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<br /> o�—�i—t999 DEEO OF TRUST - ��- 1�U�� Page 5
<br /> La$n Ka 762685 (Coc�a�c�
<br /> e�
<br /> Pro?�Y records.Lerui�maY.t'ctry 6rna ar�d wRf�ottl tulASr atRltortztlo�tan Trtutor,1Ba e�cu4d c�xderParb.copbs a np�oducli�ns of
<br /> N:i5 nesd o4?tt�:as a hrmr+cing sta�meat TtLSio.Sha!tedmbu•.•o I.sra.�sr!or aA szpense6 inCtxnd 4n paAeNJnp Or coMlnuinq tMS seCtxity
<br /> tntma$L Upon�u!!.Trs�tar slm�as�,.ert#e�+a Persone!Propnrty in�marx�sr es+d tt a p�aos�eaa�►ca+vsNsr�t b Trusta artd Lrnde►
<br /> erad meke t;ava�taable to Lersdar w9MiEn three(3)days ii�ar receptd wfitlsn dsmand hom Lendsr- .
<br /> A4dresae�. Tlse r.�e�adckesses of Trtaior(dghtflrl and Lwx19t Zsactred D�!!'�*'am wt�icA kwatrt�tlon Cot�cemir19 the s�c�xitY kderest
<br /> grer+lc�d bY thes Doad d Ynss!may bQ abtainad(e�ds ts nq�irsd bY 1hs tk�llorm Costirrrierdd Code��vs as staled on U»6rs!�,aQe af U�is Dea�d
<br /> p!Ttucl.
<br /> Ft7R7Fi�S2 f.5Sl�tA�tLES;ATTO�iEY-�M-Fi�CT. Ths 1oiA�wfnG D��d^4 to Nr�er�a,ncss and dtorrisy-ln-fad ue a P�a�s
<br /> C)esd of Trust
<br /> Furttkx Assuranets. At erry tfnse.sr�d trom @er�e to�na.uRan rsQvasP at La�der.Tneslcr w�malca.exectib4�d d�.��, . .�:i cause to be
<br /> made. execsrl�l a tSeS."ered. !fl l.er►dcr or�Lsndef's das�neo.end wt�ett taquasied bY l.snder.CatsB�be ft�1. �ncacded.tvlied. cx
<br /> rerecadae.as the cssa ma�t�e.a!suc,h�s and tr,woh�and R�-s u Lar�may cfsem approp�ak,anY arsd d such martqa�s,
<br /> desCs cf avst.secYxi"Y deo4s,secsx'�Y�9�.��+�0��^+�.ccrd'�+uallor+si�l�+w�ls.�utrtirr�s of hrther sssunnca.c�Ai�cates.
<br /> and et!�er docu+r,er.ls u ma;.in th�aale�o!L�nde�.b�nn�osss+tvy or dssYabb I�ordsr M efloe�uals.cor�s�Es.PeAxi connrtue.a
<br /> preserve te)the ob�ati�s af Tr�SO�tmcie+r fie`loM1O.tl+h Dead d Trust arW tlss Hara1W Doc�.dr�d �b)ths Na�s and secu�ttY tnieresls
<br /> c�eated bY tt�s Dced o1?rust as fr� arsfl prSor Eem oc�ftw Pn,r.arly.wt�stl+er r+;iw owrnd or henalfer acqtirsd DY Trustar. Uni�ss P�ohiDl�d bY
<br /> law or sq;oed to thv cordr�br L«'�6w°k�wrdi�.Trwktt stm�n�4rbursa C�nda 1or af cmis�nd�otts�s tnCUrt�d kt,taxtacrion wRh the
<br /> me11er5 ntlearej to h�thtS�SRropro�fi. ._
<br /> Atlorney-k►-FAt. N Trusta►Eaks fa dq ar+q od tM tt+i�+ps�nd b in tfis G�G P�OnPh.l�nder maY do so fa e`r�d In tha�ame of �
<br /> Trusi�r arx�at Tnislors a�rxa. For auch�urpn�a,T�star hsreby k�ravoalby�apak�ts La�d�r�s Trutffor's ariorn�y-rn-tacY.tar ths purpos�e
<br /> a rtrowny.sz�cuutEng, ds�vertrx�,fl�c+0.roc�rC�rO,erd do�k�p a�otrie tt�e+ps ts msr Cs nsasstuy or�erir'�D4,k�i.andKs sob apinion,to
<br /> sCCCrt'�tsh:M rtK+ttea3 rt�rted!0 in N�Dn"c�n0 P�
<br /> FU.L A£RF4RMAtiCE. N Trusltx pays aE ths It�de�bSede+esf,�0 wfttwGA IG'�+1ltNon a1 h�Surt Rd�+anc�.wiwn dus,tarndr�ks tM CnQ ol GeQlt.
