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<br /> 1.
<br /> � �g � ������ l_�AN NO. '. 5 3 9 2 1 8 2 1 4
<br /> Ai!insurance pollcles anti renevrals shall�accep*.able to Le-►der and shail lndude a standard mortgage ciause.
<br /> Le�rJer sha91 h�ve the ri�ht to i�ald thz pollcies a�renewais.if Lender requires,Bomower shall promptly give fa Lendsr
<br /> ali receipt$oi paid prPrraiums arxi renewal nc�Gces.Irt ihe event of 9oss, Barrower shall glve prompt notiVe to the
<br /> Ir�sur�nce carrier�nd Lender.�erv.!er rrs�y make proof�f lass'rf not rrsade pr.�mptly by Bofrowe�.
<br /> iJ�i�ss 1.entier arrd 8o�r�wer ot�en+�i5e agree in writirig,lnsurance procec-ds shall be applieci to res4oratlon a tepair
<br /> of ths r roperty�lamaged,ifi the r�storati*an or r�pair is economtcalty feasi�le and L�er�cier's security ls noi�essen�eri.If th�e
<br /> restoraY+on or repair is�ot ecQrsomlcaii�,+feasibRe a�L�nder's security wau3d[�e le�ened,the Insuran�e proceeds shal!
<br /> be appSie�d to the sums sr�cured by this Ssc�r:ty instrument,whether or rtot then du8,with any excsss paki to Borrowef.
<br /> yf Bi�nrawer a�andons ihe Property,or�oes r�ai ansxer�hin 30 d�ys a notice firem l.snder that tt�e Insurance carrler
<br /> has affered to se�tEe a c13im,th�n Le�der may callect ih�insurarce proc•eeds.Lender�ay use the�xocee�is tr repalr
<br /> �r restor�:the Property ar ta pay sums secureci by this Security lnstrumer�t,whether or not then dn�.The 30-day period
<br /> wU�begi,�whar.the natic�is gtven.
<br /> Unless Lendes and Sorrrn�er otherwise agree in writing,any appli+.�tian c.�t proceeds to nr{ncipal sf:ali not extsrxi�r
<br /> postpQne the due date af the monih{y payments r�fe�red tc in paragraphs� arn�i 2 or cfiange tnv amount of tho
<br /> payments. If under paragra�h 21 Yi�e Property fs acqulred by Lender, Barrower`s rigM to any(nsurARCS policies and
<br /> proceeds resultfng fram damaga ta the Froperxy prior to the acgu6siUon shail pacs to Lender to the extent of the sums
<br /> sec;tred by this Securtty Ins!rument Immed�ateiy prior to tha�cqulsitfon.
<br /> 6.t}cc�par,Gy,�reservatio�n,M��cttenanca arcd Proi�s�tion of 4he Rroperty;Bonro�.�r's Loan Qppticatiort;
<br /> Leassholds. Barrower shail occ�py,es4abllsh,and use the f'roperty as SoROwer's principal re��dence withfn sbc�y days
<br /> tt r th
<br /> a $ s execution af ihis Sec�r.�}I Instnsm�nt and s{�all cotnlnue to c�cccupy iho Property as Burrowe�'c principal
<br /> residence for ac Ieast one year after the daia o#occu�ncy,uNess Lender Qiherwise agrees in wr�tlr�g,whi�h consenc
<br /> shali not��unreasonabiy withhe4�,o��n9es=ex'tpnuating circurristttnca�exlst which are tzeyond Bortowar's Go�trol.
<br /> �orrowEr shall not:iestroy,damage or im�air the?roperty,alfow ths Property to deter(arate,or commit waste on the
<br /> Pr�perty.3orrawer shali be in def�uit if any farte�ture action or proceeding,wl�rether ctvil ct criminal,is begun that in
<br /> Lencler's good faiih ju�gment could r�sult in iorfeiture of the Property ar othe►wlse materiaily impalr the lien createt9 by
<br /> this S�curit�,�fnstrument or Lender s se�urity interest.Sorrowar may cuse such a default and refnstato,as provfded i�
<br /> paragraph 18,by cadlsing the actlon or proceeding to be dismissed with a n�ling that, in Lencier's good fa3th
<br /> cl�termir�at'son, precludes forfeiture of the Borrawer's lnterest in the Property or oiher mate�ia;impairment of the lien
<br /> c�eatec�5y this 5ecurity i�s4rumen+.or Lendar's security Eriterest.Borrower shall also be in clefault ff Sorrrnver,during the
<br /> foan applicatfon proc�ss,gave materially faise or Ir�accurate i�fom�ation or statemeMs to L�nder�or failed to provide
<br /> L�nder rviih any rr,�terial ir�formationj In connection wfth the loan evklenced bp the Note,;::�iuding,but not iimitecf to,
<br /> represe�taY�ons cance�ning Sarrawe�s occupaney of the Properry as a p�inc�pa!seskfence.I(this Securfty Instrument is
<br /> on a!eas�F�old, �orrovaer shall com�Y wiih all ihe pravislans afi the lease. If Borrawer acquires fee t�le to the°roperty,
<br /> ihe;easehold�r;�ih�fee t�is shall raot merge unless Lender agrees to?he merger In writing.
