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i .1; <br />.. ., . 4 .. •< .. .- .- - .......mow. <br />89-- 1+05885 :...... <br />.. aaa70OA EMOTTRUW _ - <br />Arsaeratst rirstirrstei i.rti _ Aaanatsfot3wr!ItraWkpersgeB 6 <br />.- . Taisl et.!!r>wiiitii i. -Q� .. . .. . . . .. . .. - )!Frtri aiiira�h.osa E►t. i#tnrl�iS.Y� IY.fl� <br />xamivatlis.ti t� ist i�tals ... _ V51181 WtikiawkEw Daft 141 <br />Txls D= OF <br />win, sa.b this 3 ' ace, of Octber , ia,g, <br />batwsaa �� Qri end �ndaJ. Carl AM .lamas 1' _ Camag17 <br />Ube" NOW" a I&3 is 5 07 H_ 15th " - brand TO aad, NF MC-1 <br />:. 111,150OW41111401 WITe, <br />� <br />a. Via, - John M. Ctinninghalll <br />whass arsilr�rg a3ieesr its 222 H. Cedar A. Gs Box 2gQQ., -Owl ►. lita fit'�. HE 689112 <br />as TrtssMas; aai Aieewest Finaereial xebreal a, Inc. elsa.e tnailaiq jN 3.3?f: ,jr� :. hh Dad <br />P.-O x 1373 *aAd Island;; <br />' 'gam. 9lir own hasty iieena" . as 1lowin <br />y, Brant, bargarn��i; rind. eonw)'.t:n.i'?�tsfpii< ill trust, with paean of aft, w fotiswing <br />aenW Mrapaty sn �, �, ,r County. lllebrwkm:• <br />Lot Two {2} in Block Two (2), Park Place Addititln to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County; Nebraska. <br />I <br />Together with tenementar, hamditsunecM. n� d appurtenances thereunto belonpr g' or in anywise appertaining and the rents, lenses seal <br />ilil Pita the�'eof. <br />This conveyance is intended for the purpose of secci:s the pa wpi' to BerreGciary of T ustoeet promissory note of even date is the <br />amount stated above as "Total of Payments ". &W 'Total of Payer° is repayable in the number of monthly inatslaenb stated above. <br />The amount of the indalamt, payments due on said ban is stated above. The first and final instalment des dates on said lean are stated <br />above. Payment may be made in sdvanca in any amount at any tithe. Default in making any payment shall. at the Beneficiary's option <br />serf without notice or doe a n d, render the entire unpaid bslanos of said loan at once due and payable, {ass any required rsbette of chsrgse. <br />i .To pnotset the security of this Dead of Turd. Truster covenants and ape"; <br />1. To keep the p oputy in good condition and repair: to permit no waste thereof: to coeeplete:. any building, structure or improvement <br />tieing bulk or about to be baik theeren: to restore promptly any building, structure or improve>tsrtR►t thereon whkh tM Use damaged or <br />destroyed; sal to comply with all rows, ordinances, reguiations. covenants, conditions and test aVietins the pr ep"rVv . <br />2. To pay bafoee delinquent all lawful tattsa and assessments upon the property, w !veep the property free and clear nfa4i other charges, <br />(tzfns or encumbrances impairing the security of this Dtoal of Trust. L <br />3. To kee all buildinp now or hereafter erected,crr the property described herein continuously insured' sired foal .bv i7re or other <br />",'liarardr in an secant not leas than the fatal debt :assured by this. Hears of Trust. All policies shall be helduty the 8ernrASeaary. and be <br />in Veit eompart9ss as the 19enrficisry may vppro+te ,7qd have 1W- OW?ohl first to the Beneficiary as its interest may appear and then <br />W the TiMrtW4 The amount collected nn�t r tiny r1rsstnirie policy rnir)- be'applisd upon any indebtedness hereby secured in such order as <br />`tflr► llswrMft rtt vitals elstersins. Swls: iitation NY,' i :%ena&iary shall not cause disemUnuanoa of any peooeedinp to foneies. this <br />il Aid WF Oi. stl:�or cure or waive any dsfa%& or notice ctaefiault or invalidsta any yu'cjotts pursuant to such rrotipe; l the event of forstlasure, <br />all ritho►�ii' 16 Trustor in insurance pslutittta th" is fytpr; shall Pow is the pare at the foreclosure ale. ' <br />4. To obkAit she written consent ot'11rtv6Atiary��befqw�lailing. c�iytiWng.or othervise transferring the pr*'rty or any pact thereof and <br />any such sale. rartveysism or transfer Wit,7ttisat;the iiusefriary s MRiWri tensest that eonstitute a default under the terms hereof, t <br />S. To reload any action or proceeding purpor I* to the bkdrity h*eof orthi rights or powers of Senef 6ilry or Truster. <br />6. Should Tractor fail Gtpry when due any tattevt,.aasrrsoments, insurance grtmiums, liens, eneurnbrarims,' r.r"ther charges against then <br />peelsrty hrreinabove des rOwd, Beneficiary may prey the 'same, aM the amount ado paid, with interest at the rate set the.nulk <br />secured hereby, shall be aided to and become a put of the debt securxed iq this Deed of Trust an permitted by law. <br />iT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: <br />1. in the event any pgrtiotr of the pr»perty is t0vet or damkpd In an eminent domain proms Wing, the e+itire aenoudlt; (X the award <br />or such portion thereof 4it,msy be n.oessary to lhdjy saliary the obigtion secured hereby, shall be paid w4loneficiary tilt ire <br />said obligation. <br />2. By scoWing payment'af any awn•aeaured hereby after its du*Aste, Beneficiary does not tLlnipe its tight to require r)tvntrt payment <br />when die olsll other ores so iectrred ar ice denare default for failuter of so pay. <br />3. 'nee Trades stall reaenvey all or any tart of the property covered by this Deed of Trust to the person entitled thereto, on written <br />request of the Truster and the Beneficiary, or upon satisfaction of the obligation wured and written request for reconveyance made by <br />the Benefreiary or the Verger entitled thereto. <br />R <br />� J-� <br />