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<br /> This DEED OF TRUST is made this I7tb day af Jun�, 1998, by and an�c�ng�VILLIE E. GARRETI',
<br /> JR z�nd C�,THEI2�NE A. GARRETT, husband �and svife, hereinafter reiPrreci t�� 2s °'Tr-ristors," whether one
<br /> or mo�e, wk�ose .mailing address is Fost Offi�•� Boa 298, Caero, :vlebraska �8$;�4; 'I'HE STATE BANK OF
<br /> C�,L'F�O, a I'debraska 8an4cing Carporstion, hereinafter refe:red to as "Truske2," whose mailing address is
<br /> Boc 428, Cairo, Nebrask.� Cl3824; and�'YE STATE BAP1K QF CA€RO, a Nelar�ska Ban�;ing Corporatio�,
<br /> hereinaft�r referred to as "Bene�iciAn�," �vhose mailin�address is Boz 428, Cair�o, Nebra�4c� 6�824.
<br /> Fo; valuabl� consideration, Tn�stors irrer�ocahty grant, transfer, conve�y and assigr to Trustee, in trust,
<br /> ��7th power of�sale, for the benefit anr� security of BeneFciary, under and cutiject to :he terms and conditions of
<br /> :l�is Dee�? cf`I're!s+., the following d�er,r�bed real property located in HALL Cr�unty,�Nebraska:
<br /> A Tract of land comprisin; a par of tye Narthwest Quarter (NW 1l�,) of Section Thirty Six (3oj,
<br /> To��.rnship T«�etve (12} l�iortn, Ran�e Tive3�.�e (12� West oFthe 6th F'.Ni., Hal1 County, Nebraska,
<br /> ,v4ore�'articularly Desc,7r,ed as foltows:
<br /> Begi�ning at the North�vest c�rner of said NJW 1f4, Section Thiriy-six (36) Th�nce Seutherl��
<br /> alang the Westerly (ine of said I�IU' 1/4 SE�ction 36, a �'istance of Three Hundred Esghty-seven
<br /> (387) Feet; thence Easterly��d p�r2�1Lt ta 2h�Northerly line of said NW 1/4 Section 36 a distance
<br /> of One Hundre� Forty-ei�ht (1?8) fe�t; 2hcnce Northerty and parallei to the i�Jesterly line of said
<br /> NW 1!4 Se�tian 36 a dista�ce of Tr�ree Hundred eighty`seven (38Tj feet to a point on the
<br /> northerl_y]ine of s�id NW i;4 Section 36;thence'Vl�esterly along the Northerly line of said I�t�' I/4
<br /> �ectioz� 36 a eiistacrce of Gne Hundred Fart��-eight (148) feet to che place of beginning and
<br /> cont�in±r,g i.315 ac�res mor��r!e.ss,
<br /> t�geth�r��th all buiidings, improvements, ti�ctures, streets; �'ieys, passage�vays, easements, rights, privileges and
<br /> appurtenances lacated thereon, azad alt personal property that may be or h�reafter become an integral part of such
<br /> buildint�s and improvements, ali r,rc�ps raised ehereon, arid all water rights, all of wh'sch, inclvding replacements
<br /> and adciitions thereto, are I�ereby declared to be a part of the real estate canveyed in trvst hereby, it being agr�ed
<br /> that ali of'tne foregaing sh�il�be nerein��ter s-eferred to as the "Property."
<br /> ���t T��; P�tJF.POSE OF SECURIIo1G:
<br /> u_ Payment af ir�debtedrsess evidenc�d by Trustors` note o� even date herewith in the principal sum of
<br /> $02,600, together with �nterest at t}:e rate or rates p:ovided therein, and any and all rer.ewals, modifications and
<br /> exteRSions of such note, both ,orincipal ana interest on ihe noie being payab�e in accordance with the terms set
<br /> forth therein, tivhici� by t!u� a-eference is hsreby made a part hereef; and any and al1 future aava�ces and"
<br /> readv�nces to i;ust��s h�reu��er pursu�nt to one ore more�romissc�ry notes or cred:x agreerr�nts {herein called
<br /> "��t�"j;
<br /> ' b. the paymeni af other sums advanced by Beneficiar��to protect the security ef the Note;
<br /> ... the perfutznance of aIi covenants and agreements of Trustor sei fo;th herein; and
<br /> d. a!1 pres�r.t ar.� future jndebt�ciness and �b3igations o�Trustors to BeneSciar� wheiher direct, indirect,
<br /> absolute or ceniingent and whether arising by note,gu3raraty, o�erdraf3 or other�vise;
<br /> 2. To pa} «::��a d�e. the�rincipai of, as�d the iateresf on, the nndet}tedness eYZdenced b}•the note, charges, fees and a11 other
<br /> ss:ms as pro�ided in the ioan iRSinrr.ents.
<br /> 2. Trust��s are the own�rs of the propem' and hace thc right asd avthoriry to e.�ecute this Deed of'f'nist i.n res�cxt ro the
<br /> pm�rt}.
<br /> 3. To pa��, whcn due, atl tares. sFeciat assessinents and alt other ct�arges against the property, before tlie same beeome
<br /> detinquent. Tcu�tors shal!pa��all ta�ces and assessments which may be le�zed�.tpon Beneficiary's interesl he:ein or upon this D�d of
<br /> Trust or the de�t�ec.ure�hereby,vithout regard to any law that may be cnaacd imposing payment of the whole oz a�y Fart thcreof
<br /> upon the Beneficiarr.
<br /> d. "i o keep th�imgr�.�ements non•or hercai�er located on ihe progerty insured ap,ainn damage by f re and s�ich other harards as
<br /> the Benefcian•may requira,in amounts and companies acxeptable to the Beneficiary,Sueh insuranee poiiry shall contain a standard
<br /> � '.
<br />