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� <br /> �� ����F�� �G.�N NO. 1 5 3 5 2 1 8 2 1 4 <br /> THiS�CCt3RITY lNSTRUMEPCT combinss�nfform covenanis for naifonai use�nd non-uniform covenanis with <br /> llmited va;i�tions by jurisdlctiarr co canstlttste a unff+�m�r security Ir�strurnerd cbvering reaf property. <br /> U�iI�aR�vi COVE{+�Ai�!'i'S.Lorrower arx!Lsnder co`re�ant and agree as fello�ys: <br /> t� Psyrreent o9 Prin�ipa!an�!n#erest;Pre�aymerrt�nd L.�R@ Ch�rges. Borrower shali promptly pay�vhe�;cf�« • <br /> the princf�a�of and interest on the dabt evidenced by ths Notr�arxi any praaayrt�ent and I�tc charges due�nd�r tha <br /> Note. <br /> 2.�unds tor T�x�s and Insussrsce. 5ubject tc ap�icable(aw or to%1 wrhten wa�ver by Lender, Borrow�r shall pay <br /> ta i_errc;ar an tho day monthiy paymsr�ts ara due under the Note, uritii the Note is paid in full,a sum('Funds')for: (a) <br /> yeariy taxss and assessmerrts which may attain priority ove�th:s Security in�tntrrient as a lien o�n the Property; (b)yearfy <br /> le.�seho!d paymerrts or ground r$nts on ihe Property,H any; (c)yearly hazard or praperty insurar�e premiums; (d) <br /> aearfy flaod insurance rre�:it�ms,if any; (e)yearly mnrtgage insurar,ca premiums,if any;and (fl any sums payat�e 5y <br /> �:��sower to Le,�er, in aceardan�e w�h the provEsions of paragrapt�8,in Ileu Qfi ths paymeni of mortgage insurance'. <br /> premiurrES.These items are call�ed"Escrov+Items.°Lender may, ai any time, collect and hold Fi�nds fn an amaunt nat to <br /> exceed ihe n+��imum amount a le��ier f��r a federaliy related rn�r4gage foan may req�iro for BoROwter's�esc�row account ' <br /> under ihe fpder�!Reaf EstatQ Set�ernent Procacuies Aci of 1974 as amerxieci from tfine to tin�e, 12 U.S.C. §260i et <br /> seq, �°R�5P�r"�, unle�s an�fh�r law that applies io the Funds sets a issser amount If so,Le�+�er may,at any t?me,colfoct <br /> a!-�1 hoid�unds in an amount not to sxcesd the lesser amQ�nt S.ender may estimate the amaur�t of Funds due�n the <br /> basfs of current��ta and reasonable esfimates of sxperu:ftures o#futu�e E$cror�v liems or atherwise in accordance wi�h <br /> appllr�bl�iaw. • <br /> The Funds shall�e heEd in an in�titution whose deposlts are ir�sured by a federal agency,instrumentaltty, o�entfty <br /> (l�cluo�ng Lender, if Lender ls sJ�h an lnstliutian)Qr in any FecSerai N�me Loan Bank. Lender shali apppy th�e Funds to <br /> pay the Escrow Items. Lend�r ma�r not charge Borrower for f��fding arxi applyinQ thg Funds,annua�ly analyzing the <br /> escraw acco�ne, or vertfydng tne�scrow Items,unle��tierxier pays Borrower ftiierest o�the Funds and applicat�le!aw <br /> permits Lerider tn make suci�a eharge.Fiowev�r:Lender may r�ulre Bo�rower to pay a one-time charge for an <br /> ir�dependent real estate t�c reporting service used by Lender in connection wfth this ioan,unless appllcable law <br /> provides�:herwise.Unless an agreement Is made or appiicable law reGuires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be <br /> req��ireci to pay Bo�ewer any interest or eam�nc��o�the�urxis.Borcower arxi Lender may agree in writing, however, <br /> Yhat inie�est shall be paid on the Ft�nds.Lertr�er shail g}ve to Borrovver,w'sthout charge,an annual accoun4ing of ihe <br /> Funds,show' credits and debi5s ra the F�r�ds anc Yhe purRose for whlch each debit to the Funds w�s mad�i.The <br /> F�jn�is are piecygecf as addifionai securr�for ai�sums sec�red by this Se�urity Insi�ument. <br /> If ihe�unds�aeld f�y Lerxier e;<ceed ttie amounts permlited to t+e held by applica�le law,�ender sha11 account t� <br /> Borrawer for the excess Funds in