa1��"ixed b}• it in such I�Totice of Sale, eidzer as a
<br /> «t!ole. or in separate fc�ts ar p3r�els o: items � Trustee shaIl deem e��;ient, and in such order as it ma�• determine, at public
<br /> auction to the highest bidder for cash and si�ll deli�•er to such purchaser ar pv*chasc:s thereof a deed to the prooert}•sold.consistent
<br /> «ith tl2�In« thcr.in efiect. Recilals in the Trustee's deeci shall t�e prima fac:e es�iden�e of the truth o!the statem�nts made therein.
<br /> "Cn�stee chall apph�the pr�ee-1s of the sale in the fol(o�zing or�er. (a)to all reasonable casts and expenses nf the sale, ir,ctuding but
<br /> not limited to Tn�stec's fces of not mom than 2%of the�ross sale prix,reasonable attornc�fees and costs of tiLe e�•idence: (b)to all
<br /> si:rr�s secumri bc this De� ot Trus:: an� (c} thc et�, if any, ?a the person or persons legalZ}• entided thercto. Am• persun.
<br /> inc�uding ihe Bene[icia,��_ ma}�purchase s2id property at said sale. Trastee may in the manner provided b}•law,postpone saJe of all
<br /> or anr�poni�n of the,:ro,�em•.
<br /> t3. Trustee and the��eficiary, and c:ach nf them,shall be entitled to enforce pa}'n.ent and pe:€ormance ef am�indebtedness or
<br /> obligaiion securrd hcrr_by �sid to c�errise all rights and pow�ers under this Deed of Tcust or under am lean i�!rument or other
<br /> agreement or any la�tis n�r or hereafter enforced notwithstan�ing some or all of the indebiedness and obligations stcured herebr•
<br /> ��hicfii ma}• cio��� o: hereafier lx othendise securetf, �vhether by mortgage, deed of trust. pledge. Fien, assignrttent or othen�ise.
<br /> Neither tlie accepiance of this Der3 of Tru�Y nor iu enforcemen�whether by cm�rt action or pm-sttant to the�rnrer of sale or other
<br /> poti�rrs hercin canLiir�eu �halt prejudix or in am�manner affect 7ntstee's or the Beneficiary's right to reatiz.�upon or enforcc ar+y
<br /> oihcr secuiin no«�os l�emafter leeld by TnLStee or the F3enefi�ry, it being agrecd that Tnutee and ttEC Benetciary, and each of
<br /> �
<br /> � _ __ __ .
<br />