<br /> ; -
<br /> 41�t�-1�99 . ���„���{'�•3 DEED �F TRl�3 Paye 4
<br /> Loan No 762585 (Corsti�xtt�
<br /> bee�Frsca?ed"en en e.�ea desi�att��r tAe O�clor d!�F+ed�a1 E�.y/Ma�Ape�as a s�ec�al liood t�azard erea.Tnu'cx
<br /> spress fa�u:a3n an4+nairYSg'sn Fs�sral�iood'�rsuance For tne t,i1 tmaa�C prindpal bahr+ce d C�e Ioan.�P M tM rra�mtmm Ro6cY Imi�set
<br /> vr.�r Ihg Ns�nt1 F,00d:r�tXxnce Wo�ram,or�s atl»rw4so rsqsirmd Cy l.sndx.et�d to mt4dd�tvCA k�suranCa!or Ihe krm M tt�e ban.
<br /> Apqvtk.�lfon M Praceeda Tnatar s►aQ!Prornp9Y noCly Lender ol srry foss a damege lo d�e ProperN. Lender may r.uke Proat o'!css H Trusto� �
<br /> tab�o do�r+iL'�s f�.4een{S5)Cays d tt�o casualty. WheEhx or no!Lender's 3ea�r b kr+Qe4•d.LenOar may.et Rs elec�on.:ecelve and�etain
<br /> ttw t,7acaec�s a!n�y Isasuanoo and opply @�e Prxroecls to i!�resducfion ad the tnde�bledneB.s.PalR71s+�t cf arry lfen atiecfinp the ProQe�tY,cr ths
<br /> �ri�l�e�an ere:! r�aar o+'tlw Pr:petTj. H Lsntser e�C's b lepp?r p�e pt0oeeds 4o r�B�On i.Rd repabr.Trttstor Sltt.9 rep8k or t�slnce the
<br /> darts�qec�or �w�tf Irr��rem+erMS Fn a matu,er sa��l io Le!�Oee. lea�er 3he+t,uPon sa�clocY proo9 d suc.h eo�endittxe.PaY a
<br /> re'^yti^�n irus:o�r tror.�!he�a:a�d3!�e�ta ta+�sorg?4b coz!ot"r+efla�or se�sana?p Tnrrot ti no!tn da�auR under Uris Deod ot Trust. P.y
<br /> p:v��w�fi tcPxn ro9 4�rn eFabused M+l�4n ta0 dsys a11e�thatr r�ece�pi and wh�1 Lee+dsr t�a r�ot cornm'lMd lo the r�snfr or restorntloi:ot
<br /> tho Pr�ty st'ra1 tA t�J tYSt to aay 4'ry earsourit Cw4*+p M LandBr u�da�ih+s�d:f TrUSt,fhen to pdy nCLYVed it�ie�esi.nnQ 11e rQmttndEar,N
<br /> e^Y�sha�bs!eGP�:o the DA*�c�s9 be.lQnce�f tf�e lrxi�bla4nass. N lsr�3er hds*a- aPotecds attsr payrt+ant Ir:tuuY of lhs IndeDledne53,s��ch
<br /> p�oa�eds zhsa be p�to Tne�tor sa Truslor's�+f,rests rrny s�o�r.
<br /> Un�e��d insuraica ed Sade. M.y u�nsd��svanc�s shaii�xus!0 3t,e bsna`�o�.and R�s to,it�e�rc+saser o!!he Prope�tY covered Dy this
<br /> L`taW Ot Tn.�s!et e+ty tr��!'S 33�Or OOf+et s83s hs�J uafd0t N�e�avisiorts o!11�iS Del�i C�?tysl,Ot at Rny foredos�l►6 Sek�o�SuCh?roperty.
