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JOHL B SHAFER JANELL K SHAFEP_ �� �� ��1�C��2 <br /> 2015420 Q1/15/1999 <br /> 9. Con�emnation. The proceeds of any awa.-d or�.:laiin far daffiages,direct or consequential, in connec!ic,n with any <br /> condemnation ar other taking of the Property, or part there�f, or for comeyance in lieu of condenu�acion, a�e lirrchy ' <br /> assigned and sha.lf be paid ro I.e�der,s��bject to th�t�nm of auy mortgag�,deed of tnst or other security agrrenaent�,vitl�a <br /> lien which has priority nver this Deed of Taust, <br /> iQ• B°rrowe�' I�1ot Released; Forbtarar>ce gy Le�. N�,t a yrafo�. �ztension of the time for payment or <br /> moclifica�tion of acnottizaciou of tht sucyyS secured by �hic jj� of Trust granted by L.,.nder to any successor in interc�t c�f <br /> �8orrower slaal! not operate to reiease, in any manner, tht liability of the original Borrower and gurrower's succc�sors in <br /> interest. L.c.ncler shaI�not be reqnized to commetyce proceedings agai�t sur��a�r or��to extend tiroe for payment <br /> or otherwise mociify amoati�aclon of the sums secured by this Deed of Tnist by reason of any demand made by d�e origina] <br /> Borrower ar,d Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in ezemising any right or remecly hereu��drr, <br /> ar otherwise afforded by applicabie law, shall not be a waiver of or prec(ude the exencise of any such+right or ren�rdy. <br /> I1.Successocs f►nd qssi�gound;Joiai and Sereral ll.iabiiity; Co-signers. The covenants a�xl agreen�ent�t�erein <br /> conta:r.ed shail bind, and the rights hereunder shal!inure to, the respecdve successors and assign.s of Leixier aixi Borrower, <br /> subjecc to the prov;sions c�f paragrsph 16 hereof. AI[ covenants and agreemenLS of Borrower shall he joint and severai. <br /> Any Borrower wh�cu-signs this I}eed of Tn�.,tt,but d+xs not ezecute�he Note, (a)is co-signing this Dee9 of Trust only to <br /> grani and convey that Borrower's interest in rhe Properry to Tnutee uader the terms oi this Deec of Trust, (b) is not <br /> personali� liable on che Note or under c�is L�_ee_d of Tcust, and (c) agrees that I,cnder and any othr- Borrower hereuiider � <br /> n�ay a�rc:e ta extend, modify, forbear,or make any other accommodations with regard to the tc:ms of e!iis Derd of Trust or <br /> the N�t�:, without that 3urrower's consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying th:s Deed of Tn►st as to that <br /> Bonower's interest in the Property. <br /> 12. Notice. EzceFs for any notice required utxizr applicable law to be given in ancth�r mam�er, (a} any notice tu <br /> Botrower provided for in this Deed of'Frust sha91 be given by delivering it or by maitsng sucl� notice by cenified n�aii <br /> addressed to Bonc�wer at the Propeny Address o�at such other address as Borrower n�ay desigt�ate hy iN�tice to lx�idrr as <br /> provided herein, and (b) any notice to I.endee shall be given�by certified n�ail to ix�xler's addre�.,stated lierei�i ur!;�such <br /> other address as txnder n�ay desiunate by notice to Borrower as provide�l�erein. Any i�otice provided ti�r fin tl�is Ured of <br /> Trust shall be dermerl to have been given to Borro�ver or;.ender w6en given in the manner desi�nated i�erein. <br /> 13. Governing Lr+w; Severabiiity. T'he state and local laws applicabfe to tl�is Deed of Trust slia�i be tl�e laws of ti�e <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. The feregoing sentence shall n�t limit ti�:applicability of Federal law to this <br /> Deed of Tcust. In the event that any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note con8icts wid► applicahir law, <br /> sucl� conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Deed of Tnist or ;iie. Note whicii ca�� be given rffect witliout tlie <br /> canflictiug provision, and to this enc! che provisions of this Deed of Trus� and the Note are �ieclared to be severahle. As <br /> used hen;in, "costs", "ezQenses" and "attorneys' fees" inclu�e all sums ro the extent not prohibitrcl by applicable law i�r <br /> linuted herein. <br /> 14, Borrower's Copy. Borrower shaSl tr furnished � conformed copy of tne Note and of diis Deed c�f Trust at tl�e <br /> cime af execution or afrer recordation hereof. <br /> 15. Rehabilitation Loan Agreemeirt, Borrower shall fulfill all of Barrower's obligatio�u under any himie <br /> rehabilitation, improvement, repair or othrr loan agcGement svhich Bocrower enters i►tto with ]xnder. lxnder, at [.ender's <br /> option, n�ay require Borrower to eiecute and d�liver to L.ender, in a fozm acceptable to I.cnder, en assignn�e�zt of any <br /> rights, claicus or