01-14-1�99 �f�'�-1���,�8 DEED OF TRUST Page 6
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<br /> Ac:.e�aratlon��por.'xhult; �.dditios+rt Hem+�dley. i!any evenl o�dEt:�".xcu��s po�the Serms of fhe Note secured hereby,'�.ender may
<br /> dec:a�a a��:naebipdnsss��ured hy th�s Daed�!Trust to be duF end p�yatle s�d tha same s�tistl thereupon become due and payabie without
<br /> any presentmenf,demand,prolesl a iiol�ce of cny::ind Tharo3fler,�.er�dor ma/:
<br /> (a) E�ther in perscn or by agent,with or witt�out bringing any action nr prxF�edirv3, nr hv y receivar appoint3d by a court and withouf •
<br /> rogard lo fhe adequacy of fts secu�ily,enter upon and take possessi�si af the Property,or any pari thereof,In tls a•.vn name or in tne neme
<br /> ot Trustee,and do eny acis which tt deems necessary or desirabfe to preserve the vatue,marfcelability or rentabiiify of the Prope�iy,or pari
<br /> of the Property or interest in the Properfy;increase the income trores fhe Property or protect!he security of lhe Prope�ty;and,wi'.n or wilhout
<br /> ta'r.ing po<;session of the Properfy,sue for or otherwise collect the rents,issues and profits ol the Property,inciuding those pasl due and
<br /> unpaid,and apply tha same,less coss and expenses of operation and collectfo�,includiny atirxneys'tees,lo any indeb!edness sRCUred
<br /> by lhis Deed ot Trust,all in such order as Lendor may determi�e. Tha enterinfl upon and taking possessfon ot Ihe Pre-,�erty,the coller,tion
<br /> of such rents,issues and profits,and the eppficadon thereof shall not cure or waive any,default cx notice ol detauli�:�i�er lhts Deed of Trust
<br /> or Invaiidate any ect dane In response to such default or pursuant to such notice of deteuit; and, notwith�ianding the continuance in
<br /> possessio� of the Property or the coliection, receipt and application of ronts, issu2s or proflls, Tt�siee or Lender shall be entilled to
<br /> exercise every right provided tor in the Note or the Related Dxument�or by law upon the occurrence ot any evenl of default,Inciudi�g Ihe
<br /> righE to exercise the power of safe;
<br /> (b) �ommence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trusl as a mortgage,appoint a receiver or speclflcslly entorce sny of Ihe cuvena.�ts
<br /> hereo�;and
<br /> (c) Ueliver lo Tnutee a wrifien deciaratior.ot default and demand for sala and a written nofce of de�eu!t and election lo cause Trustor's
<br /> interest in the Property lo be sold,which notice Trustee shell cause to:+e duiy filed tor record in lhe appropriate otfices ot lhe County in
<br /> wfiich ihe Property is located;and ,
<br /> {d) With respect to all or any part ef the Personal Property,Lender shEil have all;h3 rlghts end remedias ot a secured party under Ihe
<br /> Nebraska Uniiorm Comrnerciai Code.
<br /> ,.�
<br /> Foreclosure by Power of Safe. It Lender eiects lo toreclose by exercfss of thie Power ct Sale herein coniained,lender shatl nolify 7rustee end
<br /> shalt deposil with Trustee this Deed of Trusl and tha Note and such receipts and evidence of expenditures mado and secured by Ihis Deeci of
<br /> Trusl as Truslee may require.
<br /> (a) Upon receipt oi such netice frem Lender,Trustee shalt cau�e to bo recorded,published and delivered to Trustor s��ch Notice of Delault
<br /> and Notice of Sale as lhen required by law and by this fleed o!Trusl. Trustee shall,without demand on Truslor,atter such time as mey
<br /> then be required by law and after recordafion of such Notice ot Defau�t and aHer Notice ot Sale having been given as required by law,soil
<br /> the Property at the time and place ot sal2 fixed by it in such Notice of Sale,either as a whole,or In separats lots or parcels or items as
<br /> Truslee shail deem expedieni,ard in such order as il may determine,at public auction to lhe highest bidder tor cesh In lawful money�f
<br /> the United States payable at the tfine cf saie. Trustee shall deiiver to such purchaser or purchasers thereof its good and sufficiert deed or
<br /> deeds conveyinfl the property so soid,but withbut any covenant or warranty,express or implied. The recitals in such deed of any malters
<br /> or tacs shall be co�clusive prool of the truthfuiness thereof. Any person,including v�ilhout limitation Trus�a,Trustee, or Lender, may
<br /> purchase at such sale.
