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. , .. :. ,.. _ ; �. .,. . <br /> ,._. ,, <br /> , .,.. . . . ..,. � , , �. <br /> , <br /> at-�a-�9s� DEED O� TRUST Q c� A� Page 7 '�-._ <br /> Loan !Jo 7626;'a5 ' • (Cor�tlnt�d) / '�J—3�Qvu8 ''t. <br /> qiphta of Ttuslee.Trttsiee:ha4 havs a!nt the rfpt�ts and cludes o(Le�xlet�s aN tarth!n U+Is secMon. <br /> FOWt3iS AND OBUGATIO?!S OF TRUSTEE. Tha iobcvvirq pra�lsioru�irq to U�e Pow�'s and oblgatlons d Tn�siee sro parl of ihis Deed of <br /> �s <br /> ; <br /> Trust. ► . <br /> Pawers ot Trustce. In additlon to aJk powers ot Trustee arl5i�p�a mefle{of 1ew,Trustee shel have tM power to take the fopowir►g a:tlons � <br /> with respect to the Property�pon ilie wr�!!en requ9st of Lender and Trustar: (A)jdn M prepering and fi�r�a rt+ap or plet ot 1he Rt�al F'coperty, -0 <br /> fnciu�nq Ihe de+dicatlon ot streets w uther ri�}hts to the Pubic: (b)Jan in yran��g arry easement or cresU�g any restricUOn on the Real Property; <br /> and (�)jois�in Pny su4wdinaCOn or atMc ageer.s9rd aGecd+�q th's Deed d Tntst a the inlerest of Lender under this Deed of Tnnt. <br /> 7rusfee. Trusfee<_hatl meet tilt quaE!rcations required iar Trvstea urtder App4ce�lew. In additlon to t�a riqhls and reme�es set toclh above, <br /> wlih r�epeCt tn&P tx any;,Srt of the Ptt,peAy.the Trustag shaH have;he�h!lo toreclase by noHce and sale.�nd le�der shae h►ae tha�ght to <br /> toreclose by jud�cial taeG�ure,In etther case in accarlunce wilh cctaf ta the h:B exfent prrnrided by app6cable lav� <br /> Succrsso�Truste�!. Lend�,et Londer's opSon,:r+sy hom tlmu to Sime appdrsl a urtttssor TrusM3e to arry Truslee appdnted he�eundcr by an <br /> IrestrumeM executed and ackroowledged by Lender and reearde�1�tfw a'Ifce of tho txorder ot�iALL Ca�nty,Nobreska. Th�e Iruhrument shai! <br /> contzin,in edditlon lo aO other rtsa�ters raqUlred by s!a's faw,the�mes of the aipina!Le�,Truslse,and Tr,islo�,the 0004c and page(or <br /> ccmputer systom relerencs)whero 1Ns Deed oS Trus!is r�corded,as�d the name and addross cA the stx�o�trusleo,an�i the Instrument shall <br /> be exocuted and acS;nowtedged by a1 tf►e be�elSda*ies u�der the Deed ot or Uhek sucanson in interesi. The successor hustee,without <br /> conveyance c!th�Property.shaA succeed fo uU 11+e t�le.Power,and�u�es�te�r9Q u'pon t►tis Tru3teF 1�this Deed ot Trt�st and bY apPiicable <br /> law, This proceGtxa►or suDsUluNon of trustee st�n9 gov9m ta the exduslon ot aA olher pro�els�ians tor Subsdlutlorl. <br /> NOYICES Td TRUS70R AAtD OTh�R PARTIES. My rtoNce ur+der ihis Dead d Trust shaN ba In writlnq, may bs se�by lelefacslmile(unles5 <br /> othecwisn requked by law),and shaR be eltective when ac+lueAy dei+iered.or when tlepoSAed wllh s natbr�aMy reeo9nlzed overniQhl cou�ier, or.if <br /> maAed�sha11 be deemed eHSCtive when dePosited in U�e UNlec9 SLqks msi tirSd dass.artiGed or repi�tered rna9.P��9e P+BAatd.dkecled 10 Ih� <br /> addressas show�near the beglnrdng�thlt Deed of Tnnl. My paRy RnaY Chanpe as�addfa!rs for^otl�s u^�ler Mis ased ol Trust by gMnp lorma! <br /> ss <br /> writle r+notke lo the other parties,spedlyinp lhat U�e purposa d Che no6r_e is!o chanpe tAs parf�/"s addrass. Ai copies ut nodCes ol(oreclosurc hom <br /> ihe hnlder of any lien wMCh has prlorily over th�Desd t�!Tn�a3 shd be secd to l.sndarE ad�/nss,ss shown nso►ths bo4Unin0 ot lhis Deed ot Tttnt. <br /> Foc noHca pwpnsas,Trusla aqrees lo keep Lw�d�r and Tnnt�irttarm�d at u Yrt+�s of TnWai's Cun�nl tddrPSS. <br /> MiSCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The toriovvirsq rt�isce�aneous provlsMra sra a pari ol lhts Os�d ol7rusL• <br /> Amtndments. Tlds Dsed of Tnnc,tagethar w91h any Rolatad Docvr.►enis,corstH.+�tes the entire understandlnq and agreement o!Ihe parUes es <br /> te the maHars set forth In th+s T�eed o!Tn�sl t3n elteretion ot oramcf��dment to fM5 Ooed ot Tn13t shell be eftettNe unless qiven in writinp end <br /> signed by the party cx Fsrt�sa,�ph!to be c1►arged ac baund by ihe arieraHo�c�amendment. <br /> Applisabla Lnw. 