accordan�e srvith tha�eguir�ments o�appllcable favv. If the amount of the Fs�nds held <br /> by l�er�der at aRy time Is noE st�ffcient io oay the Escrow items when due, Lender may so notifar Borrower in wrfting, <br /> and,#n st�ch case Borrower sFzali pay ta Lender the amount necessary to make up the deflc{e��cy.8orrawer shall make <br /> up tha deficiency In no m�re 4han te�eive mpnthiy payrnents,at l.ender's sole discretlon. <br /> 11�on payment 3n fu11 of a11 sums sacured by this Security lr�strument, Len�ier shafl promptiy r�fund ta Borrower arry <br /> Fund�held by Lender. If,u�der paragrapf�21,Lender shail acyuire o�se!!the Property, Lenc�er, prior to ihe acquls�tion <br /> or saie of ihe Prope�ty,shaii apply any Furads f�eld bV�.g�der 2t ttie time of acqufsftion or saie�s a credit against the <br /> sums secured by this Sacurity lnstrumeM. <br /> 3.Appllcati�e��f Psyrrtervts. Unless applicabie(��v provides atherwise,all payments recelvecf by L�nder under <br /> paragraph,�1 and 2 shall be applied:flrst,to a�y p�epayment cE�arges due under 4he tVote; seeond,to amounts payable <br /> under p��ragraph 2.;third,to Inierest due;fourth,to prin�(paB due;a�ci last,to any late charges due under the No*e. <br /> 4.�ha��es;i.lens, �orrower shaP pay aN taxes,assessments, charges,iines and fmposi4lons attribt�table to ihe <br /> Propetty which rr�ay attaln pricrity over thls Secu�ity lnstrument,ar�d leasehold payments or ground rents, ff ariy. <br /> BorrowQr shall pray thes�obligatians in 4h�manner provided in paragraph 2, or tf not paio in thai manner, Borrower shali <br /> pay them on tim:s dir��.;tly to the person awed payrnent.Borrower shall pro�nptly fumish to Lender ail notices of <br /> amount�to tze�aid under th(s par�graph. If Barrawer makes th�se paymenis dlrectly, Borrower shall pramptly fum(sh iA <br /> Le+r�sr receip±s evldencing the payments. <br /> Borr��wer;hall prompt�y discharge any 11en which has�?riosity aver 4his Se�urity Instnament unlsss @orrower: (a) <br /> agrees in writic�g!o the payment af the ob!lgation secured by the Ilen in a manner acceptable to t.ender; (b) contests in <br /> good faith th�lien Gy,ar defier�ds against enfoscement of ihe lisr�in,l�gai proceedings whicf�in the Lender's opinian <br /> operate to prr;vent the enforcernant of the!ien;or(c� secures frorn thQ holder of 4he lisn an agraement satisfac4ory Yo <br /> L�nder subordir�ating the lien to this Securfty Inslrument.if Lender determines that any part af the Property is subject to <br /> a I�C��whicti rrzay atiain priority over this Securtty Instrument,Lender may give Barrower a notice identifying the Ilen. <br /> 8orrower sF�alf satlsfy the lies�or take one or more ot the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> �,Hazard or Property lnsura�see. Barrower shwf8 keep ihe(mprovements now existing or heresfter erected on the <br /> Property in,ured against loss by fiire,hazards�nclud�ed within the term"extended coverage°and any other hazards, <br /> including flo�s or flaoding,for which Lender requlres insurance.7his insurance shall be malntained in the amounts and � <br /> fc�r 4he�eriods that Lander requires. The insurance carrier prQViding the insurance shall be chcsen by Borrower subject <br /> to Lender's approval whlch shall not be unreasanabiy vrithheid. If Ba�rower fails to maintain coverage described above, <br /> Lendsr may,at Lender's aption,obtain coverage to protect Lander's rights in the Property in accordance wfth <br /> paragraph 7. <br /> NEDRAfiKA-SINGi.E FAMILY-FNMA/�H(.NlC UNIF�RM iNSTRUMENT FORM 3028 9%90 <br /> - ISCJCMDTNE//0792/3028(9-90)-L PAGE 2 QF 6 - <br /> �: <br />