<br /> ib) As may be permitted by Iaw,atter dedur,ting ali costs,tees and��aenses of Trustee end ot this Trusl,inciuding costs ot evidence ol
<br /> tiile i�connection wilh sale,Trustee shall appty tlie proceeds of saie to payment of (i)a0 sums expended under ihe tnrms ot this Deod ol
<br /> Trust or under the lerms of the Note nol Ihen repald,Incfuding but not Ilmited!o accrued Interest and late charges, (II)ell other sums thon
<br /> secured hereby,and (1(i)the remafnder,if any,to the person or persons!egally enlitled t�erolo.
<br /> (c) Trustee may in itie manner provided by iaw pcsipdne sn!e of ail or any portion of the Property.
<br /> Remedles Not Exclusive. Trustee and Lender,and each of ihem,shail be entitted to enForce payment and pe�tormance uf any indebte�'nsss
<br /> ��nblipations secured by this De�d of Trusl and!o exercise all righls and powers under 4his Deed of Trust, under ihe Note, under any of Ihe
<br /> Related Documents,or under any other agr2ement or any laws now or hereafler in force; notwilhstanding,some or ail oi such indebtedness
<br /> a�d obiigations secured by this Deed of Trust may now or hereafler be otherv.ise secured,whether by mortgago,deed ot trust,pledge,lien,
<br /> assignment or othenvise. Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its enforcement,whslher by cuuri acfion or pursuanl ta Ihe power ot
<br /> saie or olher powers contafned in this Deed o(Trust,shall prejudice or in any manner aHec�Trusioo's or Lender's right to realize upon or
<br /> enforce any other security now or hereafter held by Trustee or Lender,it being agreed that Trustee anct Lender,and each of ihem,Shail be
<br /> entitled to enforce ihis�eed ol Trust artd any other security now or hereaHer heid by Lender or Trustee in such orCar and manner as they or
<br /> either of them may in thair absolute discrelion determirte. No rers�edy conferced upon or rese!ved to Trustee or Lender, is intended to bo
<br /> exciusive of any o!her remedy in this Deed of Trust or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative and st��ll he In addillon to
<br /> every other remedy given in th:s Dtred oE Trust or now or hereafler existing al law or In equity or lsy statute. Evory power or remedy given by the
<br /> Note or any of ihe Related Uocumenls to Trustee or Lender or to which eithar of lhem may be olherwise entltled, may be exercised,
<br /> concurrently or Indepe�denlly,fr�7m time to tims and as often as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or lender, and either ol them may
<br /> p�1rS�B inCOrtsiS:�!'t remedies. No;hing in this Geed of Trust shail be construed as prohibiling Lender Nom seek?ng a deficiency Judgment
<br /> against the Trustor to Ihe extent such action is parmitted by law.
<br /> Requesl For Notice. Trustor,or.behalt ot Trustor and Lender,hereby requests ihat a copy of ar�y No!ic9 of Default and a copy of any Notice
<br /> of Sale under;his Deed of Trust be mailed to them at the eddresses set(orlh In the first paragraph o0 th!s Deed of Trust.
<br /> Waiver; Election of Remedies. A waiver by any party ot a breach of a provision of this Deed of Trust shalt not constifute a waiver of or
<br /> prejudice the party's rights oSherwise to demand strict compliance wiih that provision or any other provision. Eleclton by Lender lo pur�ue any
<br /> remedy provided in this Deed of Trust,the Note,in any Relaled Document,or provided by law shall not exGude pursuit ot:any other remedy;
<br /> a�d an electien to make expenditures or to take actlon!o periorm an obligation of Truslor ursder this 6e�ad of Trust aKer failure of Truslor to ' —
<br /> perform 5hali not aHect Lender's right to declare e de(ault and to exercise any of ils remedfes. �
<br /> Atto�neys'Fees;Expenses. If Lender Inslilules any suit or action to enforce any of the lerms ol'his Deed oi Trust,Lender shalf be enlitled to
<br /> recover such sum as the court may adJudge ressonable as attorneys' tees al trial and on e.ny appeal. Wh�alher or nol eny court action is
<br /> involved,all reasonable expenses Incurred by Lender which In Lender's opinlon arn necessary a1 any time(or tht�proleclion of its Intere5l or the
<br /> enforcement of its rights shal!become a part of the Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bear inlerest al!he Note rate from the date of
<br /> expenditur�a until repaid. Experses coverod by 4hi5 paragraph Include,without fimitxtitin, however subject to any Iim�ts under applecable Isw,
<br /> Len��r's ettorneys' (ees whether or not thare is a IawSUH,includinp attorneys'feos for bankrUptcy proceedings (ir;cluding eHorts to modify or
<br /> vacate qny� automaflc slay or in}unction), appeals snd any anficipaled post—judgment coliectfon services, the cost of searchin� records,
<br /> otrtafn,ng tiAo reporis (including forsciosure reports),survsyors'reporis,appraisal fess,litle insurance, and tees}or the Trustee,to the extent
<br /> permitted by app�ics5le ta.r. Trustor also will pay any court cosls,in addil(on to all cther sums provided by iaw.
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