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<br /> Oa-15-1999 DEEQ O� TRU�T Page 5
<br /> Loan Ido 866905 (Continu�d) � ��-�l���t��
<br /> Nebrasfca Uniform Commcxcial Code.
<br /> Farec{osuro by S�ower of Sala. !f Lendar elects to torectose by exerc�e oi the Power oi Sale heredn contair.ed,Lender shaM notHy Trustee and '
<br /> shal!d�posii with Trustsa this Oeed af Trust and the�lofe and such recelpts ared evidence of expsncAtures made and secured by this Deed of
<br /> Trttst aS 7ntslee mgy req�iro.
<br /> (a) Upon receipt oP such notire from Lender,Trwlee sPiall cause to be recwded,pubiished and delivered to Trttstar such NoUcs o4 Defeutl •
<br /> and Notice o1 Saie as ihen requirod by law and by ihfs Deed of Trust. T;t.sfee shaii,without demand on Trustor,atter such Ume as may
<br /> then be required by law and afler recadation of such Nobc:e o(Default xnd aHer Notice of Sflte having bee�g:ven as roqutred by lew,sell
<br /> the Property at Ihe tlme a�d piace of sale Cviced by R In suCh Natice of Sale,either as a whole,or!n separale lots or parcel5 ar ryems as '
<br /> Trustee shau deem expedKnt,and in such xdar as It rrby d�lermrne,at pubUc euctior.to#he highast bidder tor cash in law(t�!maney of
<br /> tho tlnNsd Stales payab�e ol the time of sale. Trustee shell dstiver to such purchaser or purchaears tt�orepf ils gppd and 5uffiGlenl deed cx '
<br /> deeds co�veying the pcoperty so sdd,but wHhout any covenant or warrar.ly,er.pross or ImpNed, TM�recitals In such deed of any maNars
<br /> or facls shalt be condustve proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any pesson,indu�ng withcut NrtdtaUan'-ustor,Trustee, or lender, may
<br /> purchase at such sale. .
<br /> (b) As mey be p�mitted by law,after deductlng a)i costs�fees snd e�enses of Trustae and ot thls Tnnt,induding cosls of svide�e of
<br /> tiNe in conne.cHon�.rRh sab,Trustee shnit apply the prnceer+s ot saie to psyment of Q)flll Sums e�ended under the ttxrt�.s of tMS Daed of
<br /> Trust a under tha terms of the Note ru�t ihe�repaid,Indvdfng bW not 9miSed to accnied inlefest and late charpes, (N)eM other sums ihen
<br /> secursd hereby,end QN)the remulnder,N sny,to Ihe p�son or perso�s lepaqy enriMed thereto.
<br /> (c) Trusfee may in the manner prov{ded by law pcstpo�e sala nt aA or any paifon of lhe Property.
<br /> Remedtts Not E7cclustve. Ttvstna end land�,and each ot them,sha9 be enBtled to enforoe pgymen!and performance o(any indebtedness �
<br /> or abl'igaUons securad by this Deed ot Trust ffnd to exercise a6 rfphl5 and powers unddr 1Ns Deed at Trt,st,under the Note,under any ot the �
<br /> rielatod Documents,or urtdsr any oiher gpreement or eny laws naw a hereatter In forCa;notwithslend(ng,some or a11 of auch Indebtedne5s
<br /> and obAgations secured by lhis Deed of Trust may now ar hereallsr be ofherv�ise socurgd,whstt�ar by morfgaQe,deed af hust,piedge,Ilen,
<br /> assignmenl or�therw�so. Naiiher the ecceptance of tf�s Deed of Tnut nor its entorcem0nt,whother by court o�tlon or pursuent to ihe power of
<br /> :,rile w other powe�s aontained in Ihis Deed o(Trust, shaN prn;_�±�s or in any msnner�ifect Tr�,rstse's or Lender's right to realize upon or
<br /> enFOrce nny other security now or hereaHer tield by Tn�,stee or Len�x;it being agreed t►ya�TruS}se a 3 Lendet,and each of ihem,shafl be
<br /> entitled!o enfcxce tnis Deed ot Trusl end any other secwlty now or t�ereafter held by Lertder or Trustee In such cxCsr and menner as lhey or
<br /> Cr
<br /> either o!!hem rray in their absdute disaetion determine, tvo remedy conferceti uFon a resgrved to Tnrstee or Land�, fs inlended lo be
<br /> excl�sivo of eny olher remedy in ihis Deed of Trust ar by law prov(dad or psrmiNed,buf eech shall be aumulatNe and shali be in addiNo�to
<br /> every other remedy given in this Deed of Tr�st or now or h�ea�er exisUng et�w or In equity or by statute. Evsry power or remedy given by!he
<br /> Nole or any of tt�e Related Documents to Trustee or Lendet a. to whh;h etlher �f them m8y be othenvise entitlod, may be exerCk'.,ed,
<br /> r.nncurra�ntly or independently,from tlma to tirr�and es oNe�as may be deemed e�.ped!ent by 7ru5tae or Lgnder, and either of lhem may
<br /> pursue inconsislo�t remediss. Nothing in this Deed of Trust shaA bs canstrued es prohibi8ng Lender ham sseking a deP�cienCy judgment
<br /> egainst Ihe Trustnr to tho exient such action is permitted by iaw.