<br /> 7'. Protecfs�n ot Lenr7es'.s Ri�ht�in the Prop�rty. If Borrow.es ia�1s to perform?he covenants anc agreements
<br /> conYained?�this Security ir�.+.rument,or there L a iegal praceeding that ma.y sic�n�icantty affect Lender's rights In the
<br /> Property(such as a aroceec'.ing in bankruptcy, prabate,ior coniemnation or iariettt�re or 4o en(orce laws or
<br /> re�ulationsj,then Lender m,,ay dc and pay for wtiaiever Is necgssa�ry to protect the value of the Property And Lender's
<br /> rights ic�ihe Property.Ler,der's acEfons rnay inr�ude paying any sums secured by a ilen rvttiich has p�iorfty over this
<br /> Sacurfiy Instrument,appearing fn court,�ayi�g rea�o�abie atto�eys'f2es and entering o�the Prop�erty to make '
<br /> repairs.Atthough Lender may take action under this paragraph 7,Lerxier daas not have to do sa � �.
<br /> Any amounts disb�rsed by Le�uier uncierthis paragraph 7 shall become addiri�nal debt e!R��rev�e�secured by
<br /> thls Security Instrument.Uniess BoROwe�anc�Len�er an�rgg t0 Ckh?!tp!'!t?9�f�,y�r►ent,these amounts shail bear
<br /> i:iierest from the date af disbursemerii at ihe tdote rate and shall be payabla,�vtth lriterest,upcm notico fro+n Lender to '
<br /> Borrower requesting payment. 9
<br /> �.RAortgag�Ir�surance. ff Lender requireci mort�age in��rance as a condition of making the ioan secured by:his
<br /> Securiry L�strument,3orrower�h�li pay 2hs premlums�equireei to mainia(n th�rn�rtgage insurance in effect. If,for any
<br /> reasan,ihe mor#gage fnsura�nce coverage requfred uy Lender lapses or ceases ta be(n�ffect,Borrowar shall pay the
<br /> premiums requiresi to obtaln cc�verage substa�tially equiwalent to the mortgage insurance psevlously in effect,at a cost
<br /> subsiant�aily eq��valent ta the casc to Forrower of the mortgage insurance previot�sfy in effect,from an alternaie
<br /> rr+ortgage ins<<rer approved by Lendsr.If substant�alfy eguMalent morty�ae insu��arn;e cov�raga ls not avafiable,
<br /> SorrowQr st��ll Fay to Lencier eacn�i►���t�u���m eQUal to one-tweltth af the yea�v mortgag�insur�nce premium bei�ig
<br /> paid by�orrcwp;wt�en the insurance C�ve�age la�sed o�cea��do be in effeci.Lerrder wiA accegt,use and retain ihese
<br /> Qayments as a loss reserve in iieu ef mortgage insurance. Loss rese:ve�;msnts ma7�no tonger be required,at tV�e �
<br /> cpt�on�f Lencler, ff mvrtgage insurance coverage(in ihe arr�c�urrt an�i for the periods fhat�er�ier requlres)pr�ided�y
<br /> an insurer�,;�orovpci by Lender aga�n becomes availabls ar.d is obtafned. Bono�aer sha!!pay the premiums requireci to
<br /> maintair�mortgage insttrance in e`fect,or#o provida a ioss r�serve,urt8 the requiremern for mortg�ge insurance ends
<br /> in accorclance with any writte�i agreement betwean 8orrowsr and Lender or applfcable law.
<br /> 9. Inspec'tion. Lencier or fts agent may make reasonabie entries upan arxi inspectfons of the Property. leixler
<br /> shal!give BorraNer notice at th�t(mg of cr priQr to an lnspectian specifying seasonable quse for the inspection.
<br /> ISC/CMDTtvE//0792/3Q28(9-90)•L ��,E���, �
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