defenses which �torrower may 6ave agaiast parties v�ho sup�ly labor, n�aterials or services iu co�mectioii <br /> with impcovemeots made to the Property. <br /> 16.Transfer of the Pro�erty or a Beaeflclal Interest;n goc,rowei., If all or any part of the Pro�rty oY any interrst <br /> in it is sold or transfened (or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred aixl Borrawer is not a i�atural <br /> person) without L.ender's prior writcen consent, I.endrr may, at its option, require in;m�ediate payn�ent in full c�f alt sums <br /> secured by this Deed of Trust. However, this option shadl nc�t be ezeccised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by fedrral <br /> law as of the date di this Deed ot'1'rust. <br /> If Lender ezercises this option, L,ender s�all give Borraw�er notice of acce�eration. T6e notice sl�all provide a peri�xl <br /> of not fess than 30 days from the ciate the notice:s deliv�:e�i or maileci within which Borrower nmst pay all sums r;rcured <br /> hy this Dred of Trust. If Borrower fails ro pay e:�ese suuu prior t� the expiration of this perial, lxnder n�ay invoke any <br /> remedies pernutted by this Deed of Trust withaut further notice or demand on Bonower. <br /> NOPJ-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowec and Le�er further�uvenant and agree as fol�ows: <br /> 17. Acceleration; Remeclics. Ex�ept as proviaed !n puragraph ;6 hereof, �pon geRO�ver's breach of any � <br /> covenant or agreement of Borrawer in ihts Deed of 9'nact, inclvding Barrower's failure to pay, by the end of 10 ` <br /> calendar rlays after they sre due, any atms�s�esur� by R�s Deed �f Trust, Lender pri�r to �cce!eratFon chail give <br /> notice to BQrrower as proYided in paragraph 12 hereoE spc-�ifying: (1? th� bresch; (2) tf►e actiun requirec! to evre <br /> such breach; (3) tt date, nat less lha,►t 20 da�s from trie date the noc:^A�s malled to i3orrower, by which such breach <br /> must bc cured; and {4) tF�t fallure to ce�re sucl� ��ch on or before the date specffied in the notice may result in <br /> acseleration of the suans secured hy th#S p�ed �f�'r� �d �e of the Prc�e�ty, The notice shal! iu:��er Inforn� <br /> l�rcower of the r(ght to relnstate at'ter acc��eratlon and k:�e right to bring a court actlon to assert ttie nonexisience nf <br /> a deFault or any o�her defense oP Re�!�+wer to acceleration and sal�. If the breach is not cured on or before the date <br /> specified in the notice,. Lender, at Lender's oErtlnn,Qna� de�lare aEl of the sums secured by thI; Deed of Trust to be <br /> immedtately due and payab[e without further demand and m�p iavake the power of sale an� any other remed;es <br /> permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to rnlied all reasonsble costs and c„cpenses i�curred in <br /> pursuing tE�remedies provtded in thls paragraph 17,incluci3ng, but not limited to,reasonable attorneys' fees. <br /> Id'the power of safe Is invoked,'Trustee sha11 record a�ati�e of default in each county in which the Property or <br /> some part thereof Is located and shall mall copies of such notice ln the manner prescribed by appsicable law to <br /> Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by a�,�slicable Iaw. After the lapse of such time as may he eequlred by <br /> appticable law, Trustee shall give public notice of sale to the persofu and in the manner pres*_ribed by app�i�ahle <br /> law. Trustee,witt�out demand on Borrower,sha11 sell the ptuperty at publft austlon to the hlghesi bldder at the time <br /> and place and under the teims desl�nated In the not[ix of sale in one o�more parcels and in such order a�Tn�stee ' <br /> may deteemtne. Truatee may postporx sale of all or any psne!of the Property by publlc a�nounce�ceent at tlhe t[me <br /> ar.d place of any previously scheduled sAle.Lender or I,tnder's desiSuee ms7 Purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> �Jpon receipt of payme,nt of the prlce bid, Tn�stee shal! ddlver t�the purchas;er Trustee's deed eonveying thc <br /> �ro{ferty sold. The redtals in tlje Tn�stee's deed shatl be prima fade evtdence oP ttse tnrth of the sturesnents made <br /> theretn.Trustee shaJ1 apply ttee proceeds of tt�e sait tn the followEu�order:(a}to all reagonable costs and expenses oP I <br /> u <br /> , the sale, lncluding, but aot Itmited te,Tnrstee's fea acfually I.�curred of not more than S �, of the gross sate price, <br /> reasonable attorne3�s' f�es and casts of title evidenc�;; (bj to all surtts secuned by thly peed mf Trust; and (c) the <br /> excess,if any,to the person or persony legal�y entl��ed�trereto. <br /> .,, _.._. _. __ 1. <br /> . __ � . <br />