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} <br /> ot-.15—�999 DEED OF TRU�T < Page 4 <br /> Loar� No SS6965 (Cont(nued) ����()Q��� <br /> S�CIJRITY ACaREEMEHT;FIPt/INCING STAI'E1r1ENT3. 7t�to�Cwictq provfsibns relaBrq tp ttds ps�pt 7nut as a SeCUr�ty ap�rtisnt ore a pert o( <br /> tNs Deed W Trt�t. <br /> Securtty Ayreemenf. This insVUment shall con5tffut8 a security aQre�ment to tho extenl arry ot the Property Cor�sGtules ficttxes or other <br /> P�o�P�oP�Y�and Lenc'er sheN have aM ot ths riqhts ot a sectzed party under the UnHOrm Commert�al Cocle as emendeb ham tlme to <br /> tima. .. • <br /> Securtty In4trest. Upon requ�t by Lender,7nt5ta she9 exocute Bnancing sintemenls and take whatever other er,tlo�a requested by Lender <br /> to per(sct and contlnue Lendsrs smcurity i�teres!In thc►Rertts end Personel Property. In add121on to recording this DeRd of Trus!in 4he isel <br /> P�oP�Y recards,i..ender eny Sme and without futher authMzatlan trom Trustor,iBs executed counterparts�coPies or reDroducttons oi <br /> Ihis Deed ot..Trust as a flnandre�stalement. Trustor shaB roimbtuse i.ander for e9 e�enaes Incurted in peAectinp pr Continul�p 4his sect�rity <br /> Intueesl. Upon deteutt,7rustor shaN assembb the Perso�a!PrcK>ert�In n man��and et n plece ntasonabiy convertbnt tu Trustor and Lender <br /> and makn k avaReble to l.ender withirs tixee{3)days aftar receipt Cf wr!!GOn demand irortt lender. <br /> Addreaaes. The maiilnq addresses of Trusta(debtor)and londer (ser,ured party;, kam whbh informadon con�''.,ernirtp the security Inlerest <br /> prantsd by thds Daed of Trust may be ob►slned(each as requked by tha Unifortn Cornmardal Code).are as stated on the flrst paye of th(s Deed <br /> of Trust. ' <br /> FIRtTHEA ASStJfiAAlCES; ATTORN�YY-It�F-FACT. Ths toNow6ng provtsions rdatlng ln ttirfher assurer�es end aHorrx�y-an-tect� a parf ot thfs • _ <br /> Deed of Trust. � <br /> Further Aawra�nces. At any time,and hom Bme to Bme,upon reytrest�pt Lsnd�r,Trusttx wH1 m�lce,¢xecute and delhrea,or wiA cause io be <br /> made. executsd ar datio�ered. lo Lender or to Lender's des:qnse, and when requested by lender, cause to be INed, rxorded, reNed, or <br /> the case rney be,et such tirries and(n suCh�and places es Lender maY�$PPfopriat�.any and ap suCh mortga9as� <br /> deeds o'r triast.sectrity deeds."securtt�'agraemertts�Bnandrg sta4ements.cantlnua8on sWTsments�ir�struments of turther assurance�certi8cates, <br /> and other documan+s as may.!n ti�e s�le bpinlon flf Lender,be necessary or des�able 1n order to etfectuete,complete,perfect,cantlnus,or s <br /> pres,erve {a)tho oblipatlons ot 7rustor under ihe No`e,this Oeed at Trust,nnd the Rel+ait�d Oa+cuments,and (b)tiie Nerts end sscurity intarests <br /> created by fhis�esd ot Trust es ftrst and prior Aers on She Praperfy,whsther now ownecf or hereatter acquired by Tr[nta, Uniass prohibited by <br /> [n <br /> law w a�reed to the contrary by Lendar!n wTitlraq,Trt�.s�or sha9 relmburse Lender ior ap cosfs end expe�Inctxred in connecNon with ii�u <br /> matters referred b L�this paragrap�. <br /> Attcmey-In-F�i. If 7rustor tails to do any oi the things referred to In!hs precsding paraflreph,Lender may do so fa and in the rartso ot <br /> Trustor and at Trustors e�ense. For suCh piuposes,Ttustor hereby lrtevocably appdns Ler+d�as Trustor'S aflomey-In-fact f�r the purpose <br /> o� making,execuUng. tlelivering, tUing.recording,ard ddnp ad othet thleigs as msy be neoessary or desir8plg, in Lendet's 5018 oQiNon,t0 <br /> aCCOmpikh the�sa@ers referred lo!n ttie preCe�ng pgragraph. <br /> FIXl PERFORMAHCE. !f Trusfor pays eH the Indebtedness when due,termfnates the B�of credi;, end atherwise pHrtorms all the obiigadons <br /> Imposed upon Trustor undar th��eed of Trust,Lender shail execula�nd deiiver lo Trustee c requesl tor full raconveyanca and sha.'I execute and <br /> deliver lo Trustor s!