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<br /> Assi�nments Of Leases�'�
<br /> M�BANKS } And Rents — �
<br /> o • (IVebraskal -'�
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<br /> This Assignment is made January 15 . 19°3 ,between c,
<br /> L_& P Iavestments. L.L.C.
<br /> (1he 'Assignor'�, A!�l T.3mi ted T.�ahi 1 i ty (:nmp�gy and �
<br /> Norwest Baii;� idebraska. National Ass�ciation
<br /> lthe "Assrgnee"I, a naYiona!banking essociation.
<br /> � The Assrgnor has exECUted and delivered to the Assignee its promisscry no*e defed Jdnuary 15�1949 in the oiiginal
<br /> principal amount ol S 13 5,0�0.0 0 and any exrensions,rer,ewals or modiTicefions thereot lthe 'Note'I.
<br /> �The Assigncr has e.recuted and delivered ro the Assrgnee its guaranty dated in favor of the Assigrtee lor
<br /> tne benetit o/
<br /> frhe 'Borrower")in the amount o1 S_ snd an�r replacements or substitutions thereof(the 'Guaranty'/.
<br /> Te secure paymen[ol the oblrgation described above(the 'Jbligation'), the Assignor has execufed and delivered to the Assignee a
<br /> � deed o/trust("Deed of Trust"I dared_Januarv 1S,1999 ,cavering cenain property!'Tiust Properfy"J including,among other things,
<br /> ; the�eal estafe described ir�the attached Fxhibit A and rhe huddings,improvements, fixtures end personal property now or i»the luture
<br /> �otated fhereon.
<br /> 7he Assignee has requi�ed the execution of this Assignment as a condition to making or accepting the Obligation.
<br /> ACCORDINGL Y,in consideration o;the premises and other good and valuab/e c�nsider2tion, the Assionor does hereYry grant, transfer�
<br /> � and assign to the Assignee al!o/the Assignvr's right, tiUe and inte�est in and to lii any and al1 present or/uture/easr.s or i nancias, whethe>"'-
<br /> wrrnen oi oral,cove�ing or sf/ecting any or all ol the Trust Pioperty, to�ether wirrr an.y and a!/extensrons,modiTications an�newa/s the�eol �
<br /> leach,a 'Lease'and collecrively, the "Leases'),and f+il all rents,profits and other income or paymenfs ol any kind dve or pa b/e or tv
<br /> , become due or payahle ro rhe Assignor as the result o!any use,possession or occupancy ol all or any portion o/the Trust Properly or as the
<br /> result e:the use of o�lease of any persona;p�operty ccnstituting a part of the Trvst Propei!y, whether accruing befo�e or alte�/orec%surs ot
<br /> rhe Deed o;Trusf or dudng the period of redemption thereof("Renrs`J,aU/or the puraose of secunr�g(a;payment et aU indebtzdness
<br /> ; evidenced by the Obl�gation and all other sums secured by the Deed of Tn�sr;and(bl per/armance and discharga o/sach and eve�y
<br /> ` obliqation,covenant artd agreement ol ehe Assignor contained herein and in ths Deed pf Trust.
<br /> � The Assignor warsanrs and covenanrs that Assignor is and wil!remein the absolure owner o/[he Rents and Leases fres and c%ar of all
<br /> Jiens and encumbrances orher than rhe l;en granted herein, !hat Assignor has r.ot previously assigned or otherwise�ncumbered lhe
<br /> Assignor's interesr in any c/rhe Rents or Leases to any other person;that Assigno�has the right under a�p/lcoble/aw,under the Leases and
<br /> otherwrse rr exacute ano de;iver this Ass;qnment and to keep and periorm alf obl.�garions hereundar,•and that Assignor wid warrant and
<br /> delend the Leases and Renfs against all adve�se claims, whethe�now existing or later arising.
<br /> The Assi�nor further covenants and agrees as lollaws:
<br /> 1. PfRFORMANCf OF LEASfS Th.e Ass�gnor w%q/aith/ulJy sbide by,per�orm and drscharge each ar,d every obliga�ian, covenant and
<br /> agreemenr which it now is or here2lrer becomes li�hle to observe or per/orm under,�ny p�esent or/uturo Cease,and,at the Assignor's
<br /> sole cost and expense, wi!!ertfoics e�secure the performance.of each and every obligation,under each and every Lease. The�!ssignor
<br /> wid observe and comply with al!p�ovisions ot law applicable to the operatron and ownership o(the Trust f'roperty. The Assignor will give
<br /> p�ompt written noiice to the.4ssignee o/any notice oI defa�!t on the part of the Assigno�with raspect to the Lease received f.�om the
<br /> tenant rherecrnder, and wil!also at Assignor's sola cosf and exper.se,appear in and de%nd any action or proceeding arisin,q under,
<br /> g�owing out ol or in any manner conrected with any Lease or the obligations,durres or:iabiiities ol the Assigner or any tenant!hereunde�.