<br /> EXPEND(7URES BT l,F1�0£R. t1 Tnzstor lars tc cam�y�ury pcM,fs�cd ttis Lbad cr�Tnat,ar N am a^'kzn a procae�nq h tommenced tM.t
<br /> �ro�d+�a�rS�Ry ef#oc!la.�de�s trdek�s�ttu Pro{�erty,lgndac are Trustor'�t�atrdl mey.Cu1 she�no!Cs rsq�ad k,.te�ce any acUon t�el Len�ar
<br /> �rtt a�o��a�s. i�r+y ama.wet�t LnrxSm euDa+'.ds k�sc dalnq v�!b�ar icsbr�!a!t�e raie provldad la 6n U+e Nole hor.i tt+e daM i�urred o�pald
<br /> Gr LQrc3!s t0�W18 O(:lQ�Ay'�bM�y 7RKlLK. AA St�U'�N�:"*..rl3.tl L�fXSLY�Y OP".b+�.W'� ta)b�R�Yab�E Qn damAtld. (b)be edded to lho hAlarce
<br /> d iha»o'.o anC Dn s�o�amarq and Do p�s:�e r�:s^v ax�lm�t pa�ss�r�to becc�dvs durk�q eittxx ()ttse term ot arty n��iU►e
<br /> kFsun�cs Co-ticy u (9)��arr�hxT a�l Lhs�q,a trt Do trsafr�as�trs.��an psym�ni wl�icA w�bs Cue�nd P�yaDfe nl tho No!e'a me;vriN.
<br /> T!�a De�rd ce�r�ssi stw w�secuRm sy►Y�+omt�S�x►ar.�y.rx�s. tns r��s pro�ldo��ar tn 4t+ls Ferapcopn sn�1 C�1n adcAtlor+ta arty ott+er riyhtz ar any
<br /> tQt�4+.i�*S:0 whhC!�l,prft38t t�b�I�t1{7lbQ OP1 6tt1�;r�d 7+�t�x'aeL.a. My svet+att�oes b�r Lw�+d�st�a9 not bs sonstruoC a cunnq Ihs de�autt so as�D
<br /> har L�*rci0r tr0.�r�er.y tyea06y tPat d OLhsrM4�l�w�5 Mv!hiR�.
<br /> WARRA,ttTY:OEFE1tSE QF TfTIE. TAO!a6a.r!^0 pa�AS�ro�Ro ow*�rs1a1C d lt,�F4op�M1y�ra a psA d Ui�QraC d Tnal.
<br /> irt1r. 1'rusior wa�^nnts�ett• ;a�Tii�sfior'�d qoas anQ rnr�ka"labaa y!I��1 nocord�tt�a?ro{,�erty M lee simpr.hso and clea►o!eR Ilert,enJ
<br /> Qt�'JmvSraeaCeS a7►et iftitn�3e1 lorA 1n'ftiB R�ai P!Dp�ly dssCrlDGCn qt in My 5�i�J►at�C!��01Cy.llq!ropOtt,Or dnsi tltlB Op1NOn lSSUed In
<br /> tsvor at.sr+d��J br,le�r,asr in a�r+r�on wRA Cela O�ad d TnrsL Rnd {D)Tnislar his Ms hi AOM.Porrer.and�vlt+ortty!o exaeute anC
<br /> 4ci!var'.*.s C?e�td d.3rvs1 L�!.e^�"ser_
<br /> Oetenae a�i'?tfe. Sub;er!k+tho a�mp;wn 1n ir�,par,�t�abc+a.Tnn�r rca�ran�s snC rvi I�ev�r 6at�v.d lRa tice lo If�e Proparty apoins;1R�
<br /> 4tw!v1 cta� oF e�o�3a^.s. trt LAe anr��t nnr sCl�pn u�proc�re�np Es toe�x�r,per4 tfiel quest4orts Trtritc's tlN� a Uw Intere�s!ol Trusttre o�
<br /> LOnD�r un�r tt�s C�+id 04 Tr,ai.Tns5lor stsa�dM�nd C+e�t'AVO�a!Tntslni3 tz�e�+ms- 7rustor msr po ti»nor+��sl patty in suct�protoed�nq,but
<br /> LrrnCcr stul L�w c�'�ad tD At*l�iNin t��t+o proCaad�nq�rd to ba��O+�d�+th9 Wocx'dk+G ty cour+s�! oi:er�dsr's own ctwrce,and
<br /> ?Yvstor w�➢A d�7t+sr.cr C�tsSA!o L�?�C.'.'ortd,!D l.sn3K sue,h k�'n�n'ni ts Latad�r tn�y nQuOSt 5rnm tlen�la qms to permM suth parbcJpa!ivn.