<br /> and o:nec+rtse penarms aw u�e ob�t�oa,s a�rpossd+�pa+Tn�atar�a+dse'l�is Osoct ot Tnml,L,��d�r shN srscuts a�d dsevar to 7nntea a requast la
<br /> h�d reconrayance nnd ahe6 eacecta4�an4 Cciwsr!o Truslar s�l�IIM sfaf�rweds o!9rrnitifon o!any�r�anck+0 shbet+�M on Ib evldsndnp Lender's
<br /> sectrtty hitar�ct In ttre Rsr�ts a�d tf»Fersaid RopMtY• MY nCOttvs�d^ti�ss e��d bY 1t'.r sAat b�P�d DY Tnntor�N P�b bY�AP�bM
<br /> aw.
<br /> DEFAt�.7. Eech aN:�xe toaor►'Sn¢.al ihs op�on o1 L�de�r.at�at c�tr�b sn bvont d d�t*(Eve�t ol Dstlti�txxldt U�b OeeC e1 Trust
<br /> Detaest!ort{ndeLtrdrtess. Fylha'a a!Trust�r!o ma�ca aa+�l P�Y''�wner�Cue on�hs h�d�bisdrnas.
<br /> Detsutt on Other Prys�nents. F�kure d T�r�r�lf+e�Gms�m0�d DY tf�b Oe�d d Trust!o msks enY DAYrt+s^�for�ar Inturence.or
<br /> a^Y ot►+e,r Peyment necessary!a P�wa�t l�np uf Jr 10��ct��d any ien.
<br /> [Tetau!!M Favor ot Yhkd Parlies. St�:�8�a arsyTnr_�t del�euE�e�s�r trty�osn.e.das�on o!ahd'L ssaxRY s�n�e^mnt,pwcha,e or
<br /> setes eQroeme�nL ar a�y dmar ��resr+sr�L in lav� o!a�ei'h�r crad�bOt or puvsfln !Mt map rtvtterla'ty afl�tt arry t�l Batc+w�s P�oPe�Y �
<br /> Sorrowec'a vr any Tnrsl�r"s sb�r to re�pay trie l.ocro or p�rlorm ft+sl�q�spw.�v�oWgAlons tmdsr Mb Desd d''rus!a any ol tt�e Rotaled
<br /> Dc+c�:rrn��ts.
<br /> Cortspii�ce L`etautt. Fa�ure a.`Tr�lor tfl ca��w�Yt;�ar�y eSi�+r fa:n�,c�fic�,ourvanar�R r.:con�0on contnir�In IhES Deed of?rust,Ihe
<br /> t1a4fl a t7 arrf ot the Ra�at��octxr�►r.ts.
<br /> Fa3�!S:atrmenb. �nY'•'•ztrrsnty,+�pre�sxrislbn a sttlt�rner�1 metk or hsn"s1+x!M lender by a on beht!!ol Trt»'..tx uMer Ihis Doal o/Trust,
<br /> trre kcte or tt�Rear4ess�ocu�+ruvti ts telsa ar m�aad�p tn arry Hfec4r�nos�ecl,eriher raw a at cAa Cma maciu ar ftxr4ahsd.
<br /> 6e��l�cttvr Ca3ata�iaes. 7T,IS Ceed oA Tna1 or a.r+y d tho F�tlnd Ooeumsnts a�ses io Oa M tuo lorca and e�lcx.i(fnduc&�0 faiure ot erry
<br /> c�iterai c+ocumenls to aeafa a vn8d u�tf t�1eclad soct�rit�'M�s�ar IK)a!arry Elrns ea+d tor any rpson.
<br /> Dcath or lnsodve�cy. T2�e death o�Trusiar,tha trn�Fvsr►ry�of Trtnla,ttaa agpa�tment o!a nca�vvr tor ar�y parl d Trustor's p►opvrty, any
<br /> asspr,msnt tcx tne �e�t o1 cra aa3, am�eype at me�Snr v�►o�lcaart, or tna commer+cement d enY Dfocts.9�np und� ery ber�iwpky or
<br /> irtsa`.�ency�c+vt bY cr agalres:Trustor.
