�,...�... }
<br /> :� '
<br /> The exercise o/any ol rha/oreqoing righrs or�eme�ies and the epplicatien o/the ien►S,prof/ts and income pursuanr ro the Seetion entit/ed
<br /> Applicarion ol.Ren;s,Profits and Mcome'sbe/I not cure o�weive eny Event o(De18ult/or notice of de/eu/t/under tho Deed o/Tius(oi '
<br /> invalidate any act dono pursuant Po such notice.
<br /> 7. APPLICATlON OF REh'TS,f'ROFiT5 ANp iNCOME Al/Rents collected by fhe Assignee or ita agent o�receiver each month shell be '
<br /> applred ss follows: '
<br /> al il a raceiver has been appointed, ro paymenf ol ed reasonab/e fees o!the recoiver,
<br /> bJ ro payment af a!l tenant securiry depc+sits rhen owing te tenenrs under any ot rhe Leases;
<br /> c/ to payment, when due,.ol prior or current rea/estata taxes and specia!asse�sments with respecl to the Trust Proper�,y,oi if the ' ' '
<br /> Deed of Trust reqvires periodic oscrow payments lnr such taxes and assessments, to the escrow payments then due;\ � '' ,
<br /> �
<br /> d/ to payment o/a//�remiums then due lci insurance required by fhe provisions of the Deed o/Tiust, or il rh,Deed o/Tru�t�sequires
<br /> periodic escrow payments lor such premiums, to the escrow payments then due; —
<br /> el to payment u/expenses incurred lor norma/mainrena�ce of the Trust Property;
<br /> q il received prior to any lorecJosrrre sa/e oJ the Trust ProperYy, ro the Assignee Ior payment of the OAl;gari�n,but no such pa�yment
<br /> made afrer acceleretion of�he Obfigation sha!/allect such acce%ration;
<br /> M gl ;/recerved during or�aith respeCYro�[ne�ieriod of redemption lollowin5 a lorec%sure sale el the Tiust Pr�perty:
<br /> (il �t the purchaser at the lorec%sure sa/e is nof ihe Ifssignee,first to the Assignee to the extent of any deliciency af�he sa/o
<br /> + � praceeds to repay the Obligation,second to the purchaser to be r�taine�as a credit to fhe nidemption Rnce,but if the Trust
<br /> � Properfy is nor redeemed, rhen to the purchaser of the Tiust Property; . '
<br /> ; � /ir)!f the purchaser:}th�/oreclosure sale is the Assignee, fo the A�signee to t/1e extent of any deliciency of the sa/e proceeds to
<br /> � �epay ihe Obligetiorr and the 6e/ance to be retained by the Assignee as a credit to the redemption price,but il the Trust Property
<br /> � is not redeemed, then to the Ass>gnee, whethsr a<not any such de9icisncy exists. '
<br /> � � The righrs and pativers oJ the Assignee lindea rhis Assignment and the applicatipn o/Rents urrder this Section sha!l continue unti!expirafion
<br /> � 01 the redemption period Irom any foree%sure sale, whe[her ar no[any deficiency rem.ains alter the/oreclosure sale.
<br /> � 8. NO LlAB1ClTY FOR ASSIGNEE. The Assignee shall not bs obligated tc perr'erm or discharge,nor does it hereby undertake to per/orm or
<br /> dlscharge,eny obligation,duty or liability of the Assignor under the Leases_ This Assignment shsll not operate to p/ace up�n the '
<br /> Assignee respcnsibi!ity far the control,care,menagemertt ar repair of the Trust Property or/or the carryiny out ot any oI the terms and
<br /> cond+tions o/the Ltrases. The Assignee sha//nof be responsiWa or liab/e/o�any waste committed on the Trust Property, lor an y '
<br /> danqerous or delective condition ot the Tiust P�openy, /or any neg/igence in rhe management,upkeep,repair or control o/said Tiust '
<br /> Prooerty or lor!ailura to collect the Rents.
<br /> 9. ASSIvNOR'S/NDEMN/F/CAT/ON. The Assignor shal!indemnify and hold the Assignee ha�mless egainst any and a/!claims, demanOs, '
<br /> lrar.iliry,/oss n�damage lincluding all cosrs,expenses and reasonab/e attomeys'lees in the delense the�eo�'1 asserted against,imposed '
<br /> on or rr.cuned by the Assignee in connection with or as a result o/this Assignment o�the exercise ol any rights ur�emedies wder this '
<br /> Assignn ent or under the ieases o�by reason ot any alleged obligations or undertakings ol the Assignee to perform or discharge any o! '
<br /> che rerms, cevenan[s or sg�eements contained inYhe Leases. Should the Assignee incur any such/iabllity, the amoun�thereof, together '
<br /> U�ith inreres:thereon d[the rate sfared in the Note or the rate sfated in U�.m�st recent obligation covered by the Guaranry,shall be '
<br /> serured hereby and hy the Deed of Trust,and the Assigno�sh3/l reimburse the Assig�ee theiefor upon demand.
