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<br /> JOEL B SH.;2�ER JANELL K SHAPSR C����' $VQ��2 201542Q O1/15/1949
<br /> 18• B��rativer's Right to Re�nstate. Natwithstandin8 I,endeT's acceleration of the sums se�:ureci by chis Derci uf
<br /> Trust, due to Aarrower's breach, Borrowcr shall havr, the right to ha�e any proceedings begur,by Leiuier to enfc�ne this '
<br /> Deed of Trust discontinuecl at any time prior ta the carlier ta occur of(i} t6� fifth day beSorr th� sale of d�e Propeny '
<br /> pursuant to she pawer of sale contained in tUis pe�d of Tnut or(ii)enuy of a judgn�ent enforcing tbis l�eed of'trust if: (a)
<br /> Borrawer pays Lender ail sums which would be then due under this Deet! af Tru�; and the Note had no acc�le:ation '
<br /> occurred; (bj Borrowtr cures all bt�ht, of any othet covemnts or agt�ar_��s of Borrower r:ontaiu,-d,in this Drec! of '
<br /> Trust: (c) Borrower pays a11 reasonable ezpenses incurred by Ixnd�r and Trustee in enforcing �he;cov�nancs a;yd - '
<br /> agreemenu of Borrower contained in this Detd of Trust aDd in enfoizing I.endGr's wd Tru,Mre°s remecl�es`as provided in
<br /> paragraph 17 hereof, inelu�ing, but not limited to, re.�asonabtt atrocBeys' fees; and (d) P,orrilwer takes cL�,i actiun as '
<br /> lxncier n�ay reasonably require to assure�thac the lien of this Deed of Trust� Lender's int�:est in tlae Property a�d
<br /> Borrower's Qbligadon to pay the suffi securai by this D�ed of Trus� shail cotuivut�r�irq�aired_�1p�n such payn�en:and
<br /> cure by Borrower, ihis Deed of Tnut and the obiigarien, s�r� (�rebY �Z ��� �n �'u!1 force ancl effect as if no '
<br /> acce',eration had rxcurred.
<br /> 19• Assignmeni of Rents; A�pointtner.i ol' Receiver; L�ader (n �b�, ps additianal security hereunder, '
<br /> Borrower hereby assigns to I.ender the rents of the Property, arrn,�ded th� ���r ���� pROr to acceleration under '
<br /> paragraph 17:�ereof or abanaQnnent of the Property,have che right to collect a�rl retain such rents as they become due aixi '
<br /> payable.
<br /> Upon scaleration under paragraph 17 hereof or abancionment of'the Property, L,ender, in person, by agent or by
<br /> judiciaily appainted roceiver shal!be emided ro enter upon, take pos�ession of aud manage the Property ancS to collect tlie '
<br /> rents of the Yroperty i�luding those past due. All renu colltcted by Lader or the .eceiv�s shall be appliecl first co
<br /> payci�ent of the costs of cnanagemeae of the Property and collection of rents, ir�cluding, but not iiruited to, receiver's fees,
<br /> premiums on receiver's bonds and rrasouable attor►a�ys' fees, �nd then eo the su�stcnred by this Deetl of Ttust. Lender
<br /> and che:c�eiver shall be liable to acco.int only for those reau actually receiveri.
<br /> 20. Reeonveyance. �,'pon paYmtnt of all sutns securcd by this Decd of Tnut. I,ender shaii reguesr Tr.,str; t�
<br /> reconvey tne Pmperty and shall surrender tlus Deed of Tnut and all notes evidencing ind�btedncss secured by tl�is DerJ eif
<br /> Tru�t to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvcy the Propertj without waRanty and without charge w dsr person or perunu iegally
<br /> en€itled thereto. Such person oc persons sha11 pay ali cosr.;af recordaeon. if any.
<br /> 21. SubsiIt�te Tncstee. Lender, at I.ender's oprion, may from time to time reroov�Tnutee and apExiint a successur
<br /> tcustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by ac instrum�nt recorded in the eaunty in which this Deed of Tnist i�
<br /> rece�rded. Witl�out conveyance of the Property, tbe su:cessor trustee shail s�ceecl to all the title, pow�cr a��ct duties
<br /> conferred upon the Trustee herein and by applicahle law.
<br /> 2Z. Request for Notices. Borrower r`qu�ts that caFies of the notice of default and notice of sale be sent to
<br /> Borrower's address which is the Pmperty Add.ress.
<br /> 23. d;azardous Substames. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage,or release of a:.y
<br /> Hazardous Substauces on or in the Fropeny, Bocrower shall aot dfl, �r a}low anyone else to do, anytl�ing affec;ting the
<br /> Pmperty that is ia violarien of any�miironmet:tal L�w. 'Ibe precaling sw�o sentences shall txx apply ro the presrnc:e, use,
<br /> or storage on tLe Propeny of scaal! quantides of�Iazardous Substances chac are generally cecogniud to be apnropriate to
<br /> norn�al residential uses aad to ma;atenance of tlu.Frapecty, k
<br /> Borrower shalt promptly give Lender written n�tice of,wy imestigation. cl�im, deniand, lawsuit or od�or actic�n by
<br /> any g6vernmental or rcgulatory agency or private party involving tbe Pcopercy and any Haurdous Substaixe or
<br /> Environmenwl Law of which Borrower has actual 'k.nowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental ��r
<br /> regularory authority, that any removal or other r�media�ion of any Narardous Substan;,e affecting the Property is
<br /> necessary, Borrower shall procnpdy take alt necrssary iYmedial actio�in accordance with Envirorunental Law,
<br /> As used in this paragraph 23, 'Hazardous Substarnces' ue those svbstances defin�d as toxic or ha�ardous suhstances
<br /> by Environmental Law and the .�lto�ing substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flam.roable or toxic petroleum pmducts, :
<br /> rozic ersticides and herbicides,volatfle sotvents, materials containing asbescos or fom�aldehyde,.��d radioactive n�atcrials.
<br /> As u:,;:;1 in this pazagraph 23, 'Euvimnnxntal Law• me�ns ffecieral laws and laws of the jutisdiction where tl�e Property is
<br /> located tiiat relate tu health,safety or en�-ironmer_ta!protectioa.
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