'Chla Deed oi Trust has been dNtvered to Le�4er�d xs�cpted by Lender i�tht StAte ol Nebrealce. Thls Deed of Trust <br /> shnEl be yovemed by artd rnnutrued!n eccordance with tt�e lawa t,f tl�e 51ate of NrDraska. <br /> Captlon Headl�ps. Capfion hea�nps in fNs�eed ol Tnnt are fc,r conveni�ince pwposes a�ty and are�rot to ba used to Interpret or detine ths <br /> pro��iorts of Ihfs deed ot Trust. <br /> Merfle�. There st�B be no rt+e.�ger ol the Envxesl or osla�e crneted by Ih�i Deed ol Trust wiih"nrty other inloros!or estal8 ln Ihe Property et any A <br /> dme held by or to�the benefit of Lender fn nny capaGfy,withou!the wr1UFm Consen!cf lender. <br /> , <br /> tulultipta Paetles. AN ubli�gatiorts of Trusta vnder tttis Dee6 nt Trust shs'6,be Jai.�R and several,and eY reterenees lo Trusta shab rt+ean eech and � <br /> every Trusior. This maans tha4�Ch O(2he persorss siq�tinq betow is re?,RN�s�bie foc�1 ob6paUons in lt�s Deed oF Trust. <br /> Sevcrablllty. If a crotxt of compeleri!jw�dicHon Mds any pro�hsin�v oF this Deed o(Tn�!to be im�a6d or unenforceable as to any�asan or <br /> circu:n5tancs,Such flnd�g 51uN nol cprncler that provlsion t�:vaid cx unenforceab'.e as lo any 0!her persans or chcums9ancas. I}feasiblo,flny <br /> s��ch o"rfending�rovi5lon shail bH deemed!o be modllfed to be wllhin the Ikro15 0(ertlar'CeaWlity or v&DQ�y;ltOwever,Y the ctlendn4 Prov�sion <br /> cannol be so madified,it shal be stridcen and ai olher provislons a7 tNs Deed o(Trust�nY ott�respa,�ls shaA remaln vaYd and enforoeable. <br /> Successors and AsLel9na Subjecl to the RmHatior�s staled ln t!�Dead d Tnest on transfer ol Trusto�s inlerest,Ihk Deed ol Tn»t shnll be <br /> binG+ng upon arsd inure io th�bEnefit of Ihu parties,lheir suca,ssors and easlq�. N ownonhip o11M Prope►ty boCOmes vested in a person <br /> other !hai Trusief, Le�der, withou! notic� lo Truslor, may d�eal wNh Trtntor's successers with relerence to thFS Deed of Trus! end the <br /> Inda�ledness by way af lorbearaxe or wc!�nsion without re'�aaslny Truslon c�m the obliqaUCns o(lhis Oeed of Trust or Ilebility under the <br /> I ndeb led.�ess, <br /> T�me Is ot the Essence. Tima is of ths ussence in Ihe pertormence ol this Deod of Trusl. <br /> Waivers and Co�;�nts. lende�shaN not be 3eem�d to►+awc�wuivsd any tights u�Aer this Deed of Trusl(or under the Rolatod Documents) <br /> unless such weiv�is in wridng and sgned by Lsndar. Nro deiay a cmissio�on ihe parl ot Lender tn exercising any righi shaA eperale es a <br /> waivo�o�sucr t'tgM or e�y o!het rt�ht_ A waivet Cy arry pur!y at a provlsiort ot th�Deed of Trttst ShaB nol Constilute e walver 01 or preJudlC9 She <br /> party's right ofherwisa !o demtsnd sEkt compQance with thet provision c±r arry olher provision. ho p�ior watver by Ler,der,nor any course o( <br /> dea�;ng �etw�een Lender and Truslor, sha! cortstih.�te e waiver ot arry ol LendePs rights a any ol��s obqgatlons as to eny future <br /> transaclions. �Vismnever consent by Lender Is raquirod in lhis Dsod oE Tntst,tt�e granting c7 such conse�by lendar in any instance shaN not <br /> consfitute cr,n+inusng coRSe�t to sutrsequant inslanCes where such.or�e�is reqvred. ' , <br /> Waiver o�Homesttad Exempdon. Tnstor hereby rcdeases and waives a9 rights and beriefits of ttw homesteaA exemption la�vs ot the Sta!e of � <br /> Nebreska as to ap Indebtedrtess seCUred by th�'s Deetf of TrtssL \ ' <br /> EACH TRUSTrJR ACKNQWLEDGES HAYING READ ALL THE PRi)YISIOtiS OF THIS QEED OF T�tlJ:i'f,AND EAC14 TRUSTOR AGREES TO 17S ` <br /> TERMS. <br /> TRI:STOR: <br /> V r �, <br /> � _� . -::�- �:-. __-__ _. �` - - - <br /> �. , s _._ � _, , <br /> . ,. <br /> _ : _ , - . _ . <br /> X � -' ` - -_- X ::: -_ ..- - - . : ' ' r: <br /> --: . <br /> Braaley H KUn () �1 C Kiinymen <br />