<br /> f0. AJTHOAIZATION TO TfNANTS. Upon notice from rhe Assignee that it is exercising the remedy set forth in the Section enrit/ed '
<br /> 'DelEUIC Remeo'�es"o/this Assignment, rhe tenants unde�the Leases are hereby irrevocably authorized snd directed to pay to the
<br /> Assidnee a!/sums due under;he Leases,and the Assigno�hereby consents and directs that said sums shall 6e paid to the Assignee '
<br /> without rhe necessity lor a;'�dicial determinarion tha�a delault has occurred hereunder or under the Deed o1 Y,•ust or that the Assignee '
<br /> is enti;led ro exercise its rf�hts he�eunder,and to rhe extent such sums are pard to the Assignee, the Assignor ag�ees that th.e fenant '
<br /> sha: heve no 1w�herliabiliry ro the Assignor for ihe same. The signature o/the Assignee nlcne shall be sullicient/o�the exercise ol any
<br /> rght�u,�der thrs Assignment and the receipt o/the Assignee a/one/or any sums received sha//be a ful/discharge and re/ease there!or '
<br /> ro any such tenant or occupant o/the Trust Property. Checks fo�all or any pert o/the Rents collected under this Assignment shall upon
<br /> notice fron. the Assignee be draK•n ro the exclusive order of the Assrgnee.
<br /> 1 1. SATIS__FACTION. Upon the payment in/ulI ol rhe Obligatron secured hereby as evrdenced by a reco�ded deed o/reconveyance, this
<br /> �ssignment shall, without the nesd!or any further satisJactian or re%ase,become n�ll and void and be of no funher ef/ect
<br /> f 2. ASSlGNEE AS ATTORNEY-IN-FACT The Assignor hereby i�revocatrly appoints the Assignee and its successors and assigns as the
<br /> Ass,gnor"s agent and attomey-in-IacL which appointment is coup/ed with an irtterest, wi�h the right bur nOt th,e duty to exercise any
<br /> rights or remedies hereunder and ro execu!e and deliver during the term of this Assignment such rnstruments as thg Assignee ma y de�m
<br /> app�oprlate�o make rhis Assignmenc and any/wther assignment etlective,including but not limited to!he righf ro endorse on beha/1 Bnd
<br /> in the name o/rhe Assignor alI checks lrom renents in payment o/Rents that ere made payab/e to the Rssignor.
<br /> 13. SPEGFIC ASSIGNMfNT OF LfASES. The Assignor shaN rransler and ass/gn to the Assignee upon written notice by the Assignee,any
<br /> and a!/speci/ic Leases that che Assignee requests. Such irans/er or assignment by the Assignor sha//be upon fhe same or substantia/!}r '
<br /> rhe same rerms and condirions as ere herein contarnuy and the Assignor shall properly/ile or record sue�assignments,at the
<br /> Assignor's expense,i/requested by the Assignee.
<br /> 14. UNfNFURCfABLF PROVISIONS SEVERA3LE Ali nghrs,powers and remedres provided here:h may be exe�cised onfy to the extent that
<br /> the exerc�se thereof does nor violats any a,^�lJcab/e law,and are intended to be limited 10 the extent necessary so that they will not
<br /> iender th.rs Assignment invalid, unenlorceable or net entit!ed to be recorded,registe�ed or filed under any applicab/e law.If any terms
<br /> ol this Assignment shall be held to be invalid,i!legal or unenforceable, the validity of otAer�erms hereo!shall in no way be aflected
<br /> thercby.
<br /> 15. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Thrs Agreemenf shall be binding upon the Assignor and the heirs,lega!representatives and assigns ol
<br /> the Assigr,or,and shalf inure to the benefit of the Assignes and its successors and assigns.
<br /> 16. A�dENDMFNT;NOTICE This Assignment can be amended only in a writing signpd by the Assiqnor and the Assignee. Any notice unds�
<br /> this Asslgnmenr sha/l ba deemed ro have Geert given when given in accorc+ance with the�equirements/or notice under the Deed ol
<br /> Trus t,
<br /> 17. COUNTERPAHTS. This Assignment may be executed in any numbe�ot counterparts,each ol which shai!be an origina/snd ell ol which �- ,_ .
<br /> together shall consdtute one instrumenL -
<br /> '`�
<br /> 18. THIRD PARTY, lf Dye qssignor is an individual,nothing contained herein shad in any way obirgate the spouse,i/any, of the,�Fssignar to
<br /> pay the Obligation unless such spouse also signed fhe No�e o�the Guaranry that rs evidence ol the Obli;ation.
<br /> �
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<br /> � P.o.i e..* :..�_
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