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- O- 10538 5 •:.. <br />_ a. As additioeal. security-. Trww bimby -em to and vonfam w- Rerta%mm lira ! potiraM! �►nd4wthotaty. during thv yr .atinuance -- _ <br />of thtaii '1'rteata W, a the rte, iaassa and eE said , rsstsrrista trutArr . � right, Wise to any "tot; l- Tiruswr <br />av_y� indellilad isa Ml wod Brretrg ^ +�` --�" 3�-....w. wcs i::aenr RAC, -; -- - - - �_ <br />aai�h as- t�semits &_& aaa ViiA Upon any sscis 1lt+oatfaary stay at any , tine witmh"WA etetioe, saber in persort, by <br />sent. or by s receiver to be appsimed by a taut, and witltaat =to the a I gtaa1 of am aactttity. for the iaiebtedens herd sect redd, <br />seder wpea WA take pauses" of Viii 04-Wty or any part_ tliirrei; ins hia.own as" acts late .or .W1irwiek count ash [sots. issues and <br />MIN, aeeiuiK -tMas paet.iwe -trti s�ai8,, sect apW�r #ice tircea tspsa W idsbtedtsaaa aeuuvd, itsr�r ani in atiieiro ow - rue SMnaeirry <br />WAY deMasse. The astasiai then sod tatiati Raitiswoa otaeid the oil 'l, dsadrnnsri„iltwtn and penile aced t1w.appiieatiort <br />t6wwkm ah" aid, shall net ctt mee waive sat delittit or. amine ofd�ei NO t howmdar or invabdoW astaiet tree panrsttt to aoeh notice. <br />6. Upsa dsfhsit by TrWer in the Isyment of any ioddgW�as assert barb, or in due parfi.n paim.orany agnam et contained herein, <br />sH isin a eaeitrd hereby dell, isutaaiiessly become rue and pay" at tits option of tht SWW&iaty:.IkL such event and trpoo written t�tgtteat <br />d n a' G Vary. Teetstee shall aoll the tart propnrt7, in aacordator with. dW Nebo was Trust >''i"* X�t,. at public auction fa the high at <br />iie - Atiy'pot'sis aaoa *h Truatse nay bid at Trusted sale. Trantae shall apply the proaadti orrthfnj isle at follovrs: (l) to the expense <br />of the sale. inelu"g a reasonable Trustee's fee; iM to? the obTystion aecuntjcbyt thie fkied of Trttsk,(.'iJ.*iurplus, if any, .hall bo dit Abuted <br />to 00 perssne entitled thereto. <br />' C Truchas ,hall deliver to the purchaser at the tab its . di+d; without warrstttj; wfiittli shait,coavay to the purchaser tbe.intereat in <br />tlr prdperty which Trustor had or had the paver to oonirslr at the time of his auctf�inu .of this bk of Trust, sad such as he ruy have <br />abgttitri .thersaftar. TradWs deed shall tedW the facts showing that the. s k irsifai wiieted in- riot aU the requitemeats - <br />of law and of this Dead of Trost, which- nodta obali be pritra facie evidance or such aceipiiiutge:ai noeltuivr evident.1)tereai is fiaorr <br />of beer ffie parel+aeers and eamnibeancens ihr ftlue. :1 <br />7 :T,be power d sale conferred by this Deed or* ist :is not an esciusive $ittai6try may' cause this Deed of Trust to be foreclosed <br />. errs �retgage. , <br />K: for the event of the death, incapacity. dir;�iifiity or netff an -0f!I't it tee, Beneficivy.may appoint in writing a succasoe.truaiee, <br />and upon the troordittR of such appointment fh- tnit mortgage reccrds'of thi- county in which Oda Deed of Taut is recoided. do s weessor <br />trustee shall be vested with all pourers of the, original trustee. 'Chi tmttae ir: not obliged to notify any party hereto of peaditg, W39 under <br />any other Died of Trust or of any action or proceeding in which Trukur;- trustee-or R..mciuiary shall be a party unless so *, moon or <br />proceeding is brought by the Trustee. <br />9. 770'Dbed of Trust applies to, inures to the benefit of, and Is binding not only '4m tfta parties hereto, but an their. itrha; siev+inse, <br />legatees, adtaittietratore, executors. suecesmars and assigns. The term: Di!6Pfiiciary shall mean the harder and owner of tpic i secured ; <br />r hereby. whether or not named as Beneficiary k}n <br />10. Request for Notice of Default or Notice offfole. it is requested tbi V&,'impy of any Notice of ph t.ult or Notice of Sale he mailed to <br />' each person who is named in this Trust Deed at !ice - <br />�• maRina attune of ratchipYtsort as out above. - _ <br />NOTICE- TO CONSUMER: 1. Do not sign thiit'ptaper before you read it. 2..You are eia dried to a copy <br />of this paper. 3 You may Prepay tbe- unpaid ' balaucv iii '"y bane without pi�Ostty tllnd May be e}ri#itled <br />to receive a refund of unearned chg4es in accordaihcta;WIA lacer. <br />Signed this 3 4-Wa : kt!00 _,A.D.19_$9_. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />Hal I _ COUNTY i ee -� <br />On this 3 day of _O.LOber. , A.D., 19_62,..., before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public, duly <br />cor�lmrgsto -an cLualifie� for and residing in said county, pt"I! ,ally came _dames I.GOri A Andrea J. 6gri AKA <br />r]allleS L. bBttlpQ dr ar@ lto fMS t lovW fle identical pi"pp± -$_ whotte name S_ affixed to the fo <br />regtlEN'(iI <br />imstrament as Ttnator _..._-__. and acknotirte ed'the same to be their <br />untary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year two <br />�► -- <br />My Commission expires the 8 __ _ da <br />r�_ . M , <br />l of febrrjar - ...._. , 19 9 � __ �I�MI Y. NaI1TSON <br />3 <br />STATE OF <br />!.county + <br />Entered in Nurnevical Index and filed for. record in the office of tine 'Register of Deeds of said county,, the <br />day of . ........ ,� _ • 19 at __ _.._, o clock and <br />minpti k. M., and duly recorded in Hook '.._ of -- <br />Register of deeds <br />— -- - - Deputy <br />L <br />J <br />a. <br />fit <br />