�itable stfltemonts nt terminalion of any flnancing statoment on flie evider.cing Lands�'s secvri4y Inter85f fn the iients and the ' <br /> Personal Praperty. Any reconveyance tee requirod by law s'haU be Faid by T►usia,M pennlHed by apNNcable law. <br /> DEFAt1LT. Fach of the foliowing,at the option af Lender,shaA cortstitute an event of defaWt("Event oi Oetault'�under ihis Deed ot Trust: <br /> DefaWt on Indebtedness. Failure of Trustor to make any payrt�ent wiien due on 4he Indebtedness. <br /> Default on OtSur Payments. Failure nf Trustor within the 8rtta required by this D�ed of Trus!fo make any paymsnt for texes or insuraru;e,or <br /> any other psyment necessyry to pr�vr±nt 6Gng of or Fo BHeCt dfsch�rge of eny fie�. <br /> Cvmpilunce QcFault. Failure ot Trustor to compiy with any olher terrt:, obli�atlan,covenant w condiGon cantained!n thts t7eed of Trs�st,th� <br /> Note w in eny oi the Relatad Documenl5. <br /> Fa+ise 5iatements. Any warranty,re�rasenlation or stalement made or fumished to Lender by or on behr�lf of Trustor under thk Deed of Tn1st, <br /> the Note or the Related Oocumertts ts talse c�r misieading in any meterial respect,either now or a!the Nme made or iurnlshed. . <br /> Defective Co7latsrdl�tlon. Thfs Deod of Trusl w any of Ihe,Related Documenfs ceases to be In full(orce and eBOCt Qncludinp fallura of any <br /> coilaterel documents!o crealo a valld and perfecfed securtty interest or Nen)at arry Hme ard fw any reason. <br /> Deeth ar Insolvency. The death o1 7rusfor or the�iSSOluHon a termina�on of Trustors exfs'ence as a going business,the insdvency of <br /> Trustor,the appolntment of n receiver for any part ot 7ntstors property,eny asslpnment for!he benefit oi creditor5,any iy�of txeditor wCrkout, <br /> w Iho commancement ot any proceeding under any bankruptCy or;r�spfvency lawrs by or against Tntstor. <br /> Foreclassare,EoHelture,t1c. Commence�neni of foreclosure or fo�tefture procaedings,whether by)udiciai preceeding,se14-he;p,�epossession <br /> or any other rr,eihod,.by any creditor of Trustor or by arry govemr.�enial agency agairtst any of ihe Property, However,this subsecdon shalt not <br /> apply in the event of a good feith dtspute by T.'ustor es to the vafldity w reasonableness oP the clafm which!s the basts of tha toreciosure or ' <br /> iaef�iture peoceeding,provlded thst Trustor gtves Lender wrftt�n notice of such claim and furnlshes rsserve5 pr e surety bond for ihe clalm <br /> saHsfactory to Londer. <br /> Flreach a(Other Ay�eement. Any breach by?nlstw under lhe terms o6 any other agreement between Tnrsiw and londer thet fs not remedied <br /> v�ithin any grace period providad the�reln,ind�ding without Bmitadon any agreement cortceming any indebtedness or�ther obllgation of Trustor ' <br /> to Lender,whether e�dsGng now or later. <br /> ' tvenls Attectdng Guarantor. Any ot the precading events occurs with respect to any Guaranlor of any of the Indubtedness or any Guarantcx <br /> R. dies or becomes incnmpelent,w revokes or disputes the vefidity of,or liabilily undar,any Guaranty ot the Indebtedness. Lender,af Its opdon, <br /> may, bul shaN not be requirad fo, oermii Ihs Guarantor's estata to assume unconditionaily the oblbatlons arisinq under the guaranty In a <br /> ma�inei satistactory to Lender,and,in doing so,cure the Evont e!Deteuit. <br /> Insc!curity. Lender in good faith deems