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wool iR ,' � Tt't "ens" ad as ■. titfit:; ititetat CLim of the Traitor and his aoeeseors <br />in inl l and s# sit pt�ratttre OWN <br />�!► or or artist d m itt MW V., ply ttoK adedit A WXh right, "ft, interest <br />rest ci�iut in atad b trade pR' wtv aowtried bx *4 TttiOW of biit ; i!k to tLt: �otecwioa of t1>G 71ust�t+a 'ilte <br />7Ytrtt� aMg appl)t � Maw d hire Tttratae'x s.Ma.lirat,.. t+R t�llt � aAd �ttpetlyea of <arEtdaitti � 1P'o� d stile~ and Of the title, . <br />ierd tree PIWwieiiet Of the;70"Wes Jim aCN" ismArIN.-OW der+etctredamount �rhicit trap► be prwiti d for in the trust <br />• ttttebrtt�. so i WWAMI, Of the abij/ri= "CO" 6Y toe awl dtO"Md ate burbttucs ", My- to the Petaoa af. peaiaoe� kitfhr eotrtled tlwbo► <br />- -T - — - �ie�rt� -ice- - - - -- -- - - - -- - -- -- - - - -- <br />+ <br />A" t�g Tt>!rirae co+�b frit6lir�r a lib <br />;... _..__...., _.. 7CY , iiw tiiiii tii s nir �iriie firoaibr a ' : ac aetittd b INPIWI +b . _. <br />'Ilnube�aartad ttarrert <br />�e eettlt flirt 'tfiie! I)Me� i p w ttitreit aploime"sail vrWh" farce 0 Trust tlst 1tttMt t Oei rtetleti wiPot +� <br />tiliir, i � stall diNOit s =46"" qpn off Tn*w lw Ftihs F.adt twdt appoinhrtta 4M .948 tiax <br />r Ili& b! wt> i�Aw. -I.tad sect lvd by %RifidK , CCdSinirtg*W this Trust Da�tl and its placed, treoarid. wbicii. t±ow . <br />sNeat i iti rive toffipts at Mir: of Deeds of ft =m* Or enuntict in Wind trill pr�oP;RY is riRttil &sib be oandrsire psad <br />d ptbrc ap*oilNldat iaf tits awe am Thaler , Mw Fxeg� ter :a[ twbstiUdion and tae p medtua tlureroae slaU not be aotiyire . <br />" d tie �wrrr, OW p+toee+dirre pn+►i for by kw the � at a Thane or Trustees in the pitoe of the 'Itdsfoe or Tka" <br />Siatld tb¢�Ii1MIOr O[ ib 12t inle�est wit6orK the ci�eeD blI � Of the ttiatef11*" self. trattaret, or � +err PWN* <br />IOr be hold. han i`�ed Catlta � � far sale <W ir. sw,ri'�nne� its irRetat i1t tits± above dt Oil 1IEtl eWl� (a atsi► PKt <br />mono. *W Im" nuts declare ail'slfrllS secumd. hereby itittnediatelY due and pMaW avbkd to A*fic". <br />,? Thta .Trttaiee at Bmef�tcwY of any default ae'i'sJmr u des this Tivst Deed sitd! rsgt 6e as dartyted to be a Wainer <br />my otba oic± tiler ddatdts atibttegne6* occurring, <br />'his Trent Deed sidf inure to aril bind the heirs. kptas, devisem administrators, executors• strocrotors and agtt 'of tlac t s <br />'M, a That Dad shall be cortstnxd according to the tags of the State of Nebraska. <br />`.;; •'iLe r+egtrtats that a Dopy of arty notice of default ant! of art)► notice of sak hereunder be nW" t6,%m by aertiliod trait <br />ere :1b tkteinbefae set forth and evidence of s%xh mailing shall constitute evidence of receipt of such tsatioe. <br />lh aatm;;xa *writs and warrants that the above described heal estate is not used for an asricuittbrS activiry. <br />wlWft%a, the cOnUM so requires, singular words shall be construed in the plural and vice vuft W d tM -ftucitline &Mr W sftaU <br />be came ed a6bu uda the re Mittioe and vice versa. <br />IN WITNESS WfE71Fm- the Trustor has hereunto set his hand the day and year first above wM. tkm <br />TRUSWR tri 11 i e: i►: L"bi rg <br />TRUSM W110a L. urg <br />1[K! E OF n.tsraais SS <br />Cl)UNTY OF NLU <br />WfM rM a Notary PnbiiG goalifkd by said countY, peraaWlY came L= • • fi- <br />and <br />i <br />It!>liaa L• Lawbury known to me to be the identical person(s) who signed the foretoird <br />i■ warttrrt and adtnuwWdpd tk execution thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act and deed. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal <br />AIN <br />- MYYA Y PUNK <br />1 41�j mp= iswdJ . <br />dt trf►1h tt# <br />IM1 . <br />