<br /> Request For MaOce. 7rusior,on bahalf ot Trustor and Lender,hereby requests thal q copy of any Nolice of Detauit end a copy of any Notice
<br /> ot Sale under this Deed ot Trust ba mallad to them at the addrasses set forlh in ihe first paragreph ot thls Doed of TrusL
<br /> Watver, Elpction of Rr.medles. A wai�^er by any party ot a breach of a provision of thls Deed of Trust shall not consGlute fl wafver oT or '
<br /> prejudlce tha pnrty's righls otherwise to damand shict compliance with that provision cX any other provisian. Election Dy Lender fA pursue any
<br /> rsmedy provided in this Deed of Trust,Ihe No!e,In any Reiated Occumeni,or provided by Iaw shaA not gxclude pursuft ot any other remedy,
<br /> and an Nection to make expenditures or to take actfon to peAarm en obligaUon ot Trusfor under this Deed ot Trust aHer lailure ol Truslor to
<br /> Fer(wm shali�ot atfect lendar's right to dec+are a defa�slt and lo exercfse any ot(ts rertwdies.
<br /> Altameys'Fees;F�cpensts. It Lend�insUtutes any su3t or ection to enlom,a any cf the lerms ot this Deed of 7rust,tender shall be entitled to
<br /> recover Such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable a•.attwneys'fees at trtr.il and on any appeal. Whether or not any court action is
<br /> fnvolved,all reasoneble expenses incurred by Lander whkh ln Lender's opinion are na�cessary at any Hme for lhe proiecUon of its interesl w Ihe
<br /> enicrcemen�of its sights shali become a parl af the Indebtedness payahle ort demand and sheq t.t+ar Intersst et lhe Note►ste hom the dafe of
<br /> expendilura unBi repaid. Exponses covered by fhfs psragraph Indude,withou!limltatlon,howover subject io sny Ilmits u6���er eppllcAble IatM,
<br /> Lender's aftornsys'tees whether or not there}s a lawsutt,tncludir�attornoys'fees for benkruptcy�roceedings (!ncluding'eNorts la modffy or - '
<br /> vacate any a�iomatic stay or inJunction), appeals and any anticipaled post-Judgmant colleclSon services, Ihe cost of s�earching records, '
<br /> cbiaining iitie reports(inc�uding loredosure reportsl,sunreyors'reports,appraisal fees,tiNa insurance,snd feds for ihe Trusiee,to the exienf '
<br /> permi:led by appliCabte laeer. Truslor afso wiN pay any cowt costs,In a�didon to aA ather sums proNded by law. -
<br /> Righis ot Truste�e. Trustee shall have alf of thct rignts and dudes ol Lender as set forth fn this section.
<br /> POWERS AAlD 08LIGATIE7�IS O�7RUSTE[. The followtng provisions ralating to the powers and obligaHons ol Trustee are part of thls Deed ol
<br /> Tn�st. ?
<br /> Powers of Trustet. In addition to elt pawers o!Tr�stee arfs'.np as a matler of Iflw,Trustee shal{have lhe power to taka ihe foAowing actions '
<br /> with respect io ihe Preperty upon ihe written request of Lender and Trustor. (a;joln in�reparing and filing e map or piat of lhe Real Property, '
<br /> inciuding fhe dedicatiort ot streels or other rights lo Ihe public; (b}join in granting iny easemeni or creaUng any restrictio�on lha Real Property;
<br /> and (c)joln in a�y subordinalion or other agreemen!aHSCGng 1h{s Dsed oi Tru,t or ihe interest of lender undor Ihis Deed of Trusl.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall maet a!I quatifcations roquired for Tntsteo under appflcabls law. In addilion to fhe rights and remedies set forth above,
<br /> with respect to ail ar any parl of tho Praperty,Ihe 7rusitie siiap have the ripht to foreciose by nalice and sale,and Lender shell have the tight to
<br /> foreclosa by judicial forecicsure,in either case in accordance with and to the futl exfenl proNded by epplkxibie Inw.