itseM Insecure. <br /> ' Rlght to Curc. It such a taituro 1s curable and N?rustor has not been given a notice of a breach of the same provisiort a�this De�d of Trusl <br /> �, wilhin the preceding twelve(12) menths,it mny be curad{and no Event of�efauit will have oCCUrted)If Ttustor,efte►Lender sends wr'.tten <br /> �' no?ice demanding cure oi such failure: (A?cures the fa8ure within fifleen r�5)days;or (b)if Ihe cure requires moro lh6n fi8een (15)deys, <br /> %. !mmediat�iy initiates steps suffic�enl�o:vre tha faUure and lhereafter contlnues and comAtetes a1�reasanabte and necessary steps sutflc:ipnt to <br /> �?' pra.iuce compliance as soon as�vasonably practical. <br /> �. RIGtiTS A.ND REMEDIES ON DEFAJLT. Upo�the occurrence of any�vent of De}ault and at any 4ime lhereafler,Trustee or Lender,at its option, <br /> ti: may excsrcise eny one or more ot thA tollo+ving riyhis and remed�es,in adtltdon to any other ripht�a remedies prov�ded bylaw: <br /> Acceleratson upon Detault; Additloasl Fieme�lfes. I(any event o1 dpfault arxurs as par the lerrr�s of tho Note secured hereby,Lender may <br /> declare ell IndebteCness secured by this Deed o!Trust!r�be dtre and payable and the seme shaN thereupon become due and peyable withou! <br /> eny p;esentmRnE,demand,protast or notics of any kind. Thereafter,l.ender rriay: s <br /> (a) Either in person or by agent,with cr withoui b�!.:,,i�any acGon or proceedirtq, or by a receNer appolnled by a court ano:�1tha,!t <br /> reqard lo the adequaey of�ts seCUrity enler upan and tako posszssian�1 the Property,or any part thereof,In lis own l�ame pr In the naMo <br /> ot Trustee,snd do any acls whlch it deems necessary or deskable lo presenre fhe vafue,merlcetabtiity cr rantabil3ty oi ihe Propert;�,or parf ' <br /> ot tlie Property w lnterest in ihe Property;increase the Income from ths Properfy or protect the securi of the Pr e <br /> takir, tY op rty;a d,wllh w wNhoul <br /> g possession ot the Properiy,sue for or othsrwise coUect the rpnis,issue�and profits oi the Property,including fh�pgst due and <br /> unpaid,and apply the sarne,{ess cos�,and axpereses of operaUon and collecUon,including eflorneys'(o�,to any Indebtadrress secwed <br /> by this Deed of Trust,atl In such order as Lender may determine+, The entering upon and taki <br /> y' ot such rents,issues and profits,and the appficatlon thereo!shafl not cure w wanre arry defnu�or notf�f de�fluit u dereh�IS D d 0�ust <br /> or invalidate any a�t dona in rrs�onse to such de(suR pr pursuant to such notiCe et de(AUit;and, notwith5tanding thE� condnuancp{n <br /> possession o( the Property.or ►he cp({ec{ion, receipt and appl'ication of rents, iss�es or profits,Trusfee or Lender shaA be ontHled io <br /> exorS�e every right proviJed for In the Note or the Related Doyumen}s or by law upan the occurterx�of any event of de}auR,includl�y the , <br /> right lo exerclse Ihe pcwer of sale: <br /> (b) Commence an action to torecio�„e►h+s poed of Trust as a morYpage,appoint a roc�lver pr sp�Cglly e�{�8�y of ihe covenants . <br /> hwe3(;and <br /> . (c) DeHver Io Trvstee a written ciei,yaraBon ot defaull and demand ta sale and a writien noGce oi default and elecUon to cause Trustors <br /> interest in fhe Proper(y io be sdd,which noUce Trustee shaU cattsd lo be duly flled for record(n the apprupr{ete ot}Ices of the County in <br /> which the Property{q Ipceted:and <br /> (d) With«�pect to aH or any part o(the Personat propatly�Len�Shqq���t��hCs end remodles ot e secw'ed party under tha <br /> " ' 1 . , � <br /> 'S` � <br /> � 'i:����:„ � _ <br /> f`',M1 b . » 1 _,, . � . <br /> itb' . . _.,,�:,1� -•�.. rn.. 1_ <br />