<br /> F9rttbsure�Forfcttu:x,ctt. C�m��ernC CA 1o+'actrs�r�tY f�r4�Para tx�t►�s,w!+s�er bY h�P��O.�-hek�.repossess1on
<br /> p eny Nhat maltrs�,uy anq oretl�a�Tnrsltx or bY;+�Y�fl'����Q�Y�srry 0�thir Prq)er�r. How'o'isr�this Subsection shdq nol
<br /> spp1Y in 1t�.e otit*r.!�.�s pood kt�th c!lSpcsla bq Tn�stor as M t!►Y vsfid�ty or��d tne dilm wMCh ts lhs basis of pis lorodosure w
<br /> lae4ettue G�'�r'4.�o�d thal TnsstO►qtvles LM�r w�d1P��xb011 d wCfi Cbd�n a�ft�SMs tts�rvNS a o ftsety bOnd for lh(�da�m
<br /> aat�hC'.nry ro Lsndw.
<br /> Bramch ot tltt►e�Aqrsanarst. Any br�scf+by Trvstar undu ft+¢�brms d ury adha p�o�rrnw�1 b�Mv�+Trustor and L�nda Ihm1 b nol rer,�sdbd
<br /> w+tl�tn rn)'G'sco Derlod P*��a+�kL�d+►dh0 wiC���t M�IhtlfOn�nY aqrwi+�nl ta+arr�h+p�nY IrW�l�nas or otl�sr ob�tlo�of Trtntor
<br /> to lenver,wt+att�er ei�s&nQ now a�1�r.
<br /> EYt�nb Attcctlnp Grmrioniw. A.ny d ths prooecl�np ap�ts occtxs rritl�r�saoc,t 4o any Cauerantor oE any af the Indgbtedness or nr+y Gut�anta
<br /> �as cx Da-ames i�x�rm�sl�L cx ravokes cr duD+�s!t�valkS.y d.ar�IINy dr+der.anp Cy+orarsh•ot ttso Ir�btadr+as. LeMer,at tts optlon,
<br /> maY, bu:shaA rat be re4�red 1A G��+a �a�ar�ior's s�s�[b 10 auums�x+oo�r�skp the aWqsllons erlsfnD unc7sr the guaraMy In a
<br /> ma��er satis'sctary ro Lev�dar.a�+d.M doin9 sa cus the Ever�l ad oedault.
<br /> In.;�cuti7y. L�..,;e��g�GCi la�e de�t�aset!�r'eseevrs.
<br /> Rlght Eo C�zrc. 1t s�#�a faBus k araGe er+d B Trus,br 1as na!been qd+re^e r�d a b�ee�ch of tt»same provisto�ot tt�s Dsed of Trust
<br /> vei;hdn;h�cxeev�r�g M�elve tt2)morttiu.it maY be eared(ar+�na Ev�9�of GefasR w�ha��oaure�i1 Trttsta.aRer Lender sends writfen
<br /> �a�,.-e derna�rtg c+xa ot svth fs+ltxe: (a)�vras V�e Faisne w�vn ien(101 "cey.,or {b)i►tne Ctfre requires tr�ore then len(?0)days.frrtrt+ed"ia!ely
<br /> inta:es sfeps su'1`�aev�!!�cue 4tia Saikxe a�thers�l��ar�d carnpie�s 8,t taesar+��b19 end nec�ssrY�eps sufficlent to produce
<br /> comp;can�e as soon as reas:.naD�y pracbcal-
<br /> AQG4iTS.1tm REI�EDIES Q'!�TAl1LT. tlpon the occ�m�ce oA any Ever.t ol�fault and at arry bme thereel�r.Tntsfee or Lender,e1 ICs opqon.
<br /> may�:eccoe a;n•aste a m:xe M ihe f�1Faw�rog riy�,hls srxi rc�r�es,in e�dfion!o sny oU�er rigMs er r+�rt�ec�ea providad try ia�r.
<br /> Aeceiaatfot�u�n Detau7t;Add1lFonst Rem�es.. ET atty eveni O!detauR occus a5 per U�e tertss d the Kole seGtred hereby.Lendc,x mey
<br /> dectare 3�IndeDlad�ess ssctxed by ttys Dead d Trust to be due arsd payabie artQ the same she!M�ereupOn becane due 9tr,f p9yabl9 withotlt
<br />