<br /> Goet�tsarxa 1Mttl+i.swa. Tnestar �rarrar,lx et,ei !ris Prop�rfy��,d Tnn7or's �s d tt+s Propertr tom0�es wtth aY axbUng ePPfieab�e W.vs.
<br /> O�c.'1n3nCt7.tMf rlqsAs�fOns a'QO►7irrnrreMnSaf tU�Dr'J!lIA.
<br /> CC'NDEMtiAT?Wl. TM foacw+k�G*�taia�p ta c�+4aar+a�Pra�o�a�a par!d�►+1s Dwd at Ynni.
<br /> Ap�tic.trio� ot►it�l Proct�ds. H a� or sm pa+t o!khe f�inaely 3a toayda.nxmd by�r+lt�rd danaln prateedr�ps or by any proroedlnq or
<br /> CurtRas�tr Feru Ci t�e'rxst`�.Ler�t r.�.y at�!�''10o rt�qtArs C�a!d pr any por3yon d tts�nol�flCOed3 of Itw ewerd b9 app�ed to Ir.e
<br /> �r,deDtad�is a ths rKsaF a nnlore�on at't�e P.npert�. T!�r+s+,pracor0s d riu�ward sh�dl rt+oan the�wa.�d edar payrt+enl ot s9 mssonab�e
<br /> cas's.�*r+s�ss.amJ sC�rr�ys'fe�s 6ncurretd try Trus�a Le+�br k�ct�v»Cbon w!^J�t�+c a�n�afmna'non.
<br /> P'fOCSldRQS. :f A't]+jX'OC7K►d�cn C�1TL�n8iSpR!±S�i.+L1.TR6�N fil?@���"y!)D�'v e�C�RLSP�t1 NTt�7Y�.d^�T!tt51Qf ShBA pr0!:fy�!iV lfl%�'_;^'',
<br /> 5'�CS:c."2:��3(?>"QSr!'ti'',::G' . ,'V«.;, .-� ;C`ti",Sha.. ,r'' , c!y•-•ry ho thc nn^:n�l^.�.�r'�vUC'M1�fpCpqf3iiu�,bL!I on�!r.r � ..
<br /> t:a e ��:.:J :^ t.c".Y.'.:�3t3 �'1 t'��r.C�L?;u,�y e'�?EC C�:PS>�25��e�2�v.B�`.'���.`)}+�b�Ct:'S Ctif7 Ct1'JCB.BfYJ TfU''..:C!Wt$ �g'�8f 0:
<br /> q UR!i�b�H�'V�'8d!D LB�!'td0�Si)Ch x�1t�[�fst5 d5 mdy bD rlQlJlS1l41 bj'A IfDT�rtf0 tD�7�t0 Mttiti!StJ[fi pifbdpaS�AT1. � .