<br /> Successor Truatee. Lender,at Lender's opNon,may trom dme lo Ume appdnt a successor Trustee lo arty Truslee appoinled hereunder by an '
<br /> inslrument execuled and ackn�wledged by Lender and recorded in lhe oN.ice of 1he recorder of HALL Caunty,Nebraslca. The instrument shall '
<br /> conlain,In addilion to alf ofher matters requirad by state law,ihe names ot ihe o�iginal Le�der,Truslee,and Trustor,the book and page(or '
<br /> compuler system reference)where this ueed of Trust i;recwdod,end the name and address of the successor trustee,and.lhe Instrument sh,all '
<br /> be executed and acknowladged by aA the benaficia�ies under the Deed of Tnist or their successprs In Inlerest. Tha sucCessor trustee,wilyout
<br /> conveyance of Ihe Property,shall succeed to aH fhe liUs,power,and duUes corn'erred upon the Trustee in this Oeed ol Trusf and by appiicable '
<br /> iaw. This procedure tor substitution of tvsiee shaA govem to the exduslon oi alt other provisions for subsUtution.
<br /> PJOYiCES TO TRUSTOR a1ND OTHER RdRl'IES. Any notice undar this Deed ot Trust shalf be in writing, rr�ay bo sent by ielefaCSimiit�(unless
<br /> 3 otherwlse requlred by iaw),and she!I be etfective when ectually delivered,pr when deposited wftTt e nationglly recognized ovemlyht courler, or,il '
<br /> mailed,sha!!be deemed ettective when depos)ted in the United States my��first class,certiBed or registered maA,postage prepaid,directed to Ihe
<br /> addresses shown near the beglnning of tMs Deed o(Trust. Any party mgy change!ts 8ddress tur notices under thls Desd ol Trust by glvinp fwmat
<br /> written notke to the other paRies,specl(ying that the purpose of lhe notice is to change the partys address. All copl5s of notices of torg�ypstue hom
<br /> the hdder of nny lien whkh has priority over lhls Deed of Trust shali be se�t to Lendt�s address,as shown near ihe beginnirq of this Deed pt Trust.
<br /> Fw notice purposss,Trustw agrees to keep Lendex and Trustee informed st aB tlmes of Trusta's currant address.
<br /> MISCEl1ANEOUS PROVISIONS. The following miscellaneous proWsfons are e part of this Deed of 7rust:
<br /> ; Amendments. This Deed ot Trust,togethsr with any Relatad Documer.ls,constitutes Ihe enQre unGerslanding snd agreemor.t ol the perties 85 '
<br /> to Ihe matlers set forlh in this Deed oi Tru;t. No alteration of or emendmenl to this Deed ot 7ru5t shaN bg e}fective unless given In wriUng end
<br /> a signed by lho party or parties sought!o ba cF�arged or 5ound by the elferalion or amendment.
<br /> Annuet Kteports. If the Prope�ry is used for puryoses oiher than Trusta�s residence,Trustor shaU tunish to lender,upon request,a cortlAed
<br /> i siatement of not opereGng income recefved from the Prr�erty during Tntstor's previous flscgl year in such form gnd detail as Lender shetl
<br /> raquire. "Net operaBng Inc,ome';hap mean all cash receipts kom ihe Property less aA cash expenditures made in connectlon wilh the operadon
<br /> ot the PraQerty, s
<br /> Applicable Law. Thls Deed of Trust has been delivered to Lender snd eccepted by Le der In the State of Nebraska. Thls Deed o!Truat
<br /> shatl be governed by and construed In accordance wlth the Iaws of the State of Nebraeka.
<br /> Ctptlon Fieadinqa. Capdon headings In thls Deed of Trust ere fa convenienc�e purposes only end are npt to be used:o interprel or deflne the
<br /> provlslortt of lhls Deed ol Trust.
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<br /> Merger. There st�ll be no merger o}Ihe inlerest or estale crealed by Ihis Dt�ed of Trust with any other Interest Or eslafe in the Wopsrty a►any
<br /> , time he7d by or fcx Ihe benefit of Lender in any capacfty,wilhout the written consent of Lendcx.
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