<br /> The Assignor will nor lease or orherw:::a pem�it rhe use o/a!l or any portion o/the Trsrst'Proper,ry lor rent thaf is be%w the fair market
<br /> rent lor such proaerty.
<br /> 2. COLLECTlON OF RFNTS!N ApVANC� The Assigno�will not collert or accept any Rents for fhe use or occupanc y ol the Tiust Property
<br /> �o�more than one munth in advance. Securfty deposits shall not be deemed Rents lor purposes o/this paiagraph,
<br /> 3. PROTECTING rHE SECURITY Oc ru;S�;SS/GNMENT. Should!he Assi nor f�i/to erform or observe an
<br /> contained in this Assignment, then a�e A;;signse may Ibut shall heve no oblrgation oj make or do the same in suCh man eeand to such
<br /> extent as the Assignee may deem apo�op�iate to protect the security hereo/. The rights of the Assignee hereunder sha//inc/ude but not
<br /> be limited to(i1 the right to appear in�,�d defend any action or proceeding purporting to eHecf the seCUrity hFre010i fho rights oi pOwers
<br /> o/the Assignee, fii)tl�e rrght�o perlo.-,n And discharge each and eveiy obligafion cnvenenf 9nd agraem8nt ol tha Assignor ContAined in
<br /> the Lease,and(iiil the righ�,in exercis:ng any o/the other nghts granted hereunJer, to pay necessary tosfs and oxpenses, employ
<br /> counse/and pay reasonable attorneys /ea::. The Assignor shall pay on demand all sums axpended by the Assignoe pursuant tp�hia
<br /> paragraph, �ogerher with interest thPreon at the�ate stated by the Note or the rafe stated in the most�ecent obligation covered by the
<br /> Guaranry, and the same sha116e added to the Gbligation secured heratry end by tlie Deed a/Trust.
<br /> 4. PRESENT ASS!GN;b!E,YT This Assigrment sha!l constitute a pertecCed,absoiute and present assignmenf;piovided thst�he Assignor�hall
<br /> l�ave the ngh!to collect e!l ol the Renrs (subject;o the Section entitled'Collection of Rents in Advance'l and to�etain, use 8nd enjoy the
<br /> same untii 3n Event oI Delault occurs undar the Deed ol Tiust o�rhe Assignor breaches any warrenty or covrnant contained in this
<br /> Assignment.Any Rerrts accruing p�ior ro an Et•ent o/Defau/t under fhe Deed of Trust buf paid therea/ter shal/be paid Yo the Assignee.
<br /> 5. SURVIVAL OF OBUGATlON. This As;�gnment is givon as security in additicrt to the Deed o/TrusG Al!of the Assignor's obligations under
<br /> rhe Deed M Trust and this.Qssignmenr shal!survive forec%su�e o/the De�d of Trast. The Assignor shall observe and comply wirh a!l
<br /> rerms anC condilions contained rn the Deed o/Tiust and in fhis Assignment and shall preclude any Event o/De7eult/�om occurnng undar
<br /> 1 tha Deed�1 Trusr during fho period o.'reAemption/ollowing loreclasurt ol the Deed of Trusf.
<br /> ; 6. DEFAUL T;RE7�iE0!ES. Upon!he o�currence n/er�y Event of De/aulr s
<br /> ; covenant conrained in fhis Assignment, the Assigrree may,at its optio��,�ed in the Deed of Trust or upon the breach o/eny warranty or
<br /> lal rn fhe name,�/ace end stead ol►he Assignar and as�he Assignee in its so/a discre!ion deems app�oprrate fil ente�upon,manage and
<br /> operete rhe Trus�F'rpperty or retarn rhs se�vices o/one or more lndependant confractors to manage and operate all or any part ol the
<br /> Trust Property;(ii)make,en/orce,modily and accept suirender ol the Leases;(iii)o6tain or evict fenants,CoNect,receive,sue lor, fix,
<br /> modi/y,adjust or romp�om/se the Renta,and en/orce all rights ol the Assignor under the Leasas;and(ivl perform any and el!othe�
<br /> aels rhet may be necessnry or propc�to protect the secunty ol thls Assignment.
<br /> b! wirh or wirhout exarcising the nghr:set lonh in subparagroph(a)above,give or require the Assignc:to give notice to pny o�ell
<br /> tenants under the Laoses authorizi.:1 and directing them to pay all Rents under the Lease�directly to rhe Asslgnee;end
<br /> cl without rega�d lo any waste,edeq�. ;c y of rhe security or solvenc y o/rhe Assignor,apply!or tha appointm.ent o/e receiver ol rhe
<br /> Trusr Proparty, ro which eppointme- ;rhe Assignor heroby consents, whether or not/orociosu�e proceedings Aave been commenCed
<br /> und�r the Deed ol Trusr and wherh r or nnE e lorec%sure aa/e has oceurrad.
<br /> Hf 16M71 LML1 lf0.97�30/176J1 �
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