<br /> i1APf�StT14H Of TAXES.FEE$Al�A'D CliARt�S BY CAYF3i1il�TITAt AllTHOR17TES. �a lol0�vl.�Atrnhs:0+�s�eLetlrq'10 QovarnmenteJ GixBS,
<br /> tea.s a'ad ct�arpes etY a�+et!o�tt�4s D�d of?tu�
<br /> �lsrrev�t Ta'r�,`0.f�s and Ctflvyes- L�ion tM'uRS1 br LOAtl�►,7rustw 3hcf eics�c�ule wcl�dott►n+ak.ln�OS+tbn la B'ds Desd ol Trusl anG lake
<br /> wti¢tart�r ott�r ae�0e�Is ragvm'�!y L��Osr 10 p�f�d ar�0 oe+rdax�LwntSsr's 1ia+an C+e Fiaa!Pre�aet�j. Truslor SheA rambuns lendw fa nsi
<br /> IsYo4. �s ossa�aa b.ro+r. �q�hm.am�as �sa�i�+arzeo ln roc.�trrC�+�„ perfr,,-&+q or eonM+uk+y st,�s oe+o a Tnisl. �nduainp wrmout
<br /> kr,�t�an ef!fa�ss.l�a�,aoc�x++er�aaY st�,�,aa+d aEMr craryss tar rsoor�k+p a roqlsfwinp b+is Owd d Tnnl.
<br /> T+urs. T1m tW►c�tnp s�►aR eou�s.Ati,rse�tc�to wfi+rl+:hh aecdon s,rpl�s: (�)��sc�c!aY upon�1s typo o�Oeed o�Trvst a upo�eA a any
<br /> pnrt at tno IRdab:e:ire�:e�cued b}Ctis D�st!a!T�us� {p)a�c ls�t on Truslor wtticts Tntfpr b nutt+orfzed or reqWred b deduct hom
<br /> Pa7^'R*tt�ort.!�e t++deClad'x3s st�CU:md Cp dtts tpl�,01 t�eot7 a!?�st; fc)s tax or thts PyM of Oe�d o!Trusl c�+a.�peaD�s spalnst tfle LOnCer or
<br /> t1�hGdm�' d t�a'io1�;��d t6!a:�sa�6�x o�al d anp Gaffian al ths 1r�OfsQr+azs ar on PeY��s o(p�fndpst and fniervnt mxde by
<br /> Teus"a.
<br /> Suis7�eQt►eitl Ta+tSS. 3t orn te,u!p wTnGh 1l�ts 5�.,^Sspn at)p�le3 b sr�led SubSeql�aM FC _�e at lriis S7aed p!Tn.�sl,4`sK evenl,h�all have Iha
<br /> zcarna cktact as an Etiv�t af�;x`�4^d�nad C��u+Q Londer racy s�esrt�s ury ar ai. �ava�t�se rea�ectfes�a an Event ot Du:auft as
<br /> ^sQ���d�.a+aw u*�ess TnaSca e��+c {s!pays t!+e 4ax bt!ore R be[sares tlek+Q+�enl.or (b)co�teals tt+s ta�c es provlded lbmw ln the Texes end
<br /> Ue�se��nna d�sits rr�R lsn0er cash a►t wlir�ant oorpaab s:aaty bcx�d or olt�er s�eurtty sal�tory lo Lsndd.
<br /> S£CL'RITY AGRE�IIT:fYidAHClhG S7Jl1E]iQiTS. TT!a fo9awinq fxor3s�pts reit�ap!o tYb DeeO d Tttrst as R Seaxity apreerrent a e a part ot
<br /> ih's L�aed cf Trus1.
<br /> �cclerft� AQreament 7t.s 'v:s1•wnert s�i ctimei+a.de a se+arily eQreerne�ta the eoderit �rry ot it+e Property cortsttdu'.es foclures cx otner
<br /> ���F�Y.dnd isr+der she�txve s!ol 8�e riptsls d a 3ecuad p�rtp unQar 1tw lirM�m Cortune�cW Co�+es�mer+dbd kom bme to
<br /> ;it*�@_
<br /> Sectxi2y ir,tettst. Ljcar.�e��is:�y Len�,r.T;uSlor shaB e�cecsde�nandng s:aS�.'+cs�en's end laks w!�lever ott�et ac5on es requested by Lender
<br /> to C�r`a:t ar>d confi-�ve Ler;der's scx�a3ty ksteras!in!M Ren�uid Perso�rsai t`roperly_ fn add6o�to recor�np ttvs Deed of Trus!in t'»real
<br /> � �i
<br />